Friday, March 29, 2013

SaLuSa, March 29, 2013, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  29-March-2013

By now we see that Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age. Their understanding of what is needed is helping the awakening process, which continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already losing its power to create more fear. In this respect in spite of the apparent threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness. You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your lives.

We ask those of you of Light to continue focussing upon all that is positive, as you have the most potent and powerful weapon in the Love that you express. All of you are lifting the vibrations that are your assurance of bringing the New Age into being, and nothing can stop it manifesting. In fact it is already having an impact beyond what is immediately apparent, and there is no way that the way of life can return to the old paradigm. Love is permeating all Institutions and Companies in the Government and private sectors, and what has been accepted in the past is now being questioned as to whether it operates in the best interests of everyone. People who try to perpetuate the old ways will find them impossible to maintain as is happening in the financial world. The extent of corruption goes far beyond what has been revealed, and the truth will eventually come out and shock many who placed their trust in them. A new system will be introduced that will operate openly and seen to be transparent.

Our allies continue to be much bolder in their activities, and have gained strength by finding much more support for the changes they are working to introduce. In actuality you are living with a foot in each world, and the sooner you withdraw any attachment to the old 3D the quicker you will advance into the higher dimensions. Old karma will come back for clearance and it could be as simple as changing your attitudes, and that includes how you think about them. The criterion for change is to stop being judgmental, and ensure that your own actions and words do not carry any threat or harm to another's life. The invitation to "turn the other cheek" is worth remembering, as we know that as emotional and feeling Beings you find it hard not to respond to provocation. Anger and such reactions are considered part of the human make up, but if unchecked can harm your physical body and bring on illness. We do not for one moment tell you that you should not stand up for yourself, but there can come a moment when it is better to walk away from trouble.

In fact the more Light you carry you will find that your life becomes less stressful. Your higher vibrations will bring calmness around you, and you will be less likely to encounter physical or vocal attacks. Nothing can harm you unless you have attracted it to yourself. That really brings us to karmic experiences that can occur at any time it is appropriate and when the best conditions present themselves. Bear in mind that when it takes place amongst friends and families they all get involved to some degree, and each in turn can learn something from it. We will not tire in emphasizing that karma is never punishment, but is a means of presenting a lesson in life that will help your spiritual advancement. You do not necessarily have to experience everything yourself to gain some value from it. Set yourself up as a good example of Light in action, and others will see how beneficial it can be. For those of you celebrate Easter it is the remembrance of a great Teacher who came upon the Earth, to show you what could be achieved when you have reached the level of being able to express yourself by Unconditional Love.

Love is all there is and when you are aware of your many lifetime journeys in duality, you will understand that it is only the path to follow if you desire to evolve. You have taken many steps backwards only to have found your way forward again, but is so doing you have learnt how to apply yourself to any situation without losing your way. Presently your path is being made easier by the uplifting energies that continue to reach Earth, and so they shall until you experience Ascension into the higher vibrations. As you take your place in the 5th dimension you will truly have become so enlightened that you will be a Being of Light. Even then it is not the end of your upliftment as that will be ever ongoing until you reach the Source. That is however a long way off having regard to the fact that you will have only just fully returned to the Light. Your immediate task is to keep focussed on the Light and fulfil your intent to leave duality behind.

Working towards the Light can sometimes seem a burden that requires a change of lifestyle, and even the need to become more selective where friends are concerned. We know it is hard to keep knowledge to yourself unless invited to share it, but know that sometimes situations are set up so that someone else benefits from what you know. Once you find the truth you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it. There is no rush to bring the truth to people as life is infinite and all happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready. There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and wish such people love and enlightenment.  All souls will eventually find their true path, and the experiences they are having now can only help them in the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and see so much on the horizon that will lift you up. It is coming about quite quickly and will take many by surprise. It just needs one major change to be announced and the rest will follow in quick succession. We admire the good sense of duty and application to your chosen path working for the Light. We are One, and you are certainly one of us. As you send you love to us it is returned tenfold, and we thank you for doing so.     

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.    

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Archangel Gabriel through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 28, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love known as consideration. This quality is much appreciated by the people who love you and those with whom you interact often. Everyone likes to be acknowledged and recognized for the important role or gifts they bring to your life, for each Soul who comes into your sphere of influence has contracted in some way on a Soul level to be of service and assistance to you and you, to them. When this quality is present in all interactions with others, it engenders feelings of warmth, gratitude and good will between all.
In a family situation, this facet of Love creates trust between all family members and the bonds of Love are magnified within each heart. As each member practices this quality of consideration, a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere is created and all within the family unit are aware that they are an important part of each other’s lives and that they can always count on their loved ones to be there with their love and support. Also, it is important to use this quality on a daily basis in all interactions with others and to be aware that other qualities of Love are blended with this quality known as consideration in order to encompass a masterful expression of all the qualities of Love. This requires a stepping into another’s shoes with empathy and compassion in order to understand more fully their viewpoints and perspectives so that exercising the facets of Love between you is taken into consideration.
In a personal relationship this quality is extremely important in the overall functioning of the harmony in the coexistence between the two individuals. When this quality is expressed from one individual to the other, a feeling of oneness and belonging is present within both and there is a true partnership that is developed and maintained. This partnership is based on the needs of the other always being recognized in all aspects of their lives together. Life becomes joyful, peaceful and in harmony with the inner and outer world of each. There is a sense of the rightness of things which overlights each individual, knowing that their uniqueness is valued and appreciated by the other. Life is perceived by each as an adventure in the expression and unfoldment of each individual’s talents and gifts that they bring to the world and each one knows that the other supports and encourages the manifestation of these into their world and the world around them. This creates great confidence in their relationship.
In the workplace this quality is essential to the smooth running of the productive functioning of the purpose of the workplace. Each individual within this setting works to ensure that communication and follow through occurs on all levels of their joint responsibilities. Employing this quality of consideration so that each member of the team is recognized and heard ensures a harmonious workplace environment. Every individual within this environment feels valued and appreciated for their contribution in the overall functioning of the workplace. All individuals know that they are contributing their highest creativity and innovative abilities for the highest good of all and there is happiness in their daily activities and interactions with each other.
In the community all individuals work together to accomplish a higher vision that will serve the greatest number of individuals. Whatever project they strive to bring into manifestation is brought through this quality of love for all and all individuals in their community are being served in the most helpful and efficient way. Much of this work for the entire community involves the contribution of each individual’s personal and quite often, voluntary time in an altruistic action that will see the greatest benefit for all. There are many unsung heroes in every community who play this role and it is good to bring the consideration of their efforts into public acknowledgment and gratitude. This will encourage other individual’s to also step up to offer their services and support and this is how great works in the community are accomplished.
I leave you now to ponder on these words for your thoughtful consideration.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Natalie Glasson

