Peace in Your Hearts!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
March 26, 2013
"Greetings everyone! We are so delighted to be here! We wish to thank the Masters Tara and Rama for sharing so much with us.* We understand that they have answered a lot of questions and probably created a zillion or so more, and this is all good because these things need to be in the Light. What you know about Tara and Rama first and foremost, is that they come from Love, and that is where we come from, and indeed all who ride with us in our ships, and all who come in their own Merkabahs from the Higher Dimensions of Light and Love!
"We Are One with you in this Love. We are here with you because you called us forth, and we are here with you to literally pave the way for your complete entry into what is called the Golden Age! Yes, you are all on the Path and it is the Path of Ascension. What we are here to do is to make it as smooth as it can possibly be for you, given that you are all Master Creators, and you have all chosen this particular lifetime to create your greatest challenges!
"If you want to say, 'Why now?' – a good answer for that is, 'Well, that’s how you created it.' So, we have in mind that this is a most particularly special season of the year, where there is a great emphasis upon Peace. It is the changing of seasons as well, whether it is going into the crisp air of what you call the fall that is in the southern part of your World; or whether it is coming into the refreshing breezes of what you call the spring in the northern part of your World.
"What is in the Hearts of everyone is that there be Peace upon this Earth. Peace everywhere, and that means within each individual being! After all, where does Peace start? Where does Peace start, except in your own individual Hearts!!! So here’s a challenge for you - it is not intended to be defeating, it is intended to be uplifting. Take all that you have just heard, which some of it at least is dark.* Not what you might have been expecting to hear about the World’s biggest religion, in terms of population. And it is dark because there is darkness in the history/herstory of this church as there is darkness in just about every institution that has been created upon this Planet -corporations included.
"And yes, there is even a designation given to churches and organizations which have - whether they truly intend or whether they are just pretending - they have the Heart and the appearance of wanting to do good, to do service and to help in the World. It is called, in the United States of America, with its taxation system, it is called a 501 c(3) corporation.
"So you see, the illuminati have reached everywhere and thought things through very thoroughly, and as long as the church toes the line and does what government wants it to do - and remember who controls the government anyway – it’s all controlled by the group you call the illuminati, headed up by the black pope, and so on and so on, we don’t need to repeat that. All we are saying is, yes there is darkness everywhere that you look. You will find some,in institutions - we’re not talking about in your Hearts!
"That’s a different story. Yes, there are some whose Hearts are remaining dark, who refuse to come in to the Light, who are resisting the changes and who simply don’t want anything to do with being in the service that they are pretending to be in. For instance, we could be talking about the board of directors of some corporations, or governments, or churches or schools, and many, many places where you will find dark Hearts. But, that’s what we are here to do, Beloved Ones. It is to combine our energies so as to bring together as One, the Lights We Are, the Lights that we keep shining in our own beings, and to share that Light with the Planet, because that is what is needed!!!
"The challenge is to take all that you have just heard, do all of your wondrous workings, and bring it to some kind of a Peace within your own beings. Perhaps it is through Compassion. You certainly could call upon Beloved Kuan Yin to help you to see all of the characters who have been in operation of this drama, whether they have a light Heart, a dark Heart, or somewhere in between. View them all with Compassion, and how about some Gratitude for the roles that they have played!
"You could use the violet ray of St Germain, certainly, to transmute the energies of darkness - which they are still wanting to broadcast - into high vibe, Higher Dimensional energies – up, up and away, out of 3D and what my Brother Kryon has called the 'tar pits,' and up into the Light, where there are the energies of flying so that the darkness no longer has any hold, and so on - you get the picture!
"How about Love? The Love of Sananda, and all of the Kumaras are the very symbols of Love and Light, and you certainly could enlist them, and so on and so on. We do not mean to leave anyone out of this mention of the helpers. We are only showing you that there is an infinite number of Masters, of Ascended Ones, of Angels! And, if you simply activate that which you call your Higher Self, get in touch and accept the challenge as being a part of a mission, not so that you will either win or lose, not so that anyone wins or loses - everyone wins if you want to look at it from that perspective - but so that you can come to Peace within your own Hearts even as you hear Truth coming out, because this is what is needed!!!
