November 20 2013
The Year to Step into Your Authentic Power: What’s New, What’s Continuing
all the recent years to date, 2014 is the year when you will feel a
ceaseless urge to become more empowered and more skilled to cope with a
world in the death throes of an unprecedented paradigm shift.
won’t feel like a coasting year to you, and it won’t be. Not that you
really want to coast along in life – as a divine changemaker you truly
want change and the new opportunities it brings. In fact, your destined
role is to be at the forefront of society’s transformational changes. In
that role, you wouldn’t be happy standing back as an observer,
complaining and acting as though you had no power to co-create the new
more loving Earth you want.
What You Want Now
world you inherited from your ancestors is certainly not the one that
you have longed for and envisioned. Most likely for a long time or even
your entire life, you have dreamed of an existence that is fueled by
love, not fear. Your desire for this probably got stronger each time you
encountered meanness, each time you felt discounted, and each time
people could not see and accept you for who you really were. For most
people, these experiences start early in childhood and are then
continually reinforced at school, in the workplace, and in relationships
with others.
The year
2014 will stir your intense desire to change the status quo, and you
will want to begin with you and your own life experience. This is true
no matter where you live, your age, your relationship status, or what
you do for a living. You already had this intense yearning in recent
years, of course, but the coming year’s up-and-down energies and
revolutionary outer world conditions will fire up this desire to new
Working with Fire
may experience this fire sometimes as an inner one and at other times
like a fire under your feet – either type of fire will be calling upon
you to self-reflect and act. You will want to pay attention to this
fire, go within to receive your inner wisdom, and then find your balance
before acting. Accessing this steadiness before acting is essential –
you cannot apply doubts or fears and have the results you want. Your
actions, for beneficial effect, must be conscious and bold – coming from
a place of a grounded spiritual focus.
is fire necessary? You and everyone on Earth are in an intense process
of rebirth. Fire is needed to fuel that rebirth. Indeed, the element of
fire is naturally associated with rebirth because of how it burns away
what’s no longer needed and therefore makes way for the new. You cannot
have rebirth without death. That’s the scary thing to most people. The
whole notion of destruction and death can bring shivers down your spine.
After all, death comes with unknowns and you like to know what’s
happening next.
As an
experienced spiritual traveler, you of course seek rebirth for you know
that this is how you transform. Remembering this, then, consider in 2014
what in your life needs to fall away. As you begin to let go of what’s
no longer relevant, you leave the desert of confusion and blocked dreams
and enter a brand-new place of sparkling potentials. It is your
awareness and desire for those brighter potentials that will be a
constant driving force in your life over the coming year.
Factoring in the Collective
around you in 2014 will be reminders of the old patriarchal world under
siege and indeed crumbling of its own dysfunctional heavy weight. The
pace at which the crumbling occurs, however, will depend upon countless
things and unknowables. There is, after all, a collective influence that
cannot be ignored.
individuals and the larger society must include the collective in plans
and long-term approaches. You cannot simply put your personal energies,
prayers and intentions into something and lose sight of how you are
impacted by the whole – and that whole is global. Even a few years ago
before humanity became so tangibly connected 24/7, you weren’t in the
habit of considering the collective. Now, you can’t ignore it or you
risk having your dreams remain something you dream about, your
intentions remain intentions, and your successes blocked by a
juxtaposition of things out of view.
Example of Collective Impact
one example of how you can be influenced by the collective. You have a
creative project requiring funding and key players to lead the team. The
funding that’s most appropriate for your bigger-picture needs may come
into place, but perhaps only after the investors have looked at other
projects. The key players may be the perfect match, but each of them may
have personal or business issues that need resolution before they can
join you. Both the investors and key players will be influenced by a
complex web of scenarios – some outside their knowing in the collective –
before they are ready to partner with you.
one is exempt from bigger-picture forces like this. No one is exempt,
either, from the effects of ongoing radical changes within society. In
fact, the rate of change will continue to accelerate, sometimes at a
dizzying pace. In tandem with that, transformational revolutionary
change will continue to be desired and needed. Some of the shifts,
because they are quite intricate and involve a number of pieces, may at
first be so subtle to the casual observer that it takes a while to
notice them. If you keep your gaze at surface level, then, you may think
that nothing is happening.
Death of Unworkable Systems
may become discouraged, feeling that all of your efforts are in vain.
Your next feelings could be anger or even hopelessness. Those responses,
of course, are from your ego-self, not your empowered divine
changemaker self.
This wiser part of you knows that the dysfunctional structures cannot remain in place as they are.
Earth has reached a tipping point – humanity is being given a signal
that the old ways are not sustainable. You intuitively sense this. Deep
within your bones, you know that there is a different world in the
making and that love will prevail.
the old unworkable systems will die. However, it is impossible to know
the exact timing and precise unfolding of this eventuality. So much
depends on the dance of individuals and the collective.
What’s the Same in 2014
As 2014 begins and even throughout the year, you will find many things the same.
People’s trust in government and institutional structures will continue to decline. A significant portion of business and political dealings will remain behind the scenes, the average person having little or no grasp of what is occurring.
