Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, October 26 - November 2nd, 2014, through Marlene Swetlishoff

October 26-November 2nd, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Lightworkers around the world are holding and anchoring the Light like never before! Each person is endeavoring to nurture themselves each day by doing kindnesses unto themselves, little rewards that make them feel acknowledged and seen. You are all learning that self love is a necessity in order to move forward on your spiritual path. Love of self is a vital component in one’s overall spiritual development and it keeps a person in balance and in harmony, both within themselves and in the world around them. As the distractions of the outer world continue to bombard the senses, this practice keeps one steady and grounded. Never forget how wonderful you are and that you are deserving of all the good in the world.
Most of you have been receiving more downloads from the cosmos and this will require the usual integration and assimilation. There is more focus now on moving forward by contemplating that which brings you joy and that which brings out your passion. Much of this has been contemplated upon for many months and now it shall become much easier to implement. Through your alchemical work you have been learning how to wield your power in loving and constructive ways and this will only improve in the days ahead. You will feel a renewed sense of peace, joy, and creativity and for the wonders of life here on Earth. You will be putting your skills, wisdom and knowledge to good use in ways that expand the possibilities in your lives.
You have all been letting go of past regrets, sorrows and patterns which are no longer useful on your spiritual journey. Some of these have been deeply ingrained in your subconscious and these new energy downloads are allowing the final release, bringing a sense of renewal and of new beginnings. Life is always changing and unfolding in alignment with the higher will of your soul. Everything that you experience is designed to help you expand your awareness in order that you can embrace greater levels of love and wisdom. Every experience you have had, has lead you to become the wise, loving and compassionate person that you are in this moment of now. It was and is all good, for it is now the time for positive transformation and for profound changes to occur.
You all have the ability to materialize your dreams, both for your personal world and for the greater world around you. You are asked to believe in yourselves, to have confidence and not let anything stand in your way. See every experience as a learning experience and that each one adds to your mastery of self. There are exciting new pathways opening for you and it is your time now to shine. This requires an open heart so that you will see the unlimited potential that resides within you. All that you would love to create, manifest and achieve is now within the realm of possibility; all that is required is to remain true to yourself and trust that your ideas and inspirations are divinely guided.
You have the ability to mentally and emotionally rise above all that you encounter in life. From a spiritual perspective, there are no mistakes in life. By accepting all of who you are, exactly as you are, you will see your life magically and wonderfully transform in divine synchronicity and order. The strength and commitment you have shown for so long will serve you well. Continue to listen to the guidance which comes from your own soul. By focusing on your goals with determination, skill and steadfastness, you will reach them. You are truly becoming the clearest and brightest light that you can be. Appreciate all that you have already manifested into your life. You are on the right track, and all will work out well.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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Hilarion's weekly message, October 19-26, 2014, through Marlene Swetlishoff

October 19-26, 2014
Beloved Ones,
We call upon all lightworkers in the world to hold the vision high of the new Earth made manifest. We ask that you discipline yourselves to not be distracted or sidetracked from your purpose by the created illusions that beset the world during these times. You all have ability to discern what is real and true and to create what you desire to experience and this is where your attention should be focused. Peace is a reality if you can bring this into your own experience. From this, it flows outward into the world around you and has an exponential effect on everyone and everything. The new epoch is being created by your adherence to the highest ideals that you can envision and hold as your focus. The key here is to identify with your divine origins on a daily basis and act as the daughter/son of the Divine.
One does not have to be a magician, one has only to believe in their own goodness and integrity and uphold it. Leave others to choose their own way. It is by personal example that the wayshowers inspire and uplift their brethren. It becomes necessary to uphold the higher virtues and qualities of conduct now. Others around you will see, sense or feel these emanate from within you, they then have the human templates and examples of the divine human that they can become inspired by and emulate in their own lives. It is time to let your light shine, to let your goodness and purity of heart shine, to let your deep love of the Creator shine. Decree daily the light that you are and do not falter in this practice. It is necessary to add this field of protection around you as a shield or sphere of light.
Spend as much time as you can on activities of light in the form of mantras, prayers, invocations and decrees in order to constantly increase and maintain your higher vibration. Spend time in nature to connect and ground yourselves into the Earth and let the cosmic energy flow through you in balance and harmony. Keep the activities of your life as simple and uncomplicated as possible for this helps you to remember your reason for being here on Earth during these times. Daily communion with the Divine is essential. By this we mean that time spent in solitude and silence is very important to help with the integration of the higher energies and downloads that are now occurring. Do everything that you know that helps keep you in equilibrium and stability, so that you do not lose your way.
Focus on creating the feeling and state of joy, for this state is a higher vibration that one can easily create by focused intention. There are many experiences that each of you had in the past that can be tapped into in order to bring this state to you in your moment of now. Make a list each morning of all that you are grateful for and again before your bedtime. Do this daily, as this practice brings more than you can conceive to you. If you are experiencing challenges and difficulties, you must train yourselves to retain these practices of giving gratitude until they become second nature to you. As energy alchemists, you turn all that comes into your experience into a higher and lighter energy. You already do this each day and it only needs your conscious awareness of it in order to give it more power.
Again we remind you of the need for adequate hydration by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. The increased energy downloads may make you feel tired and depressed. You can assist your endocrine system with supplements such as the herb Maca, which is a natural way to regulate and support endocrine health, for it regulates metabolism, energy levels, and helps the glands to produce the vital hormones that create a sense of health and well-being. Eliminating processed foods and replacing with raw and unprocessed foods as much as possible can help, as well as learning relaxation and deep breathing techniques. Exercise for at least half an hour each day, even if you must break that time up into 10 minutes, three times per day. Moving your body parts are essential to keep the energy downloads moving through you. One hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours of sleep after midnight and your adrenal glands are rejuvenated by this practice. These are some of the ways to give practical assistance to your physical body during these times.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for reading it and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and both websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion's weekly message, October 5-12, 2014, through Mrlene Swetlishoff