"How is the World going to come to Peace? How is the World of individual Hearts going to come to Peace if you, each and everyone of you, Beloved Ones, cannot do this yourselves? It becomes the impossible mission. And we do not believe, nor do we have any time or energy, as you say, to put in to impossible missions. Our mission is already successful because we are here with you, and because you are joined by all of the wondrous, beautiful Light-Hearts, Hearts of Light, below, on and above Planet Earth!!!
"Never in the history/herstory of Planet Earth have there been so many bright Hearts, Light Hearts, and beings devoted to being Light, since the beginning! And it is that we join with you to en-Lighten the entire Planet. Now this does not mean that we are telling you to run out on the street corner and start shouting at people, all that you have just heard or whatever Truths in addition to these you know. It is rather that you stand with people and you take their hands and say, 'Let us be Peaceful together!'
"And if you stand behind them you can say, 'You know, if this starts to become overwhelming such that you start to feel a little dizzy or faint with all of this dark kind of information - that is, information about dark happenings - If it starts to be a little overwhelming, I am here, I will catch you my Beloved Brother, my Beloved Sister. I will catch you, I will help you to come to Peace within yourself. It isn’t easy, and I may not be at Peace all of the time within my own Heart, but I can promise you that I can help you, because I have taken that for my Mission during this lifetime!'
"And one other thing: When you have this Peace within your own Hearts, it feels a lot better than all of the challenges and the experiences that have been a downer, depressing, and things that put you down in the dumpies and all of those kinds of things. The Light is shining and there is a solution to all, there is an end to all, there is a Peace as a result of the endings and the solutions coming forth to all of the darkness, all of the dark deeds that have been ongoing all these eons of time!
"Let us find with each other an empowerment for that kind of Peace. Beloveds have called it the ‘Peace that passeth all understanding.' You are no doubt familiar with what is called the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Make no mistake about which Francis we are discussing here. We are honoring St. Francis of Assisi. He could have been illuminati - his family was wealthy in Italy. The illuminati were quite thriving there, you know, but he walked away from the privileges and the rank because the Light was so strong in his Heart and because he became - not through his environmental and hereditary upbringing, but by his choice, by his free will, by his observations and by his desire that burned within his Heart and lit him up - to be a gentle, compassionate man, human - well, he was more than that, of course! But it was his choice to be at Peace in a World which was cruel, torn by wars, famine, class discriminations and all kinds of challenges and experiences, and he chose a different Path!
"Now that Path has so many of you, so many beings of Light. And look at the Company, just look around and see your Brothers and Sisters with their Light Hearts, and know that we are with you on this Path, and that the Masters, and all the Wondrous Ones who come from what you call the Realms of Light, are with you! Together we are successful, so there is no such thing as 'mission impossible,' no matter what you have created that you still have to resolve in each and every one of your own lives!!!
"Open up your Hearts and let yourselves enjoy the Peace of knowing that you are of the Light and the Light has already prevailed. And there is only Joy, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude ahead of you on your Path! The Golden Age is so bright - close your eyes and see it, see its magnificence, see the crystal structures, see all of the Wondrous Beings waiting there to welcome you - and let your Hearts absolutely fill and overflow with this Peace! As you do so you certainly can feel the difference, and know also that you are making a difference for the entirety of Planet Earth!!!
"Beloved Ones, we love you beyond words, and we thank you for being with us, and for being co-creators of this Peace! And we promise you that, even as these dark news stories are breaking, you can still be Peaceful and be strong in your Peace so that you can be the Light Hearts, the Beings of Light with Hearts so full that you are making the difference for your fellow Brothers and Sisters upon this Planet. And that, Beloved Ones, is how the maximum number possible of all the humans on Planet Earth will get to their Golden Age Lifestyles as well!!!
