Friday, November 30, 2012

SaLuSa, November 30, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  30-November-2012

You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.

After Ascension you will soon forget the past difficulties and delays, as there will be so much to interest you. Learning about your life in the higher vibrations will be exciting and uplifting, and joy and freedom will draw people together as true Brothers and Sisters. It is your natural inclination to share your love with others, but you have been taught that many countries and their people are your enemies. The fact is that the majority would live in peace if only there were no barriers erected between them. As trust is restored so you will see a great change take place in peoples attitude to each other. Sharing and love for what each other represents, will become the new level at which other cultures will be accepted.

Understand that the changes we speak about, are simply the first of many that will transform your different society's. They are a stepping stone to further your advancement towards not just becoming a Galactic Being, but part of a Galactic Civilization. So even the present changes that are in hand will be short lived, because you are destined to leave the last aspects of a 3D civilization behind. However, rather than leave you confused or bewildered by moving too quickly, we do it in way that will enable you to be fully prepared. Even we are not sure what changes will come first but we do know that when they commence, as you might say, they will become fast and furious. The point is Dear Ones, that we are ready to go speeding ahead as soon as we are given the signal.

At present it is not so much that the dark Ones are a problem, but the size of the tasks that have been undertaken require a lot of co-ordination. Much of the plans are now in place, and to do much of it in secrecy to protect those involved has been demanding. Fortunately there are now so many Lightworkers continuing to uplift the energies, they are preventing the dark Ones from having any real impact. Their days are over to all intents and purposes, but even individuals can be troublemakers. We simply keep on reminding you the need to keep focused on Ascension, and sending your Light to any point in the world that is not at peace. Of course it can also be directed at any individual, for example one who talks against the Ascension process to distract them.

Stay positive as you are almost at the portal that allows you to step into to 5th. dimension. You will feel the change in vibration, and it will be a most uplifting experience. Imagine never having to feel those heavy lifeless energies again, that are cold and uninviting. You will be surprised at what a vast difference there is, which is why people that have already experienced it never want to leave the higher levels. It is your more natural state of being but you have been pulled down by the lower vibrations, and it has been a hard challenge to find your way back. However, with great perseverance and determination you have found the Light again, and it will continue to grow and carry you through many dimensions.

As you must know by now, love is all there is and it is what everything is created of and may be changed in form, but cannot be destroyed. It is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it is what you must learn to control and use wisely. God is that power and has shown how it can be used in the most gentle and beneficial way, and that is what you are also experiencing and learning to do. Understand that when we say you are Gods, you have the full potential to be one which tells you that you have unlimited power. Once you ascend your powers of creation will commence to be returned, and you will become co-creators with God. So do not underestimate your abilities and go forth with confidence, as it is you who are setting the scene for your time in the higher dimensions.

Even now some of you have developed powerful healing abilities, and it is belief in yourself that enables you to do so. Most of you do it subconsciously and do not even realize what you have done. When you do realize be aware that you may not necessarily be successful, as some souls do not wish to be healed and desire to go through illness as a means of experience. So do your best with a positive intention that any healing you send out will be for the best results. Instant healing has taken place many, many times as has been recorded. It may not however last unless the recipient is prepared to eliminate the causes that brought it on in the first place. Most illnesses are self inflicted even to the point of causing the bodies immune system to weaken, and making them vulnerable to disease. A healthy body often goes with a healthy mind and habits.

The Galactic Federation of Light is working hard to bring conclusions to a number of projects that are in their final stages. It is touch and go whether you see them this side of Ascension, but if it has to be afterwards the way will be clear for them to go quickly ahead. Be assured that events are creating their own path forwards, and are like a snowball gathering speed and mass. Nothing is clearly now going to stop progress, and we stand by ready for action. We see the Light on Earth reaching new heights as the grids are stabilized, and ready for the final input before Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you our blessings to keep your spirits high, as we do not want to see anyone falling back at this late stage in your preparations. We love every soul, and work for each ones release from the dark energies.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

