Ceremonies Don’t Create Lightworkers – You Do
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s February 10, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: You have all transitioned internally to Lightworkers even if externally you continue to worry about 3D issues. Instead of shifting from the outside or “fake it til you make it” as you have learned to do in the Old Age, you now exude love and harmony through your pores.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “So What Color is Your Inner Self Now?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.”Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are upset that not much has changed since December. That assessment is not accurate, but it is a reason for you not to note the differences you are expiercing. You have learned for eons that someone else is responsible for your life – your teacher, parents, political leaders – anyone but you.
More of you acknowledge that particular Achilles heal in your belief system, but many continue to believe that someone did something to you.
You are doing it to yourself. Even though you may comprehend that thought intellectually, you continue to harbor thoughts of personal injustice deep within you.
Those of you confused, angry or ignoring the shifts within you – despite many messages from the Universes – are those who cling to the belief that actions are generated from without. Perhaps this thought makes you angry. Yet, are you not blaming the Universes, channels and other Wayshowers for not providing you with appropriate information? Are you not starting to believe that this transition is a hoax? For indeed, nothing happened to you.
If so, it is so for a reason. You maintain the Old belief system that everything happens outside your being.
You created outer-directed ceremonies to celebrate events in your life from graduations to births. Even the activities leading up to the ceremony are outer-directed. “I must attend classes to graduate.” ” I must work hard to be promoted.” Events in your 3D life require diligence and most often, hard work.
So how can anything be different in your life if you did not see fireworks, did not work hard or did not say the right words at the right time? How can this shift continue without your diligent efforts? More importantly, how can any shift have occurred if your life is no different from what was true before the shift was announced by so many?
Granted, you have a few new aches and pains. Granted, you have become tired of or outgrown some of your friends and family. Granted, you feel, think and act differently. Granted, you love reading or listening to New Age/new earth/new being materials. But nothing is really different in your life for there were no fireworks or ceremonies to proclaim you a Lightworker in good standing.
The key to your Lightworker status is your knowing that you are a Lightworker. Your status is not created by someone telling you that you are a Lightworker. You proclaim yourself a Lightworker.
Some of you feel that you do not know if you are a Lightworker, that you are not qualified to be a Lightworker. Is this not similar to the feelings you often have before a new class, job or becoming a parent – before any large change in your outer-directed world? Society buffers those fears by telling you that everyone has those feelings, that you have the training or the courage to complete the tasks.
Now only you can decide who you are. Do you wish to live in the desert, but are afraid that others will think you odd? Are you tired of hearing of the new earth that does not seem to be part of you, but are afraid to stop reading or listening because others tell you that you must grasp the brass ring of the new earth?
Who are you? What do you want? That is the new earth. It is about discovering who you are including accepting – if you are drawn to New Age/new earth materials – that you are a Lightworker.
No one is going to sprinkle you with star dust or wave a magic wand to show you that you are a Lightworker. You must acknowledge that for yourself.
Many of you believe that such cannot be true for you continue to worry about 3D issues like money, relationships, work, etc. How is it possible that you are a Lightworker cornered in a 3D world? How indeed. You create your life.
If you are afraid of your inner-power, if you worry about leaving loved ones behind, if you are afraid to face fears hidden for eons, you will not feel like a Lightworker.
You and only you can decide if you are a Lightworker. Not because of new skills, actions or friends. But that you are willing to claim your inner-power and the rightness of your inner-being.
Do you wish for someone to tell you that you are a Lightworker? You are. How many channels have you read or listened to that shouted such to you? Yet, you continue to question the validity of your Lightworker status.
No one can tell you that you are a Lightworker. This is not an outer-directed transition. You – and only you – can claim that role.
Now you wish to quibble that you do not know enough, are not strong enough or are not good enough to be a Lightworker. If you believe that, then you are not a Lightworker. Not because the Universes have proclaimed that you are not a Lightworker, but because YOU have proclaimed that you are not a Lightworker.
This wondrous transition is not outer-directed. No one can tell you what to do or what your role is – no matter how wise they seem. For indeed, all anyone knows is their role. You read and listen to new earth materials for information. But in the end, only you can accept that you are a Lightworker.
There are no assistants in this transition – only Lightworkers and non-Lightworkers. If you are reading this, you are a Lightworker. But we cannot change your beliefs, nor do we wish to – only you can do that.
If this is an inner-directed transition, how valid would your role be if it were on the basis of what we or any entity thought? Perhaps your life is not what you expect. Change your perceptions. Change your expectations. Change your life. Accept your true power. You are a Lightworker who generates your life from within. So be it. Amen.
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