Friday, January 31, 2014

SaLuSa, January 31, 2014, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: January 31, 2014

SacredSaLuSa: January 31, 2014. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.
Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more quickly.
These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it.
It is the culmination of many thousands of years experiences through many lifetimes in different Ages. The end of a cycle is an important time, when all souls decide how well their life plan has furthered their evolution, and if they need to repeat any particular experience.
Most of you are well advanced and will be ready to move to the next stage of your evolution, with the help and advice of more evolved souls. Many will stay with the Human Evolution, but some will elect to join other species that may take them to another planet. You would of course incarnate into a suitable form for that experience.
Those continuing their experiences on Earth in the 4th dimension will find that life takes on a completely new look, and that it is in a harmonious and happy time. Gone will be the dark Ones to follow their own pre-destined future, and be given another opportunity to return to the Light.
You have little idea of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits you, and it will far exceed your expectations. It will be your reward for having come through the darkest period of your life, and having successfully found the Light once again.
A few of you will find that some of your friends or relations have failed to make it into the higher dimension. Have no fear for their future as they will be exactly where they can proceed and make progress towards the Light. In your position you will be able to learn of their progress, and visit them when they are out of the body through their sleep period. Whilst you will be able to retain the memories of such meetings, they will return to their dimension with no waking memory of them.
At present you are awakening to your true potential as your level of consciousness expands, until in the near future you acquire full consciousness. Be assured that many helpers are already prepared in readiness to help you take your place in the higher dimensions. Life is a continual opportunity to evolve and at every stage you have many helpers. It is always the responsibility of those that have evolved to assist those who follow after them. As like souls come together so their consciousness becomes as One, but be assured you keep your individuality at the same time.
We know so many of you are weary from your experiences, and it is not surprising considering the dense vibrations that you exist within. It is why you receive so few visits from Beings in the higher dimensions, who find it a most unpleasant heavy vibration to be in. Equally you will be so uplifted when you enter the higher dimensions, and enjoy all of the advantages associated with them. Make no mistake, that when you elected to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, you knew what a difficult task it would be. However, you were assured that that no matter how far you dropped, we would always be their to help you return to your rightful place.
Dear Ones, your sojourn in the lower dimension is all but over, and you will emerge far greater than when you first entered it. Your experience will help souls who can benefit from your experience, and you are to be commended for your great sacrifice to benefit other souls on the path of Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and full of admiration and gratitude for your unselfish acts to assist your fellow travellers. You are All One and linked in ways that are everlasting, and you will continue to assist each other on your great journey through the Cosmos. Your sacrifice has its own rewards as you see souls move into the Light and awaken to their true Selves.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey


Thursday, January 30, 2014

From: Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, January 14, 2014, given through Susan Leland

Merlin: "Come Fly With Me!"
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, January 14, 2014

"I am Merlin, Master of change, transformation and transmutation.  I am here to congratulate you all, for you have all transformed and you are all transmuters of that which no longer serves, and in so doing you serve the World - you all know where the World is headed!
"There are legends - well, you call them legends - of other times on Planet Earth.  I represent one called Camelot.  In truth, 'Merlin' is a title.  The head Druid was called Merlin.  I am Druid, and as Druid I was a high representative of the priestesses and priests, most particularly of Avalon.  Avalon was respected in my day as a place of great wisdom and magic.  The magic was really the connections that all druid priests and priestesses were born into.  You were recognized as being adept.
"And what was the connection?  It was with the Mother, the Earth, with nature, with all of the beings of nature.  Some of that wisdom has survived, and some of it is coming back, as are all of the great wisdoms from all of the tribes, the families, and yes, the priests and the priestesses who were in charge of spiritual life upon Planet Earth.
"That is why so many of you are waking up!  You go outside and you greet nature.  You take off your shoes and find a patch of grass and feel an energy you may not have felt before, even though you might have had that experience before, and that is because nature is closer for you.
"You have heard that Avalon disappeared into the mists.  Avalon was Higher Dimensional.  Camelot faded because the humans were not ready to occupy that high, high space that was the spirit of Camelot.  It ended in a war, a battle.  There was much more for humans to experience.  Avalon simply went to the other side of the veil.  It was accessible for a time, but it could not continue to be accessible to warring 3D humans.
"Make no mistake, the Druids themselves were fierce warriors when they needed to defend.  They did not attack.  Many, many, many were lost in these battles.  What remained of Avalon went higher, into the mists, or into the Higher Dimensions.  It no longer had an existence in what you call 3D.
"Avalon is there for you, Camelot shines again in higher dimensions; that is, the spirit of Camelot!  No, you are not all going to live in stone castles - that is not what I’m speaking of.  I’m speaking of the spirit, the honor, the respect that is a part of the legacy of Camelot.  Avalon is all about the Kingdoms being so connected that what is felt by a bird flying high is felt by the human on the ground, and communications are open, much as the telepathy of which Ashtar was speaking, but add some energy of feeling to that, and that’s your connection!
"Now, you are in the midst of huge transformations.  You are literally bringing the magic, if you will, or shall we say the miracles of the Higher Dimensions to meet not only yourselves, but the World!  How you are doing that is by lifting up to access them.
"So when I speak of transformations, I really speak of progress upon the path of Ascension!  And yet, to those who are human - and it is observed by all of the other kingdoms - but to those who are human, it seems as though the World is transforming.  Yes, there is plenty out there that needs to be transformed yet!
"But I am here to tell you that you are as powerful as I, the Merlin, to make these transformations!!!  You can think of your hands as the magic wands, if you want to.  You can empower a crystal if you choose to, but it is your Heart that provides the energy, the power, for these transformations.  That is all you need!
"It is for you to open your Hearts and call in the Love energies -that is your fuel, if you will, with your Heart being the power, the engine, or the magic wand, or the spell if you want to think of it in those terms.  Cast a spell upon the World, a Divine spell, the spell of the God/Goddess within!   Allow the magic of your Divinity to flow outward from you - share it!!!  Bring about whatever transformations or transmutations you see to bring about from that place of Love.  That is the true way to accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish!
"Do you think that I am the only being in the Universe who has the ability to shape shift into the dragonfly?  And why did I choose the dragonfly?  Because the dragonfly is dragon power, but free to fly.  Think of yourselves as dragonflies empowered with great Hearts of Love, and free from all that you choose to not be a part of!  When you share your Love/Light think of yourselves as flying over and just beaming your wondrous Love to whatever it is that you see that needs to be transformed and transmuted.
"Remember, you can fly above it - you do not have to be in it! You do not have to be allowing yourselves to be lowered into it.  It is simply that you fly above it, you observe it, you send your Love/Light to it – that great, great energy from your Hearts! That, my most wondrous Family, is how you accomplish any transformation, any transmutation that you choose to do.  You do not need chemicals, as the alchemist uses, you simply need your Hearts.  You need to bring in all of the Love and then cast it upon whatever subject you are perceiving.
"If you will remember to fly above rather than to allow yourselves to get mired down in it, you will be able to transform any situation that you choose!!!  Sending Love to people now, telepathically, is very powerful. It is very effective, and that is the way to transform what might be coming from someone else’s Heart or mind.  You can positively melt it down and then out of whatever it is, just as the alchemist does!  You can recreate it into a form, or a communication, or an energy that is of High Love, instead of however it started out.  You have heard the expression - and yes I know how to do it, to transform base metals into gold - we’re talking about changing base thoughts, words and deeds into golden Love/Light.
"Be the alchemist, be the transformers, the transmuters, be the ones who make the changes from High rather than from the perspective of, shall we say, the victims!!!  You will give hope to the victims, that they too can enjoy the higher lifestyles, while at the same time you can keep yourselves flying high because you will not be getting down and stuck in the lower illusions which present themselves as your only reality.
"You are all magic, and you all have great magical capabilities, so come fly with me!  I hold out my arms to you and I say, let's fly together and be the magic and be the creators of all of the magic that we see to bring to the World and the Universe beyond!!!
"So I thank you for being here, for joining here in this great circle and I see you all radiant and glowing and sharing your Divine Lights of Love!  And so it is, Beloved Ones, and so it is! Namaste!" 
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, January 14, 2014.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