Archangel Zadkiel: Power of the Word
Channeled through Natalie Glasson 3/25/13
Love, Peace, Transformation and Truth are the vibrations that I bring forth through my angelic presence to surround your entire being.  I am here with you in this moment to share the angelic vibration of transformation from the seventh ray of light, anchoring these high vibrations as seeds of consciousness into your mind and understanding. I wish to encourage you to focus more fully upon your language and the words that you express from your being into your reality.
I am an Archangel, holding the angelic vibration of selfless and unconditional love; I am also the embodiment of the seventh ray of light overseen by Lady Portia. The seventh ray of light of a violet color is assisting and fueling the ascension process on the Earth and for all of humanity. The seventh ray of light holds vibrations to aid and support the new era that has dawned on the Earth. Enlightenment, transformation, magic and awakening are some of the qualities represented by the seventh ray of light. As I channel the energy of the seventh ray of light into your being to support all processes of spiritual transformation and awakening I wish to encourage a new perspective to dawn to accelerate you forward in experiencing greater union with yourself and the Creator. Please allow yourself to open up to the violet light as you breath its essence deep into your being so that the light may support you in the most appropriate way. As the violet light merges more fully with your being I wish to share with you my consciousness.
It is my focus to bring your attention to the words that you express on a daily basis. The words that you think in your mind, say out loud or sing have a vibration which pulsates like a wave through your physical body and entire energetic bodies. These words however they are expressed have a powerful influence upon your being. Your body and energetic bodies are constantly vibrating, as light enters into your being the vibration of your body and energetic bodies quickens in speed becoming a purer vibration more aligned with the Creator. If you then produce negative words in your mind or out loud this can have a lowering effect upon your energetic vibration. As a light worker you may always be focusing upon healing yourself, anchoring more light and calling upon divine assistance to serve your ascension but if you then express words with a lower vibration you are always encouraging an unstable energy vibration which will not support your spiritual growth. Your words have a powerful influence upon your being because this aspect of your being is connected to your ability of creating and co creating with the Creator.  Your words have the ability to shape your reality and even your physical body.
In order to gain a secure and steadily enhancing vibration there is a need to observe the words that you choose to use out loud and within your mind on a daily bases, not only the words but the tone and manner in which you express them to others.  It is time I believe to detox your thoughts and vocabulary so that you may bring greater volumes of light and love into your being through the process of thinking and speaking. It is important that each expression of any form from your being is deeply loving to yourself and to others. Allow yourself to think in patterns of love and to speak with not only immense love flowing from your heart but each word carefully chosen by you to be of the highest vibration of love.
 You may be wondering how to understand whether a word holds a negative vibration or a positive loving vibration. In truth all words and expressions hold the vibration of the Creator and are therefore of a loving vibration but over time humanity has placed emphasis on words interpreting them as negative or positive, therefore creating a vibrational perspective for each. While these perspectives created by generations could be healed and cleansed it is far easier to focus upon your own spiritual growth and to ensure that negative words and vibrations are eliminated from your being. Remember that a thought that is only a second in your mind can stay in your auric field eternally unless it is cleansed or released.  As you allow yourself to open your heart chakra, imagining that you are breathing in and out through your heart chakra while also allowing words of love or neutral vibrations to be expressed in your mind and through your voice then you will always be maintaining and developing your energetic vibration.
When I speak of negative words I am focusing upon words that create a negative, judgmental, fearful or destructive tone. Such words and even judgments of self and others can be common place and seen as a way of expression but in truth it is possible to express whatever you wish with the vibration of love and truth. The more that love is expressed with the mind and through the voice into communication then humanity will notice the manifestation of greater volumes of love on the Earth. In order to achieve love within the mind and through the voice there is simply a need of first observing your thoughts and observing the vibration and tone of what you are creating, holding in your mind and expressing through your voice. Then allow yourself to love yourself unconditionally free from judgment, understanding or realizing how you can change your wording, language or tone to hold a higher quicker vibration. It is important not to limit your expression, this may feel as if it is the case to begin with but you will be embarking on a beautiful and new way of expressing yourself while also healing old negative habits of mental judgment or abuse to yourself or others.
 With the focus of your words holding power within your vibration, physical being and reality, I wish to introduce you to a chamber upon the inner planes within the seventh ray of light Ashram which holds the power of magnification. It is the Seventh Ray Chamber of Magnification. Many Ascended Masters and light beings visit this chamber in order to gain a magnification of their energies, healing or whatever they may be focusing upon at that time. I wish to encourage you to visit the Chamber of Magnification during meditation, I advise you to speak words of loving vibrations whether single words or sentences while existing within this chamber in order to magnify the vibration of the words so you may truly feel, see and sense how they truly influence your being. Not only will you allow yourself to experience the vibrations of the words but you will also heighten your energy vibration and manifest the vibration of the words more fully into your being and reality.
It is a wonderful experience to enhance your understanding of the vibrations of words but it can also be a tool that allows and assists you in magnifying energies within your being in order to aid manifestation. For example, if you have something that you wish to manifest within your being or reality you can visit the chamber and speak the words in your mind or out loud that you already have what you wish to manifest, focusing on key words that denote qualities you wish to embody in order to manifest your desire. This would then enhance the strength of your manifestation allowing you to experience and anchor all that you wish to manifest into your physical body so that you become the vibration and therefore project it into your reality for you to experience fully.
Simply allow yourself to sit peacefully, as you focus on your breathing entering into a deep state of meditation.
Say out loud or internally, ‘I call upon the loving vibration, support and presence of Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to draw close to my being, sharing and anchoring your love, angelic and seventh ray energies into my being.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge our light surrounding you as you breathe deeply.
Say out loud or internally, ‘I ask Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Portia to transport me to the Chamber of Magnification in the Seventh Ray Ashram, thank you.’
Imagine, acknowledge or sense your presence within the chamber, it is important to breathe in the energies of the chamber realizing that every aspect of your being including your thoughts will be magnified.
With your attention upon your thoughts allow yourself to express clear, precise words of a high vibrations or sentences that hold the essence of that which you wish to manifest.
(You may find it valuable for your first visit to write down some words that you wish to use in the chamber or to choose one word that you will focus upon for your time within the chamber.)
 Simply focus on breathing in the energy of magnification to fill your entire being while you focus on observing the influence of your words upon your energy vibration, physical and energetic bodies.
 This is a wonderful place to experiment and to observe the influence of different words upon your energy vibration.
When you wish to leave the chamber simply ask Lady Portia and I to transport and ground you back into your physical reality.
Let your words be a power within your ascension process.
With Angelic Love,
Archangel Zadkiel
With divine blessings,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.  