October 5-12, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Love abounds and permeates everything. Tune into this warm and gentle but powerful energy and drink your fill each day. Experiment with different tools and techniques that will help you to do this. An easy way for most people to do this is to imagine a time or situation in the past where you experienced this feeling that brought a smile, joy and warmth to your heart and then try to bring that feeling into your heart in the present moment. By this practice you are drawing down the love of the Infinite and bringing it into your own auric field. It is important to keep bringing in these higher energies on a daily basis in order to bring in the new human template and anchor it firmly on Earth within your own bodies which then expands your own light which in turn expands the light of those around you. As the living conduits for the cosmic energies, you perform an invaluable service for the highest good for all when you do this.
As Ambassadors of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to walk your talk, to BE that which you proclaim and intend in every thought, word and deed, to serve as living examples of the divine human here on Earth right here and right now. Perfection immediately is not an expectation, rather, the sincere intent and desire to be that which you in truth ARE, a radiant and powerful being of Light and a mighty force for good. You are each much too hard on yourselves in your expectations of achieving perfection or your perception of that which is perfection. We say that each of you must take time out to just BE and to enjoy the many precious moments of exquisite beauty and wonder that surround you within the elemental kingdom, the nature kingdom and the animal kingdom. These are the jewels that create an extraordinary life experience. It is the little things in life and your notice and observation of these that can help you to expand your own sense of self and the part that you play in the greater picture.
As each of you rides the waves of love that are currently inundating the planet, you help to magnify and expand this by first experiencing it within yourselves. In order to know your own divinity, you must have direct experience of it through the natural mirrors you have been provided and the world around you is filled and overflowing with the magnificence and divinity of all life which has been showing you your own magnificence. All that you have experienced in your life to this point has been enrichment and empowerment to give you the experiences that your soul needed, to enable you to open yourselves up to greater mastery in many different facets of your lives. You might say that each of you have become ‘well rounded souls’, able to understand others with love, empathy and compassion in a way that gives what is needed without depleting your own energies. As you tune into these current waves, you will find yourselves surpassing the former perceptions of limitations and life will be experienced in a more joyful and harmonious way.
Humanity in vast numbers is now awakening. The hearts of all people throughout the world are opening in a great desire to live in a world that is safe, where souls can experience the wonders around them in peace, harmony and prosperity. Humanity as a whole is so very tired of the old paradigm of fear, war and strife and they want to move forward. This heartfelt desire within each person is creating a vibration of Oneness with all living things upon your planet. This is becoming more and more evident if you but look and observe. The animal and bird kingdom has been emulating this new way of being for quite some time. The ‘law of the jungle’ has changed to the law of love and Oneness.
Each of you are deserving of all the good in the world. Open yourselves to receive from the universe that which you have sent out in this and other lifetimes. It is time to become filled with this love and this light that now permeates the atmosphere. Become like a sponge, soaking up the goodness. Shine, shine your goodness! It is now safe for you to do so. Release the shields around your heart space, take a deep breath and allow the expansion of your divine authentic self to begin.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
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Matthew Ward, May 2, 2014, through Suzanne Ward

