there is so much going on right now inside everyone of us as well as outside of us. For a website packed with info on various subjects concerning 2012, the galactics and a lot of interesting stuff check out Steve Beckow´s site
For more interesting reading check out Kauilapele´s blog at
There is also a site with many different channelings gathered together and if you find it easier to read different channelings on one and the same site go to
For those readers speaking swedish check out
Further interesting reading you find at
Hope you find these websites helpful in keeping you updated on what is going on.
Then I would like to point out the importance of always staying centered and staying in your light, staying balanced and keeping a positive mindset. Easy to say you might say but it is really worth trying it out. You are the one who decides what you think, say and do and you always have a choice to choose the positive mindset however difficult it may seem at times.
- A useful thing to remember is to ask yourself every now and then: how do I feel right now? and then listen to yourself . Are you uptight, tired, stressed, feeling worried...? Whatever it is that you feel that makes you feel uncomfortable take a deep breath - this you can do wherever you are, even in the middle of a meeting.
Then try to calm down, different things work for different people and also different things work at different times. Sometimes it might just be enough to take some deep breaths, count to ten, think of something that makes you feel good. Sometimes it might take longer to find the balance - but keep practicing, it is truly worth it.
We are all one and everything has an impact on everything. The better we all feel the better everything is. The law of attraction is always working : what you concentrate on is what you get and you might just as well concentrate on the highest good and the most benevolent outcome for yourself and everyone and everything everywhere.
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