January 30, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as faith. This quality when utilized can move mountains and create miracles. This quality has the element of the miraculous within it. When a person activates this quality within them and is consistent and persistent in their daily belief that what they desire to manifest or become visible in their reality will in actuality become manifest. This quality will give a person the ability to persevere in their focus until their objective is realized in their life as actualized. As they believe, so it is given unto them. The world you live in is filled with outstanding examples of those who changed the world through their utilization of this quality known as faith.
Many there are upon your world, that have healed themselves and their loved ones by utilizing their power of love called faith. They called upon the realm of spirit and their belief in higher powers, to put into effect the healing of their bodies, minds and emotions. This is a quality that is being called upon with more regularity and intensity due to the changes taking place throughout the planet. It is when people are tested in various ways that this quality comes to the forefront and is employed as people remember, that there is a higher source that they can draw upon to see them through the difficult times. As the changes continue to accelerate, this facet of love will become the primary quality that manifests within each soul.
Whenever challenges and obstacles arise in a person’s environment, calling upon this mighty quality from within them will help them keep on their path until they see it through to its end. Utilizing this quality gives a person the ability to move ahead in spite of seeming barriers and obstacles in their daily life. All that is required is the faith that there will come a time when things in their life will get better. As this quality is utilized and the object of a person’s determined effort and focus is realized, this quality becomes stronger and more established within the individual as an innate power that they can draw upon whenever required. This gives the individual strength, courage and purpose as they inherently know within them that they are equal to whatever task lies before them.
As each person walks their daily life, this quality can bring many blessings and miracles that can lift the ordinary into that which is extraordinary and filled with beauty. It is by calling upon this quality within themselves that humanity can lift and transcend every circumstance. This quality allows the flow of grace to work its magic upon any situation that presents itself as difficult. The act of faith can empower an individual in magical ways which can galvanize them into taking correct action at the most propitious time. This quality restores confidence and self esteem in each individual as they wield and hone their own abilities into a greater understanding of the incredible power this facet of love carries within them.
When people use this quality in respecting others as trustworthy and honorable, those individuals invariably respond in kind. By employing this quality between each other, people create an atmosphere of peace, harmony and well being in every situation. When people show that they have faith in each other, in their community, and in their world, they create a sense of unity and trust which becomes a great force for good in creating a positive environment in which all can grow, expand and blossom, allowing each individual to develop their unique abilities and gifts, which ultimately blesses all in their community. Reconnecting to this quality within is a most desirable activity and one that will have incredible benefits.
I leave you now in faith and trust. Be at peace.
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-02-2014

Beloved masters, you are beginning to comprehend how different your physical reality will be as you gain access to and integrate more of the more refined frequencies of the higher realms. You will also realize how radically your future life’s experiences will change. As everyone’s telepathic and clairsentience skills are perfected, you will understand why truth, honor and integrity will become paramount. We are aware of the Light patterns that you emit, and also the resonance of your energetic signature, whether it is harmonious or discordant. We see your radiance or lack thereof, and you cannot hide who you truly are from us. In the near future, this gift will become the norm for many advanced Light Workers as well.
You are not only seeking to return to balance and harmony within, but it is your Higher Self’s greatest desire that you reclaim and perfect the beautiful Soul Song that is uniquely yours. The spectrums of Light and of sound in our realm of existence are far beyond your senses and even beyond your imagination. In your reality, you can only experience a minuscule portion of the celestial sounds, the radiant Light, and the power and majesty of our environment.
Fear and your ego are your greatest enemies. As we have explained in recent past messages, the negative, stressful events that you are experiencing at this time are activated from within to help you eradicate and/or refine past conditioning. Tests and situations of tolerance are created to help you acknowledge any restrictive, damaging thought patterns that you may not be aware of at a conscious level. Universal Law states that the frequencies of your thought patterns must be refined and lifted in order to tap into the next higher level of consciousness. You must qualify or become attuned to each new level of conscious awareness before you may integrate the vibrational energies it contains. Once you have mastered that level to a certain degree, you will be ready to receive its unique gifts and benefits.
As you begin to follow the nudgings of your Higher Self, you will gain the ability to disregard or to not be affected by the actions or reactions of others who try to dis-empower you. The realms of duality and polarity are great teachers. If you had never experienced anything but loving and positive actions, there would be little or no growth, and stagnation would result. Your ego self will constantly urge you to focus on the external world, and to behave in ways that are not in your best interest as an aspiring Self-master. If you consciously strive to stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and to use the enlightened wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will never be led astray. Your intuition will grow stronger and stronger as you build your confidence as a master of Self, and you will always sense and understand the correct decision to make or the path to follow. As your confidence and your intuitive abilities increase, indecision will become a thing of the past. You are relearning the master skills you enjoyed in the higher realms. Remember, you have been a master builder of worlds without end, and you have existed in the higher realms much longer than you have been entrapped in the dense environment of the lower dimensions.
Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the soul. Therein is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness, which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation.
Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity; however, within your Sacred Heart, you will remain as you were in the beginning, a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become en-LIGHTEN-ed is to realize your Divinity within, whereby an impulse from deep within your Sacred Heart will assist you to follow, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and a radiant form with no imperfections.
Even though chaos and duality are an integral part of your existence in the third/fourth dimensions, there is order and design in this Sub-universal Master Plan. You were not sent forth as cocreators without protection and a clearly defined path to follow in place. Your return to full consciousness of your God Self within this Sub-universal expression has always been assured.
Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth, and will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind, which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of all negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change–holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind as it gathers strength and guidance from our Father/Mother God–while learning to become an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away.
Many of you have discovered that no matter what you are experiencing in the outer world of form, there is a strong sense of joy that wells up from within. These powerful pulses of energy OverLight any discordant situation, and help you remain centered within your Sacred Heart. Individual will comes from within the soul, while Divine Will originates from within your God Essence Seed Atom. The soul is forever seeking to advance toward its collective whole–reunification is its major goal.
Throughout your many years of trials, tests and challenges, we have told you that the ascension process entails acknowledging, releasing and transforming all of the negative, impacted vibrational patterns that you carry within your complex physical, mental, emotional and etheric forms. As novices beginning the journey of transformation, you could not comprehend or fully understand what a profound gift awaited you as you reached a certain level of balance and harmony within: the gift of GRACE. A state of Grace awaits every soul on Earth once they gain the ability to function within the frequency patterns of the mid-fourth sub-dimensions and above. As you return to the accepted level of duality within the spectrum of Light and shadow, you gradually learn to maintain a “harmless nature,” which is a vital element of becoming heart-centered and soul-focused.
Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self, and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will always be satisfied, and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission. Through this process, your true Self is gradually being revealed to you.
We have explained how the spectrum of Light and shadow was created in this Sub-universe so that humanity could experience duality and polarity. In the higher dimensions, for those closest to our Father/Mother God and the Great Central Sun, the duality spectrum is very narrow; however, it became broader and more pronounced as each dimension was established, until it reached what was to be the maximum duality that was to be experienced. You are aware that it was not ordained or intended that humanity should sink so deeply into duality and polarity thereby causing so much pain and suffering. The time has arrived for the distortions and excesses of the past to be brought back into harmony, and it is our greatest desire to assist you to move through this process with ease and grace.
Dear hearts, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past, mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many errors from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the “burdens of inequity” no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past, just as we are clearing the distortions of the third- and fourth-dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns, and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. We have repeatedly told you to, “heal the past, script your future and then live in the moment,” for this very moment is the Still Point / the power center of Creation. Why not move into the center of that spiral, into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure, rich, primal life force substance just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator, and know that you are a treasured son or daughter on an important heavenly mission. Remember, nothing you can say or do can diminish this love.
Attaining universal consciousness is a never-ending process. Human-mental logic and the Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind will begin to function as a unit of Spiritual Power as you attain a certain level of wisdom and enhanced God-consciousness, and you will automatically begin to question the contradictions of the different religious beliefs. This is necessary so that you will begin to seek out the pure Essence of Divine Truth that is scattered throughout the ancient sacred books. Over time, sacred truth will be revealed to you according to your present level of consciousness. A Self-master is constantly seeking, discovering and integrating more complex and empowering Sacred Cosmic truths. Ascension is a process of constantly transcending your current level of limitation, both emotionally and mentally. You must always integrate and experience any new knowledge you accept as your new philosophy of life, thereby gaining the wisdom of the concepts.
My valiant Light Bearers, you are becoming more aware and hypersensitive to the frequency patterns of change, both within and around you, and your heightened sense of awareness increases, it is critical that you learn to become a mindful observer. A Self-master always views life events from a higher vantage point so that he/she does not become caught up in the maelstrom of drama and chaos that is rampant in the world. It requires discipline and great wisdom to stay the course or to remain centered and empowered when it seems as though the world around you is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos and destruction. We know how eager you are to attain full Self-mastery; however, as we have often stated, the fast track is not necessarily better. You must be willing to allow your Higher Self and your angelic helpers to set the pace of your advancement, for we have the advantage of observing what is taking place around the world, as well as within each of you from a higher vantage point. This enables us to interpret the outcome of forthcoming events through energies of the strongest probable future. At such times, occasionally, we are allowed to intervene through specific mandates from our Father/Mother God and the Lords of Light.
We ask you to remember, if obstacles are continually put before you as you attempt to move forward or create something new in your life, know that it may not be the right time for your vision to become a reality. Be willing to go into sanctuary (spend time in contemplation), so that your Higher Self can either inform you of what you must do in order to proceed, or possibly what must take place that you are not aware of before your aspirations can be fulfilled and made manifest. Be willing to stay in the moment, and to know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at the present time. Affirm often: “This is a perfect moment and I am centered in the power of the present.” We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart/Mind as you draw forth the powerful Adamantine Particles of Life/Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we shall prevail.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