Brenda Hoffman

You're the First Wave - What if  No one Follows?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at Last week’s equinox opened your color frequencies. You’re no longer coloring your life with a box of eight crayons – now you’re coloring with seventy-two color crayons.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.
You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King  Arthur and the round table. Such is not true – but you do not necessarily believe that yet.
You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality – those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.
Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller – as is true for the party game “Pass the Message” – changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience – until the truth was more fiction than reality.
Your tribulations transitioning into the New Age will make a wonderful story for your children and grandchildren as they piece together the courage of those who went before. But as was true in the past, they will color you with more wisdom and courage than what you now feel is reality.
You know you need to wake up when the alarm sounds to prepare for a job you may or may not like so that in your free time – what little there is – you can access the New Age materials that make your heart sing.
Yet, your initial transition history will probably read like: “You knew from the beginning you needed to change the world, so you put aside all that did not help you move in that direction.”
Within a few generations your history will change again to: “You knew the company you worked for required a complete restructuring so, as a clerk in the mail room, you managed to change your corporation and all similar corporations.”
Perhaps you find our thoughts amusing or even frightening, but certainly not reality. So it is for the tales of courage you share. No one who is in the midst of a shift – certainly not of this magnitude – truly understands how complicated the shift is or will be in their personal life.
Many of you marvel at the courage required to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust of World War II. You are in the midst of something similar. That is not to frighten you or to compare those who hid Anne Frank and her family with you, but for you to understand the courage you find within yourselves despite so many indicators that your role will not be a success.
There were many signs that Adolf Hitler’s vision would overtake Europe and all who helped those Hitler found subhuman would be destroyed. Yet, those who accepted the role of savior in cases similar to those who protected the Anne Frank family had the courage to continue whatever the consequences. So it is for you now.
You really do yet understand how courageous you are. Or that there will be days, perhaps weeks, when you wish this transition would go away. Not because it is not a wonderful dream. But because you do not know if you have the strength to continue; or if continuing will produce anything other than more pain.
The New Age/new earth has arrived.
The outcome of this shift is now predictable. Even though there will be a few skirmishes, perhaps even battles of will, the New Age is not going away.
You are no longer alone as was true for those few voices decades ago predicting the New Age was possible. Perhaps your family or friends have not yet jumped on the New Age/new earth band wagon, but they will eventually. For if you feel a loving need to interact with them, they too are part of the Lightworker movement – just perhaps not at the same pace as you.
Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers. But thousands of other waves will follow. You are the first wave. The feelings of the first wave of any concept – loneliness and questioning the validity of beliefs – seldom deviate. As is true of the fears that you have moved too far beyond society’s expectations to return to “normal” if this new earth/New Age is not reality.
Do you suppose the first explorers of earth were so certain of their goal that they had no fears as their food and water dwindled and the expected land mass was not in sight?
The difference is you are exploring inner-worlds, instead of your physical world.
To complete your new earth mission, the outer-world must match your new feelings. You feel more joyful, more love. But is the same true for your brother, mother, friends, neighbors or employer? Where is the love? You may feel it – but few others seem to feel the same. Was your arduous inner journey worth the effort? Will others join you? Or are you now so different you cannot return to Old Age society if others decide not to transition into the New Age?
You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age. What if no one follows? What if you are stuck in an environment that feels right only to you?
Rest assured, you are not alone. It is time. You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.
Your pining for others to be part of your loving new earth will last for just a bit. Others will sense your light and wish to know more. They will suddenly find new earth materials fascinating and wars unproductive. In truth, they are loading their wagons impatiently waiting for you to give the sign that the new earth is safe.
This you will do with the joy you display when you remember to live through your heart, instead of your mind. When you allow yourself to know you are courageous beyond words. And allow yourself to be in all your glory.
Others will follow. Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow. For they too are programmed to awaken to the new earth/New Age. Programs just not activated as soon as was true for you.
You are not alone – merely the first wave of courageous and loving human spirits exploring your inner-worlds to create new life and joy throughout the Universes. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

From the Golden Age Of Gaia site

From Followership to Leadership

Fixing the Fridge
Here to fix the fridge
Again I encourage you to keep in mind what Archangel Michael said through Ronna Herman before starting this discussion:
“You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.
“You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.” (1)
In my last reading with Archangel Michael, I asked him what he wanted me to stress in my writing during the period between that reading and the next. He asked me to stress lightworkers emerging from followership to leadership, from not creating to creating, and from lack to abundance.
I asked him what he wanted from me personally and he asked me to share my own process in this movement.
Well, if I were to share my own process, looking at the first area, moving from followership to leadership, something I discussed with the Arcturians as well, I’d have to acknowledge that I was the runt of the litter and a classic follower rather than a leader.
My brother was for me then what Archangel Michael is for me now. He was a consummate leader – wise, loving and loyal – exactly the traits I see in Archangel Michael. My brother Paul was a great stand-in for the leader I was later to follow.
In my last reading Archangel Michael asked me who my best friend was and I said he was. When he says something like that, it’s an offer. He’s saying that he accepts being my best friend. He’s offering me a manner in which to visualize our relationship. And I have taken up that offer of friendship, no doubt about it, and feel greatly honored by it.
That doesn’t affect the fact that my primary devotional stance is as the servant (rather than the child, parent, lover, etc.).  But it does deepen the bond between us.
To return to my other best friend, my brother, my brother’s example of leadership was rich and inspiring.
Paul with Beard
A leader: my brother Paul
He was my protector. I can think of numerous times that he defended me from school bullies, even once kicking a local tough through the doors of the bus (don’t worry; it was at a stop) who was threatening me (watch out or I’ll sic my big brother on you, literally).
He was so much loved by so many people that they rented the whole top floor of a hotel for him and his wife for their thirtieth wedding anniversary and threw a big party, after which he and Fran stayed overnight.
The team he directed who provided nurturing and counselling to troubled youth remained his friends all the days of his life till now. All of them still look up to him naturally though he hasn’t been their director for perhaps forty years.
He was a natural gentleman and by that I mean a person who mastered the divine qualities effortlessly.  He was my real father. And he was a good role model to grow up with.
The current leaders in my life I can’t see, can’t talk to, and know very little about, really.  Archangel Michael says I can’t see him in his native form or I would die. I said that had its advantages. He laughed and said it wasn’t part of the plan.
The Arcturians discussed a meeting of the Arcturian High Council and said all the members were formless. I asked how they gathered. Were there so many empty chairs? And Sue Lie quipped that there were no chairs. Some trick envisioning that is!
So our leaders, so to speak, can’t be seen; we can’t speak with them except through mediums; we can’t imagine what their meetings may be like. We have to fall back, in many ways, on the role models in our memory and our Earthly settings.
If I’m to move from followership to leadership, aside from the movies I have in my head of people like John Kennedy and Mohandas Gandhi or the living examples of people like Aung San Suu Kyi and Barack Obama, the example of my brother shines out for me.
Since Archangel Michael and the Arcturians want us Starseeds to show leadership, perhaps I can share a few vignettes in my own interaction with them to illustrate what our transition from being followers to leaders may involve.
The Arcturians said they wanted me to step into my power. They asked me not to be humble with them.
“We ask that you shed that human for a moment, shed your humility, shed that component of you that is being a good person, and realize that the kind of person you are is quite insignificant considering that which you are in the process of creating.”
To be sure, humility has a role to play, they said.
“When you are interacting with others, it is fine to wear that mantle [of humility] for it empowers the people in your team.  [But] when you communicate with us we ask that you do not hold back at all, which means that you release the modesty and embrace your grandeur.”
I expressed the worry that I’d become arrogant if I emerged too fast. They replied:
“You don’t need to emerge gradually. Arrogance has been gone through. You wrote that into your pre-birth script.  If your childhood did not release your arrogance, then it’s unreleaseable.
“However, you have no arrogance.  You have great power within.  And the power within that you hold is quite foreign to the third-dimensional world.
“As our ones in human form look around, they see that there are very few beings in whom they can see pure Light.  And they know that the one that appears to be both powerful and loving may easily be a guise for one who is the most evil and fearful or vengeful.”
What they said to me could be said to any of us, I’m beginning to realize.  For a long time we’ve been asked to broaden our horizons and I’m beginning to see why. Later they discussed the communicator’s role.
“Words force you to translate your multidimensional perceptions into a third-dimensional format.  And that third-dimensional format is the means through which you can assist others.
“We speak not just to you, but to all of our great beings who are wearing form, and there are many more than either one of you [Suzanne Lie and I] might imagine.
“All of our beings who are wearing form  … have made a great sacrifice.  You have made a great sacrifice – to leave the reality that you truly are to condense yourself into a physical form and to move through the process of remembering to be human for you have not been human in quite a long period of what you would consider time.”
I’m apparently what’s called a wanderer. I come when asked to fix the fridge, so to speak, and then leave.  I’ve been to Earth eight times, unlike Suzanne and many of my friends who’ve come many more times than I.
Being the runt of the litter is also like being a wanderer. I didn’t develop deep ties to a terrestrial leadership structure but took more of an observer and commentator position than say an Earthkeeper or an engineer. It allowed me to stay a bit removed from all that was going on and simply take note.
These are examples of the amazing things we’re going to be hearing in the weeks and months ahead. It doesn’t seem as if there’s much more room for hiding. And all of us will probably be challenged to play the roles that may be asked of us. As a  group, wherever we are and whatever we do, we’re asked to assume a leadership role and co-create with those who are here to help us.