"And for all of you Commanders, know that you are already leading the way on that Path, and it is with great Joy and great thanks that we honor you and we bless you for all that you are doing to serve!!! And so it is! Salut!" **
"We Are One with you in this Love. We are here with you because you called us forth, and we are here with you to literally pave the way for your complete entry into what is called the Golden Age! Yes, you are all on the Path and it is the Path of Ascension. What we are here to do is to make it as smooth as it can possibly be for you, given that you are all Master Creators, and you have all chosen this particular lifetime to create your greatest challenges!
"If you want to say, 'Why now?' – a good answer for that is, 'Well, that’s how you created it.' So, we have in mind that this is a most particularly special season of the year, where there is a great emphasis upon Peace. It is the changing of seasons as well, whether it is going into the crisp air of what you call the fall that is in the southern part of your World; or whether it is coming into the refreshing breezes of what you call the spring in the northern part of your World.
"What is in the Hearts of everyone is that there be Peace upon this Earth. Peace everywhere, and that means within each individual being! After all, where does Peace start? Where does Peace start, except in your own individual Hearts!!! So here’s a challenge for you - it is not intended to be defeating, it is intended to be uplifting. Take all that you have just heard, which some of it at least is dark.* Not what you might have been expecting to hear about the World’s biggest religion, in terms of population. And it is dark because there is darkness in the history/herstory of this church as there is darkness in just about every institution that has been created upon this Planet -corporations included.
"And yes, there is even a designation given to churches and organizations which have - whether they truly intend or whether they are just pretending - they have the Heart and the appearance of wanting to do good, to do service and to help in the World. It is called, in the United States of America, with its taxation system, it is called a 501 c(3) corporation.
"So you see, the illuminati have reached everywhere and thought things through very thoroughly, and as long as the church toes the line and does what government wants it to do - and remember who controls the government anyway – it’s all controlled by the group you call the illuminati, headed up by the black pope, and so on and so on, we don’t need to repeat that. All we are saying is, yes there is darkness everywhere that you look. You will find some,in institutions - we’re not talking about in your Hearts!
"That’s a different story. Yes, there are some whose Hearts are remaining dark, who refuse to come in to the Light, who are resisting the changes and who simply don’t want anything to do with being in the service that they are pretending to be in. For instance, we could be talking about the board of directors of some corporations, or governments, or churches or schools, and many, many places where you will find dark Hearts. But, that’s what we are here to do, Beloved Ones. It is to combine our energies so as to bring together as One, the Lights We Are, the Lights that we keep shining in our own beings, and to share that Light with the Planet, because that is what is needed!!!
"The challenge is to take all that you have just heard, do all of your wondrous workings, and bring it to some kind of a Peace within your own beings. Perhaps it is through Compassion. You certainly could call upon Beloved Kuan Yin to help you to see all of the characters who have been in operation of this drama, whether they have a light Heart, a dark Heart, or somewhere in between. View them all with Compassion, and how about some Gratitude for the roles that they have played!
"You could use the violet ray of St Germain, certainly, to transmute the energies of darkness - which they are still wanting to broadcast - into high vibe, Higher Dimensional energies – up, up and away, out of 3D and what my Brother Kryon has called the 'tar pits,' and up into the Light, where there are the energies of flying so that the darkness no longer has any hold, and so on - you get the picture!
"How about Love? The Love of Sananda, and all of the Kumaras are the very symbols of Love and Light, and you certainly could enlist them, and so on and so on. We do not mean to leave anyone out of this mention of the helpers. We are only showing you that there is an infinite number of Masters, of Ascended Ones, of Angels! And, if you simply activate that which you call your Higher Self, get in touch and accept the challenge as being a part of a mission, not so that you will either win or lose, not so that anyone wins or loses - everyone wins if you want to look at it from that perspective - but so that you can come to Peace within your own Hearts even as you hear Truth coming out, because this is what is needed!!!