January 26-February 2, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Many of you will feel heat within your body as your physical bodies begin to activate your DNA/RNA codes. This can be a rather uncomfortable period for you so it is important to stay well hydrated and well rested. Trust that all is well and that you are being cared for by your etheric guides as you go through this process. Listen to your guidance and do whatever is suggested. This process is the beginning of an accelerated transformation that will leave behind all former limitations. The past will fade away and dissolve as you learn to live in the present moment. This will facilitate a greater clarity of mind and an inner knowing that there has been a shift in your perceptions and you will start to regain your divine abilities in whatever way is unique to you. We, your guides and team members assist in many ways to help you on the next step of your journey. You are never alone, Dear Ones, for we walk with you during the intense and irreversible changes that are now beginning.
You have come to this point because of your deep desire to fulfill the destiny that you have chosen as your contribution to the divine plan. This destiny is now beginning to unfold at greater speed and you will marvel at how far you have come in a short space of time. The cells of your being are being regenerated and rejuvenated and you will feel cyclic waves of energy come from within you which can cause periods of dizziness. Remain calm, breathe deeply and stay in a state of peaceful allowance to the new sensations that fill and surround you. There is much recalibration that is taking place within your human operating system and your morphogenic field. This will probably scramble your meridian flows of energy temporarily  but will rebalance. You will have many episodes of sleepiness and drowsiness as you are attuned to ever higher frequencies as they come in.
Look to the heavenly alignments as they herald the changes that are taking place upon and within your planet and within yourselves. All is moving at a faster rate and linear time is followed only because of the instruments and devices that have been created previously. It is a time to connect to the Source within you on a regular basis in order that you receive the guidance that is needed and that you stay on track with your own divine timing. Everyone has their own inner clock and this is now in the process of being finely tuned so it is important to follow your intuitive promptings as this is where true guidance flows through. All of life is awakening to levels of being that have been dormant for eons.
Those who are attuned to the higher frequencies are in alignment with the many changes that are occurring and as such provide the role of catalyst wherever they may go. As they move about their daily lives they activate the awakening codes for the people around them, known or unknown. As conduits of the cosmic energies, these ones radiate this from their field of energy and it touches everyone and ignites their own individual process. It is most important that these change agents stay balanced in their every thought, word and deed, as this can have impact upon others around them. This is a great responsibility as one comes into awareness that you are in such a role upon the planet.
Stay uplifted, balanced and in a state of joy as this helps to keep a harmonious balance to those energies that come forth through others as the cleansing process continues. This is your role as light beacons and most of you have learned how to bring yourselves back into alignment quickly. Clear your energies each day before you venture out and again after you come home. Clear and balance each of your chakras so that your vital force is flowing unimpeded at all times. If thoughts appear in your consciousness that tend to bring your focus and energy down, learn to automatically change them to more life enhancing and affirming ones. The days of owning your own power are now upon you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