May 2, 2014

No war in Ukraine; eventually peace in Israel, Palestine; Africa; negativity; consciousness; no nuclear war, reason; restoration of shattered souls; animals’ importance in a civilization’s evolvement; whales; light in compassion, gratitude
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The brilliant light of compassion has been streaming around the world to the families whose members’ lives ended in the South Korean ferry and to the families of those who are thought to have been lost at sea in the Malaysian plane. Wherever many hundreds grieve after a trauma is suddenly shared, an outpouring of compassion for them rises from all corners of Earth.
Thus, it may seem that your hearts are united only in times of multiple personal tragedies, and that is not so. Always you are united in your love of family and the desire for your children and all future generations to live in a better world than you inherited—and this foundation of your unity is far, far stronger than your differences, beloved sisters and brothers! That is why, in the timeless continuum, all of Earth’s cultures and races are living in harmony with each other and all of Nature. You are co-creating that world as you surmount challenges in this world of the moment.
Let us quell concerns about Russia’s aggressiveness in Ukraine—it will not lead to all-out war. Vladimir Putin doesn’t want a war and he’s not all wrong by attributing the turmoil in part to interference by the United States. It’s not the country’s government, it’s that the US is the home of the CIA, and it is the Illuminati-controlled faction of that agency that stirs the pot globally. Oh yes, their “black ops” still has enough viability to step in where people are dissatisfied and exacerbate the situation.
However, the time for new warfronts is past, the vibrations will not support much longer war temperament and combative divisiveness. The era for negotiating conflicts has arrived and ultimately, all serious differences within and between nations will be resolved by this means. Discussions will go in fits and starts, so please don’t expect a smooth transition or prompt results especially where fighting still rages and in the numerous circumstances where high emotions still run roughshod over reason.
Talks to end decades of unrest between Israel and Palestine bogged down again not because the residents prefer discord to living together peacefully, but because the peak of the Illuminati doesn’t want harmony there until the region is under their control—those few individuals are holding onto their delusion of world domination with Jerusalem as one of their headquarters. Never could their plan have come to pass once Earth’s ascension began, and eventually vibratory levels will bring to fruition a lasting peace accord.
We have been asked to comment as well on several countries in Africa—“Why is there still so much brutality?” is the bottom line question. Historically the continent has been an arena for oppression and bloodshed. Along with ruthlessly killing each other, stronger tribes captured weaker and kept them in subservience or sold them to slave traders. The negativity that amassed during the centuries of slaughter and slavery and later apartheid and civil wars, has been released gradually during Earth’s ascension, and lingering low vibrations in those lands leave inhabitants susceptible to upheavals. Because Mother Nature’s abrupt means of uprooting and releasing entrenched negativity—earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and powerful storms—are not prevalent in Africa, a “clean slate,” so to say, definitely is on the way there, but it is coming more slowly than to some other areas.
Along with raising your society’s consciousness, the prevailing vibrations are producing other effects. Persons who endure trauma of one kind or another, perhaps prolonged combat, sexual molestation or other physical abuse, or mental aberrations, are especially vulnerable. When those experiences lead to uncontrollable anger or overwhelming despair, the individuals’ minimal stability snaps and often they kill others or themselves. Persons who are trained from childhood to avenge what was done to their ancestors are feeling intensified urgency to annihilate the designated enemy—that will run its course as the will to kill ebbs around your world.
The commonality in those diverse situations, past and present, is that all were and are opportunities for souls to evolve spiritually and consciously. Now, not only are former Earth residents eagerly taking advantage of the unique chance to complete third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, but souls from other civilizations also are coming in to do this. Yet, even for you who understand the purposeful karmic cycle, we know it is extremely difficult to think that way about the many millions who are choosing to live and die in painful circumstances. So please think of the many thousands of lightworkers, most of whom have never heard that term, who are participating in or donating money to humanitarian programs that are uplifting those lives, and feel grateful for their efforts—always the light of gratitude is a worthy contribution.
Numerous recent comments and questions can be summarized thusly: Several countries have hostile relations and some have nuclear weapons; how can you be certain that none will be used deliberately or accidentally to start a nuclear war? But if a nuclear war can be prevented, why can’t all wars be prevented?
We can say with certainty that there will be no nuclear war on Earth because Creator decreed that there will be no more such wars anywhere in the cosmos. When bodies die in ground-level or very low atmospheric explosions, souls are not damaged—the density of the bodies safeguards them. When nuclear weaponry explodes in space, as has happened in other civilizations, souls living as free spirits or in light density forms are not protected—they have been shattered and their parts scattered throughout space.
They cannot be left in that shocked condition, and retrieval and restoration are lengthy, intricate processes that start with specially trained teams searching for soul parts. Some may be floating aimlessly, oblivious to anything other than their existence; others may have entered the bodies of benevolent souls that took in the “orphans”; still others may have been captured by dark entities and held hostage; and some may be so frightened and confused that they can only tumble about. But wherever each part is, it retains the soul’s unique frequency and that is the tracking signal the search teams use as their guidance system.
When a soul part is found and retrieved, it is taken to what you would call a rehabilitation center and given treatment that is customized for its condition—that is, whatever care is appropriate for its experiences during its separated state. As other parts of that soul are located, each is taken to the center and gently reintroduced to the parts being rejuvenated. After all parts have been found and nurtured, they are carefully reintegrated so that all experiencing, knowledge and memories are in proper order in accordance with the soul’s file in the Akashic records. Only then can the soul be fully healed and restored to functioning, and in some cases, this has taken as long as thousands of your linear years.
This immense undertaking shows how important each soul is to Creator and, in this universe, to God, and what those fractured souls endure is why Creator decreed that never again will there be another nuclear war. In keeping with that, God authorized all spiritually, consciously and technologically evolved civilizations to prevent every attempt to detonate nuclear warheads anywhere in this universe—in your world, they have done this more than a dozen times.
Because a “standard” war—and it pains us to speak that way when some of our beloved family are being killed by others whom we also love unconditionally and their karmic merry-go-round keeps going—is initiated by someone’s free will choice, God cannot intervene. He is bound to honor Creator’s law that permits no exception to any soul’s free will choices other than starting a nuclear war. What God is permitted to do within that law is honor Gaia’s choice for a massive inpouring of light to save her planetary body and all of its life forms. Vast, powerful distant civilizations that responded instantly enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension pathway.
Although this is proceeding with unprecedented swiftness, we know that in longing for all suffering and violence to end, at times your patience runs thin. You tire of hearing us say grand changes are underway—it’s evidence you want, not only encouraging words. So we shall speak about progress in an area that you may not be viewing in the context of planetary and personal ascension, but it is a vital—essential!—aspect of a civilization’s evolvement: the treatment of its animals. With joy we have seen activity on animals’ behalf become widespread in your world!
Animals are souls; each is a part of Source just as you are and they evolve just as you do. Among some species are souls of highly evolved humans who chose to embody in those forms specifically to enhance the bonding spirit between all animal life and humankind. Love is the key—animals show youhow to love without conditions or limitations.
The intelligence of higher orders is very close to yours, and species-wide, the cetacean family of whales and dolphins comprises the most highly evolved souls on the planet intellectually and spiritually. The spectrum of animals’ emotions and characteristics is similar to yours too, except for acquired traits like tact, deceit, bitterness and killing for sport; and in some ways their awareness is superior. They know your thoughts, they are more energy-sensitive than most people, and one or more of their basic five senses is keener than yours.
They are multidimensional souls just as you are, but they consciously go back and forth between physical and spirit worlds, and they understand that there is no such thing as “death.” They communicate telepathically with each other and interact with the myriad Devic souls about whom most people know little or nothing, yet these precious beings are indispensable to the flourishing of all life on Earth.
Let us back up a bit here. Eons ago animals lived peaceably with each other and with the peoples, and there was telepathic communication among all life forms, including the plant and Devic kingdoms. The entire planet was the Garden of Eden then and every life flourished. When strong civilizations with dark proclivity succumbed to the will of the dark forces, they downgraded the DNA of weaker civilizations and included brutality and they introduced the ferocity in animals that led to the predator-prey chain. As the light in people’s consciousness dimmed, they started massacring each other and the animals—that is what caused the planet to spiral down into deep third density and stay stuck there for long ages.
The dark forces knew that whales were serving the critical function of anchoring light in ocean depths where darkness cannot reach, and to eliminate all light on Earth, that force influenced humans to kill whales as part of the culture or commerce, and much later, cause them serious harm by sonar testing in ocean waters. But the darkness did not accomplish its objective—the whales agreed to let their light remain deep in the seas after their bodies were killed.
The same dark influence was at work in the near annihilation of bison herds that roamed the plains of the land that became the United States. Individuals who came under that spell ordered the mass destruction because they knew the animals were the source of food and hides that the native population needed for survival. By contrast, the natives killed only enough bison to provide those basic requirements and they expressed their honor and gratitude for the lives they took.
Other examples of the darkness’ influence was motivating the populace to prize items carved of ivory tusks, to think that wearing animal fur is fashionable, to stuff heads of wild animals and entire “game” fish and mount them on walls, to believe that some animal parts are aphrodisiacs or strengthen sexual prowess. Millions upon millions of animals in the wild or the waters were killed simply to satisfy the cravings of humankind.
Never did it enter people’s minds then that animals have emotions and intelligence and many species are family-oriented. There was nary a thought that those parents love and care for their youngsters just as people do and mourn the loss of a family member or dear friend just as people do. No, animals were simply objects to satisfy human whims. That deep third density mentality had to change so Earth could ascend, and that is why, during the seventy-some years she has been on her ascension course, the light has been raising the consciousness of your society to see animals’ critical importance in the balance of all life on Earth.
After some voices proclaimed that animals have the right to be treated humanely and with dignity and respect, groups started forming to act upon that premise; and a few courageous individuals were inspired to live in the wild and record their observations of specific species. Those beginnings burgeoned into today’s local, national and international organizations with the mission of saving animals and their native habitats. Some are making or expanding preserves for injured and orphaned wild animals, others are operating shelters or rescue and rehabilitation programs for maltreated domesticated animals, and many people are financially supporting these groups.
Outrage about inhumane conditions under which food animals live and die is forcing improvements in those areas. Zoos are creating or enlarging wildlife surroundings for their animals and breeding programs are saving endangered species. Circuses are responding to pleas to care for their animals conscientiously and kindly. National laws prohibit the export of native animals; part of enforcing anti-poaching laws is helping poachers find other livelihood; laws require breeders of pets to meet higher standards.
Extensive research into animal behavior, intelligence and communication is showing their similarity to you in those respects. Increasing numbers of companion animals are being adopted; school children are being educated about the need to spay and neuter pets as well as their proper healthcare and nutrition. Many petitions advocating for animal’s wellbeing are in circulation—the very act of signing a petition sends forth light streamers—and the Internet abounds with films and photos showing cross-species friendship, even in the predator-prey chain, as well as some wild animals’ willingness to befriend humans.
You know this, so why did we speak of it? So you will think about these giant strides your society has achieved and feel grateful! Yes, a great deal more must be done, and many of you have written poignant letters asking what you can do. Of paramount importance, we urge you to stop focusing on the cruelty and negligence animals endure and feeling distraught about it. Via the universal law of attraction that’s in perpetual operation, the low vibrations of those negative feelings and thoughts are helping to continue what you want to end. Sending out the high vibrations of gratitude for the innumerable endeavors on animals’ behalf spreads light throughout the animal kingdom.
Beloved family, there is far more goodness and light in your world than you may think, and your every loving thought, feeling and deed adds to the abundance that is transforming your world. With love, respect and honor, we salute you and accompany you every step toward the myriad glories of Earth’s Golden Age.
Suzanne Ward

Archangel Michael, May 2014, through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-05-2014

Beloved masters, we will continue our review and expansion on some of the most important techniques and information we have given you over the past twenty-two years. It is time to release, transmute or upgrade many of the old restricting thought forms and structures that you have accepted as your personal reality. If you will spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the structures you have created in your third/fourth-dimensional reality, which include mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions, you will quickly determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you so that you may move quickly and gracefully into the expanding, empowering world of the future.