(1) Archangel Michael, “You are Courageous Souls,” through Ronna Herman, August 2011, at
(2) Reading with the Arcturians through Suzannne Lie, March 17, 2013.

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 24-31, 2013

Beloved Ones,
There has been a great influx of higher Cosmic energies that have been inundating the atmosphere of Earth and  this energy is working through all of Humanity in a way of cleansing which is not a pleasant process for those who have not been awakened to the knowledge of the evolutionary process that is now occurring. Knowledge or not, each person on the planet must go through the process, for it is planet wide. As the mental and emotional upheavals take place within each Soul, a greater awareness of their own power is taking place and much adaptation and acceptance must take and for the most part, IS, taking place.
This is the reason why so many of our Lightworkers who have done this work for so long and have cleared their energy fields have been experiencing a resurgence of these energies within them. It is the collective field of energetic thought forms from every person around the entire planet that is the cause. Humanity has yet to learn that each one is responsible for their very thoughts and that it is important to become responsible for them. Our beloved Lightworkers have voluntarily agreed to take on some degree of these energies again in order to facilitate the transmutation process in an accelerated manner for all and this IS being accomplished.
Due to the loving service that the Lightworkers have been voluntarily performing, the world is in a much better and more stable situation than was possible a few months ago. Although most of you do not consciously remember this agreement that was made on the higher dimensions, know that it was done with the intent of alleviating the potential of greater suffering within the lives of each person upon the planet and so we ask that you not think of yourselves as regressing in your development, for that is not so. You are each making great strides in your personal spiritual evolution and development. All is on track and the field of unlimited potential is wide open for each human on your planet.
Such is the way of each one of you who have chosen to incarnate upon this beautiful planet. Your individual hearts and energetic fields emanate a great Light that has been holding a greater field collectively which helps in many ways. In the days ahead, many of you will begin to know this in your waking consciousness and this will facilitate an even greater evolutionary leap forward for all upon the Earth and indeed, the Earth itself. Many beneficial changes are and will continue to take place as you hold this energetic space for the highest good for all. We ask that you continue to hold this collective field of Light, as these many changes occur, for it is crucially needed in order to bring in and anchor more Light upon the planet.
We are working together for the common good and each day we are making progress. We ask you to accept the possibility that YOU are co-creating these changes, for as you do this, your own power grows and expands and this will create a greater expansion of consciousness within all. Your power is an enabling one that assists others to have the space to awaken and begin to take the reins of their own human operating systems and consciousness and as they do this, the field of greater possibilities expands even more as their Light is added to it. We are filled with joy as we watch this unfold and add our own Light to your efforts.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference March 12, 2013, through Susan Leland

