Sunday, February 12, 2012

Trust your intuition


I want to encourage you all to learn to trust your intuition. That little voice which sometimes is so quiet that you barely hear it in the midst of being occupied with your daily tasks. Suddenly you get the urge to do something but you dissmiss it because you are busy doing something you feel is more important - only to find out later on that you ought to have done exactly what that little voice told you to do.
Or you walk in to a room and get an odd feeling either by the situation or the person/s present, or you enter a website and the second you do you have the feeling you are in the wrong place.
Or you are asked to do something and immediately get the feeling this is not right...

Whatever the situation is learn to listen to your intuition. When e.g.somebody asks you of something and it does not fel right make a stop, listen and listen again to yourself, you can always say you want to reconsider and get back to the matter later on or if someone says you have to make the decision right away it is wise to think it over - is this really what I want even though it does not feel right. If you feel you have to say no thanks to the other person just do it. The other person might say you might regret it later on but the other person does not know how you feel, what is right for you. Things may not be what they seem and only you can know how you feel.

Always remember to listen to yourself and learn to trust what your intuition and your heart tell you.



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