The Arcturian Group, via Marilyn Raffaele

The Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele: January 19, 2014

Arcturian Group January 19 2014The Arcturian Group Message channelled by Marilyn Raffaele: January 19, 2014 at
We of the Arcturian Group say to all of you, that we see Light pouring forth on Earth in ever increasing abundance. You are shifting world energies through your new awareness of what Love really means. For eons, mankind has held on to very narrow concepts with regard to Love, believing it to be either a romantic emotion between two people, or a family bond.
Love continues to be greatly misunderstood because books, movies, media, and society itself still promote these narrow definitions which are then accepted by many who choose not think for themselves… those that for too long have allowed others to tell them what to do, think, and believe.
Love is the activity of an attained consciousness of Oneness and we are aware that we have said this many times, but it is the foundation of evolution and needs to be expanded and incorporated through thought and practice into every consciousness in order for an individual and the world to evolve.
Love is all there is, because Divine Consciousness is all there is. Within this ONE every Divine Idea flows forth in infinite form and variety… but always in and of the One. Love, as understood and experienced within the limited awareness of the third dimensional belief system has become misunderstood and narrowly defined within concepts of duality and separation.
Many are unaware that their innate love for nature and others is an attained state of consciousness from other lifetimes. Many are evolved Beings who have chosen to be here simply to add more Light to this important time on Earth or to complete any three dimensional lessons. We speak of those who quietly or famously live lives that reflect a sense of Oneness in every action of daily living regardless of what the popular societal position may be. This makes every action a sacred and loving action. This is why you chose to evolve within a system of duality and separation, so you could evolve through experience into this awareness and live it in spite of outer appearances.
Love NEVER means being anyone’s doormat or being an enabler. We have said this before, but it needs to be repeated because “being a loving person” has been greatly misunderstood by many dear souls who believe that love means allowing another to use or manipulate them. These situations are often karmic and manifest (through pre-birth choice) for the growth of both individuals who are now ready to once and for all to move beyond them.
At some point through lifetimes lived in the dense energies of duality and separation, “doormats” gave away their power, many experienced being killed or punished for speaking up and their cellular memory remembers…on a conscious level, they have come to believe that this is who they are. Life lessons will manifest that offer opportunities for these individuals to reclaim their innate power. Some personalities still resonate with past life energies and cellular memory of power and dominance which is reflected in their lives and attitudes. Both must and are learning to relate in a higher ways.
Know that your energy field speaks louder than words. This is how “bullies” work. Certain individuals are drawn to and unconsciously respond to the energy of others that radiates; “I am unworthy, I am less than, I am stupid, ugly, or unlovable” and the bully acts on it. The answer to this problem does not lie in more regulation, but in lovingly helping “victims” to reclaim their power through loving and honoring themselves.
Empowerment means learning to speak your truth…lovingly but firmly. Words spoken with an energy of anger and judgement do not clear a situation but simply continue it. However, those same words when spoken with a recognition of the other’s real identity (even if they are very far from knowing it themselves) and with the intention to serve the greater good for all involved, they will carry a different and higher energy.
Speaking truth on this higher level, will have different results. Even when the other does not accept words spoken in the Light they were given or becomes angry, the speaker will feel no response. This is because an energy field filled with Light has nothing in it to which the heavier dense energy can attach. If or when you need firmly say to another something that he/she may not want to hear, try do it when you are centered and not in an emotional reactive state. Even taking a second to say to yourself; “Clear” will help. If you can, practice taking time to meditate, ponder, and ask for guidance before speaking and most importantly be VERY HONEST with yourselves with regard to any concepts you yourself may be holding about the situation.
It is often more loving to simply let another live with what they have created for themselves, for the situation may be their life lesson and it would not be loving to interfere. Stand quietly as an observer with your hand ready to grasp theirs when they are ready but allow them to reach for yours first.
Love is the energy that binds all life whether it be human, animal, or plant. All life is in and of the One life and those who falsely believe themselves to be strong and powerful because they can and do kill other living things, are still very unevolved and fully enmeshed in the energy of duality and separation. Animals evolve, and come back again just as humans do and add much color and joy and healing to the world…they are not inanimate objects to be manipulated by those ignorant of truth.
Because there are still so many in positions of power who do not yet understand the principle of Oneness, many rules are in place reflecting these unevolved states of consciousness. Obey the rules but do it in ways that reflect your more evolved understanding… always look deeper and see the bigger picture, for real rules come from within and are always governed by Love.
Many think of Lightworkers only as those who channel, teach, or write New Age books etc. A Lightworker is every person living out from a consciousness of Love. It is the person who cares for lost or abused animals, the person who holds the door for you with a smile, the sales clerk who spends time helping you find what is right for you and does not just try to “make a sale”. A Lightworker brings the Light of Oneness to every single activity of living regardless of how mundane it may be categorized as. Concepts that separate the “sacred” from the “profane” are in and of obsolete religious teachings.
The stranger who flows Light in a smile is as much a Lightworker as the one on a lecture circuit teaching salvation and enlightenment. Both are doing the work. Some choose pre-birth to be teachers in this life time because they knew this was how they could best serve, others choose to be silent keepers and radiators of Light. Both are just as important.
Never believe you have nothing to contribute, for every single action of your day becomes sacred when done in the realization of truth. Every thought and action sent forth in a spirit of Oneness adds to the enlightenment of the whole planet. This is what is happening now and you are doing it. Each and every one, being an individual expression of the Divine, holds a unique piece of the giant jigsaw puzzle that is Earth and her inhabitants.
This message is about learning to love and honor yourselves as the spiritual Beings you are, Dear Ones. Too many have come to believe that their lives have been wasted because they are doing what may be considered to be ordinary…ordinary activities done in ordinary ways in ordinary jobs while living ordinary lives. Often individuals live in the past saying to themselves; “If only I had done this, or that.”
Know, really know, that all have a pre-birth plan put in place by each individual in order to learn whatever lessons are needed…one of which is the truth of who and what you are. From this new viewpoint life no longer seems ordinary…this very human concept will dissolve from your consciousness because everything now has become infused with a new and higher awareness which will then manifest itself outwardly in ever new and higher forms.
Without giving thought, you are the energy that may change your whole home or office while you are doing nothing in particular except being…doing what is given you to do while centered and awake. The Light of your energy field will have an effect on all around you… it may lift those receptive to it or bring out anger in some who may feel threatened. This is not your concern, you simply live, move, and have your being in Truth.
Everyone is important and necessary to the evolution of mankind. It is why you are here on Earth at this time. This is your work and can be done wherever you find yourself. Follow and trust your intuition, NEVER believing that who you are or what you do is unimportant. The tiniest action done in Love has a profound effect on changing the energy of the world.
Your job is to live out from that highest level of truth you know and simply do whatever is given you to do each day. Have fun…have dreams…be creative…be grateful… As you learn to live each day this way, more truth is given and will unfold in ever deepening currents of knowing and understanding. This is evolution. This is graduation, Dear Ones.
We are the Arcturian Group


SaLuSa, January 24, 2014, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: January 24, 2014