Many of you feel as if you are in the final stretch of a long, difficult race and your energy and enthusiasm are lagging. You are growing more and more disenchanted with the glamour of your worldly existence, and the things that used to excite you seem somewhat tarnished and dull. It is because you are shifting in and out of two vastly different realities or several dimensions at once, and your four lower bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric), are trying adjust to and catch up with your Soul/Spiritual Self. This has put much stress and strain on your earthly vessel.

A vast number of you have and are making a quantum leap into galactic-consciousness, whereby your old world/state-of-being is falling away much faster than you can integrate the refined energies/vibrations and concepts of your new, higher frequency existence.  As you become aware of what is taking place, you will not be so stressed out and confused. Please believe us when we say, relief is at hand. One of our greatest desires is to assist you in the process so that your transition can be accomplished with ease and grace. Over these many past years, that was what much of the information, meditations, and exercises we have given you have been about: transmuting old negative energy patterns. This process is necessary to make way for the infiltration and integration of the rarified cells of Creator Light--the higher frequency, powerful new Rays of Individualized Expression from the Supreme Creator.

The first part of this process was building your Pyramid of Power/Light in the fifth dimension. When you created this wondrous place, you set the stage for the quantum leap we have spoken about. The magnificent refined energies of the Supreme Creator cannot beam down directly onto the Earth or into the third-/lower fourth-dimensional environment. Much of humanity and a great many of places on Earth are still not ready for this gift; it would create too much chaos among the masses and to your planet. Therefore, it has to be dramatically stepped-down or filtered in a way so that it will be accessible to all and for the greatest benefit.

We have explained to you how radiant pyramid-shaped Light Stations are in place throughout this Sub-universe, within every dimension and sub-dimension, wherein you left an etheric replica of yourself each time you fragmented or separated your Essence into smaller and smaller masculine and feminine facets of consciousness. Your etheric Life/Light Cord weaves a path throughout this Sub- universe. The filament of Divine Light which connects you to each of the fragments of Self is also firmly connected to your magnificent God Self / I AM Presence, our Mother/Father God within the Great Central Sun, and ultimately, to the Supreme Creator.

When you go into the World Pyramid of Light, which contains a holographic replica of the world, and breathe in Love/Light from the Creator and breathe out sacred, unconditional love, this wondrous energy is filtered or diluted so that it can be received by all who are ready and willing to open their heart center, thereby initiating the process of transformation into a galactic spiritual/human Being.

When you go into your personal pyramid or build a pyramid for a specific project or task, you open the way for the full force, variety, and spectrum of the new Rays of Expression to pour into your temple of Light and to assist you in your endeavors. You are opening your personal gateway to abundance as you create a sacred space for the God Mind to join you in the cocreative process. Remember, we have told you many times, you are masters of cocreation, you have just forgotten.  Also remember that abundance comes in a multitude of forms.

The Infinity Breath process is another way of accessing the new energies of Creation. As you ignite the ascension chakra located at the top of the spinal column and at the base of the brain, you begin the process of opening the gateway to galactic consciousness. This major ignition point is a vital part of the current human evolution process. All of humanity was programmed for this event, and sooner or later, it will take place in each individual soul on Earth.  As you breathe the Infinity Breath and see it looping down into the Earth and out into the ethers, you are also helping to make this awesome gift available to the first, second, third, and fourth dimensions, and every facet of God-consciousness therein.

Learning to maintain the appropriate level of ALPHA awareness is also an important tool. It assists you in achieving and maintaining the proper balance in your energy/auric field, whereby you become a finely tuned, harmonious instrument, thereby projecting only frequencies of Love/Light without any discord. In a past message, we also introduced you to the term METAVISION, which is a state of magnified, focused awareness, whereby you are always attuned to the wisdom of your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  This is one of the benefits of becoming an Alpha master. When using Metavision, you become an observer as well as a participant of life. You will rapidly filter out any negative thought patterns as you learn to allow only the highest Creator truth to enter your force field and take dominion within your Being. Your conceptual vision and intuition are greatly expanded beyond the norm. You could liken it to the viruses that are so rampant in your worldwide web of computer technology. There are those who are bombarding you with destructive energies, for whatever reason, and also those who send fraudulent or negative/low frequency mailings. You must set up barriers/filters and reject these messages/energies in every way possible, and it is important that you stay vigilant and one step ahead of them. It is the same with the subtle energies that proliferate the collective consciousness of humanity--you must filter out any discordant energy, allowing no contamination, only allowing those thought vibrations which are in harmony with your Master-Self.

Whereas the Rays of your solar system and galaxy have been assigned numbers one through twelve, the new Rays of which we speak will be known by their qualities of expression. Do not worry about colors, for they can be a mix of any or all the other Rays, however you wish to express them. You are the artist, the builder and qualifier of these Rays, and the creative potential is limitless. These Rays (which could be called sub-rays of the twelve major Rays of this Sub-universe) will RAY-diate the luminescence and power of the Supreme Creator=s Light Essence. These Rays are to be used somewhat differently than the seven Rays of your solar system and the five Rays of higher-consciousness. They can be used in a great variety of combinations and ways, for they are very specialized energies.

Let us begin with your physical vessel: Go into your work Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. You might ask for the Ray of health and vitality to radiate forth into your physical vessel;  or the Rays of beauty, youthfulness, coordination, strength, power, elegance, clear seeing, clear hearing, flexibility, and any other attributes that come to mind that will enhance your physical well-being. Call on and activate only one or two of each Ray=s energies at one time. Know that your Divine I AM Presence and your OverSoul Higher Self will monitor the process, and will assure that you integrate only the appropriate amount of these powerful energies and no more. Your desire should not be for accelerated transformation only, but that the law of ease and grace apply, always. You are to enjoy the process, beloveds. The time of painful lessons, trauma, stress, and failure can be over, if you will allow the process to work for you, by moving out of the realm of cause and effect or karma, and into the realms where the Law of Grace applies.

Now focus on the emotional body: As you stand at the head of your crystal table, see your emotional body manifest and take form on the table. How does your emotional body appear to you? Study it for a moment and observe the different shades, colors, and shapes that make up your emotional body. You might be surprised at what you see. If your inner sight is not activated at this time, ask that it be done, but in the meantime, just intuit the shape and colors that are present. Whatever you perceive will be valid, and if you keep practicing, your inner senses will sharpen into focus. You might start by asking for the frequencies of the Ray of pure Creator love to pour forth and fill you to overflowing, washing away all sense of inadequacy, guilt, shame, and doubt. Now, in turn, call on the Ray of compassion; the Ray of mercy and forgiveness; the Rays of receptivity, passion, peace, harmony, benevolence, refined intuition, courage, and so on. Then see your emotional body being filled with each of these specific energies as you integrate the maximum amount that is appropriate for you at a particular time.