Ashtar: We Are Making Progress on the Road to the Golden Age!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 12, 2013
"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, Ashtar, and we are so full of joy! You have heard the news from the Beloved Masters*, and there is a lot more going on. We shall first add a note, and we want you to be assured that the news about what is happening with the religions is that which has been ordained, if you will, by Mother/Father God. In other words, religions have been created and formulated so as to have a kind of control over the people.
"And while it is true there are many who are, shall we say, officials in the various world religions – people with good Hearts, people of Compassion, people who honestly desire to serve, it has been primarily those at the very top of the ladders of empowerment who have taken unfair advantage. Unfair because they have lied, they have stolen, they have maimed and they have killed many, many innocents - children among them.
"It is now being found out and spoken of even in the mainstream media, about the children, for instance, who have disappeared from the various tribes and have been taken away from their homes to what are described as special schools, but the reality of it is that they have not necessarily ended up in special schools. This has been done under the auspices of churches and governmental authorities, such as police – law enforcement agencies.
"These little ones who disappear - and there are thousands upon thousands of them disappearing every day from many places in the world - are mourned and missed. But it is to thank them also because they are allowing themselves to participate as victims so that all of these doings will finally come into the Light. There are brave ones everywhere who are speaking up, who know, who have witnessed, or who have been abused, and this is happening worldwide. And it must happen!!!
"Now, we do not mean to say that all religions have focused entirely upon this area of control, or tyrannizing of the people. But it has been the Truth in many places, and it is about to be done away with because these things cannot exist in the Golden Age - you know that! So love them all, and with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, let us welcome all who would come to the Light. Yes, even some of these perpetrators are wanting to be, what the church calls, absolved. They want to come to the Light. They want to return to their own Divinities from which they were created long ago.
"That is only one aspect in the matter of Abundance. It has been the religions and the governments which have been following a very concentrated plan to keep all but the top one percent or so lacking abundance, so that they could have it all. And you know this is turning around! We are happy to say we know where it all is, so if you are a banker who thinks that you’ve got your little stash in some kind of a secret place - perhaps underground, or perhaps even off the Planet - know that we know where it is and we can, and will, retrieve it for the rightful owners!
"Money cannot buy happiness, money cannot buy Joy, money cannot buy your way into your concept of heaven, or into Higher Dimensionality, because there is not money in the Higher Dimensions. It’s not needed!!! But we want to you remind you again that you all will be receiving abundance to which you are entitled. There is absolutely no mandate for any suffering whatsoever, whether it be poverty, or illness, or any kind of control being exercised, such that you are enslaved in any way!!!
"It is the Sovereign and Divine right of each and every being below, on, and above Planet Earth to be free, to be secure in their Freedom, and to exercise their own Divine Rights! As Sovereign Beings, it is to remember the simplest and yet the wisest and most profound of the teachings. You know, 'Love they neighbor as thyself,' and 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' All the great teachers, of what became the religions, have taught these same principles. They are so simple and yet so profound!
"And we know it takes a lot to step into living the Golden Age Lifestyle, and that is what we are here to assist with, each and every one of you! So yes, you heard some headlines just now and they are true. Tara and Rama* are the ones who have the connection with KOS, remember he is also called King of Swords, and he is a very, very special being who graces the world every day with his Love, his Compassion, his Forgiveness and his Gratitude, but with his Courage to stand up to all of those who wear the dark hat!
"And he is joined by a Grand Company, you know who they are – they are the ones who are coming and visiting - the Masters - so called, the Ascended Ones - the Angels and the Archangels. Leaders among them are Beloved Archangel Michael with his sword Excaliber, which is the energy of truth, and my Beloved Brother, St. Germain, who comes with the violet ray to assist in the grand transmutation of all that is dark into Light. But it takes permission, it takes the calling forth of the High Dimensional energies of the purest of Love and all that goes with it!
"It is to forever banish all fear from the lives of all who dwell on Planet Earth, and for those who choose to stay in the fear programs of 3D, well, we have another place where they will feel quite at home. But that is not where we see you heading, Beloved Ones. It is to move even higher into the realms of what you can call heaven, if you wish. We call it the Golden Age, the Higher Dimensions, and it is the Path to Christ Consciousness, it is the Oneness with all. And we welcome you with so much Love, so many hugs, and so much Joy that we invite you to stay on this High Road!!!
"So when you see a news program, and if you’re going to watch the news programs, we recommend that you watch the ones where the Truth is told. We must, at this moment at least, omit the Foxy News from this recommendation. Do your Energy Exercises and send the Love to all upon the screen, all you are listening to and all of those who are being discussed. It is most important that everyone have – we are the equal opportunity Ashtar Command - and we give every one opportunity to come into the Light! When you start experiencing that State of Being throughout the totality of your Divine energy fields, Magic happens! Life gets easier. Headaches are, really, not allowed. And you will find so much flowing. Your telepathic capabilities will open up even more. You all have them - it’s whether you choose to use them - or not!
"Your other gifts will become so much more apparent to you, and you will find yourselves soaring into Higher Dimensionalities where you only have Love for all others, and where you only feel Love from everyone else. You have an expression that says whatever it is that you don’t want will just 'roll right off your back.' Well, we’re going to tell you something: it’s not going to get anywhere near your back or any of the rest of you when you command your rightful place in the Golden Age!!!
"The Golden Age lifestyle is waiting for all of you. It is literally that the doors are open and there is a great clamoring to come through those Golden Age doors. Look up Dr. Keshe** and see all that he has to offer the world. Look at those who engage in the energies of healing, of counseling from their Hearts with their spirits fully engaged and their guidance group openly participating. Go to the movies which have upliftment for you, as well as information and entertainment. There are so many You Tubies we can’t even begin to give you the number of those that are available!
"Be discerning. If something seems to resonate kind of a fear message to you, if somebody says, 'Well, I am the only one who knows what is going on and you’d better listen to me or you're going to be sorry,' don’t let that enter your energy fields. If it doesn’t resonate with you - pass on it!!! The less energy you give to the disinformation specialists, believe me, the Higher you’re going to fly. This is a lot, a lot of various kinds of advisements to you.
"Pay attention to what is going on within yourselves, that is the first one. Treat yourselves the way you want to be treated, Beloved Ones. Care for yourselves, nurture yourselves. If you would, start and end each of your days with a simple – the simplest – of Commands to bring Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude into every thought, word, action and deed that you express, and keep at it! If something comes in that does not resonate with you as being of those energies, let it go with Gratitude that it showed you what is there!!!
"You are doing a tremendous cleansing anyway, when you sleep. Every time that you sleep and every time that you bring yourselves up into Higher Dimensionality - which you do when you sleep, by the way, or at least part of the time. And when you meditate and say your prayers, and do ceremonies of spiritual High Vibration, you are in those Higher Beams of Love, shall we say. Just open your Hearts and let it come in, and bask in it, enjoy it and be thankful for it!!!
"When something comes in that is less than that, allow it, thank it for coming in and showing you something or other, and let it go, just release it. Call in the violet ray. St.Germain makes that available to every, every human upon Planet Earth! The animals, the plants, and the minerals, are doing their uplifting as well, but they have a more simple, more connected way of doing things. But the violet ray is totally available for all human beings who call it forth.
"Speaking of the violet ray, the One which we all are so pleased to have with us is my Beloved Brother, and really, Brother to all, who is St.Germain. And I, Ashtar shall wish you the fondest of farewells for the purpose of this conferencing. Please remember that I, and the Ashtar Command, are with you in service, in mission, and most of all, in your progress, up, up and into the Golden Age Dimensions and beyond. And so it is, Beloved Ones - we love you beyond all words! And now I’m pleased to welcome, St.Germain. Salut!" ***
* Tara and Rama's A&A Report
** Dr Keshe interview:
*** Transcript of St Germain's message to follow, Link to recording here:
Transcribed by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 12, 2013.       © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

SaLuSa, March 22, 2013, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa 22-March-2013

So much is happening on your planet that it is becoming very apparent to many more people that the promised changes are well under way. It is by no means an easy time for you as you are at the hub of much that is taking place. However, you chose this time to be on Earth, as an important part of your experiences that will prepare you for your future assignments. In time many of you will put yourselves forward as Mentors, to other emerging civilizations. It will be your way of service having reached a higher level of understanding, that brings you the status of a Master. This is your natural progression as you become more of the Light, and seek to lift others up with you.

