Transmitted Through Ronna, LM-01-2015
Beloved masters, as the Age of Pisces
fully fades into the past, there is a new system of rules and Universal
laws which will now apply to all emerging Spiritual/Human Beings. A
new, expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are
striving to attain a unified state of consciousness will be designated as advanced cocreators of the future. As an empowered Bearer of God Light
on the physical plane of existence, your new Divine Mission is to
assist in the expansion of God-consciousness. Your goal is to become a
master of manifestation, drawing forth the Essence of Creation, and
activating it within your Sacred Heart. Then, through a heightened
intuitive awareness, you will begin to receive specific thoughts /
concepts, which will be sent forth into your Sacred Mind. You will
gradually gain the ability to radiate new Seed Thoughts into your
personal Flower of Life/Creator Wheel, which will begin the advanced
process of creating those things that you require for an abundant,
joyful, refined existence. Your Light resonance will increase as it
gradually flows forth in a sweeping Infinity pattern, making a greater, more beneficial impact on your environment and those around you.
Those of you who are actively seeking Self-mastery are being prepared to tap into the new Divine Blueprint of the Aquarian Age, which is now radiating forth through the great Archangelic and Devic Kingdoms. As you clear your personal environment of the negative, imbalanced frequencies of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, you are gradually moving through the remaining sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension. This is the basis of the ascension process humanity is now experiencing. You can deny and ignore this fact; however, sooner or later, every Soul on the Earth-plane will have to traverse the path of ascension into a higher awareness. Why not take advantage of the grand opportunity that is being offered to you now? The longer you wait, the more difficult the journey will be.
Over the next twenty years or so, a substantial portion of humanity will experience transference from an outer focus on the material world to an inner focus on Spirit and Self-awareness. This will initiate the process of integrating the remaining aspects of the Higher Self, which consists of clearing all the lower-frequency aspects, as well as accommodating the higher-frequency aspects of a Spiritual/Human Being. This has been called the renunciation in the esoteric teachings of the past, for it often entails letting go of those things which do not fit into the evolving vibrational patterns within the next higher level of consciousness. Therefore, there will be a level of discomfort within, as well as a certain amount of chaos in a person’s outer world as he/she readjusts to fit the “emerging, refined Self.”
Spiritual fire is the basis of all manifestation and forms the background for human evolution.
Meditation is a most efficient means of connecting with the more
refined facets of your Higher Selves. Making Soul contact is the
beginning of the Self-awakening process. The second step is gradually
merging with higher and higher frequency facets of your OverSoul /
Higher Self, until finally, all remaining fragments have been
reintegrated within the physical vessel. The Soul-infused Personality
will then begin to display its Soul-power and Soul-purpose, with a
primary focus of service, and gradually over time, the development of a
Group consciousness.
Know this, my steadfast Ones: you are in the final stages of a specific unit of time, whereby you all have been subject to a unique system of rules. Total free will was deemed to be a great gift; however, it became a great burden as humanity sank into the broad spectrum of duality, which has resulted in great pain and suffering. There was also a non-interference clause written in the rules, and the specified time for this particular phase of Creation had to be played out before our Father/Mother God could declare: “It is enough. It is time to intercede. There will be a Divine Dispensation for those who are striving to attain Self-mastery, and the many spiritual Cosmic Councils and the Angelic Kingdom are authorized to give assistance in whatever way is appropriate within the framework of Cosmic Law.” The Law of Grace exists within the higher frequencies of Karmic Law, and it will, henceforth, apply to the emerging group of World Servers, as well as the aspirants and disciples on the path of ascension.
You, the wayshowers, are the hope of the future. You
are laying the foundation for a new social order. It is vitally
important that you endeavor to walk the middle path. A Self-master does
not take sides, neither for nor against the conflicts that are
presently raging around the world. Your personal power is most effective
when you stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and you are guided by
the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Your stance should always be that of
good will, and your platform should be for the greatest good of all.
One of the most important changes
within the physical structure of the precious Souls who have incarnated
on Earth over the last thirty or so years is that all three God Rays
have been activated within the Diamond Core God Cell, and the
Soul/personality will have an equal opportunity to develop all of the
Divine qualities, virtues and talents of our Father/Mother God. No
longer will only one major God Ray, deep within the Diamond Core God
Cell of each person, function as the primary Light Overlay of Creator
qualities for all of the Soul’s incarnations–with the other two God
Rays relegated to a secondary role within the complicated physical
anatomy. This is an evolutionary enhancement needed for the next round
of the ascension of humanity, and it is a requirement within the
Fifth-Dimensional environment. It will be up to the ego/personality, and
later, to the Soul-infused personality, as to which of the virtues,
qualities and talents of Creation will be enhanced and developed. The
goal for the coming era is to embody, activate and learn to efficiently
make use of all the Twelve Rays of galactic consciousness.
To refresh your memory, we will give you a brief description of each God Ray, along with its attributes, qualities and virtues:
is the mental Ray of the Divine Father. It is an out-focused, dynamic
Ray, from which the Divine Father sends forth the White Fire Seed Atoms
of new Creation. It activates vitality, initiative and the desire to
create anew in the realms of physicality. It brings forth the power to
create balance and harmony by aligning with your Divine Mission and
the Will of our Father/Mother God. The special virtues of the First Ray
are strength, courage, steadfastness and truthfulness. By learning to
properly use the powerful qualities and attributes of the First Ray,
you gain the potential to become true cocreators of beauty, abundance,
joy and peaceful coexistence on Earth. Lady Archangel Faith and I,
Archangel Michael, are the bearers of the qualities and virtues of this
dynamic God Ray.
