From Followership to Leadership
Again I encourage you to keep in mind what Archangel Michael said through Ronna Herman before starting this discussion:
I asked him what he wanted from me personally and he asked me to share my own process in this movement.
Well, if I were to share my own process, looking at the first area, moving from followership to leadership, something I discussed with the Arcturians as well, I’d have to acknowledge that I was the runt of the litter and a classic follower rather than a leader.
My brother was for me then what Archangel Michael is for me now. He was a consummate leader – wise, loving and loyal – exactly the traits I see in Archangel Michael. My brother Paul was a great stand-in for the leader I was later to follow.
In my last reading Archangel Michael asked me who my best friend was and I said he was. When he says something like that, it’s an offer. He’s saying that he accepts being my best friend. He’s offering me a manner in which to visualize our relationship. And I have taken up that offer of friendship, no doubt about it, and feel greatly honored by it.
That doesn’t affect the fact that my primary devotional stance is as the servant (rather than the child, parent, lover, etc.). But it does deepen the bond between us.
To return to my other best friend, my brother, my brother’s example of leadership was rich and inspiring.
He was my protector. I can think of numerous times that he defended me from school bullies, even once kicking a local tough through the doors of the bus (don’t worry; it was at a stop) who was threatening me (watch out or I’ll sic my big brother on you, literally).
He was so much loved by so many people that they rented the whole top floor of a hotel for him and his wife for their thirtieth wedding anniversary and threw a big party, after which he and Fran stayed overnight.
The team he directed who provided nurturing and counselling to troubled youth remained his friends all the days of his life till now. All of them still look up to him naturally though he hasn’t been their director for perhaps forty years.
He was a natural gentleman and by that I mean a person who mastered the divine qualities effortlessly. He was my real father. And he was a good role model to grow up with.
The current leaders in my life I can’t see, can’t talk to, and know very little about, really. Archangel Michael says I can’t see him in his native form or I would die. I said that had its advantages. He laughed and said it wasn’t part of the plan.
The Arcturians discussed a meeting of the Arcturian High Council and said all the members were formless. I asked how they gathered. Were there so many empty chairs? And Sue Lie quipped that there were no chairs. Some trick envisioning that is!
So our leaders, so to speak, can’t be seen; we can’t speak with them except through mediums; we can’t imagine what their meetings may be like. We have to fall back, in many ways, on the role models in our memory and our Earthly settings.
If I’m to move from followership to leadership, aside from the movies I have in my head of people like John Kennedy and Mohandas Gandhi or the living examples of people like Aung San Suu Kyi and Barack Obama, the example of my brother shines out for me.
Since Archangel Michael and the Arcturians want us Starseeds to show leadership, perhaps I can share a few vignettes in my own interaction with them to illustrate what our transition from being followers to leaders may involve.
The Arcturians said they wanted me to step into my power. They asked me not to be humble with them.
Being the runt of the litter is also like being a wanderer. I didn’t develop deep ties to a terrestrial leadership structure but took more of an observer and commentator position than say an Earthkeeper or an engineer. It allowed me to stay a bit removed from all that was going on and simply take note.
These are examples of the amazing things we’re going to be hearing in the weeks and months ahead. It doesn’t seem as if there’s much more room for hiding. And all of us will probably be challenged to play the roles that may be asked of us. As a group, wherever we are and whatever we do, we’re asked to assume a leadership role and co-create with those who are here to help us.
(2) Reading with the Arcturians through Suzannne Lie, March 17, 2013.
“You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.
“You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.” (1)
In my last reading with Archangel Michael, I asked him what he wanted me to stress in my writing during the period between that reading and the next. He asked me to stress lightworkers emerging from followership to leadership, from not creating to creating, and from lack to abundance.I asked him what he wanted from me personally and he asked me to share my own process in this movement.
Well, if I were to share my own process, looking at the first area, moving from followership to leadership, something I discussed with the Arcturians as well, I’d have to acknowledge that I was the runt of the litter and a classic follower rather than a leader.
My brother was for me then what Archangel Michael is for me now. He was a consummate leader – wise, loving and loyal – exactly the traits I see in Archangel Michael. My brother Paul was a great stand-in for the leader I was later to follow.
In my last reading Archangel Michael asked me who my best friend was and I said he was. When he says something like that, it’s an offer. He’s saying that he accepts being my best friend. He’s offering me a manner in which to visualize our relationship. And I have taken up that offer of friendship, no doubt about it, and feel greatly honored by it.