From Steve Beckow's site

After Ascension, We’ll Acquire New Spiritual Abilities

2012 November 29
Posted by Steve Beckow
So what will happen in the Golden Age, whether it begins with a sudden transformation on Dec. 21, 2012, as I believe it will, or with a gradual shift over time, as adherents of the gradual view believe it will?
Our sources say that we’ll acquire new spiritual abilities. Perhaps “acquire” is not quite the right word, because we always have had these abilities, but they are dormant in the Third Dimension. When we cross over to the Astral Plane or Fourth Dimension, these same powers “return.”
One of them is the ability to read thoughts and auras, which SaLuSa tells us will be ours after Ascension.
He begins by telling us how we start relationships in Third Dimensionality:
“There is a distinct difference between physical love and soul love. One is for the satisfaction of the physical senses, whilst the other is Universal Love for all life everywhere. On Earth you tend to be led by physical attraction and often take up partnerships without really knowing the person.” (1)
But in the Fifth Dimension and higher, nothing about a person will be hidden from us.
“In the higher dimensions you see each soul as they really are and there is no hiding of the truth. Being of a higher vibration you can see each other’s auric colours, and with an understanding of their meaning you will know their soul path and energies that they are using.” (2)
Anyone who has read the afterlife literature will be familiar with the fact that grass, flowers and trees on the higher planes actually make music. SaLuSa tells us that we’ll be talking to plants and animals in the Golden Age.
“Everything is alive with levels of consciousness that will give you the experience of talking with not just animals, but also any living creation such as for example plants. On Earth they have consciousness, and do respond to the energies around them. It is not unknown for people to talk to their plants, and find that as a result they become more beautiful and healthy.” (3)
Communication will be by telepathy, Matthew Ward says, allowing people of different languages to communicate.
“You will be able to communicate telepathically in the Golden Age, but speaking aloud still will be important and pleasurable. When telepathic conversations are commonplace again, you will be able to communicate telepathically with people whose languages are different because a translation process is an inherent aspect of telepathy.” (4)
Mira the Pleiadian says this will improve our communications.
“When you are in the higher dimensions you will be telepathic and so your communication will be improved. … This also explains why you are being gifted with increased empathy.” (5)
“Telepathic communication between some souls on Earth and those in other civilizations,” Matthew says, “has been going on ‘close to forever.’” (6) All the channeled messages we read, which is the favored method of communication between civilizations, are proof of that.
Again in the afterlife, people discuss being in two places at once and SaLuSa tells us that that ability to bilocate will be ours after Ascension: “You will have many attributes that will seem quite remarkable, such as being in two places at once.” (7)
Not only will we be able to be in two places at once, but we’ll be able to go back in time, says Ag-Agria, again another ability we have in the afterlife too.
“Oh yes, you can go back in time if that is necessary, and in the higher dimensions you will also be able to see into the future. All is in the Now, and you will experience a wonderful freedom of movement that is the gift to those who have risen up, and have become Cosmic Beings.” (8)
Whatever we need on the higher planes, we’ll create, SaLuSa tells us: “The higher vibrations are … your natural home where your own powers of creation provide all that you need.” (9) And “your creations will be of the Light. Nothing will be beyond your capabilities, and all will depict the absolute harmony that exists within the higher dimensions.” (10)
The Light we create with will be “the Light of the Creator,” which “contains energy, intelligence and everything necessary to create worlds without end and to fulfill the Divine plan,” Archangel Michael tells us. (11)
Moreover, we’ll feel moved to use our new powers of creation only for the benefit of all, SaLuSa says: “As your consciousness expands, so you will find that your understanding of the powers you have also increases. At the higher levels you will not abuse it, but instead use it for the good of all.” (12)
We’ll quickly forget about what we’ve had to leave behind, SaLuSa says, because of the quality of what we can create: “Whatever you leave behind when you rise up, you will have absolutely no regrets, as nothing can compare with the beauty and perfection of the higher realms.” (13)
Gone will be the noisy landscape of factories, SaLuSa says.
“In the higher dimension, … production where necessary will involve totally different methods that are noiseless. Much will be ‘thought’ into being and sometimes involve groups of people, whose combined power will be so much greater.” (14)
Gone as well will be such practices as mining and polluting, he informs us.
“Take for example the various resources of Earth that are used daily to sustain your world and its demands. In the higher levels that will become almost unnecessary as you will have little need to take from the Earth, when you can create what you want through the power of thought.
“In the same way as you dispose of your creations when there use has expired, there is no waste or pollution as all is returned to the unmanifest to be used again. When you reach such levels you will have the knowledge and ability to handle such matters, as your consciousness will be consistent with that expected of a Galactic Being.” (15)
In every way, we’ll become more of the real person we are, says SaLuSa.
“Then and only then, will you become the real you with very few limitations and great power to create.” (16)
Archangel Michael hints at who that may be.
“Remember, you were brought forth from the Sacred Heart Core of the Supreme Creator as a White Fire Being, from which comes the saying, ‘Made in the image and likeness of God.’” (17)
We’ll be awakened beings with greatly expanded knowledge, Ker-on of Venus says.
“After Ascension you will be fully awakened, and there will no mysteries connected with your existence or purpose of life. With your consciousness fully opened you will become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings.” (18)
Thus our spiritual abilities will blossom in the higher dimensions allowing us to create, communicate by telepathy, travel to more than one place at once or back in time, and know so much more than we do today.
In light of that, I certainly feel the excitement building in me when I hear Archangel Michael encouraging us: “Follow the path of Light, beloveds; the time of the grand reunion is at hand.” (19)