SacredSaLuSa: January 24, 2014. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.
As ever, time flies by and is speeding towards the times of important changes that are the forerunners of a new period in your history that is leaving the past behind. All proceeds as intended, and before very long you will begin to receive the proof that you have been seeking.
You will be in no doubt that all along the forces for good have been working towards the changes that you have been promised and that the New Age is upon you. Outwardly many will only see confusion and many parts of your world in turmoil. It is the final throes of the dark Ones who are now in retreat. Before long those who have been working silently for the Light will reveal themselves, and you will know that the New Age has truly begun.
Meanwhile Lightworkers are called upon to remain resilient and focussed upon their work that will ensure the Light is continuing to be empowered. For a long, long time you have sought proof of the changes that you know must come if the New Age is to get underway. That will for some time be limited until such times that it is safe for the Light to be revealed for the progress that has been made.
However, there are numerous signs everywhere that the changes are speeding up, and can be found by those who are seeking in earnest. Already some souls are making themselves known for their Light work, and you may rest assured that they will be protected by us.
As the Light grows in strength so more souls will begin to awaken and their levels of consciousness will enable them to raise their vibrations. Already we find that more people are speaking openly of their new found understanding, and there is a new eagerness to discuss what is happening upon Earth.
The awakening will continue to grow at a greater speed that will draw like souls together. Indeed, it will also create a wider gap between those of the Light and the non-believers, which is to be expected. However, we do not advocate any deliberate attempts to widen it. Lightworkers will be needed more than previously, to assist those who are seeking a greater understanding of what is taking place.
Some of you have waited for a long time to act in service to your fellow travellers on the path of Light. Now that time has arrived and many will be called to fulfill their life contract. Be assured that you do not walk alone at any time, you are always accompanied by several souls who are there to serve you. So do not hesitate to call upon them when you need help.
If you are searching for some indication as to what your role is to be, do not worry as when the time is right you will be left in no doubt as to what is required of you. Your role will be one that you have prepared for over many lifetimes and you will have no need to doubt your ability.
As you are aware, at these end-times much karma is coming up to be cleared, and this is one reason why so much activity is taking place. However, given time it will become less, and will be helped by bringing together many souls who hitherto have been deliberately kept apart. The dark Ones have created many ways in which to stop you coming together as One, but that will change as it is realised how much you have in common with each other. Religion has divided people and many wars have been fought because of the different ideologies. These problems will also be overcome when the truth is made known, and it is realised that All are One.
So do not be too concerned as to how the seemingly impossible differences between you can be overcome. When the truth is given by those who have your confidence and trust, many difficulties will simply fade away. At heart most of you seek a peaceful life, and are happy to live and let live. Allowing others to choose their own path of Light will become generally accepted, and they will be able to progress as slowly or quickly as suits them. All will eventually find the Light and there are endless pathways to it.
Keep a positive approach in all you do and do not allow doubt to creep in, as the dark Ones will attempt to put you off course right up until the last minute. They will gradually become weakened and will no longer have the ability to interfere with your progress. Slowly they are having their power taken away, and are already unable to command with the authority that they once had. We are closely monitoring them, even to the point where they have no hiding place from us. There is no escape and they will be begging to no avail to avoid the consequences of their actions.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and am so pleased to help you through these periods of intense changes. Be assured that however impossible Earthly situations seem, with our help they shall be overcome in short time. Whilst for karmic reasons you must tread the paths you have created for yourselves, we can come in at the appropriate time and help you restore your countries. So please do not get downhearted or despair over the “mess” that many years of wars have left some countries in. We are here to help you, and clear the pathway to a wonderful Golden future.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll

Moving Into 2014

Right before Kryon channelled this last 2013 message, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys presented brand new guided stem-cell protocols to the crowd. Kryon addressed what was "really happening" and also had a message for Lightworkers about changes in 2014 and beyond. There is a lot here to digest!
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It is December of 2013, but it seems like only a moment ago when we faced you and thousands of old souls around the planet and told you to "hold on".

We discussed with you that the prophecy of the precession of the equinoxes was thousands of years old and it was a turning point. We described that those in the Mayan civilizations, the prophets of their time, had put together the time fractals in a way that their calendars would reflect the esoterics of the wobble of the earth. We told you that their vision was so profound that the end of their calendar coincided with the beginning of a new era.

We told you that in between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2014 there would be times of recalibration. We gave channel after channel telling you what was recalibrating, which basically was just about everything. We told you to hold on and we indicated that seeds were being planted for bigger things. We told you that there could be difficulty for you in this year [2013] and that some of you would find it more difficult than others. In a moment, I'm going to itemize some of the things that were difficult, and tell you what's going to happen from here on.

I can tell you these things at this moment, just like I was able to tell you about 2013, because you've created them. This is not a prophecy, dear ones; this is a report. I see the bigger picture, something you cannot see as you sit listening to this. You see only the oneness of yourself and a few of your friends.
It's impossible for you to see an overview that Spirit sees based upon the billions of souls on the planet. There are billions of intents, and some of them contain surprises that are positive. Some of the consciousness shifts are only just beginning to occur, and through it all we repeated and we repeated that dark energy dies hard. We did that so you would understand that it is a slow process of coming out of the mud. The mud wants to suck you back in.

The dark energy has a lot to lose because of the light that you are shining back onto this planet, but this year was the recalibrating year. I know what you've been through. I know the friends you've lost way too soon. I know of the seemingly odd circumstances that some of you were in, so let's just say what you're thinking. You are thinking that what you have been through doesn't suit a Lightworker, or that you didn't deserve it. That's what it's like to recalibrate. But then I told Yawee that this was "his year". [Yawee is the Lemurian name of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, who just presented at the Kryon seminar.]

Now, for those who are listening to and reading this channelling apart from this group of old souls in the chairs, some of this information may seem to be a non sequitur. It's because I'm now going to talk directly to Yawee and describe some things and explain some things that we've never explained. It's time.

And so, listener, trust that what I'm going to say fits into a bigger picture. Those of you in the room heard Yawee speak a moment ago about how his high science is beginning to be seen and honored. So you are more aware of the meaning behind what I'm going to say than others. I'm going to reveal a function of the body that you are working with, Yawee, that you are not really aware of to the degree you should be.

How do I explain this? Yawee, years ago you walked into your vision and DNA talked to you. You have spoken of this. For 15 minutes, you got to actually "hear" it, and at some level you were aware that you were not talking to just one molecule. You were dealing with your own DNA, by the way. I think you knew that, but there was something unusual beyond what you have described, and you have not described all of it, I know that. The fact is that you were talking to more than 100 trillion molecules at the same time! It's because you can't just communicate with one molecule of DNA. There is a process that will be discovered, and one you are currently using, that I'm going to discuss now.

Medicine, esoteric medicine, has been using something for centuries that they don't really understand. They know it works, but they don't truly know how. Homeopathy is mysterious because homeopathy takes a tincture too small to chemically react to anything in the body, but it works. The Human ingests this, and it is absorbed normally under the tongue and it works. However, if you ask the homeopathically inclined that dispense and use it, they will come up with all manner of reasons why it works. But they are guessing.

The reason it works is because the small tincture you present to the body is "seen" and is communicating to what is called the "innate intelligent body". It is not the intellect, not your brain, and not what you think is your 3D body chemistry. The tincture is a signal to the body to heal itself. The tincture isn't guided anywhere, but the body sees the intent of the Human Being and the chemical in the medicine, and the innate smart body immediately knows what to do. It starts to heal where it knows it should heal. How many kinds of homeopathic remedies are there? Countless kinds, and they are known to work without any guidance at all. There's a process in the body at work - there has to be.

Yawee, let's talk about your invention, your most recent one. You described your guided stem cell protocol as a "go there and stay there" instructional technology to guide the stem cells directly to where they are needed. You "instruct" the stem cells to go to a place in the body and stay there where they can be used. Now, the ones sitting in the chairs today don't know anything about that. But you do and I do. And you know that you're either incredibly lucky, over and over, or you're dealing with something else. Because to guide a stem cell in a "go there and stay there" scenario is like a Human Being reporting to a city of a billion people, then standing on the outskirts and locating that one person they are looking for, right away, by accident! Somehow it works.

Your "go there and stay there" is a macro program accomplishing an incredible micro result. How? Trillions, if not hundreds of trillions of DNA molecules are all identical in the Human body. Somehow they "talk to each other" instantly. If one DNA molecule senses something, they all do. Science doesn't know that yet. They may have thought of it, but they don't know it. There is a mystery here of how DNA does what it does. Somehow it must communicate, yet there is no process of communication known to your science that could explain it. But they all "see" the intent of your program together as one and implement it as one.

We have told you this before, and we have written books about it. Your DNA has quantum attributes. It's not a quantum molecule, but it gives quantum instructions. Ah, but there's more. All the DNA I perceive in your body right now is singular, with only one allied consciousness. This is because the DNA in the Human body is in an entangled state with itself. It is quantumly locked in a way that it works as one benevolent union. This is a quantum physics attribute that is not yet fully understood and not yet applied to biology. It represents the smart body, the innate body, and if you want proof of that, it's everywhere!