That doesn’t affect the fact that my primary devotional stance is as the servant (rather than the child, parent, lover, etc.). But it does deepen the bond between us.
To return to my other best friend, my brother, my brother’s example of leadership was rich and inspiring.
He was my protector. I can think of numerous times that he defended me from school bullies, even once kicking a local tough through the doors of the bus (don’t worry; it was at a stop) who was threatening me (watch out or I’ll sic my big brother on you, literally).
He was so much loved by so many people that they rented the whole top floor of a hotel for him and his wife for their thirtieth wedding anniversary and threw a big party, after which he and Fran stayed overnight.
The team he directed who provided nurturing and counselling to troubled youth remained his friends all the days of his life till now. All of them still look up to him naturally though he hasn’t been their director for perhaps forty years.
He was a natural gentleman and by that I mean a person who mastered the divine qualities effortlessly. He was my real father. And he was a good role model to grow up with.
The current leaders in my life I can’t see, can’t talk to, and know very little about, really. Archangel Michael says I can’t see him in his native form or I would die. I said that had its advantages. He laughed and said it wasn’t part of the plan.
The Arcturians discussed a meeting of the Arcturian High Council and said all the members were formless. I asked how they gathered. Were there so many empty chairs? And Sue Lie quipped that there were no chairs. Some trick envisioning that is!
So our leaders, so to speak, can’t be seen; we can’t speak with them except through mediums; we can’t imagine what their meetings may be like. We have to fall back, in many ways, on the role models in our memory and our Earthly settings.
If I’m to move from followership to leadership, aside from the movies I have in my head of people like John Kennedy and Mohandas Gandhi or the living examples of people like Aung San Suu Kyi and Barack Obama, the example of my brother shines out for me.
Since Archangel Michael and the Arcturians want us Starseeds to show leadership, perhaps I can share a few vignettes in my own interaction with them to illustrate what our transition from being followers to leaders may involve.
The Arcturians said they wanted me to step into my power. They asked me not to be humble with them.
“We ask that you shed that human for a moment, shed your humility, shed that component of you that is being a good person, and realize that the kind of person you are is quite insignificant considering that which you are in the process of creating.”
To be sure, humility has a role to play, they said.
“When you are interacting with others, it is fine to wear that mantle [of humility] for it empowers the people in your team. [But] when you communicate with us we ask that you do not hold back at all, which means that you release the modesty and embrace your grandeur.”
I expressed the worry that I’d become arrogant if I emerged too fast. They replied:
“You don’t need to emerge gradually. Arrogance has been gone through. You wrote that into your pre-birth script. If your childhood did not release your arrogance, then it’s unreleaseable.
“However, you have no arrogance. You have great power within. And the power within that you hold is quite foreign to the third-dimensional world.
“As our ones in human form look around, they see that there are very few beings in whom they can see pure Light. And they know that the one that appears to be both powerful and loving may easily be a guise for one who is the most evil and fearful or vengeful.”
What they said to me could be said to any of us, I’m beginning to realize. For a long time we’ve been asked to broaden our horizons and I’m beginning to see why. Later they discussed the communicator’s role.
“Words force you to translate your multidimensional perceptions into a third-dimensional format. And that third-dimensional format is the means through which you can assist others.
“We speak not just to you, but to all of our great beings who are wearing form, and there are many more than either one of you [Suzanne Lie and I] might imagine.
“All of our beings who are wearing form … have made a great sacrifice. You have made a great sacrifice – to leave the reality that you truly are to condense yourself into a physical form and to move through the process of remembering to be human for you have not been human in quite a long period of what you would consider time.”
I’m apparently what’s called a wanderer. I come when asked to fix the fridge, so to speak, and then leave. I’ve been to Earth eight times, unlike Suzanne and many of my friends who’ve come many more times than I.Being the runt of the litter is also like being a wanderer. I didn’t develop deep ties to a terrestrial leadership structure but took more of an observer and commentator position than say an Earthkeeper or an engineer. It allowed me to stay a bit removed from all that was going on and simply take note.
These are examples of the amazing things we’re going to be hearing in the weeks and months ahead. It doesn’t seem as if there’s much more room for hiding. And all of us will probably be challenged to play the roles that may be asked of us. As a group, wherever we are and whatever we do, we’re asked to assume a leadership role and co-create with those who are here to help us.
(1) Archangel Michael, “You are Courageous Souls,” through Ronna Herman, August 2011, at Reading with the Arcturians through Suzannne Lie, March 17, 2013.
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