Now focus on the mental body: Again, stand at the head of your crystal table, and see your mental body manifest and take form on the table. How does your mental body appear to you? Is it strong and well-defined, or is it muted with muddled and distorted colors? Ask that the Rays of truth, will, valor, wisdom, intelligence, focus, creativity, Divine thought, language/patterns of Light, sacred geometry, discipline, organization, scientific information, order; the Ray of receiving; the Ray of giving/sharing, each in turn, flow down through the great generator crystal that hangs over the center of the table into your personal pyramid of Light. Your I Am Presence will filter the Essence of each Ray of expression in its purest form into your etheric replica. See your pyramid being filled with the Essence and power of each of these Rays as they permeate everything within. Know that you will bring the gift of each Ray back with you into the physical realm in which you presently reside.  It is yours to claim, use and share as you truly step into your role as a Cocreator with our Father/Mother God.

You may also focus on your Etheric Body,
which contains the blueprint for your body of Light. The etheric body surrounds the physical vessel, and the distortions and imperfections lodged there first before they manifested within the physical vessel. Now the process is being reversed. The Essence of perfected Creation of the physical form is stored within the etheric body, and you must fill that part of your Being with harmonious Light once more so that it will be accessible to your physical body. What does your etheric body look like? Can you see the dark webs of distorted energy throughout? Are there patches that are denser and darker than others? Where are they? This will tell you where your body is out of balance and in the most distress, and where it is likely that you will experience the next health crisis or dis-ease.

In addition, while in a light ALPHA state you may wish to concentrate on the physical body for a week or two as you prepare your body to receive and manifest these powerful energies. If you, in any way, begin to feel disoriented, not grounded, or uncomfortable, stop the process for a day or two before continuing. Let Spirit be your guide and do not pattern your progress or transformation after that of anyone else. You are tapping into your own Divine intelligence and you are activating your own creative genius. Each day, or as often as possible, take a few moments and tune into the intelligence of your physical vessel and your Body Elemental. This is your deep subconscious mind, which knew only perfection in the beginning, but you have reprogrammed it with negative thoughts for centuries that gradually resulted in imperfection, discomfort, and dis-ease. It is a somewhat lengthy process, but you are dissolving the negative thought forms and reinstalling the blueprint of perfection once more--the Adam/Eve Kadmon body. This is part of the reason you are experiencing so many symptoms: disorientation, lethargy, inability to concentrate and so on. That which took hundreds of thousands of years to manifest is being reversed in an astoundingly short span of time.

At least once a week, focus on your emotional body/nature, and take stock of what has changed since the last time you tuned in. Do you feel more balanced and at peace? Are you better able to handle the stress of your everyday life? Are you more allowing or tolerant with the people around you? Are you able to focus on the big picture instead of the small story? What is better, or worse? What do you wish to change the most? Set priorities and then call on each particular Ray of expression, as you gradually integrate all the refined attributes and energies of your new reality.

Also focus on your mental body at least once a week. Are you thinking more clearly? Are you able to process and sort information in a more efficient way so that you may glean the wisdom of each experience or interaction? Are you more disciplined? Do you find it easier and more joyful to fulfill your obligations? Do you feel more attuned to your higher intelligence and have you had more inspiring, creative ideas? How has your consciousness shifted and what has changed as a result? Whenever you wish, you may identify and focus on the colors of the Rays that are being projected to you; however first, please concentrate on the feeling qualities of each Ray. Each time you integrate another Ray of expression, your auric field will change. Henceforth, as you radiate the Love/Light of the Creator, it will take on the magnified qualities of each Ray you have absorbed. In doing so, you will begin to project your own unique Ray of God Light--your gift to humanity.

Beloveds, we are offering you one more way to access your full Divine potential, that part of you that has been waiting for aeons to reconnect with you. We can show you the way, but you must take the steps and move through the process. We promise it will be worth the effort. We extend our hands in comradeship as we blend our Essence with yours. We send you Rays of peace and joy, but most of all, we send you our love.

I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and I bring you these truths.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 6 – 13, 2014
Beloved Ones,
It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before. You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times. Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and  send light to assist all the people who live there.
You are the ones who are aware and must exercise your power by calling on the Angels for assistance and directing them to the areas where they are needed. Begin to observe the information communicated through the news media in a different way, not as passive observers but as enlightened beings who can take note of where the light is needed and direct it there immediately. Your input on a daily basis as you assign the Angels and helpers to chaotic areas of the world helps to stabilize those areas. It only requires that you focus and call upon the forces of light to direct them to those areas. Understand that each of you has an army of light at your command and you can make a difference by sending these forces into volatile areas of the world when they are needed. Your intention to affect the highest outcomes wherever your focus is directed will bring harmony and your attention to this focus with dedication each day will create the lasting peace you so desire to experience on your world. Send light to the natural kingdoms as they are an integral part of life upon this planet. Send light to everything upon your planet and do not forget to surround your loved ones, family members and pets with white light each and every day, surround your home, properties, vehicles, places of occupation, bank accounts and daily activities with the white light of protection each and every day.
You are the awakened ones and you are responsible for the area in your sphere on influence which can be many miles in diameter. Intend that this sphere of influence grows in radius each and every day so that a greater area is covered by your efforts. Intention is everything and you can do this! Be an open door for God’s light to be manifest in and through you. Maintain a vision of something better always, such as one great planet under God. Throughout this year stay in your spiritual consciousness and know that your spirituality is what defines you.  Do a weekly review to make improvements in your life so that your spiritual growth continues. Have you balanced all your karma, have you fulfilled all your soul contracts? Did you pass all your tests and initiations? Are your initiations completed? This lifetime is your last lifetime upon Earth because this opportunity to experience life in a physical body on a planet of duality will not happen again and it is incumbent upon YOU to ensure that you complete everything your soul plan intended to complete. In any sticky situation or issue that comes up, ask yourself, “What am I teaching myself here?” “What is the highest outcome that can manifest here in this situation and what can I do to make it happen?”
Go beyond your human ego promptings and look at your life from the higher perspective. Do you want to create divisions in relationships that could be healed by overlooking the perceived transgressions of others? Will you let ego pride take control and create separations? Know that love is the answer in every situation and use this power in every facet of your existence and relationships with others. The bottom line is how much do you love? Learn to love with the love of God who loves us all unconditionally with no judgement. Become the enlightened being that can rise above any situation and see a more loving perspective. Surrender and release all that no longer serves the path that you have chosen to walk. Resistance to the enlightened being that you really are is futile. Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!
The game has changed, Dear Ones. No longer can you sit on the fence reluctant to make a clear choice. The time is NOW to move into the light of higher consciousness with constancy in your heart. It must be done in every cell of your being. You are worthy of great things,  know that every thing will work out and things will get better. You are blessed in more ways than you can imagine. The Universe supports you, all of life supports you and this is becoming more evident with each passing hour. You are a child of the Divine and your magnificent future awaits your attention and your intention. BE HERE NOW!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

SaLuSa, April 4, 2014, channeled by Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: April 4, 2014

