Peggy Black and The Team
greet you beloved as together we witness the dawning of the new age.
This new age, this new reality of consciousness is being called forth by
you. You are the instrument, the conscious voice, the frequency and the
vibration that is bringing about the changes. There are tremendous
changes occurring. We realize that in saying this you look out at your
world and shake your head, for there are still deep levels of
dysfunction happening on the planet. There is still discord being
generated, especially by your media and those who run that aspect of
reality. It is the focus upon this discord that engages the collective
matrix, and anyone who is still engaged in their own separate polarity
will anchor the discord.
is your personal opportunity to step into your power. You are being
called forth to anchor a different reality. You are being invited to
anchor a reality in which there is harmony and well-being. We continue
to encourage each individual to realize that you personally can hold the
vision, the emotional frequency of a reality that supports all life. It
is this awareness within each awakened individual that is truly calling
forth a world in which there is peace within the hearts and minds of
the collective.
conscious action is taking place moment to moment in your lives and
activities. You become the means of stability as you continue to hold
the stable vision and offer the healing of the heart frequency into your
experience. We realize that what we are inviting you to express can
feel impossible considering what is being out-pictured in the world
is where your mastery is being activated. This is where you claim your
magnificence as a multidimensional being. You are not powerless. You are
truly powerful beyond measure. Step into that realization, allow
yourself to just imagine, even pretend, that you have these superpowers
that allow you to offer the collective the opportunity to heal. Imagine
that you have the superpowers to transform any event occurring in your
reality. These superpowers are always used only for the highest and the
best for all concerned.
time you hear or see some discord or dysfunction, immediately offer the
quantum field of all possibilities a new and different scenario. Just
imagine you are a multidimensional editor of the production that is
being projected on the screen of reality. Imagine you can re-write the
script. Imagine that you can re-write the outcome of any event, in your
personal life or in the collective.
would you orchestrate the news broadcast if anything were possible?
Allow yourself to expand into the realms of light and truth in which the
entire broadcast would be news of outstanding new inventions that offer
solutions to your environment’s well-being, or the announcement of a
phenomenal new discovery in the healing of your physical form. Allow
yourself to imagine feeling and even expressing the excitement of the
extraordinary unfolding news of peace taking place upon your planet.
that your news broadcast invites and offers an opportunity for you to
focus on a different outcome. Imagine you could shift the situation or
event being reported. By your clear focused consciousness, see and feel a
different solution, call forth the vision, the intention, and the
healing energy of transformation. This is your opportunity to use your
conscious skills and alchemical mastery to co-create a new reality.
with this possibility that you can call forth a more harmonious, more
loving, more conscious experience. Imagine your work situation, allow
yourself to envision how you would like this to unfold, feel it, allow
your vibrations to own what it is you desire. Imagine your relationship
with your family, your loved ones, see or sense in this playful
imaginary reality that they are responding to you in a loving, conscious
and supportive manner. See yourself responding in a more loving and
conscious manner to those in your life.
there is an issue of dysfunction in your past, imagine yourself
traveling the time line and editing that experience. Make sure when you
edit any experience that it is in the highest form of healing for all
concerned. You can use sounds to shift and transform and edit this
is where it all begins, in the field of energy, the quantum field of
all possibility. Your personal power is holding the vision, the
vibration and frequency until it manifests in physical form. You call it
forth by what you are offering with your thoughts, words, beliefs and
emotions. If it feels impossible to do this from your present situation,
we invite you to pretend, and claim your superpowers to shift and
transform any situation.
is an intense shift taking place within the hearts and minds of all
humans. Some are resisting, some are confused, and some are celebrating
this shift in consciousness. Each individual is awakening to their true
connection to the collective consciousness. Each individual is beginning
to recognize and own the awareness that all is one. When you shift an
attitude, when you shift a belief, when you release a judgment it is
felt in the collective matrix.
you envision, when you hold the awareness of compassion, love and
appreciation in your heart frequency, you are adding this to the
collective consciousness. You are imprinting the quantum field with your
personal vibration of compassion, love and appreciation. You are
claiming your superpowers as a multidimensional starbeing. You are
claiming your personal connection to the Divine Source as a true focus
and anchor of transformational energy. You are calling forth a new
reality. Your energy frequency and your visional vibration are joining
others of like mind and heart. Once these visions of life-sustaining
energy gather in the infinite field of creation they become form, they
are made manifest.
time you send forth a vision, a desire that is generated from the
chalice of your heart’s awareness; it goes forth and joins the
vibrations and frequencies of similar entrainments. This becomes a force
of change. This becomes an energy field calling forth and anchoring a
new pattern, a new paradigm.
honor and celebrate who you are as conscious divine multidimensional
starbeings. You are truly making a difference in the lives of others
each time you send forth your blessings of peace, your blessings of
compassion. Each time you send forth your energy of forgiveness, you are
uplifting the collective consciousness. Each time you envision a
different and more life-sustaining outcome you are literally calling it
forth. Do not be discouraged; hold the visions, and pretend the visions.
Allow your sixth senses of knowing to emerge. Allow yourself to step
into your superpowers of co-creating a better world.
forth support and assistance from the realms of Light and Love. Be the
inviter of this divine presence and invite divine spirit in all its
magnificence to join you in the transformation and healing of all that
is before you. Know that you are loved beyond measure. the ‘team’
Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and
distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and
include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available.
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