The order you see in the Universe comes from all souls reaching a point when they come to the realization, that in the ultimate there is nothing but Love and that all life revolves and has its being within it. Even now you are rising up and your awareness is such that you understand the amazing power of Love. It is life itself and the most powerful force in the Universe, that will enable you to continue rising up through the dimensions. As you have so often been informed your levels of experience in the lower dimensions, are in the way of an experiment to see how as Beings of Light you could find your real selves again. They are not and never will be your true reality, because your original home in the stars is one where you lived in total unity and Love as One. Duality was the means of allowing separation and experience of both darkness and Light in the same dimension.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light find that in recent times, there has been such a rapid advancement in your levels of consciousness that you can already perceive and visualise the Golden Age. That is a wonderful achievement because as you maintain your focus on it, you are hastening the time when it will manifest for you. The Light is taking over your Earth and you no longer need to be concerned about the remaining darkness, as it is being transmuted by a massive outflow of Light. The answers to your problems have already been found, and through our allies are gradually being adopted. The benefits of them are being introduced and free energy is at the forefront, although you must not expect too much at the time, but a steady and well planned introduction. We cannot force the issues but will give support, sustenance and protection to those involved.

You have waited a long time for some visible changes, whereas much has occurred behind the scenes and had more to do with influence and inspiration. When you are open to our guidance be assured that we give it, and you can call upon us at any time. When your requests are for the benefit of others we will do our best to ensure you get the help you need. We are often the unseen Lightworkers alongside you, and we give you our love and guidance. We are of course continually involved in helping Mother Gaia, and you will have noted that events connected with her and the physical changes have been calmly taking place. Indeed, the more you raise your conscious levels on Earth the easier it is going to be all round.

You are receiving more energy from outside of Earth, and it comes from many sources. Your Spring Solstice is one such powerful example and many, many people will have felt the affect. It is an uplifting energy that gives you what you sometimes call "the feel good factor" and a beautiful feeling of calmness and happiness. Hold it and you will find that some people can sense the change in you, and very soon it will become your normal way of being. Imagine a world full of souls who have all become as One and live permanently in the Light and Love, because it will come as you progress into the 5th. dimension. Some of you there or are so near already, and you are the ones who lead the way. By your example many will follow where you have created the pathway. You are in such wonderful times when virtually anything is possible, so do not in any way limit your ambitions or belief in yourself.

