SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: April 4, 2014

Along with Michael I am pleased that we are once again able to send out our messages to you. Even in adversity there are lessons to be learnt, and they are a true test of your ability to stay focussed regardless of whatever confronts you.
The problems that seemed to Michael to last an eternity, have at last been overcome and you can look forward to a period of exciting developments. In reality the delay is of no real consequence. As always so much takes place without your full knowledge, and this is to protect those involved in the changes.
The Light is ever expanding and the awakening of so many souls is immensely helpful to firmly establish it upon the Earth. The process of enlightenment is proceeding at a fast pace, and the dark Ones cannot delay its coming any longer. The journey for many of you has been long and arduous, but all of the energy and effort put in will be found well worth it. You have brought yourselves this far by your sheer effort and determination, and you are well into the last lap to achieve your Ascension.
The changes are rapidly coming in and they have at last been admitted to be responsible for the climatic changes that you are experiencing. Major changes are still taking place and will continue until a more temperate climate is achieved. At the same time the planet will continue to be cleansed of the toxins that are present at sea and on land.
With our technologies such tasks do not present any difficulties, and in a relatively short time the Earth will be restored to its pristine condition. It will rumble and heave as it responds to the changes, and once they have been completed will settle down to a peaceful co-existence with you. All of these changes have been predicted for eons of time, and you were always going to witness the wonderful plan of Mother Earth to rid it of all that has no place on the New Earth.
Without knowing the background to many events that are affecting your daily lives, matters would seem to be out of control. However, looking at the greater picture it would be seen that beneficial energies are growing upon Earth and laying down the foundations for the new one. You are truly experiencing the coming of changes that have been predicted for a long, long time.
It will however be a period of some confusion until it is both seen and realised that the changes are positive and beneficial to your future. You can take much credit for the progress that has been made, and we salute and honour all of you who have made it possible. Your success has been achieved in the face of much opposition from the dark Ones. We knew it was possible, but nevertheless it depended upon your dedication to your tasks. Your position will gradually become easier and the way forward will be evident. We are of course doing all we can to encourage and assist you on your journey.
We are presently closer to Earth than ever before, and we are monitoring events to ensure that there is no further interference with those who work for the Light. As more of you have become used to the Light, you have found ways of using it that are beneficial to more people than previously. You have no need to limit yourself and if you so desire the Light can be used to benefit the whole Earth.
Indeed, Mother Earth needs your support as she handles the changes that will also enable her to rise up into the higher dimensions. In the course of time the vibrations will become even higher, and life will be one delightful experience as you enjoy the everlasting peace and harmony. Eventually you will become Cosmic Beings and travel the Universe if that is your desire.
There is no end to the various experiences that you can have, and as a Being of Light you will be free from the demands upon you at present in your heavier body. We know that some of you are worried that you will lose contact with your friends and family, but be assured that any soul you wish to contact is only a thought away from you.
At present we are working hard to ease the tensions upon Earth caused by the events in the Ukraine. We will ensure matters do not get out of hand, and you are assured that peace shall be maintained. The time of major world wars has ceased, and we try to direct wayward negative energies in such a way that no harm is caused.
You will no doubt have noticed that the war machine is also in a state of change, and eventually the manpower and materials will be put to peaceful uses. Some will attempt to hold on to military might, but it will be to no avail as it has already been decreed that wars shall cease. Along with a new monetary system, prosperity shall return and signal the commencement of a new era of peace.
As individuals you can assure those around you that total peace shall return sooner than you might expect. It will give us the opportunity to make an official visit to Earth and carry you forward into the New Age. We have had many secret meetings with officials, and these will continue until it is safe for us to reveal our presence. That means being able to walk amongst you without being assailed by those who cannot accept the coming changes.
Such souls will be placed on a new path in a dimension suited to their state of consciousness and point of evolution. Be assured all shall find an appropriate place in the Cosmos, which allows them to continue with experiences that will enable them to further evolve. There is no pressure applied to those who languish in the lower vibrations, as it is inevitable that they will eventually lift up their vibrations and follow those who have gone before them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and advise you that some chaos will occur, but if you look deeper you will see a welcome pattern emerging. The Light is now the dominant energy and is expanding into all areas, so have no doubts whatsoever that a wonderful future is assured. It has been ordained by the highest Heavenly powers that determine your future, and guarantee to bring you complete joy and happiness.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
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