What Will Life be Like After Ascension?
2012 November 19
On Oct. 3, 2011, Archangel Michael turned to the subject of what the world would like immediately after our Ascension on Dec. 21, 2012. I think the best way to sum up what he said was to say that the world would be the same but different.
He began with the physical world.
Archangel Michael: Now, you say, well, what about those around me? What about the physical world? And the ability to create and co-create, not only with us, but with each other, is very strong in this new reality that is as ancient as eternity. So there will be shifting, there will be shifting of what you choose to construct.
Now, it is not to say that you arrive in the fifth and it is a completely blank slate. There will be what you need there. But what you desire, or need, or believe you need, you will create. And the feeling, the belief that density and structure is the foundation of existence will not be part of that belief system, that reality. (1)
Things like stars, suns and moons will continue to exist.
Archangel Michael: You will have stars and a moon and a sun. You’re not shifting universes and galaxies. You are shifting dimensions.
Steve Beckow: So some things are the same, and some things are different, and some things which are the same are also at the same time different.
AAM: That is correct. (2)
Some third-dimensional needs will have disappeared and fifth-dimensional society will reflect that.
AAM: You do not need, for example, central banks when you are able to simply create and collect the codes and have what you need. There is no need for protection of military forces or paramilitary forces, which is often how we think of your police forces, when you know that it is in harmony. So these structures, or institutions, as you think of them, are nonexistent. They’re gone. (3)
Fifth-dimensional life doesn’t proceed according to the same rules as third-dimensional, he reminded us. Many false paradigms will cease to exist or exert influence.
AAM: It doesn’t have the same rules. Now, think of this, my friend. Many of the structures you have — and we’re not suggesting that they have been not worthwhile; there are many worthwhile, many, many, many worthwhile things that the humans have constructed. But many more have been constructed on these false human paradigms that were not real.
And they most certainly were not of this side [i.e., 5D and higher]. And they were not of love. They were of belief in the need to control, or to be greedy, or to be lustful — to limit. This is the one that is always the most baffling throughout the universe. Why would you wish to limit any human being? Any being?
It is like saying to a flower, only bloom once. So many of your structures have been formulated on these belief systems that have been based on a much lower vibration than where you would wish to be. If there is love, there is trust. And if there is trust, you can organize yourselves. You are not going to wish to take what? Another’s land? Land does not belong to you, anyway. It is Gaia’s. She shares it with you. (4)
The differences in our reality are what we’ll notice immediately upon ascending.
AAM: This different reality is what you will see when you open your eyes. You will see that you are part of that infinite mosaic. The connectedness will be there and the loneliness will be gone. The yearning? It will not be there. Not in the same desperation that we witness in so many. And that is not a criticism. It is that they yearn to be part of One again. They know that that is who they are. (5)
We’ll be taken care of, either because of our own ability to create, the lack of many needs, or else by arrangements. We won’t have to pack up, travel and relocate. We’ll be at our destination immediately.
AAM: It is like when someone says they are going on a safari and they are all excited, but they want to know: Where am I going to sleep? How am I going to be fed? Will I be taken care of? The answer is yes. You will be taken care of. You will be given every form of assistance. But it isn’t like an adjustment program. It isn’t like a relocation program. It is instantaneous. You are there. (7)
Reader “K” has furnished me with a personal reading from Archangel Gabrielle through Linda Dillon in which she asked Gabrielle about the fate of Third-Dimensional buildings and the latter responded:
K: . . . with the 3D buildings and 3D objects, what happens to them?
Archangel Gabrielle: Some will fade away. You can think of it as rapid decay or transmutation. And of course some will simply transfigure.
K: Hmmm.
AAG: It is just energy. It is just molecule connections of love.
K: And will people will know how to transfigure them? Or will they do it on their own?
AAG: They will do a lot of it on their own. Do not forget you are having a lot of help, not only from your star brothers and sisters but from the elemental realm, who has always been very good at doing this, as well as the angelic realm as well. So it is truly a collective undertaking.
K: And this will all come about within the next year?
AAG: Pretty much. The cities of light — the building, the changing, that will not just be complete in a year. It is not like a little Lego project that you do and then you leave it. It is constantly changing and evolving, as you, the collective, are changing and evolving. Things will be needed or wanted or desired to accommodate your star brothers and sisters that will change the complexion of what is available as well. So there will be many changes. So, but it will not be chaos, it will be smooth. (7)
This then is Archangel Michael’s, and Archangel Gabrielle’s, overview of life upon our arrival in the Fifth Dimension – a life that’s different but the same, that sees us instantly be where we’re intended to be, that sees many institutions based on Third-Dimensional values disappear, and all our needs taken care of. Tomorrow I’d like to give SaLuSa’s overview.Footnotes
(1) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/)(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. Cit.
(7) Archangel Gabrielle in a personal Reading with “K”through Linda Dillon, May 15, 2012.
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