As the darkness and those behind are exposed we ask again that you allow natural justice to take its path. Know that every single soul will answer at some time for their crimes against Humanity, but simple mistakes are accepted as part of your learning process. We stress that there is no punishment involved and you choose how to rectify or overcome them. God does not give you freewill and then hold genuine mistakes against you. It is only where there is a deliberate attempt to harm or kill another soul, that calls for further experiences that teach the error of your ways. It is karma and will be a part of your life plan when you undertake to go through it. All is conducted with the greatest love and attention to help you through your experiences. Your Guides and Angels do far more for you than you are normally aware of and are always with you on your journey through life.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light have been impressing high profile people to push on with their efforts to bring some form of disclosure about. In some ways it is hardly necessary as with our presence in your skies, and so many reports and articles around about us. It will not surprise the vast majority of you but then it depends on how far the revelations go to reveal or association with you. In this century alone you have discovered much more historical evidence about us and our contact with you for many thousand years. It can no longer be ignored or denied except by those with the most rigid beliefs. We would like to see a situation where your governments admit to having had contact with us for almost 100 years, and confirm that we have always approached the them in love and peace. That would alleviate any doubts some people still hold, who have been led to believe that we are like the monsters depicted in your science fiction and films.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must congratulate the Lightworkers for having settled into a new vibration, that will carry them forward to the New Age. You have just as much important work to do as previously if not more so, as you prepare people for the last lap and cross the finishing tape. The victory is yours, and the prize is yours never again to have to experience separation from God and your real home amongst the stars. We love you and your intent to find your future and place with us as true Galactic Beings.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Archangel Gabriel's message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 21, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as persistence. This quality is very needed in all projects or endeavors, to enable individuals to successfully complete the bringing into manifestation of the task that they set out to accomplish or which others expect them to complete. In any given enterprise, persistence is necessary to see forward movement in the creation of something new. Without this quality, nothing in this world would ever be accomplished. By employing this quality in your own daily life you are constantly in the process of creation. You are a Creator.
In a family setting, persistence with the upkeep of daily chores in the home ensures that the household keeps running smoothly and efficiently. By adhering to the discipline of the performance of these chores using this quality of love, there is always divine order and harmony in the home. When nothing is left unfinished, there is a space created, a vacuum, which can then be filled with other more creatively inspired activities. By allowing this facet of love to flow through each individual in a family who aspires to work together in cooperation, the maintenance of home and yard leaves everyone with a good feeling of self esteem, beauty and pride in their living environment. This quality is an extremely helpful one to have to ensure success in any endeavor in life and it is in the home environment that this quality of persistence is developed.
In a personal relationship between two people, this quality is required in the keeping alive of their romance and passion to be an integral part of their life together. It requires persistence in always keeping the health and well being of each individual and the relationship as an important priority. By employing this facet of love each day in all activities and in all loving interactions with each other, each person’s self esteem and well being is assured. When each person knows that the other embodies this quality of love in the care of their relationship and in their home and in their responsibilities, there is much joy, confidence and happiness in each other and within each heart which radiates out into the world around them.
In the workplace this quality of love can mean greater production in product or service being brought to the marketplace and this can result in the flow of income coming in which then assures the employees of the security of their positions on an ongoing basis. When each person within the workplace uses this quality of persistence in their daily labor, the maintenance of the flow of the supply of product or service is relied upon and counted on. As each employee adheres to the spirit of cooperation and harmony by showing this quality, the workplace becomes a happy environment for all.
In any creative project, this quality is essential in the process of bringing vision into physical reality. Without this facet of love, there would be no innovation or great artistic accomplishments and life on Earth would feel boring and dull. Through this quality being expressed by individuals and groups, the life of all humanity is enriched. By expressing this quality of love, many individuals throughout the world become very successful and acquire fame and renown by their peers. It is this very quality which keeps humanity moving forward upon the wheel of life.
I leave you now to ponder on these thoughts with persistence of intent.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Brenda Hoffman: This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s March 17, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week’s equinox helps you place a filter over those people, things and places that make you fearful or angry. Additional energy bursts throughout 2013 will add layers to this first filter until those fearful pieces are no longer an important part of your life.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Are Your Teachers Clinging to 3D?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Much will happen in the next several days but few of you will notice. For the happenings are within you. This shift is like a gossamer layer that is difficult to discern.
You have cleared and cleansed for months – perhaps even years. Yet there are people, places and things that upset you. The mention of someone’s name makes you uncomfortable. The thought of a particular place sends you scurrying for emotional cover. And anger or even rage continues when faced with certain concepts such as those of a political party or a heinous crime.
The Universes are addressing those fears this week and throughout the coming year. For there are pieces you cannot release in the time you wish to. It is difficult, as many of you are discovering, to radiate or even feel love when you are experiencing hurt, anger or fear. Feelings generated by people, places and things so deeply embedded within you that you cannot move beyond them – no matter what exercise you try.
You have requested assistance in progressing more rapidly than your physical being seems able. This equinox is our first response in a salvo of many energy bursts. Not to clear you of those feelings – only you can do that. But to place the first filter on those deeply felt fears and angers. As each new filter is added, you will feel less and less about those issues.
After this week, you are likely to still feel anger or fear given the right trigger, but it will be a bit less than was true a week ago. And by the end of 2013, you will not be concerned about those pieces.
Again, we are not removing those pieces from your being – only you can do that. We are providing you with Novocaine or a similar deadening agent in small doses so the pain is less each time you re-visit that fear.
Some are worried that we are turning you into zombies. Such is not the case for you do not need to accept the filters, anymore than you need to accept the new earth/New Age. This is not a forced transition. It is a transition of joy and love. Force is never part of either joy or love.
Now you are concerned that you cannot be separated from your physical, emotional or spiritual pain with mere filters, that the Novocaine will wear off and you will be as you were before. Such is not true. For once you separate your being from the pain, that pain drifts into the ethers.
Think of something you found extremely shameful or fearful in elementary school.Perhaps you did not learn your alphabet as assigned by your teacher or you wet yourself in a classroom. Both shattering incidents then. Now that you are an adult you retain the memories, but fewer feelings are attached. So it will be for you. You will remember that someone or some place made you fearful, but you will no longer feel fear. Instead, you will know you are a spiritual adult who moved beyond those pieces.
Perhaps you are wondering why we are expediting your clearing of fears. A key reason is for you to transition to a life of love and joy. But of greater importance now – for you are moving more rapidly than we thought possible – is your ongoing request for assistance in moving into the new earth/New Age.
You are an impatient lot – which we marvel at – even chuckle about. You long ago negated the phrase we provided just a few years ago: “Baby Boomers will build a bridge to the New Age. Their children will cross that bridge. And their grandchildren will blow it up.”
For us, three generations is a mere blink of an eye. But for those of you on earth at this time, it seems forever. As usual, Baby Boomers want it NOW.
You Baby Boomers have always been a belligerent group. A personality trait necessary for introducing new thoughts and actions.
Why did you Baby Boomers not continue your belligerent pose throughout your lifetime? Why did you feel the need to get married, have children and continue the traditions of your parents and grandparents?
Baby Boomers could have introduced the New Age decades ago. But as a group, you wanted to determine if your parents and grandparents were enjoying their life. For indeed, your memories of other lives on earth were not particularly wonderful. But your parents’ generation and the media convinced you that they had discovered a life you wished to explore.
Your exploration ended abruptly a few years ago when you realized that all was an illusion. That the Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best life did occur – but most likely not for you or most of those you know. That all was a gloss of joy and harmony that did not exist. That even though your media and your relatives touted joy, they had not truly experienced it. That your belligerent activities of the 1960′s and 1970′s were indeed “right on.”
That is when you began searching for your true New Age accompanied by Starseeds, Indigos, Crystal Children and so many other titles you have given to those who have joined forces with you to transition earth into joy.
Do you remember a few months ago when many were channeling that you and others had to decide whether you wished to be part of the New Age? That is when the New Age began. You were indeed willing and quite excited about bringing true joy to earth – rather than the illusion of joy touted by your family, society and media.
So you have. But during your Old Age exploration to discover if former generations had found joy, you picked up many physical and emotional fears. Fears that you are having difficulties ridding yourself of now. Some of those fears are generational – for how could you explore your parents’ fears and joys without exploring generational issues? And some of those fears you created for a variety of reasons including the fears of those who have never before experienced life on dense 3D earth.
Those fears no longer serve you or help you hide your true being. It is time to claim you in all your glorious, radiant joy. And so you are – with “Just a little help from your friends.” We are sending filters starting with this week’s equinox to expedite your exploration of joy and love.
Know that you are glorious beings – far more glorious and mature than your fears now display. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 17-24, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily lives, realize that what you are doing is experiencing life, all the myriad ways in which your Soul can know what it is to walk this Planet in human form. It is a tremendous opportunity to be here at this current juncture when so many changes and transformations are taking place. This, too, is a part that you chose to play before you even incarnated here on Earth. It is all of you who are physically incarnate in these times that hold the power and authority to create a new way, a new reality. Those who inhabit the spirit realms cannot effect positive changes unless it is through your permission and cooperation.
This is why we strive to help you remember how powerful you are. It is the choices you make and the actions you take that make the difference. In the higher dimensions, all are working for the evolvement of humanity and the evolvement of your Planet. All is connected and we all work together with you to accomplish the raising of consciousness within the minds and the hearts of all of her inhabitants.  The waves of energy that are now permeating your atmosphere are helping to do this as each person takes in the higher frequencies and assimilates these energies within their own human operating systems.
This process can be very empowering to each individual who chooses to embody their higher aspects. Much that was hitherto unknown to humankind in recent times is now being brought into conscious awareness. This helps to put more pieces of the puzzle of your purpose here into more understanding and will be instrumental in moving the process of ascension forward to its next step. The transformations occurring within your bodies are taking place at a more rapid pace and you are now realizing that it is perfectly acceptable to take the time to enjoy the process, to bring joy into it.
The signs of awakening consciousness are everywhere. More people are waking up to see that the practices of those who have not taken the well being of the Earth and humankind into their quest for profits and power must change and they are speaking up and coming together to insist on a different way. Through these actions, more of humankind is beginning to see that in unity of the souls inhabiting the physical form is the answer to the restoration of the Earth and all of her inhabitants. When the majority of humanity says enough is enough, we want a different way, it is then the next step forward will take place.
You are working more from the heart than ever before and by following its promptings, you change the course of your own lives and the lives of all upon the Earth. Observe yourselves as the powerful creators you are in truth and move beyond the seeming limitations that are currently before you. You are making a difference and it is now outwardly visible in the world around you. The Light and the Love that you carry and radiate enables others around you to be empowered to remember their divine origin and to seek a better way. Know that you are not alone in this work and that you have many helpers to assist you, so when the way seems long, just ask us for assistance. It is our honor and our pleasure to be of service to you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Archangel Gabriel, through Marlene Swetlishoff