(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2012.
(3) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011, at
(5) Mira the Pleiadian, Sept. 4, 2012, at
(6) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 22, 2008.
(7) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.
(8) Ag-agria, Feb.16, 2009, at
(9) SaLuSa, Dec. 1, 2008.
(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 28, 2011.
(11) Archangel Michael, “The Many Facets of Ascension, Part 1,” January 2009, through Ronna Herman, at
(12) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.
(13) SaLuSa, Dec. 1, 2008.
(14) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.
(15) SaLuSa, May 14, 2011.
(16) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.
(17) Archangel Michael, “The Many Facets of Ascension, Part 1,” January 2009, through Ronna Herman, at .
(18) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at
(19) Archangel Michael, “The Many Facets of Ascension, Part 1,” January 2009, through Ronna Herman, at .

Live as the Ascended Master You will Become - from Steve Beckow's site

Live as the Ascended Master You will Become

2012 November 28
Posted by Steve Beckow
One theme that emerges from the channeled messages we’re receiving daily is to live as an ascended master already. What does that mean? What would it look like? SaLuSa advises us:
“You can start now to become your real self, by being outgoing and loving and able to express your true feelings. For too long you have been bound by fear of what others may think of you, that you have even hesitated to show your natural love for others. Find the inner child within your heart that knows not of your doubts and caution, but glories in being able to freely share its Light and Love.” (1)
Being outgoing and loving sets us on the road to unity and unitive consciousness, which is where the world is going. While we still encounter some conflict around us, we can reduce its impact by responding with love ourselves.
Practicing living as a master would make us one, he urges us.
“Live to your highest concept of one who is able to give Unconditional Love, spare judgment and instead generously show compassion. Do your best and you will master the ways of being the Master that you really are.” (2)
It will make us a rock among shifting sands:
“You have a God spark within you that is indestructible, no matter what your experiences. Start to live in the higher vibrations, and become your highest interpretation of what you are as a Being of Light. You will find that you can work from your heart centre, and calmly take all things in your stride. You will be a rock amongst the shifting sands of life, and others will cling to you just to be part of your experience.” (3)
It will help us find peace, he said:
“You must start living your truth as one who has discovered the Light both within and without. Become the Being you imagine you will be in preparation for Ascension, and relate to others on that higher level. In so doing you will find great peace within, and ride out the more difficult aspects of the changes.” (4)
Practice seeing ourselves as beacons of light, he invites us, and we’ll begin to feel what it’s like to live in the higher dimensions.
“If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions.
“Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.” (5)
Saul says that the highway we’re on leads to heaven and allows no exits. It requires us to live up to the divine qualities.
“As you live through each day, take a minute every hour or so to renew your intent to behave in a kindly and gentle fashion at all times, and intend to meld that intent with those of all other light-holders. This is a very powerful way to strengthen and intensify the effectiveness of all light-holders, because it amplifies the divine energy field embracing you and willing all to awaken.
“Humanity’s path to awakening has, over the last three or four decades, grown into a multilane superhighway to Heaven, which all can and will join, and from which there are no exits! Having joined it you are led inexorably to your divine destination.” (6)
The ascended master Hilarion invites us to be the walking ambassadors of the new way of being.
“Continue in your efforts and your observations of the workings of the new laws that are making your lives better in all ways. This will require your faith and belief until you recognize this working within your daily experience.
“Be in joy with it, Beloved Ones, accept this new way and become the walking Ambassadors of this new way of Being. Let your every action, word and deed reflect this godliness as you daily labor.” (7)
Melchizedek tells us that others will follow the new trail we blaze.