SacredSaLuSa: April 4, 2014. Channelled by Mike Quinsey at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com
Along with Michael I am pleased that we are once again able to send out our messages to you. Even in adversity there are lessons to be learnt, and they are a true test of your ability to stay focussed regardless of whatever confronts you.
The problems that seemed to Michael to last an eternity, have at last been overcome and you can look forward to a period of exciting developments. In reality the delay is of no real consequence. As always so much takes place without your full knowledge, and this is to protect those involved in the changes.
The Light is ever expanding and the awakening of so many souls is immensely helpful to firmly establish it upon the Earth. The process of enlightenment is proceeding at a fast pace, and the dark Ones cannot delay its coming any longer. The journey for many of you has been long and arduous, but all of the energy and effort put in will be found well worth it. You have brought yourselves this far by your sheer effort and determination, and you are well into the last lap to achieve your Ascension.
The changes are rapidly coming in and they have at last been admitted to be responsible for the climatic changes that you are experiencing. Major changes are still taking place and will continue until a more temperate climate is achieved. At the same time the planet will continue to be cleansed of the toxins that are present at sea and on land.
With our technologies such tasks do not present any difficulties, and in a relatively short time the Earth will be restored to its pristine condition. It will rumble and heave as it responds to the changes, and once they have been completed will settle down to a peaceful co-existence with you. All of these changes have been predicted for eons of time, and you were always going to witness the wonderful plan of Mother Earth to rid it of all that has no place on the New Earth.
Without knowing the background to many events that are affecting your daily lives, matters would seem to be out of control. However, looking at the greater picture it would be seen that beneficial energies are growing upon Earth and laying down the foundations for the new one. You are truly experiencing the coming of changes that have been predicted for a long, long time.
It will however be a period of some confusion until it is both seen and realised that the changes are positive and beneficial to your future. You can take much credit for the progress that has been made, and we salute and honour all of you who have made it possible. Your success has been achieved in the face of much opposition from the dark Ones. We knew it was possible, but nevertheless it depended upon your dedication to your tasks. Your position will gradually become easier and the way forward will be evident. We are of course doing all we can to encourage and assist you on your journey.
We are presently closer to Earth than ever before, and we are monitoring events to ensure that there is no further interference with those who work for the Light. As more of you have become used to the Light, you have found ways of using it that are beneficial to more people than previously. You have no need to limit yourself and if you so desire the Light can be used to benefit the whole Earth.
Indeed, Mother Earth needs your support as she handles the changes that will also enable her to rise up into the higher dimensions. In the course of time the vibrations will become even higher, and life will be one delightful experience as you enjoy the everlasting peace and harmony. Eventually you will become Cosmic Beings and travel the Universe if that is your desire.
There is no end to the various experiences that you can have, and as a Being of Light you will be free from the demands upon you at present in your heavier body. We know that some of you are worried that you will lose contact with your friends and family, but be assured that any soul you wish to contact is only a thought away from you.
At present we are working hard to ease the tensions upon Earth caused by the events in the Ukraine. We will ensure matters do not get out of hand, and you are assured that peace shall be maintained. The time of major world wars has ceased, and we try to direct wayward negative energies in such a way that no harm is caused.
You will no doubt have noticed that the war machine is also in a state of change, and eventually the manpower and materials will be put to peaceful uses. Some will attempt to hold on to military might, but it will be to no avail as it has already been decreed that wars shall cease. Along with a new monetary system, prosperity shall return and signal the commencement of a new era of peace.
As individuals you can assure those around you that total peace shall return sooner than you might expect. It will give us the opportunity to make an official visit to Earth and carry you forward into the New Age. We have had many secret meetings with officials, and these will continue until it is safe for us to reveal our presence. That means being able to walk amongst you without being assailed by those who cannot accept the coming changes.
Such souls will be placed on a new path in a dimension suited to their state of consciousness and point of evolution. Be assured all shall find an appropriate place in the Cosmos, which allows them to continue with experiences that will enable them to further evolve. There is no pressure applied to those who languish in the lower vibrations, as it is inevitable that they will eventually lift up their vibrations and follow those who have gone before them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and advise you that some chaos will occur, but if you look deeper you will see a welcome pattern emerging. The Light is now the dominant energy and is expanding into all areas, so have no doubts whatsoever that a wonderful future is assured. It has been ordained by the highest Heavenly powers that determine your future, and guarantee to bring you complete joy and happiness.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey


Peggy Black & Team


 By Peggy Black & Team
Each moment is an incredible event, yet humans fall into the complacent vibration of sameness, numb to the wonders, magic and synchronicity of their lives.
Each moment is a personal connection with the divine.
When you stay in the present moment, conscious in your own magnificence, viewing events with joy, gratitude and appreciation there is a flow, a connection to the higher matrix, the divine weaving, in which all things are possible. It is through the heart portal that this higher matrix is available.
Gratitude opens the channel and you step into each NOW fresh and new. Humans have a tendency to bring the past into each NOW and that shifts the dynamics. The past will only recreate itself, slightly different in frequency, but a reflection of the same.
Each NOW that is honored offers the threshold, the gateway, the portal to your divine manifesting, your divine flow in which grace is your companion. In this state of grace you are offering the collective a pure frequency that transforms everything it touches.
The hearts and minds of the earth dweller are awakening. This reality, this hologame, is a dense energy matrix woven in such a manner that it keeps you engaged, focused, and addicted. Imagine, that the hologame you call your life which keeps you locked into a certain mindsets and actions, is only one program. This hologame is like one of your television programs.
Part of your service is being actively engaged in this hologame which is all about the transformation of energy. Humans are multidimensional transformers of dense low frequency vibrations.
Transformation happens in the NOW in the conscious space of the heart. Most humans have shut down their heart.
It is your service to uplift the frequency of pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection that is carried within your personal energy field of the heart.
When these emotional frequencies are transformed, they become gifts to the collective. Once the heart portal is cleared of any pain, real or imagined, it becomes a powerful transformer, used in service to transform the dense, frequencies of fear, hatred, prejudice and numbness that is in the collective.
A powerful alchemical practice is to breathe into your heart the suffering of the world and breathe it out transformed.
Another powerful alchemical practice is offering your joy, gratitude and appreciation into each NOW from awareness of your multidimensional sovereignty.
We embrace you with gratitude and we leave you with the invitation to stay in your heart, stay in your NOW, flooding both with joy, gratitude and appreciation.

All rights reserved. 
Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. Share this website www.MorningMessages.com  and invite your friends to join and invite their friends to join.