What do you know about identical twins? You know that they have the same DNA and that they are the only Humans on the planet who do. What do you know about studies of identical twins? You know that they can be on opposite sides of the planet and both can have the same intuition at the same time about something that's happening with their family. Now, what does that tell you about their DNA? It's connected! In fact, it's connected within a particular quantum state. What do you know about quantumness in DNA? The answer is, almost nothing! So let me fill you in. It's beautiful. Let me fill you in, because it's going to temper everything you do from now on.

Now go slow, my partner, for I want this to be right. It has to do with what's going on with the recalibration of the Human Being. What I'm going to describe is the recalibration process and what is changing within many of you.

The field around DNA is quantum and it responds in various ways to other quantumness given to it. The response is not linear, not chemistry and not through intellectual thought. This quantum world around you is a world that you've not measured yet and one you can't see yet. There are no instruments to prove it yet, but there will be and when that time arrives, you will see it clearly. Then you'll know I'm right.

If DNA is surrounded by some kind of quantum state, it means that it has quantum attributes with other things in a quantum state. What else do you suspect is quantum? The tones that you're singing are quantum [speaking of the pineal tones Todd has developed]. The seed biology from the Pleiadians is quantum. I'll just go ahead and state it, and Yawee will figure it out. At a quantum level, this multidimensional field that connects all the DNA has one intelligence, and it is connected to the original template. That means that it "knows" like homeopathy "knows" exactly what you're trying to do, and it is benevolent to the max!

Your DNA chemistry may be working at 30 to 35 percent in 2014, but the master template is at 100 percent. [This template is there and always has been.] Therefore, the field around your DNA is always there working at 100 percent. You, as a Human Being, make choices based in duality and create the decisions of life. But at the DNA quantum level, the "smart body" level, there's a cheering section that is connected to the template and it's always ready to go - benevolent and ready to cooperate with anything you give it. This is the homeopathy effect.

Early in your experiments, Yawee, you discovered something very unusual - a homeopathy effect of your quantum laser. You found that if you could trigger instruction sets to even a few molecules of DNA, all of them got the picture at the same time. Even if you gave it to them in a linear fashion, all of them got it at the same time.

Your "go there and stay there" scenario is cooperative with the benevolence of the Human Being, which is connected to the template and it knows exactly what you're telling it, and it will always work. It will always work! You are working with body intelligence, which is quantum. The more refined your instructions become, the more benevolence is seen and understood as the body heals itself through the template. You already know that.Quantum homeopathy is what you're doing.

The parts and pieces in linearity don't really add up to the whole effect, do they, Yawee? That doesn't make sense in a linear world. The rest of the story is that you have accomplished a quantum handshake with quantumly entangled DNA of the Human body. The reason the results are so profound, with some of them flying in the face of known science, is that you have one of the first qualified quantum physics energies on the planet that then is a fast-track to the quantum biological parts of the Human Being. I just told you why it all works. There's more, there is always more, but knowing this you can go to some of the next steps that you've been looking at and thinking about, knowing that the principal of any biology you work with will be "benevolent cooperation".
Dear ones, this DNA quantum field is the one that has been just a little off this year. The very benevolence of your DNA, which is connected to the master template, has been recalibrating. Sometimes it's aligned with the template, and sometimes it's not. And that is why you've felt like you've felt. That is why there is sometimes surprise sickness. Let's list some of the recalibration issues of 2013.

Health is first. Do I have to expand upon that? There have been more sick old souls than ever before in 2013. Suddenly, it's like an esoteric plague of sickness. You're recalibrating! Things are not quite aligned but they're about to be.

Now, spirit doesn't work with a calendar, and when January 1, 2014, arrives, be careful you don't celebrate that everything is going to be just great. Because each one of you is different and the paths are different and the calibrations are different. The solutions to the issues and the problems are different, but what I want to tell you is that the seeds of recalibration have been planted for this year of 2013, and 2014 is where they start to grow. Slowly this DNA field of yours will come back into calibration, but with a different Human nature template. It's one that is enhanced and ready for things beyond the old energy.

We've told you that you've been in esoteric survival mode and we've even given you the attributes to look forward to, which are not survival specific in any way. They included compassion and tolerance and temperance. They included generosity and all the other things that survival mode does not include. You might say it's a "different kind of survival". It's a survival by creating compassion, which leads to peace on Earth. With that come other things that are going to sustain Human life on the planet, despite the doomsday sayers and preppers and all the others who continue to expect the worst.
They'll get "the worst" by the way, since this is the message they are giving to their DNA. Did you ever meet a hypochondriac who pulled every disease they were afraid of right into their cells? You see, it works! A benevolent cellular structure will do its best to follow the instructions of the "boss". So, what areyour instructions? What are you saying to the quantum field around you? That's the next thing I want to talk about.

Health. Now that you know what is going on in your own body and that it is benevolent, you have the opportunity to give it quantum instructions with your intuition. I didn't say to do it with your brain, did I? You have to useconceptual intuitive thought. See yourself healed! See yourself out of the disease or the anomaly. These are your instructions that will go right into that realigned DNA with receptors that are far more willing and ready to receive your information than you ever realized. The cures can be quick, trust me, and the worst is over. But the realignment and the facilitation of the new energies are going to take a while to fit in, so give them time. But for most of you, the worst is over.

Consciousness. You've been just a little off, as we've said. The year of full moons is complete. Consciousness cannot align to the core within you when it's always a little off. The energies are pushing and pulling it because it's recalibrating. This has pulled some of you away from Spirit, did you know that? I know who's here, I know who's listening. Some have been pulled right out of their faith and right out of their love for God, and they've become cynical. I know who's here, and I know who's listening. That's what recalibration does. If you only trust your intellect, then nothing's going to work. Your intellect is not connected to your innate!

You know, don't you, that the connection to your Higher-Self, that beautiful silver cord, is not a product of the synapse of your brain. You knew that, didn't you? You cannot intellectually examine the majesty of the divine. It's done with the heart, the innate and the emotional body. Then balance that with the intellectual part of your brain, and you have mastery!

I know who's here. How many of you have been trying to hold on to what you had? Do you remember the feelings that you had when you meditated in the older energy? It was a "known" energy. What about the connections you had with Spirit that made you smile, or the things that would make you feel good inside - and they are now missing? I know who's here, and I know who's listening. Well, let me tell you something, it's coming back! But you may have to tune to another station to get it. So be aware of that. Don't simply repeat the old ways. Try some new things. Feel the breath of God as it breathes peacefulness right now to you. That was number two, consciousness.

Number three is synchronicity. For some, it has stopped happening. You depend on it for your life, and it just isn't happening. Now for Yawee, it's a bit different. I told him personally that 2013 would feature synchronicity for him. But that is because he's different and he needs to plant the seeds that will eventually begin the growth of what we described only a week ago as the new frontier on the African continent. This is something we have been saying for years, and now you got to hear it in this assemblage today - the beginning of that, right where we said it would happen. So Yawee is helping to facilitate the recalibration, instead of participating in it.