“Choosing to live each day by embodying more of the Light of your God/Goddess Self will enable you to connect with the Divinity which is your true nature. Leave the opinions and viewpoints that continuously war with each other to set their own fate and blaze a new path, a new trail that will shine as a beacon to others who come after.” (8)
The Arcturian Group discussed the subject of connecting with others in love at great length in their most recent message.
“Love is the realization that all living things are facets of and are thus connected within One Omnipresent Consciousness. This truth does not refer only to human beings for the one Life can only be the life of all living things. This connection is love. As an individual begins to spiritually evolve, he will unknowingly begin to experience more of this connecting energy in his thinking and in his actions.” (9)
They advise us that it’s time to let go of what they call the “toys of our spiritual childhood.”
“You are no longer spiritual infants dear ones, you are evolving beings of light who are afraid to let go of the toys of your spiritual childhood . It is time to actually practice what you know to be true.” (10)
They point out to us that realizing our oneness with others is a preparation for realizing our Oneness with the Creator.
“The final and deepest realization of love is to realize your own oneness with Source. I am love because I am in and of the one and only Consciousness there is– omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Divine Consciousness. The realization of all within the One is mysticism, and is the next step in an evolutionary journey. You are ready now.” (11)
And they conclude by asking us to “choose wisely dear ones, for time is running short. It is your choice. ‘Do I accept the oneness of all within one Divine Consciousness, or do I continue to play the games of duality and separation awhile longer.’ It is your choice dear ones.” (12)
And Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman counselled us that there us a science of the soul that these words of advice connect with, which is our passport to Ascension.
“The science of the soul will guide you along the path of soul education and spiritual evolution. The wisdom teachings of today could be called a passport for ascension. Pure motives and intention, a loving attitude and a desire to live your truth as it has been revealed to you, along with a desire to be of service are vital if you are to traverse the spiral of ascension successfully.” (13)
He explains that the greater our mission the more of God’s essence we draw to us.
“Each soul draws forth a quantity of its God-Self essence in proportion to the life’s mission it assumes for a particular incarnation. The choices you make as a physical entity with free will determines how much of your storehouse of Sacred essence you will have access to and can benefit from.
“Remember, the unconditional love you embody and project contains the formula for igniting the Sacred Creator Fire within. You must be vigilant in maintaining an energetic signature/frequency pattern of the highest resonance in order to assure a constant flow of the Sacred particles of Creator Light from the higher realms.” (14)


(1) SaLuSa, Nov. 28, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, March 28, 2012.
(3) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.
(4) SaLuSa, Nov. 10, 2010.
(5) SaLuSa, March 26, 2012.
(6) Saul, Oct. 20, 2011, at
(7) Hilarion, March 4, 2012, at
(8) Melchizedek’s Weekly Message through Marlene Swetlishoff, Nov. 15, 2011, at
(9) The Arcturian Group, Nov. 18, 2012, at
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) Archangel Michael, May 2009, through Ronna Herman, at .
(14) Loc. cit.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

SaLuSa, November 28, 2012 through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  28-November-2012

As you are realising, very few of the long standing predictions for this year have come true and it has been very much a normal year. There is always much happening of a physical nature which goes largely unreported. So it is nice to report that little has happened, that could fulfil the expectations of those preparing for major upheavals and catastrophes. You can take much credit for the outcome, as the vibrations of the Earth have been considerably lifted to what the were just a few years ago. The amount of Light attracted to the Earth has lessened the need for more energetic cleansing. We of the Galactic Federation have also helped by also taking part in the cleansing, and generally preventing pollution from becoming worse. That also includes Chemtrails which had the potential to seriously affect all forms of life.