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

April 3, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as motivation. This quality requires vision and the desire to make it manifest in one’s life. Once a person has the vision and desire, it then requires this quality to persist until one’s project or goal is completed and made manifest. This quality can bring great rewards for the one who employs it as they use it to make their dreams and creations come true. This quality is the driving force behind all great, wondrous and amazing accomplishments. With this quality operating within one’s heart, mountains can be moved as a person’s vision begins to take shape. As this shaping continues to take place, the individual is inspired, uplifted and empowered to continue to manifest this quality from within themselves, for they can see the benefits of using this quality of love in their everyday lives, and certainly, in the manifestation of their dreams and goals. This quality brings with it the creativity and power to make it happen. This quality is a power that can fuel the accomplishment of many projects, for it is much needed in order that creation takes material form.
To have this power, an individual needs to use many other facets of love, for when one has a vision before them to bring into manifestation in the material world, one needs this quality to ensure its completion. It requires one to act on their will to accomplish, whether this is the simple act of preparing a meal, or awakening in the morning, bright and early in order to do important tasks. One must have the intensity and drive necessary to fuel the desire to see a task accomplished and completed satisfactorily. It requires focus on one’s goals so that one does not lose this quality over the long term in the successful fruition of their vision or goal. It requires a way to make the accomplishing of this goal pleasurable and meaningful, a satisfying treat to one’s sense of enjoyment, so that one looks forward to it knowing that the vision is in the process of fulfillment. It requires patience and the understanding that time is required to see the completion and manifestation of one’s goal. This quality gives one the ability to stick with one’s goal until it is successfully accomplished.
Many times the goals one chooses to accomplish require the successful focusing over a long period of time and this is better accomplished by dividing the long term project into smaller and easier to accomplish tasks. When these smaller tasks have been reached and successfully accomplished, a celebration is in order, as this helps to keep this quality called motivation in operation. Rewarding oneself with a suitable and reasonable reward helps one to keep on focusing on the long term successful completion of one’s goal. The finding of suitable role models by reading about other people’s successes in the accomplishing of similar goals helps to give impetus in the maintaining of this quality within one’s own being. Knowing the reasons that one wants to accomplish this goal and periodically reviewing these is important as this adds further fuel to keep this quality of love called motivation continuously employed. Spending a few minutes each day focused on thinking of the successful completion of one’s project or goal; feeling it, smelling it, tasting it and using all of one’s senses helps to maintain this facet of love until it is satisfactorily completed. Doing this mental exercise for a few minutes each and every day without fail to assist in keeping this quality alive within one’s heart is of the utmost importance.
It is helpful to always think about one’s project or goal and its completion in a very positive light and commit to it publicly as this will keep the fires burning on this quality of love within you. Monitoring of one’s thoughts is also important and when one recognizes any negative, self defeating thoughts, it is important to push them away and replace them with positive thoughts and visions of one’s project and goal being successfully completed. When one is working on their project or goal, it is important to turn off all other distractions that would keep one from working on it. For the amount of time that was delegated to this task each day, it requires focus on that one task so it is most important to keep thoughts of all other activities from entering one’s focus and to stay focused on that one task. When one’s allotted time is completed for that day, making any notes that are needed to begin the following days work and then it is time to relax, breathe and go out into nature to unwind.
After one has made significant progress on their project, it is always a good practice to reward oneself with something that is meaningful and self indulgent such as a long soak in the tub, drinking a cup of tea, taking a day off, going to the beach, doing something that one loves to do. By following this practice one acknowledges one’s accomplishment and one’s need for down time and relaxation and fuels one’s continued use of this quality of love called motivation. Then work begins once again on the completion of one’s project with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. These methods will help to keep this wonderful facet of love continuously employed as one creates wonderful projects of accomplishment.
I leave you now to think upon these words so they can bring the required quality into operation within one’s being when needed. 
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Via: The Rainbowscribe site


We are cheering you on enthusiastically from here in the spiritual realms (which is, of course, right next to you, beside you, closer than you can possibly imagine!) as the moment for your awakening approaches. Getting closer to your moment of awakening is similar to constantly halving the distance between two items. By choosing that specific action you ensure that you can never actually close the gap and bring the items into contact with each other, the gap between them just gets smaller and smaller, but they will never actually touch. With your imminent awakening it is as though there was some kind of opposing force or energy field that is preventing it, and it appears to be intensifying as you get closer to awakening, and so more and more effort is required on your part the closer you get.
And that opposing force is anything within you that is not in alignment with Love. It is your inability to totally surrender to Love – your lack of trust, built up over the eons of human experience in the illusion, due to many lifetimes in which betrayal and disappointment have dogged you, seemingly constantly – that is impeding your progress. In this lifetime you have determined and intended to open to the divine field of Love in which you have your eternal existence, however, your karmic residue, buried deep within your bodies, is very fearful of trusting anyone utterly and completely, and it is that resistance that you are overcoming as you move ever closer to awakening.
You will overcome it, because it is your will to do so, and in this your will is in total alignment with the divine Will. To dissipate this lack of trust, this fear, it is absolutely essential that you do not neglect your daily periods of prayer, contemplation, or meditation. When you settle yourselves down to quieten your unruly minds, ignore the “musts,” the “shoulds,” the “to do lists,” and bring your attention constantly back to whatever you use as a focal point – the flame of a candle, a flower, a blank wall, your breath, etc. – without judgment of any kind for your apparent failure to remain focused. Judgment is just a further distraction, whereas to forgive yourselves for allowing yourselves to be distracted is an effective form of surrender to the quiet and stillness of this moment . . . and this one . . . and this one, for there is only one, and it’s now!
The Light that each one of you is bearing on high is growing ever brighter as you release more and more of the aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with Love. It is becoming so bright that it is increasingly difficult for you to remain in a state of sleep. And it is your individual share of that one Light, that is All That Exists, that will overcome the lack of trust that has been preventing you from fully surrendering yourselves into the loving arms of your heavenly Father.
Every moment spent in the peace of that deep inner space within you strengthens and intensifies your intention to awaken. It once was possible for you to backslide, to choose to retreat from the moment of your awakening, but that choice is no longer available to you because you finally made the irreversible decision to awaken, and that alone is reason to rejoice. You know this truth, the fact that you have made this irreversible decision, deep within yourselves where there is only Love and where anything not in alignment with Love cannot enter.
Your salvation occurred the moment you decided to experience separation from your divine Source because such a separation is utterly impossible, and therefore the experience of it is and always has been totally illusory, and your salvation was therefore instantaneous. In fact, in that ancient moment, nothing changed, you just pretended that it had, and the result has been the illusory experience of separation, not real separation, because what is One cannot change Its nature and become separated from or divided against Itself. And in truth salvation is totally unnecessary because you were never lost or separated from your Source in the first place.
As you are well aware humanity is being bombarded with messages of Love from many in the spiritual realms whose one aim and purpose is to assist you to wake up. They are being channeled through many who chose to be the conduits through which these divine messages could flow in a form that is understandable by beings of severely limited consciousness, and life in the illusion is one in which consciousness is severely limited. This is constantly and clearly demonstrated by the insane conflicts in which so many of you engage. And the collective intent of humanity has finally decided that conflict will end to be replaced by harmonious cooperation for the benefit of all without exception.
The present state in which you are experiencing life as humans, with a few “haves” and billions of “have-nots” will not continue because it is not in alignment with Love, which is your true and eternal nature. It was part of the illusory game that you have been playing, but more than enough hardship and suffering has been delivered and experienced, and its time is well and truly past. That state is to be terminated by your awakening which can no longer be delayed. Unprecedented joy is about to envelop you all, you know this, and so your fears and anxieties are evaporating as the moment for which you have been waiting so patiently rushes into view.
With so very much love, as always, Saul.