Synchronicity has been explained many times, but it requires that you be in sync with your intuitive self and your innate. But the benevolent connection to the template that you count on for your intuition has been readjusting itself for you, and it has been difficult. Things that you thought would happen didn't, and things you thought would never happen did. This makes you question whether you're doing it right, doesn't it? I know who's here, I know who's listening. That's going to change, and slowly you'll get the sync back because the benevolent connection with the template source of your DNA is starting to align.

You are starting to receive a greater percentage of activation of your DNA as a Human race. Some of you will use it and some of you will not. But all of humanity is receiving it and not just a few. The Lightworkers, the old souls, have the wisdom of the Akash and they feel it and know it. They have the wisdom of the ancestors to listen to messages like these and to align to them.

Expect good things! Did you believe me a year ago when I told you about 2013? Well, believe me now. It starts to get better. Did I tell you that the old energy would die hard? It's going to try to stop you. Now, again this old energy is not an entity out to get you. It's simply dark energy that works in a certain way and balances with light. But be aware as you watch the news and you see certain kinds of actions. It's not going to look good for a while because the news only reports the darkness.

Judgment, number four. Bad judgment. Some of you have made bad choices! Normally you don't, so you sit there beating yourselves up because you made bad choices! In retrospect, you know better: "I'm an old soul, I should know better. I should know not to do this or that." Perhaps you've gone certain places and created certain schemes but they didn't work. Then you say to yourself, "I should know better." But that's what happens during a recalibration.

You see, you were not aligned to your "common senses" template, and your judgment is not what it normally is during a time of realignment. I told you a year ago it would be good if you climbed into a closet for a year and didn't come out - have somebody feed you under the door so you wouldn't have to interact with life. [Laughter] Of course, that's Kryon humor, but you know what I'm saying.
When you got out and about, and went through life making decisions that you make all the time, not all of them were good this year. Don't let it bring you down. Consider 2013 a year in the dark if you want. You've been moving through a fog, which is clearing, and fog doesn't clear all at once. As you slowly see further ahead, you will feel better about the road.

You'll feel it getting better in many ways, dear ones. The connection, the alignment - nothing is better than a full alignment of DNA with the template of creation.

Benevolent DNA: Do you realize, Yawee, that you're the first one to use this process on this scale? Do you realize, Yawee, what you can do from now on through the knowledge of these things? The "go there and stay there" is just the beginning. Try something even more stellar and be amazed! The whole quantum field of DNA knows who you are and what you're doing, and with the whole Human Being allowing, it will work. It will work.

Finally, there's fear. You're a Lightworker and an old soul, and you continue to say, "Well, I'm really not afraid of anything." Oh, yes you are! I've used the term before and it comes from my partner's brain. Please forgive me if it isn't that funny, but 2013 has been the year of, "Have a little fire, scarecrow?"

Unbalance can destroy everything you are and make you afraid of losing the core. It only takes a few things for you to doubt your spirituality, doesn't it? "Am I doing it right? Spirit, am I doing it right? This shouldn't be happening. What have I done wrong? Am I doing it right? Why are things going so wrong?" Dear ones, I'm here to tell you that nothing has gone wrong. Everything is as it should be, Lightworker, because you are the one who is recalibrating. Do you understand that?

Ninety percent of the planet is just sitting there feeling fine and nothing odd is happening. It's because they're not in touch with what the old soul is. They could be with free will and free choice, but they're not interested. But you are. This is because you gave permission to recalibrate. How do you like that?

I want everybody who is listening and reading this right now to receive this gift that we are pushing to you. We are doing it in a quantum way, and I will ask you to release the fear! It's an old energy paper tiger that says if things feel different, then something is wrong. But that is not truth. You're doing everything right, everything right! In this process, it's going to occur to you why you're here and what you're doing. Why you? Why now? Could it be that this was the plan all along?

Drop this false fear! Don't let circumstances of a recalibrated year prompt you to lose your faith. Take your hand, if you wish, and grasp that of the Higher-Self right now, and don't let go. Because the Higher-Self is offering this to you. It's time to finish this nonsense of recalibration, feeling odd and unusual, or sick, or not knowing what's wrong with you. It's time to finish doubting who you are or trying to figure out why you have funny judgment and nonexistent synchronicity.

We've been with you the whole time and we told you it was coming. But when you get it, you don't know why and many become fearful. It's time to drop the fear. Things are going to start to align and when they do, the synchronicity of things that you are hoping for will start to click and start to settle. Some of you will have greater synchronicity than you ever imagined, and it will make up for 2013. You'll start to understand why certain things happened the way they did.

Dear one, you're an old soul. You're the forerunner and the hope of the galaxy. I came in all those years ago to give you this channel tonight. Did you realize that? There was only hope back then that you would cross the bridge - that shift of the precession of the equinoxes - only hope. But then you firmly crossed it and now the work begins. Past 2013, the work will be that which starts to synchronize with you and who you are.

"Kryon, why do we have to go through this?" That's why you're called Lightworker, dear ones. Some of this is work - hard work.

We're about to leave, and the next time I channel, it will be 2014. The year 2014 represents a "seven year", a year of divinity. Let the seeds that you've planted through your health issues, your consciousness issues, your poor judgment and your fear be buried in the ground! Then water them with compassion and what will grow will be the beauty of what you always wanted. Let the ground yield the fruit of your hard work, eventually creating the turning point for peace on Earth.

Let compassion reign in YOU, dear ones, and stand tall that you made it. You made it.

And so it is.
The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.
Lee Carroll


Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

January 23, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as healing. This quality brings in energy to affect a feeling of release and ease within the human body, mind and soul. On all levels, this quality is infused with unconditional love and brings balance and renewal to the individual who is open to this experience. As in all things upon the planet, one must be willing to receive this energy as it comes, and many times, the individual to whom healing is directed is unable to fully receive and assimilate what is given due to pre-conditioned programming from their childhood and, many times, from their previous lifetimes upon this school called Earth. We are now entering a new phase wherein there is a new dispensation allowing the overriding of pre-existing programming so that each individual who seeks wellness and wholeness may receive such in their physical reality and experience.
As the energies increase around and upon the planet, much energy is available to be utilized in the healing of all the illnesses and disharmonies that have been so rampant to this time. There will be many reported miracles of spontaneous healing and remission of diseases that will make your evening news. These stories will give hope to all those who have been suffering with the myriad symptoms of disease and disharmony and will open the way to the knowing of the possibilities that exist for all to regain their wholeness no matter what malady has afflicted them. People everywhere are now beginning to seriously consider and seek a more wholistic approach to self healing and in this process will be enabled to regain their health and vitality by giving their human bodies and systems a better, more natural chance of regaining that which was lost to them.
The airwaves on your world are teeming with potential cures and protocols that can benefit humankind immensely. All it requires is for an individual to focus on that which is presently being experienced and to search the internet to read and discern that which rings as truth to their own inner guidance as to a method that will work for them. As this practice grows in popularity, humankind will begin to understand that ultimately, they are responsible for their own well being and vitality and they will take all steps necessary to reclaim their personal sovereignty and control over their own physical body system. In this manner, there comes about a total reformation of the healing arts and sciences which will enable the empowerment of each individual to lay claim to the healing and balance of their physical bodies that comes with living closer to the natural ways to encourage a return to health and well being.
Many people will see that what is required is determination and the will to regain that which was lost and will find the will to persist in their intention to become whole again. The higher energies are very conducive to conforming to the strong and determined intention of each individual in order to effect a positive transformation in their physical bodies. Humanity is encouraged to take up the reins of their own power and begin to question established protocols within the medical profession and seek alternative methods that utilize the natural and organic ingredients that are readily and easily available to them in their daily lives. As each person tries an alternative method to help their elemental bodies receive all the nourishment and nutrients their body needs, a way is opened to see positive results and benefits.
Humanity will insist on the changes necessary to enable each person to have a choice as to the healing protocol they decide to implement and current medical systems need to adapt to these changing circumstances and to the will of the people. This quality of love will open the floodgates to great changes in the physical human body and system and will lead to greater happiness and contentment in the daily lives of the Earth’s people. The quality of vital health in each human being brings untold benefits to the world as the restoration of the higher qualities of each person’s divine and eternal essence manifest within each person, which in turn leads to the evolution of the human race to a higher and more benevolent society.
I leave you now to ponder on these precepts and wish you good health.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