Now your path through the final few weeks of duality should pass quite peacefully, allowing you to concentrate on your preparations for Ascension. The best advice is to keep calm and peaceful, and do not let anything distract you from your focus on it. You will be making history by being one that is actually on Earth to experience everything associated with Ascension. The old vibrations will no longer be able to interfere with your evolution, and in there place will be heightened vibrations that will lift you up. Most of you should register some pleasant reactions to the changes, although for some they will be difficult to assimilate. A total frequency change is naturally far reaching, and all life forms will be affected to some degree.

Dramatic changes will follow Ascension, many of which you should have already experienced. However all will happen in good time, but in quick time to give you the advancements that should have already commenced, but for the stalling tactics of the dark Ones. The dark Ages with all of their limitations will be replaced by one that sees you uplifted in so many ways, and brings the people of your civilization together in mutual love and respect for each other. All past differences will be set aside, to bring you close together in loving co-operation and unity. That will no longer be difficult to achieve as the false barriers placed between you, will fall away as trust replaces the fears created to keep you apart.

You can start now to become your real self, by being outgoing and loving and able to express your true feelings. For too long you have been bound by fear of what others may think of you, that you have even hesitated to show your natural love for others. Find the inner child within you heart that knows not of your doubts and caution, but glories in being able to freely share its Light and Love. You have been moulded into what you think of as yourself, by selective training all through your upbringing. You are being set free to share your enjoyment of life with all others. In the future no one will be offended by a show of love and it will become a quite natural way of greeting each other, as you are all One.

Yes, the meek shall inherit the Earth, and those who have caused so much trouble with their deliberate wars of death and destruction, will be removed from your midst. Only the gentle and loving souls shall remain to enjoy a happy and joyful life, such as they have not known in duality. You have proved that you are mighty souls with hearts of gold, and all will recognize you as ascended Beings. Your creative powers will be channelled into purposeful creations for the good of all. Hitherto, you have not realised how powerful you really are, and have not been in control of your abilities. Do not worry however as with Ascension your increase in levels of consciousness will change all of that.

You are co-creators with God, and your service to others will take you all over the Universe. You will have unique qualities resulting from your varied experiences in duality. You will be looked upon as the Masters of Light, and  help other emerging civilizations to evolve. However, that time lays somewhat ahead of where you are now, but you will be drawn to serve others in that way. You have had a long and arduous journey, but have gained much that is greatly admired by us. You will take your place along side us equals, and many of you will choose to join the Federation. You know enough about us now to make such decisions, and our comments apply equally to both male and female. In that respect unlike now, you will both be balanced in the two energies, and the differences in them will be hardly noticeable.

In spite of the turmoil in your world at present the prospect of peace remains very real. It is being approached at the highest level, and the response is encouraging. It is removal of the fear of the big powers that holds smaller countries back, but we can easily maintain the peace once an agreement is reached to disarm. Peace is an absolute must if you are to enter the higher dimensions, as it will not support the low vibrations of the threat of war. Together with the moves to achieve governmental changes that are also proceeding, dramatic changes will occur that will change the whole face of your civilization. Then you can add disclosure, and matters will be able to go forward with all speed. These events are not far away at all, and our allies are working very hard to bring them to fruition.

We clearly place a great deal of importance on disclosure, as it is a means of bringing us together and entering a relationship that is necessary for your progress. More importantly is our part in overseeing the vast changes to your society, and helping your big commercial companies handle the changes affecting them. There have to changes that reflect the need for smaller groups rather than monopolies, and adjustments to new ways of working. You will see that in future business will be on an open basis, so that everyone will know what is taking place and that it is operating on honest and just principles. That should be easy as those criminal elements that exist in your society now will have been removed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and want you to remove your focus from the past, and give your energy to the new in accordance with your expectations. That way you will help bring it in much quicker, and also be more prepared for what will take place. We are with you Dear Ones, and it will always be so.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.           

Monday, November 26, 2012

SaLuSa, November 26, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  26-November-2012

Each day now may provide the first real evidence of what has been happening behind the scenes, that will convey to you the ongoing changes. The media will not handle the "good" news regrettably because it is still controlled. However, your Internet is so vast that you will have no problem in finding references to Disclosure and other anticipated events, and often from those who have a genuine source of information. Yet you still have to beware of some authentic looking websites and reports that are put out to confuse you. When the true announcements are made there will be no doubt in your minds as to their truthfulness. Disclosure is for example of world wide importance, and accordingly it will be down to your leaders to handle it.

