Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s November 9, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Your assignment, if you so choose, is to create a vehicle that feels right in preparation for travels to distant places.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re Evolving into Infant and Parent”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Your DNA is expanding, your cells are changing and your physical body
is adjusting to the new being you are creating. But perhaps there are
pieces you have not known or understood.
As your cells reformulate, your appearance may shift and you will
gravitate to different people, foods, habitats and living conditions.
You are hoping for a more youthful look and so it will be. Those of
you wanting to live within the new earth will perhaps (your choice)
extend your natural earth life. It is now fairly common for humans to
live to 100 years-of-age. Something almost unheard of a generation or
two ago.
If you delay your transition in this lifetime, you will not
necessarily be bothered with the age deterioration you now believe
probable. Someone who maintains their youthful appearance and vigor
beyond 80 years of age is now considered an anomaly – such will not be
so in just a few years.
Your physical being is changing more rapidly than was true a few
decades ago when reaching the age of 100 was a vague possibility. Then
many humans changed their diet, living conditions and health regimes.
Of course, there are those who point out that many of your current
foods, particularly in the United States, are not healthy. Such is true
for many. The difference is you have food to eat. In past generations,
food was not necessarily plentiful. And in those parts of the world
where food remains limited, longevity is not yet expected. The longevity
burst of the 20th century had much to do with consistent food intake.
Your body is again shifting, but in different ways. Such is true throughout the globe, not merely in wealthier nations.
Rather than replicating cells at a lesser strength than original
cells, as was true in the Old Age causing your body to deteriorate, your
cells will remain strong and complete for decades longer. And just as
Baby Boomers and their children shifted their diet from the meat and
potatoes of their grandparents to fruits, vegetables, meat and fast
food, your body will crave a new diet.
As your food tastes shift, you will discover signs here and there
that your physical being is not aging as was expected when you were in
your 20s. Those of you 65 or older are already noting you are not
interested in sitting in your rocking chair watching the world go by.
Sixty-five has become the new 40.
Even though you may not have yet acknowledged it, your body is shifting.
Learn to listen to the directives of your inner-being – and negate
the jokes and belief patterns that were a natural part of your Old Age
life. Do you remember your 50th birthday when many felt the need to tell
you earth death was near with funeral/death decorations and jokes? All
Old Age beliefs – and reality then. That reality no longer exists.
Will your gray hair return to its original color? Perhaps. But more
likely is your ability to live a natural and healthy life long beyond
what is now expected. A 100th birthday celebration may mean paddling a
canoe though a rapidly moving river or skiing down a mountain.
As your cells shift and DNA comes alive, you will discover new
skills, directions and patterns – including social interactions. Those
who beat the drum of aging and limitations will not be of interest to
you as you explore your new being.
Even though your food choices will shift, you will not necessarily be
a vegetarian, nor wish to eat meat. And not all of you will meditate or
participate in new earth gatherings. You are unique individuals with
unique paths that will meet at some point in the future.
Suffice it to know, your routines will shift. You will wish to
experience new places and things – to eat different foods. As a result,
you will expect to live longer.
Beliefs that pervaded your Old Age life span on earth are shifting.
Some of you will transition at a younger age than others, as is true
now. But that transition will be the result of inner-directives, not
family or community beliefs.
Many of you believe you already decide when to exit earth. Such is
true. But part of that personal control is tied to societal beliefs. You
should eat this. You should be aging at this rate. You will die in this
time frame. Those shoulds or directives no longer apply.
Your inner-being guidance system will re-direct your physical being in ways you cannot yet imagine.
Your cells as becoming crystalline – a more solid structure than was
true of your Old Age physical bodies. And instead of receiving
information and directives from a few strands of DNA, you have millions
more pieces of information flowing through your being. Pieces from other
lifetimes, other planets, other Universes. Your new being is the
difference between a fifth grade book describing your nerve functions
and a neurosurgeon’s knowledge.
You are now a self-contained computer with thousands of bits of
additional information available when you feel the need to research,
access, shift or change your being. You are not limited to one text, one
set of beliefs or one life. You opened your being to the Universes –
and all information that ever was and ever will be. And you are sharing
that information with all entities throughout the Universes.
You are no longer an isolated human in a limited 3D world. You are a
new being with new skills including the ability to shift your physical
body if you so choose. Allow yourself to believe in yourself. And then
start exploring those pieces that feel like cotton candy.
For those of you who have difficulties believing in your own physical
rebirth, others will invent and share new means of allowing your body
to recreate itself in joy and life, instead of fear and early earth
death. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please
click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog
page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line.
Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting
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