March 14, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love called honesty. This quality is of paramount importance in the relationships between humanity, for honesty in all things keeps one’s energy field and consciousness clear and clean and also fosters other qualities of love between individuals such as trust, faith, reverence and respect. When honesty is expressed between individuals, there is a knowing that each person can be trusted to honor their agreements so that peace and harmony prevails. Sometimes, the expressing of one person’s truth can bring an awakening in the other that there is more to that person’s being than previously discerned and acknowledged and this can lead to many insights and growth of awareness in each other.
The quality of honesty is an energy that is felt by others in their heart. If there is dishonesty from one individual to another it is readily and instinctively felt in one’s heart. The heart is the area that is now the most prominent focus for all of humanity. As humanity moves further into the new Earth reality, this quality is absolutely essential in order that as individuals you can move into a higher dimensional state of being. It will become increasingly difficult to perpetuate dishonesty in any situation and even the so called ‘white lies’ will be brought up for scrutiny by each individual, for in the higher dimensions all is readily and easily apparent and nothing can remain hidden.
In a family setting, honesty fosters cooperation and good will between each and all the members of the family to work together for the common good of all. This essential quality is the essence that keeps good feelings, peace, harmony, joy, contentment, fulfillment and acceptance within the family unit. All individuals within this family unit are aware of all that is transpiring and each shares their unique ability to add their own flavor to the flow of loving energy within the family’s home environment. Through honesty, there is a flow of giving and receiving that is balanced and in harmony within the family dynamics of inter-relationships with each other. As such, the energy within the home environment is kept at a higher level and this in turn nurtures and sustains everyone within it.
In a personal relationship this quality is crucial to the success and longevity of the union of hearts and souls. Without this quality of honesty, there can be no strong foundation in which the relationship can thrive. Each individual must make the importance of the health of the relationship a top priority and honesty will ensure that this partnership will survive all challenges that may arise within it or from the outer world. When both of the individuals know that the other person honors their commitment to the relationship and values and upholds its integrity, and that they would never do anything which would bring fear and doubt into it, then happiness in the home prevails. Foremost in each individual’s heart is the desire to give and receive love without any restrictions.
In all business and community endeavors this quality brings a vibrant energy of strength and reliability to all projects undertaken. Much can be accomplished when the energy flow between all parties is clear of all ulterior motives or self interest. As we continue into the new Earth reality, this will create many interesting and innovative ways of ensuring that all are being served and that all are equal in the Light. The love that is inherent in this quality will bring about more esteem in all individuals who practice the manifestation of honesty and all can know they are valued and appreciated.
Ponder on these words in open honesty of thought.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Friday, March 15, 2013

SaLuSa, March 15, 2013, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa: March 15, 2013

SacredSaLuSa: March 15, 2013

Channelled by Mike Quinsey
Because the focus for changes is upon President Obama and the U.S. it is sometimes forgotten that the whole world is involved. If you did but know it the movements towards changes have sprung up all over the world, and as a Human collective are speeding up the day when you shall be made aware of them.
People are exercising their rights to demand what they see as important to their lives, to take it out of the control of those who only have their own interests in mind. It is succeeding but often only at the cost of confrontation, and the consequent denial of the military and authorities of their rights.
However, no amount of opposition will deter the people who will regain their freedom and sovereignty before very long. You have written the End Times yourselves, and we of the Galactic Federation of Light and Lightworkers everywhere are contributing to your realisation of what is required from you.
We know that the stress of living in these volatile times – and the need to maintain your faith throughout – is demanding, but as you will see it will be all worthwhile. You are One, and each soul has a part to play regardless of which side they are on, and you will find that as the Light penetrates the darkness of negativity it will have less effect.
Duality, as you have experienced it, has to all intents and purposes completed its cycle, and you are left to clear up the mess that it has left behind. The Light as it becomes more powerful is also awakening more souls, although some are so entrenched in their beliefs they are fighting to hold on to them.
Ultimately they will have to make a choice as to which way to go, and can remain in the 3D frequency if that is their final desire. God places no demands on each soul that they shall evolve in a certain time period, but offers them every opportunity to make progress and enter the Love and Light of the Source. As we have informed you several times, each soul has the spark of God within and that can never be extinguished.
As you continue your journey through the Heavens, know that you are about to rise up into the higher vibrations. They will enable the desired changes to manifest that will truly place you in the New Age, although there is much cleansing to first take place. In that we, along with our advanced technologies, are committed to assisting you, which will immensely speed them up.
With our help and inspiration your own technologies are growing very rapidly and many, many free energy programs have been completed. Naturally the Petroleum Industries and those with investments in them are fighting to keep their position in the marketplace, but they are doomed as you must start to move into New Age technologies.
You have been held back for far too long, and it was never foreseen that you would still be using fossil fuels at this stage in your development. There are lots of improvements lined up waiting to be introduced, and once we commence it will be a very busy time indeed.
You may rightly conclude that more channels from us or Beings in the higher realms seem to be opening, and that is because on a general level you are continuing to raise your consciousness, and so are able to reach such sources. There will come a time when you will have a clear line of contact with your Higher Self, but for now these openings will come for those who have a life contract to make such connections.
We know many of you are ambitious to contribute to the work going on to push your civilization forwards, but not everyone is sufficiently prepared to do so. Yet each of you are here at this time to have some bearing on how the future works out. Allow things to develop at their own pace, and simply be aware when an opportunity presents itself. Still focus on all things positive and know that you are helping create not just your future, but also for others.
Your work is appreciated and you need not continue to be disappointed over recent events connected with Ascension. The outcome may change somewhat to the original plan, but we are always adjusting to the needs of the present moment. As always timing is so important, and at the root of many decisions is the endeavour to see as many souls as possible eventually ascend.
As time passes and the levels of consciousness rise up, the dark Ones will have less influence on what takes place and you can leave them to their own self-made demise. They are being pushed into the background and losing their power to halt your progress to the Golden Age. What you will experience when it arrives is almost beyond words, but it is more than you can currently imagine and will exceed most of your expectations.
When you get to see the first City of Light in Sedona, it will as near as possible give you an idea as to what will become quite normal in your lives. The technologies involved are very advanced in healing as you would understand them, and treat everyone with care with no after effects.
Healing is using sound, colour and crystal technology, that is very futuristic compared to your present level of medicine and treatment, but you are beginning to fully investigate such possibilities. You are being deliberately inspired with ideas that will help set up a new approach to health and in time you will not, and cannot suffer ill-health.
A point is going to be reached where your levels of vibration will be far too high for any lower energies to affect you. By this time you will also have experienced a total change in your body, that will have been restored to its prime condition free from any blemish or effects of the aging process. These are all steps along the path to becoming a Galactic Being, with full consciousness.
Please continue with your dedicated approach to bringing more and more Light to Mother Earth, as she too is due to enjoy similar changes to be restored to her prime condition. At present she is carefully moving areas of the Earth into their new positions, with some lands rising and others sinking but have not yet reached their final places.
Much of Atlantis will rise up around existing coastlines that were connected to that great land mass. Much of your history is enshrined in stories of Atlantis, and the truth of a once great civilization will be told. It existed for a very long period and most of you had lives there. Some of you still remember the sinking of it and were there in its last days, some 10,000 years ago.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with our Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