With all that is happening the path to yours and Mother Earth's Ascension is still forging ahead, and no problems exist. As with the Universe all are in the latter stages of readiness, and your Ascension is as important as any other changes, if not more so. You are the only ones who are unable to do it entirely for yourselves, and of course we of the Galactic Federation of Light and others are very active in helping you. It is our privilege to be chosen in that role, and serving others is the reason we exist. Ascension is only the start, and afterwards we have much to do by way of quickly moving you into the life changes that go with it. We believe that many of you are now aware of what that means as far as raising your quality of life, and restoring your sovereignty. Instead of having your path created by others, you will create your own reality. That will bring souls of a like mind together, and why some with different desires will go their separate ways.

If you consider that you will be moving into a new frequency, you will. understand that there are various levels within each dimension. You will not therefore all be within the same one, and some people will disappear from your view. We would therefore stress once again, that each soul will find itself exactly in the right level. It will be one that is in harmony with their own vibrations, where they will feel comfortable and at ease. It is the perfect answer for those concerned about other people, and those who accompany them to their level. Where families are concerned, let us put your mind at rest, as most members will normally stay together. Clearly if people have quite contrasting ideas of what Ascension means to them, they will be creating different realities for themselves in parallel worlds. There would not be much point in allowing you free choice if somehow it was somehow curtailed.

The true extent of the coming changes has not been taken in by many people, as it will be quite different to your present experiences. If you look for Heaven upon Earth that is what you will get, but it will of course be on the new Earth. One of the bugbears of your life is dust, that you spend many hours trying to remove. It will be no more because of the purity of the air, and the ground below your feet will be of a different texture to what you know now. Without aging or decay there is no residue from plants or other sources. Cleanliness and brightness go hand in hand with the higher vibrations, that also give you a greater range colours than you have at present. So Heaven is really the word that describes the higher dimensions of Light.
On Earth there is so much criminal activity that your lives are spent securing your home and property against crime. On a personal level you fear being robbed or assaulted, or even worse. Dear Ones, in the higher realms such dangers or threats simply do not and cannot exist, all souls express themselves in love and caring for each other. Abundance takes away the need to accumulate wealth whatever form that may take. When you have all you need you do not covet another's goods or belongings. Think upon the idea that doors do not need locks and your property does need to be hidden away. You will soon get used to such changes and need not worry about anything, as life is just one continual experience in utter joy and happiness.

There are many civilisations keen to make friends with you, who see themselves as on a similar path to you. They are all humanlike or humanoid and often linked to you through genetic engineering. By nature humans are friendly and benign Beings, and you attract like Beings. Some of them have already made some individual contacts with you, but we have controlled such contacts so as not to distract you from the more important issues like Ascension. The first meetings with us will be to introduce your main families who are already Federation members. By then you will have raised your levels of consciousness and will soon recall your past links.

As you are beginning to realise, Ascension is a quantum leap in your vibration and level of consciousness. Check if you are ready, go back a few years and you will surely recognise a great shift in your consciousness. It has been a gradual growth in the past, but now it has speeded up and you could notice the difference almost on a daily basis. We tell you that the Light is streaming on to your Earth from all quarters of the Universe. You have never been without support, and now because of the nearness of Ascension it has been intensified. We want to see every soul that has expressed the intent to ascend, to do so full of confidence and well prepared.

You are all adored and loved throughout the Universe, and that includes all souls regardless whether they are of the Light or darkness. That is because in duality you have all played your part in it, and therefore one should not be in judgment of any soul. That takes a bit of getting used to as your laws prosecute and imprison those who break them, and you tend to pre-judge their crimes and decide their punishment. It doesn't mean that you should not have an opinion, but often your judgement carries thought forms of energy that would eke out your idea of punishment. It is not your place to make such judgments, and you can rest easy that justice will always be done, even if someone appears to get away with their crime. Nothing can ever be hidden forever that no one could know about it, as the energy of all actions continue to exist in the ethers.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to see that many are planning a special event for 12.12, which is of great importance in releasing the coding to complete your personal preparations for Ascension. