Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-04-2015
Beloved masters, let us pause for a
moment before we begin our discourse. Close your eyes and allow the
sense of time and space to fall away. Envision streams of Love/Light
radiating from within the wellspring of your heart center, and see them
flowing forth to encompass everyone and everything on the Earth. Via
your inner vision, watch as billions of various size streams of Light
radiate back to you from every sentient Being on Earth. Let go of your
fear, judgment, and your different beliefs as you connect with the Core
Essence of your brothers and sisters around the world.
Every person on Earth is unique, and
yet, deep within your Heart Core, you are all the same. Every Sentient
Being is composed of the same substance as that of our Father/Mother
God: the pure Divine Essence of the Supreme Creator. You, as a
manifested physical Spark of Light, are encoded with a Divine Blueprint,
which consists of specific vibrational patterns and enough Divine Light
Substance to fulfill your current earthly destiny.
Allow your consciousness to be lifted to
a rarified place where you are a soaring, radiant Being of Light,
connecting to every other Being of Light within this solar system. There
is no separation. There can be no separation, no matter how far you
journey forth from the Heart Center of the Creator. It does not matter
what assignment you have accepted down through the ages, or the
appearance of the cloaks of flesh you have assumed; it does not matter
how many times you have divided your Soul Ray into smaller and smaller
fragments, you have always been connected to your God-Seed Atom, your
Divine I AM Presence, and ultimately, to the Creator. There is also a
minuscule Stream of Creator Light which connects you, one with another.
Breathe deeply and slowly, as you sense
multicolored, luminescent waves of Light, filled with the Love/Light and
the virtues of our Father/Mother God, surrounding you. Within these
rarified streams of Light are all the energy and components you will
ever need to build your field of dreams; to
establish your personal foundation for the New Age to reclaim your
Mastery of Self. Know that the barriers between us no longer exist,
even though we were never truly parted. Because of the pre-ordained
evolutionary process now in progress, for many years now, we have been
strengthening our connection with each of you, moment by moment, day by
No longer are you children stumbling
through the dark on a path to nowhere. You are awakening, and you are
remembering that your many past worldly experiences have all been a part
of a grand experiment. You are aware that the era of the past several
thousands of years is swiftly coming to a close. No longer do you feel
as if you are pawns of fate. As you fully claim your God-given rights
as a cocreator, no longer will you create that which brings pain and
suffering. Why would you when just as easily you may create joy, peace
and abundance? All you have to do is give us permission to become an
integral part of your life. Will you open your heart and your mind to
the possibility that we are real and that we are ready and willing to guide, direct, inspire and protect you to the limit of Universal Law?
Make it your goal to move into the
magical realm of harmlessness, whereby you no longer feed the
negative-energy, Astral Plane force field of the Third and Fourth
Dimensions. Instead, add your vibrant, loving energy to the auric field
of Love/Light that surrounds the Earth‒the Iridescent, Crystal Grid of Illumination.
Your old world and limited reality are swiftly slipping away. The
negative thought forms of the mass consciousness belief structure that
were captured within the lower Astral (emotional) Planes are swiftly
being dissolved. The broad-spectrum game of duality / polarity is
gradually losing its hold on you as you slowly return to balance and
harmony, thereby loosening the grip of your shadow-self, which allows
you to project more and more Light into the darkness. The rules of the
game also change as you move up the Path toward en-Lighten-ment. It is
often called the narrow Path, and this is true. Each of you is held
accountable (not judged), according to your level of awareness. Your
Guardian Angels and Higher Self constantly present you with
opportunities or challenges to assist you in your awakening process. As
you become the observer and begin to operate within the Universal Laws
of Creation and the rules of cause and effect, you begin to see the
wisdom and justice in all that occurs within your life.
If you are to become the master of
yourself and of your world, you must begin to fine-tune your spiritual
awareness. Constantly, you will be presented with many levels of
choice. Know that no choice is wrong, unless it harms you or others. You
will find that there are good choices, better choices, and the highest /
best choices. Your choice spectrum will change as you move up the spiral of higher awareness.
Allow us to give you several examples.
We will designate the range of choices (or choice spectrum) as one
percent to one hundred percent. Becoming a master of your destiny means
your choices will become more subtle, and not so easily defined.
Therefore, you must sharpen your discernment and objectivity, and please
take into consideration that you may have to rise above a situation in
order to get a greater overview and clearer picture. Compassionate
detachment is also required.
Our first example will be a person who
has chosen an existence of deprivation, who is functioning mostly within
the frequencies of the instinctual nature / sub-conscious mind as he
strives to learn the lessons of the Third and lower Fourth Dimensions,
and as he struggles to survive. His negative choices would have a
vibratory rate of up to 50%, and his positive choices would be in the
range of 51% to 70%.
Our next example is a person who has
chosen a lifetime in which there is an opportunity to experience the
riches of the Earth Plane, and she is ready to begin the process of
spiritual awakening. She has stepped onto the Path of higher awareness,
and as we explained some time ago in a message called The Golden Promise, she has drawn forth a greater amount of the Essence of Self,
which her God Self / I AM Presence will hold in reserve until she is
ready to begin integrating the multiple Facets of her Higher Self.
Because of this, gradually over time, her choice spectrum increases in
refinement and vibration to, let us say, 70% to 85%.
Greater awareness begets greater
opportunities, but also requires more responsibility. The spiraling
journey homeward can be a gradual climb or a swift one: however, it
entails making the right choices within your current level of
enlightenment, as you strive to enhance your abilities to the highest
obtainable potential.
Our last example will include most of
you who resonate to our messages. This group includes those of you now
firmly on the Path‒those of you who have experienced many trials, tests
and battles with the ego-desire body in order that your personality
could become honed and disciplined, and once more, become a servant of
the Soul. You have sought, tested, rejected and refined what you now
accept to be your truths, thereby creating your new reality along the
way. Through trial and error, you are learning to become proficient in
the use of the Universal Laws of Manifestation. The results of your
choices are quickly being brought into your awareness so that you will
know that the laws of cause and effect are immutable, and that you
really are the creator of your reality, and the world around you. As you
become a Master of Self and your world, your choice spectrum changes so
that the frequency range of choice is of the highest order: from 85% to
100%. When you accomplish this, the blessings of our Father/Mother God
will surely be showered down upon you.
As you become attuned to the higher
frequencies of Light, you will become accustomed to the flow of Sacred
Fire Breath, which has been called the River of Life/Love/Light. There
is a hidden, powerful, radiant current of knowledge encoded within this
Living River of Life. It is a code of creative genius; however, you
must tap into the wisdom of the Sacred Mind and your Soul Self in order
to access this inborn power.
We also wish to remind you that your
hands are one of the most highly developed links to your brain, for
there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the palms of the
hands. They were designed to be some of the strongest, electromagnetic
impulses of the physical vessel. That is why those who have activated
or developed the healing power within their hands are so effective in
the healing arts. In the future, you have the potential of redeveloping
the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may access conscious
and subconscious information through touch.
A good exercise would be to hold a
crystal which you have Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in
one of your hands as you focus on activating the healing abilities
within the palms of your hands. Via the Infinity Breath exercise,
concentrate on sending/feeling the Adamantine Particles of Light within
your palms. Your palms may become very warm or begin to tingle. It may
take a while for you to feel the sensations; however, you will gradually
gain the ability to send healing Creator Light to localized parts of
your own body. Future healing will include en-Lighten-ed, dynamic
healers with the ability to send almost laser-like healing beams of
Divine Light to their patients. Reiki and other energy modalities are
based on this ancient, esoteric knowledge.
You, the StarSeed, are awakening to the
awareness of your Celestial Heritage, which has been encoded within Atom
Seed Crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind. Also, be aware that
there is a magnificent history of bravery and excellence woven into the
violent and often tedious journey of human evolution. You are
experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory abilities and higher
consciousness abilities, which have been dormant for many ages. However,
it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner
wisdom, the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to trust
your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart purifies
the consciousness, and creates tranquility and peace of mind. It
develops into a constant State of Being and not just an occasional
It is apparent in every facet of earthly
existence that humanity is awakening from the illusional dream of past
ages as the refreshing Light of God-consciousness permeates all
Creation. You are laying the foundation for the coming decades of
change. As we observe, we can see the energies which form your probable
futures, and how they change through the use of your free will. That is
why no one, and we repeat no one, can predict the future with
certainty, for the use of free will is always the determining factor. We
fervently ask you: “Are you willing to take full advantage
of your God-given gift of free will? Are you willing to endeavor to make
the highest choices available to you?” In doing so, you
will add your energy to the highest potential future for all humanity.
You are much more powerful than you realize. As you join together in
prayer for the greatest good, you have the potential capabilities to
divert wars, stop the devastating destruction of the Earth, and assist
in creating peace and abundance for all.
Each and every one of you is responsible
for the energy you draw forth from the Cosmic Bank of Divine Life
Substance, the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. How are you
spending your spiritual inheritance? As we embark on this important
phase of evolution together, please take time to define your commitment
to yourselves, and to your spiritual family.
When you allow the shackles of time /
space, and the density of the lower Dimensions to fall away, your
visions become sharp and clear, and you will place no expectations or
restrictions on how or when they will manifest. Your resolve will gain
strength, and you will confidently move forward with ease and grace, for
your constant mantra is: “I ask for the greatest good for all.”
Join us, beloveds, in manifesting the
highest choices within the Creator’s Divine Plan for the coming Age. We
began this journey together in great joy and expectation, and when we
come together again in our victory celebration, we will add: Well done,
brave warriors of Light, well done!
I AM Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.
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