Mother Gaia's
Earth Day Message
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
April 23, 2013
(Mother Gaia was introduced by Ashtar, who was followed by The Flower that Shattered the Stone, sung by John Denver)
Mother Gaia: "Greetings, my Beloved Children! I am so pleased to be here with you, and I give to each and every one of you my Love, unending and infinite, and my promise to you is that, yes, together, this Paradise is coming more and more into your memories! I have held the vision of it all through the ages, since the very beginning when Planet Earth was first created, I've been here. I have welcomed those of you who have come from the stars, who have joined me in living and experiencing that which you call the third dimension, and this has been most important for you to do, for you are the teachers, and the leaders, to the entire Universe!!!
"It is for you, Beloved Children, it is for you to lead the way truly into the Golden Age, and I am here with you to do my part. I am here to assist you in every way possible. I am here to grow food for you. I am here to provide you with an almost infinite array of Animals, Plants, and yes, even the Crystals. I message to you through them, you know. And so it is that the Crystals themselves, along with the Divas of the Plants and the Animals, and the Fairies and all of those you call the Elementals of Earth, are here to be in assistance to you in opening up our Connections into Oneness!
"It is to feel the Rhythms of Life in me, and to recognize that they are the same Rhythms that you feel in yourselves. It is to free yourselves from all that has been put upon you, even as you assist me in freeing myself from that which has been put upon me, in what you call the third dimensional lifestyle. For the Truth of it is, I am free! I AM free! I not only survive - I thrive!!!
"But it is you, Beloved Ones, who are asked to lead the way, so that the consciousness of all of Humanity may join in. I know your Hearts. I know how you love. And I know that you are all committed to your Ascension Process, as am I. But there are still those who don't know, who don't know what it feels to fly, who don't understand the Joy, or the beauty of a garden, or the desert, or any place upon this Planet. They don't feel it in their Hearts, so they don't really know how precious it is!!!
"I'm not angry. I have only Love for all, all, members of all of my Kingdoms. I do not know anger, and I never have. It is only Love, and sometimes the cleansings that I have initiated have been taken, or interpreted as anger, but really they're just simply cleansings that need to happen for the survival of Planet Earth. Of course there are destructions which are continuing to take place. That is something in which the Humans who are doing them are exhibiting their lack of knowing, their lack of understanding, their lack of those feelings of Connection.
"So I am here, first of all to thank you from the Heart, the very Heart of my Being, and to assure you that you are making a difference even now! At this very moment you are making such a difference, just by being here, my Beloved Ones!!! And if I call you my Children it is simply because I've always been here for each and every one of you. Even when you were off on some other Planet, I've always been here to welcome you back!
"And so it is that you're here for me, and that together we have much to do, but remember we have so many Helpers, and that every one of you, in just expressing your Love and your commitment to our connection, is making a magnificent difference for the entirety of the World!!! I hear you always, my Children, and I feel what you feel, and most of all, I Am One with You in Love, in Service, and in Joy to the World!
"And so I thank you, my Beloved Family, my Children. Let us continue together, let us find even more ways in which we can serve, in which we can be of help, in which we can bring great healing to all. And when you have a moment here and there, say 'Hello,' and I will answer you. I will greet you as only a Mother can greet her Child whom she loves beyond all words!
"Thank you for joining in this wondrous Communion time together! Let us go forth together, let us help each other, let us support each other, and most of all, let us love each other always!!! And so it is! Namaste!"
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh.
Given through Susan Leland,April 23, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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