Via: The Rainbowscribe site


Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within the present moment through awareness and conscious action. It is not a given that one will “fall into” timelines that run along themes of peace and love. However, each person holds the potential to awaken to these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.
Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed. Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through intention, vibrational frequency and action.
Twenty Steps to Energize Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines
Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these probability lines. We offer here some steps:
1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment. Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with commitments and activities that don’t feed our soul. To cope with the pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives. This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this process much easier.
3) Send love into any situation you don’t understand. As we move further into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we don’t understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all situations and the answers will soon appear.
4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is. Our job is to merge with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.
5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness. It is not necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light; dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.
6) Practice self-love at all levels. Pay attention to the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities. Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.
7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself. Keep in perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life. This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.
8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life. Negativity drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.
9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters. Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions. Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies. Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.
10) Connect often with nature. The natural world exists in accordance with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.
11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order. Allow completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last. Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown. Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.
12) Open to the new. Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day. This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and re-invent yourself. You’re not the past, nor are you bound by the past.
13) Embrace freedom. Do not give your power away to enslaving thought forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not serve the highest and best of others.
14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old patterns and scripts operating in the background. As you gain awareness of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices aligned with new visions and goals.
15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis. Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your higher evolution and growth.
16) Breathe and energize your physical system. Practice regularly forms of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.
17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do. When you feel yourself becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.
18) Meditate and act on love. Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.
19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your desires manifest all around you.
20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles each day.
For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta 

Archangel Metatron, via Natalie Glasson

WHERE IS THE LOVE?                                   BY ARCHANGEL METATRON

 Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 26-03-14
Beloved beacons of light and love on the Earth, I address you from my truth speaking to all aspects of your being. I remain a presence and support for the Earth and humanity in this ascension process overseeing all shifts of ascension while ensuring a deeper sense of unity for all with the Creator. You can call upon me to assist you in all ascension processes within your being and upon the Earth as I hold a larger picture of what is to manifest and can shower you in the light of the Creator in support and to assist you further.
Know that while my purpose has been and continues to be focused upon unity with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator which means recognising a harmony with the Creator, I wish to speak now of the importance of love. Many, in fact maybe all speak of the importance of love, self-love, love for all and unconditional love and yet it continues to be the focus of current spiritual growth and ascension. The acceptance of love is the key lessons and vibration to obtain in this level of ascension. The knowledge of love and its importance on so many levels has always been present upon the Earth but in this reality you are now being asked to experience love, a very personal love, the love within your being.
You are being asked to give your love freely without any expectations of love returning to you while holding the knowledge that your love is sacred and stems from the well of the Creator, therefore there is an abundant volume of love for you to draw upon and exist within. Experience of love is critical now; it is the main and key lesson of current ascension. Many of you have the knowledge of love and how it can be integrated into your reality and even how it will influence your being but now is the time to put the theory into your reality experiencing it fully.
All of you are naturally loving; love is your nature, it is the energy you were energetically created with and it is the building blocks of everything that you are as a physical being, soul and so much more. As your truth, your original essence and your divine self you cannot help but be loving, there is nothing that can take the love vibration away from you even when you don’t recognise your love vibration it is present eternally and unwavering. With this in mind you may look at your own being, reality and the reality of the Earth and notice that love doesn’t always seem or feel present. If love is your natural energy, that which you were created from as an energetic being, and is eternal, then you may ask, where is the love? This is a very powerful question because it will bring you back to conscious awareness of love if you all it too.
You may wish to sit in meditation or quiet time, repeating in your mind or out loud for at least 10 minutes, ‘Where is the love?’ Your being and energy has a natural ability of supporting you and bringing you back to your centre. Whatever happens to you, whatever you create or experience or whatever your mental thoughts, your being when you allow it to will naturally bring and draw you back to your centre, back to the space and energy of love within your being. By asking this question of yourself and inner knowingness you are not focusing upon the lack of love within your being or on the Earth but more so without searching you are asking to be guided and drawn back to the space and existence of love within your being. This is akin to a safe space inside of you which is connected to all that is the universe of the Creator offering to you an abundance of consciousness, guidance, tools and truth. It is important to remember that all you receive within the safe space is not from you personally but is the flow of the Creator from which you can draw all that is divinely appropriate.
With this practice you will naturally be guided into the space of love within you and can rest in it eternally. You may notice a shift in your awareness, a deeper sense of contentment or peace arise symbolising you have reached this space. While you can always find, discover and experience the love of the Creator within your being, we can still ask ourselves, where is the love? With this question I wish to address why if we are all naturally loving beings do we have to search for the love within our beings. We could ask why and where did the love go? When we experience love whether on the Earth or the inner planes, and by this I mean emanate and radiate love, we are naturally in contact and aligned to Creator and all that is our truth.
With this alignment and our expression of love we are able to bring the Creator throughout us, letting all that is the Creator manifest within our reality creating so many beautiful experiences such as good health, abundance, happiness, synchronicities, miracles, deep connections of union, expanded understanding and an awareness of truth. The love we express creates a template and a foundation for the expression and experience of the Creator.
This is why when we connect into the love of our being and the Creator it feels so good, blissful and familiar, often everything in your reality can feel so unfamiliar so love brings you back to this truth. With this awareness you may ask why each person doesn’t naturally experience love eternally if you are always brought back to your centre? Everything outside of you feels more tangible and real, if it was created from love eternally there wouldn’t be any form of emergency. Again we ask the question why isn’t love present in everything eternally? The obvious answer is that it is present eternally but it is your ability to recognise love and maybe even perceive its importance which has been lost. The love of your being and the Creator has never been lost but after many lifetimes on the Earth experiencing so many different energies and situations, everyone has adopted and created new thoughts, beliefs and perception which they carry forth, most are born from pain or suffering and are misaligned with love.
Have you ever thought of yourself existing as a pure being of love and then asked this pure being of love when it first felt pain or fear, why it felt such energies and how did it feel when you had never experienced pain or fear before only love? Could such energy become an addiction and an energy you identify with? Therefore it has replaced your belief, awareness and recognition of love. This is a powerful practice to achieve in your own quiet time:
Imagine yourself as a pristine being of love so radiant and glowing.
Ask yourself: When did my being of love first feel pain or fear?
What did it feel like?
What created such an experience?
Then ask me, Archangel Metatron and the Angels of Love and Healing, supported by your Soul to come forth erasing and healing this energy so that all other proceeding experiences of pain and fear are erased, dissolved and healed eternally. The powerful focus now is to recreate the habit of perception, recognition, gratitude and understanding of love, allowing and encouraging the process of being naturally drawn back to your space of love within your being, even if it is a hundred times a day until you believe yourself to be worthy to exist in love eternally. That is such a powerful statement as maybe it is the key to the question where is the love? It is always present but maybe you do not perceive yourself to be worthy to be present with and in love. Please know I address you all, even myself, as there is always more love one can recognise and bring through their being and express.
A healing I wish to support is to forgive yourself for any form of lack of love in your reality and being and to forgive yourself for that first moment when you truly experienced fear or pain. Forgiveness is such a deep and profound healer which can transform any energy but also allows you to accept yourself fully.
‘I now forgive completely and absolutely any and all forms of lack of love, any and all forms of fear, pain and suffering, any and all forms of feeling unworthy of love and any and all forms of addiction to anything that is not love. With the assistance of my Soul and my Angels, I completely and absolutely heal myself and love myself unconditionally. I now choose to exist in love eternally and will make this transition with ease in my being and reality. And so it is.’
Please know I am present with you fully and eternally in love,
Archangel Metatron