January 19-26, 2014
Beloved Ones,
As you move through the next cycle of days, remember to praise and reward yourselves often for staying on task and for walking this Earth. Each of you has a very important part to play in the unfolding of the Divine Plan and your presence is necessary. Each of you is loved and surrounded by more guides and angels than ever before. We speak to you and are delighted when you hear us and respond. This will be a more common occurrence as this year unfolds. You will be in clear communication with more of your higher aspects also and this will be a definite boon for you, your loved ones and the world around you. The guidance you receive comes to help you and those who are in your sphere of influence and activity with the next step forward as they become ready. Do not feel reticent to repeat what you receive from us if it is words of guidance and advice for those in your vicinity. The words you speak to them may be just what the recipients need to know to help them along their path of unfoldment and what you tell them could be the very answer, guidance or clue that they have been seeking.
As you do this, let it be in a detached manner so that you do not become emotionally attached to the outcome and import of the message you share. Remember that you are simply the conduit, the messenger, and as you say the words, your part in that moment is accomplished. If the recipients of your words seem to not hear what you tell them, just be in trust that they are receiving what they need and leave it at that. The higher levels of consciousness want to communicate in a more direct and profound way to those in their care and guidance and it will be through ones such as you that they will do it. Speak the words that come to you with love and kindness and let the recipients decide how and if they give credence to what has come forth through you. This is a loving and important service to those around you and one that will, for the most part, be gratefully received.
All souls upon the Earth are now seeking for answers to questions that they never knew they had until these now moments. Suddenly, a whole new perspective has come into their awareness and there is much for them to sort through and internalize. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated even if you never hear the direct feedback from these ones. The words you speak to them will be the balm to soothe their troubled spirit. When we have called you our ambassadors in previous messages, this is what we meant. The world needs your love, kindness, goodwill and patience now more than ever before and you have all been in training to become adept at giving service in this manner. We could say that you can never be accused of sleeping on the job, because in truth, you are at work even during your sleep state.
The multidimensional aspects of your being have always been at work, for there is no requirement for the need to rest as people on Earth require it. Because of this, you can ask each day to receive assistance in your ascension process in whatever way is most desired and needed by you. Your higher aspects and god sanctioned guides will immediately begin to bring the guidance and answers to you but you must be open to receive the answers in whatever way they come to you and act on what you are given. This might require patience and perseverance on your part to become more observant of the time lag between your request and the appearance of the guidance you have sought but if you are diligent, you will become increasingly aware of and grateful for, the understanding that you truly never walk alone.
We, your Family of Light, desire to help you to release all the blockages that keep you from moving to a higher level of consciousness and we can work with you day and night to help you understand what you need to do to move forward. The energies that are flowing from the cosmos are unrelentingly shining greater and more intense light waves on all upon the planet and when the light comes, it always expedites a release of well established patterns of thought and behavior that are ready to be transmuted to a higher perception and the reclamation of your divinity. Most of you have been getting the understanding that you truly are of divine essence, each and everyone of you. As you reclaim that state of being, you also assist to open the way for those who now awaken to their own soul journey and will seek to find the answers on the paths that you have trodden. This has ever been the case - those who discover freedom from the wheel of birth and death and who liberate themselves, turn to lend a hand to their brothers and sisters so that all may be free.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff

January 16, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as diligence. This quality is necessary to have within one’s character so that one can set their goals and intentions and then proceed with all the actions that are needed to bring their goal into manifestation. Many times, the most promising projects have failed when the person did not follow through on their desired intention. Every intention comes into fruition through the employment of this facet of love. It is the individuals who habitually practice this quality in their daily commitments who are looked upon by their family members and peers as someone who can be relied upon to see things through to completion. As you observe the animals in nature such as the squirrel, you see that they also employ this quality and they diligently gather their nuts and seeds throughout the summer and therefore always have an abundance of food throughout the winter.
This quality is most needed as all beings on Earth live their daily lives. In order to successfully accomplish anything in life, one must have this quality in their inherent character. It is the foundation upon which is built whatever one desires to create, and by employing this quality step by diligent step, the making of concrete realities in the world of form is possible. This quality encompasses much inherent power and exercises the use of wisdom and free will by each individual, as they create their world in accordance with the guidance of their own divine essence by following the inner promptings of their heart.  By being willing to follow through on all intuitive creative ideas that flow into their consciousness, they begin to live a more sublime life in their world, where every moment is filled with anticipation, enthusiasm and wonder at the great ocean whose waves teem with the seeds of infinite possibilities that are scattered across the universe. Many great inventions and technology are being brought into this world by individuals who are attuned and practice this quality.
In the area of relationship with loved ones and family members, this quality assists one to live a happy and fulfilling life, creating a constant flow of positive and mutually beneficent interactions between all in their immediate surroundings. In the larger community, this quality of diligence enables individuals to build bridges between differing points of view in order to accomplish a higher goal that serves the interest and needs of the many.  By practicing this quality, an individual becomes one who is valued for their input and opinion because the greater community knows that it can rely on this individual to follow through on their ideas and intentions through their energetic action in support. By accepting their role as helper and supporter, one who sees with eyes that encompass the larger picture and sees beyond personal interest, one is effective in their capacity to give service in humility and respect for all. This in turn builds trust between all members in the community.
Upon this quality one can navigate the uncertain waters of world affairs as they come forth. By employing this quality of diligence one can ascertain one’s position in any of the events that occur in the world around them in a way that ensures their protection and safety. It enables each person to become informed so that they can then make the right choice as to how they should act or respond in any given situation. In all things, there is always a choice as to how one responds and the individual who can look at the higher perspective and understand that the world around them is filled with many differing viewpoints and ideas, is a person who holds much inner joy and happiness for they perceive that choosing peace and harmony in all relations creates this state in their own being. Thus it is that they radiate peace and harmony from within their own essence and in this way they create a template for others to perceive and choose to emulate in their own individual lives.
In one’s personal growth and spiritual journey, having this quality at work helps to achieve personal goals and objectives as an individual chooses the thoughts, words and deeds they wish to give to the larger community. What is taking place within one’s consciousness is reflected out into the world around them and the universe gives back in kind in the form of experience with the predominate concepts that one holds. Each individual is responsible for all that takes place within them and as they learn and grow and use this quality within them, they find themselves moving into greater growth which is filled with more synchronicities that are benevolent, loving and supportive. They find that they experience the states of joy and happiness more often and these states bring more of everything good that one has ever desired in their lifetime.
I leave you now to internalize with due diligence this discourse.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.