People’s trust in government and institutional structures will continue to decline. A significant portion of business and political dealings will remain behind the scenes, the average person having little or no grasp of what is occurring.
of hidden arrangements will continue as well. This will instill within
the general populace all sorts of negative emotional reactions – from
anger and fear to disillusionment. That means that you will encounter
angry people on the freeway and disillusioned people standing in line at
the market.
Here’s a
side benefit of the continued distrust of big institutions and power
structures. People may awaken to their natural desire to be
self-empowered, discovering how to embody their divine changemaker
selves. Disenfranchised with the elite, people also may begin reaching
out to others more than previously – connecting with one another in
profoundly creative ways.
continuing in 2014 is the roller-coaster ride of not knowing what’s
ahead. Uncertainty, frequent ups-and-downs, and surprises of all sorts
will keep people wondering how to prepare for what’s next, or even how
to plan the next day.
will continue to want to know the future. For many, uncertainty about
the future will fuel a continuing level of angst and perhaps sleepless
nights. Issues and questions will stack in a high pile on people’s
plates. It could feel overwhelming to the average person, but you will
remember to take a breath, slow down, and tackle one thing at a time –
with common sense and a heart-centered focus.
you sit in 2014, the future will be more changeable than ever. It will
also be full of positive potentials you couldn’t access before!
New Potentials in 2014
2014 humanity’s awakening process will continue to accelerate. In
tandem with this, people will become even more interconnected as new
communications technologies are introduced. Another likely development
is the rise of more time-saving methods to tackle your “to do” list at
home, at work, and on the road.
more people awakening, connecting, and streamlining daily tasks, you
could find your circles of like-minded people expanding. With more
people exposed to consciousness concepts you’ve long embraced, don’t be
surprised if people you wouldn’t suspect come to you wanting to discuss
spiritual topics. If you’ve been feeling alone on the path, this may be a
welcome development.
skills already came of age a few years ago, but over the coming year
the notion of being intuitive will become even more mainstream. Most
likely, you are already aware of your intuitiveness and you have been
further developing your skills over time. An intuitive person who knows
he or she is intuitive and actively practices the skills is like a
beacon to others. People will naturally be drawn to you, sensing either
directly or indirectly that you are intuitive.
will be your intuitive skills, too, that help you to succeed in 2014
and beyond. It will no longer be enough to be smart or a high-wage
earner. You must develop the quality of foresight.
is an intuitive ability helping you to anticipate changes, navigate
them, make timely and appropriate decisions, sense trends in your
workplace, intuit shifts within your relationships, and take actions
that help you to maintain your balance and progress. With foresight, you
become aware of opportunities, changing markets, and shifting public
opinion – with enough time to take appropriate actions.
also will help you go deeper with your own self-reflection and personal
transformation process. Your intuition could alert you to the need to
address ancestral DNA-level
patterns that, if not healed, could prevent you from having your ideal
love relationship or from being a success in your chosen work.
DNA-Level Patterns
Where do these DNA-level
patterns come from? They are part of your conditioning – some from this
life’s experiences, some imprints from your parents, some from your
ancestral line, and some from your own past lives.
has them. Typically, the patterns only arise when catalyzed by
something in your life – like entering a new relationship or seeking to
be a success in your life’s work. Only with a trained eye can you see
the actual patterns, of course, but they can block your success. Without
knowing why, you could suddenly feel distant from a new love or
sabotage a business partnership. It is your intuition and your
connection with spirit that can give you the foresight to address such DNA-level patterns – before they trigger irresolvable problems.
2014, you will need to continue honing your skills with relationships.
How you relate to others – including loved ones, coworkers, and even
strangers – will be a determining factor in your level of joy and
success. Indeed, relationships will continue to be the key catalyst for
your spiritual growth. Each relationship holds within it a jewel that
can help you to develop heart-centered consciousness. You cannot and do
not do it alone.
Step Into Your Power Process
Start each day with a positive thought about yourself and what you will
create that day. Phrase your thought as an affirmation, and if
possible, say it loud. Saying this with your own voice will help you to
imprint the thought in your mind and energy field – adding potency to
your day.
2. Remind
yourself regularly that positive changes take time and that you are in
ongoing process of transformational change to be all that you can be.
Let go of impatience and worrying about whether you are doing enough
fast enough.
3. When
your road gets rocky, spend time doing things you enjoy and be with
people who remind you of your own goodness. Don’t allow negative people
to pull on you with their energy. Take a time out and get resourced from
spirit, inviting your inner wisdom to connect you with more lightness
of being.
4. Do not
fight issues as they arise. Welcome them as the gifts they are –
potentially opening you to expansions of consciousness, healing, and
becoming free from DNA-level
patterns now ready to be resolved. After all, only when you become
consciously aware of issues can you seek help in releasing them from
your life.
5. Let go
of worry about the future. Indeed, you hold within you an unlimited
potential of possible futures. Your ego mind forgets this, grasping at
potentials the world presents. Your spiritual self, however, knows that
you – right now – are determining which future you will have, in an
ongoing unfolding process.
from Selacia: This is my annual predictions article, with foresight
about what’s coming next year. Look for additional timely articles
throughout the year, helping you to navigate the twists and turns of
these unprecedented times.
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Copyright 2013 by Selacia
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