SaLuSa: December 20, 2013. Channelled by Mike Quinsey.
The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to
celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition
that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with
religious beliefs.
The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come
together and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to
celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling
of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is
particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a
society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them.
These situations repeatedly come up and slowly but surely people
realise that they are their brother’s keeper. Those who have travelled
far ahead with their understanding can also see that all life is One,
and that it is inextricably linked and the actions of each individual
affects the whole. This is when people take responsibility for their
actions and help raise the vibrations upon Earth.
If only you keep the goodwill going that arises from times like you
are experiencing now, the sooner you would move away from the lower
vibrations that could not exist in your higher state. As the changes
continue so they help raise up those souls who are just emerging from
the darkness. They need a helping hand to get on the road to success,
and find it easier once others have created the pathway.
Through many lives you have experienced a myriad of situations that
have helped your progress. They have been arranged – as all lives are –
to help you surmount the problems you are likely to face. There is
absolutely nothing that happens without good cause, although to the
human mind it is difficult to see beyond what happens in your physical
Each of you has numerous helpers whose sole interest is to ensure
that you progress through your experiences. It is why the key events in
your life are orchestrated to gradually advance you along the path of
evolution. Yet in many instances you are propelled into chaotic
conditions that do not seem to have any real purpose. Believe us Dear
Ones, nothing happens by chance and whatever you become involved in has
some measure of gain, not just for you but every soul involved.
Do not worry if you get caught up in what is clearly coming from a
negative source, as your presence may be needed to hold the vibrations
in check. Often you can provide sufficient Light to soften or remove
some of the negative energies. Be assured you will be used for your
experience and dedication to spreading the Light, and will never be
called upon to handle more than you can manage. Obviously you will also
find yourselves on the receiving end, but this is often a test to ensure
you know how to handle yourself. We repeat, that “nothing happens by
chance” so always look for the lesson that may accompany your
Be assured that you do get breaks throughout your lifetime, and you
are not expected to serve the Light without them. It is certain that you
will know where you stand when you are going with the flow and
fulfilling your life plan. However, remember that at times you will, so
to say, catch up on outstanding karma and it will present itself when
you are known to be able to cope with it. So do not be alarmed in such
circumstances and accept your experience with good heart, and most
importantly ensure you learn from it.
At this time in your evolution you are progressing at a faster
rate than ever, and each soul is on the last lap of its life plan for
this incarnation. This may seem improbable as all of you are at
different points in your evolution, and remember that not every soul
is ready to ascend, or desires to do so.
The end of a Solar Cycle draws nigh and it is special inasmuch that
the end times have already been decided, and regardless of any attempts
by the dark Ones to foil the plan, they will not be successful.
Ascension is assured and is to be expected at the end of a Solar Cycle.
In the meantime help your fellow traveller where needed, but at the
same time do not pressurise them by forcing advice upon them. Sometimes
lessons can only be learnt through direct experience, although group
experience is not uncommon. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and
be flexible, although many of you are now sufficiently intuitive to
know when to move in a different direction. Take things in your stride
and try not to force a situation, unless you can be sure of the outcome.
You should know that when matters flow in harmony, there is little for
you to do.
You have been preparing for this period for millennia of time, as you
have always known that it would arrive to lift you out of the lower
vibrations. Many of you have awoken to the fact, and now joyfully make
your way forward with great expectations. Even if you do not fully
understand what a great time is opening up for all of you, there is a
sense of excitement knowing that a new era is about to open. It allows
you to contemplate what life would be like once the dark Ones were
removed. Such freedom from interference is something new, and very hard
to conceive when you are lifting out from the lower vibrations.
For millennia of time you have experienced duality of such
high levels that it is hard to conceive of the dramatic and far
reaching changes that are almost upon you. However, they are near
to manifestation and will bring the most wonderful surprises and
far reaching changes, much to your amazement and delight.
I leave you now in what is hopefully a feeling of joy, knowing
that your travels in the lower dimensions are about to end. Keep
your calm and continue to spread love and peace wherever you are.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey
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