"How is the World going to come to Peace? How is the World of individual Hearts going to come to Peace if you, each and everyone of you, Beloved Ones, cannot do this yourselves? It becomes the impossible mission. And we do not believe, nor do we have any time or energy, as you say, to put in to impossible missions. Our mission is already successful because we are here with you, and because you are joined by all of the wondrous, beautiful Light-Hearts, Hearts of Light, below, on and above Planet Earth!!!
"Never in the history/herstory of Planet Earth have there been so many bright Hearts, Light Hearts, and beings devoted to being Light, since the beginning! And it is that we join with you to en-Lighten the entire Planet. Now this does not mean that we are telling you to run out on the street corner and start shouting at people, all that you have just heard or whatever Truths in addition to these you know. It is rather that you stand with people and you take their hands and say, 'Let us be Peaceful together!'
"And if you stand behind them you can say, 'You know, if this starts to become overwhelming such that you start to feel a little dizzy or faint with all of this dark kind of information - that is, information about dark happenings - If it starts to be a little overwhelming, I am here, I will catch you my Beloved Brother, my Beloved Sister. I will catch you, I will help you to come to Peace within yourself. It isn’t easy, and I may not be at Peace all of the time within my own Heart, but I can promise you that I can help you, because I have taken that for my Mission during this lifetime!'
"And one other thing: When you have this Peace within your own Hearts, it feels a lot better than all of the challenges and the experiences that have been a downer, depressing, and things that put you down in the dumpies and all of those kinds of things. The Light is shining and there is a solution to all, there is an end to all, there is a Peace as a result of the endings and the solutions coming forth to all of the darkness, all of the dark deeds that have been ongoing all these eons of time!
"Let us find with each other an empowerment for that kind of Peace. Beloveds have called it the ‘Peace that passeth all understanding.' You are no doubt familiar with what is called the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Make no mistake about which Francis we are discussing here. We are honoring St. Francis of Assisi. He could have been illuminati - his family was wealthy in Italy. The illuminati were quite thriving there, you know, but he walked away from the privileges and the rank because the Light was so strong in his Heart and because he became - not through his environmental and hereditary upbringing, but by his choice, by his free will, by his observations and by his desire that burned within his Heart and lit him up - to be a gentle, compassionate man, human - well, he was more than that, of course! But it was his choice to be at Peace in a World which was cruel, torn by wars, famine, class discriminations and all kinds of challenges and experiences, and he chose a different Path!
"Now that Path has so many of you, so many beings of Light. And look at the Company, just look around and see your Brothers and Sisters with their Light Hearts, and know that we are with you on this Path, and that the Masters, and all the Wondrous Ones who come from what you call the Realms of Light, are with you! Together we are successful, so there is no such thing as 'mission impossible,' no matter what you have created that you still have to resolve in each and every one of your own lives!!!
"Open up your Hearts and let yourselves enjoy the Peace of knowing that you are of the Light and the Light has already prevailed. And there is only Joy, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude ahead of you on your Path! The Golden Age is so bright - close your eyes and see it, see its magnificence, see the crystal structures, see all of the Wondrous Beings waiting there to welcome you - and let your Hearts absolutely fill and overflow with this Peace! As you do so you certainly can feel the difference, and know also that you are making a difference for the entirety of Planet Earth!!!
"Beloved Ones, we love you beyond words, and we thank you for being with us, and for being co-creators of this Peace! And we promise you that, even as these dark news stories are breaking, you can still be Peaceful and be strong in your Peace so that you can be the Light Hearts, the Beings of Light with Hearts so full that you are making the difference for your fellow Brothers and Sisters upon this Planet. And that, Beloved Ones, is how the maximum number possible of all the humans on Planet Earth will get to their Golden Age Lifestyles as well!!!
"And for all of you Commanders, know that you are already leading the way on that Path, and it is with great Joy and great thanks that we honor you and we bless you for all that you are doing to serve!!! And so it is! Salut!" **
* Tara & Rama's A&A Report:
**Ashtar's Message was followed by Sekhmet's favorite song, Let Us Remember to Dance, and by Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise, then by Sananda's Blessing and The Blessing Song. Both songs were composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder.
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 26, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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