Jophiel and Lady Constance are the bearers of the virtues, attributes
and qualities of this God Ray. This is the Ray that resonates with the
LOVE/WISDOM OF THE DIVINE MOTHER, who nurtures within her cosmic womb
the Seed Atoms sent forth from the mind of the Divine Father. She
supplies the loving energy to ignite the Seed Atoms of new creation, in
order to manifest the Divine Blueprint on the material planes of
existence. The main focus of this Ray is to turn knowledge into wisdom,
and to temper that wisdom with love and compassion.
radiates the power that assists humanity in perfecting and refining
their emotional bodies, and instills a desire to perfect their
cocreative skills on the physical plane of existence. It also carries
the qualities of tolerance, forbearance, unity and culture. The beloved
Archangel Kamiel (or Camael as he is sometimes called) carries the
vibrational patterns, qualities and virtues of the Third God Ray.
Archangel Lady Charity bears the feminine attributes of the Third Ray.
It is the Ray of the Suns (the sons and daughters of our Father/Mother
God), the Ray of active intelligence, whereby the dynamic energy of our
Father God is melded with the Second Ray vibrations of our Divine
Mother, and within the cosmic womb of creation, the grand designs of new
creation are incubated, and then sent forward wrapped in her love and
wisdom to be manifested within the material realms of this
When you achieve a certain
level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals
to the higher dimensions: the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at
the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your
Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain;
and the expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra. These are major
physical steps in the ascension process, for they reinstate your
connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light
Particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you
begin to build a force field of full-spectrum Light, as you strive to
become a master of Self, and a conscious cocreator who only creates
those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time
forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new
When you are practicing the
Infinity Breath exercise, you are breathing through the Sacred Heart,
which creates a continuous flow of cosmic energy throughout the
physical body. This process floods the system with Adamantine
Particles of Divine, Sacred Fire Light.
In order to become a living
tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow
the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You
must use what you need, and then allow the remainder to flow forth,
ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this
way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the
ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past
years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of ascension.
As you become more
proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly
monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You
must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain
dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus
your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By
establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray, Creator Wheel of
Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change, and you are
supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have
envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will
become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to
When the awesome power of Creation connects with physical matter as an opposing force, there is always chaos. However,
when this wondrous power is drawn into a compatible sensory
receptacle, miracles abound. You must change the expectations you have
of the people around you. You must release the fear of taking a stand,
setting boundaries, and speaking your truth with an overlay of loving
energy. It is imperative that you learn to remain centered when
experiencing criticism. Do not respond with anger or low frequency
energy. You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations
so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.
The Universe–and especially the Sub-Universe in which we exist–are in the midst of a monumental transformational process. Planets
are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system
of which they are a part; galaxies and Sub-Universes are expanding and
moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the
observer. New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for
expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles of
Light/Life, and the seed thoughts for new Creation are permeating the
consciousness of all sentient Beings.
Never before have you had such an opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator.
You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world as
you have known it is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the
Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator
Essence to use in any way you desired. You began this lifetime with a
portion of Adamantine Particles of Light stored within your Sacred Heart
and a reserve tucked away within your Root Chakra, the Sacred Fire
Seed Atoms sometimes called Kundalini and portrayed as a coiled
serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within
your Sacred Heart; however, you have to remember how to use your Keys
to the Kingdom in order to ignite and effectively use this power source
of Divine Light. The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter,
for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the
past in order to tap into this reservoir of Creator Light.
You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You
must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex
cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of
the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you. The
Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin
from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the
Your Soul Song is composed
of mid-Fourth and higher-Dimensional vibrational patterns of
unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your
Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial
Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in
the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner
Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical
vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.
If you can view all that is
presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and
Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know
what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of
the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls
others have over you, and become the free Spirit you were meant to be.
The vibrational patterns of
the Violet Flame are the only ones which are accessible both from
above, via the Crown Chakra and the Sacred breathing techniques, as
well as from within the Earth. Envision this beautiful
Flame blazing up from beneath your feet, surrounding your body, as it
transmutes any discordant vibrational frequencies you may have around
you, before radiating this Sacred Flame forth out into the world in
greater and greater concentric circles. Remember, one person who is
centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic
truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving
vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she
comes in contact.
The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul Selves.
Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse
within the World Pyramid. There is a harvesting of good deeds every
year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored
there. The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to
create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special
gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance to that which you have
contributed to the Storehouse of Light.
We ask you to put us to the
test. With an open mind, study the basic concepts we have given, and
slowly, but faithfully, implement some of them within your daily life. Give
us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have
the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you do not make
an effort or if you give up, beloveds.
Remember: the brilliance of
your Diamond Core God Cell, plus the Light of your Soul and the glow
of your Sacred Heart create the radiance of your auric field of Light.
The angelic kingdom amplifies Light; the human kingdom diffuses it.
May you bask in the blessed Love/Light of our Mother/Father God now and
forevermore. We are ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna http://www.ronnastar.com/
* Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for
this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL
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