Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 1/2

You remember that the Divine Mother said that the way Ascension would be accomplished was that we would fall in love first with ourselves, then with a sacred partner, and then with others until all was unitive consciousness? (1) (We’ll look at exactly what she said when we turn to relationships in the next article in this series.)
Well, let’s look at the transformation in ourselves here and in our relationships next.
Spiritual Breakthroughs
The galactics through Anna Merkaba predict technological and spiritual breakthroughs this year: “Watch as the news unfolds of new discoveries, new understanding of spirituality, new understanding of YOURSELVES.” (2)
What new breakthroughs in spirituality can we look forward to? Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon tells us:
hearts, you are not simply on the cusp and within the realm of the
solstice, you are within the realm of wholeness, not of becoming but of
being in the fullness and the presence of your totality of who you
are.” (3)
This wholeness and fulness we’re
experiencing has been helped along by the Divine Mother’s three
baptisms: of clarity, purity and love, Archangel Gabrielle tells us.
“The clarity of how you feel, how you think, and the purity of how you share that is coming to the forefront.
“This is
already the tsunami of love. It has already begun. So, these are the
things, what you are really seeing is the intangible translating to the
tangible. That is what 2014 is about! You will be working on
completion.” (4)
Does completion mean an ending? She tells us:
“This does
not mean an ending because in that time of completion comes the time of
new beginning and that is what this unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan is
all about. And it is not some distant date in the future; it is in what
you and we consider the now.” (5)
Without naming 2014 as the year of
awakening, Jesus through John Smallman emphasizes the inevitability of
our awakening. He observes:
“To awaken
is and has been your destiny ever since you chose to temporarily forget
who you are. God, Wisdom, Reality, Love knew that your desire to
experience existence without Him was unsustainable and that you would
change your mind and allow the illusion to crumble and dissolve, and
that is what it is now in the process of doing because you have
collectively chosen to awaken.
“There have
indeed been moments when it has appeared that you are back-sliding,
that you do not wish to awaken, but those moments are also illusory –
there is only Reality! – consequently your awakening is inevitable,
unavoidable, and divinely assured.” (6)
The Hathors through Anna Merkaba tell us that this is the year in which we bring forth that which we truly are.
“This is
the year that you are going to be able to finally reach deep within your
etheric selves, and bring forth that which you truly are.” (7)
At another point in the same message, the Hathors say:
“The year
ahead is going to be a turning point for humanity, a turning point from
which humanity will arise from its ashes of forgetfulness, and finally
fully and truly begin the journey back home, home to their true
selves.” (8)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn calls this the year of our awakening.
“In 2014,
the Earth will be anchored in the Fifth Dimension and will be vibrating
at the frequency of the Gold Ray of the Christ Consciousness.
frequency of the Christ Consciousness will initiate a powerful surge of
awakening on the Earth. People will be awakening at a very rapid rate,
and you will have much work to guide and assist them in this process if
that is your mission.” (9)
In speaking of awakening, I’m not
suggesting that it’s the same as Ascension. It may bebut it may also
refer to a lesser level of illumination – fourth-chakra enlightenment,
for instance, which Hindus call “spiritual awakening.” We don’t know. Ascension itself is well beyond fourth-chakra enlightenment but it seems safe to speculate that our progress to Ascension also will be swift in these “end times.” Archangel Michael once called it an “Olympic sprint” to the finish line.
But it will be a great leap forward nonetheless for a large number of people.
Tomorrow we’ll look at the second leg of this journey of awakening: the creation of sacred relationships.
(1) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.(2) “The Galactics via Anna Merkaba: Happy Times Ahead,” channeled by Anna Merkaba, December 24, 2013 at http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
(3) “Archangel Gabrielle’s New Year’s Message for 2014,” channeled through Linda Dillon, Council of Love, December 28, 2013, at http://counciloflove.com/2013/12/archangel-gabrielles-new-years-message-for-2014/.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) “Jesus: What You Have Been Seeking Has Been With You Always,” channelled by John Smallman. January 1, 2014. http://wp.me/p1B8dY-hC.
(7) “The Hathors: New Moon. New Year. New YOU,” channeled by Anna Merkaba, January 1, 2014 at http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/.
(8) Loc. cit.
(9) “Archangel Michael: The Frequency is Gold,” channeled by Celia Fenn, December,2013 at http://www.starchildglobal.com.
(10) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, Feb. 19, 2013.
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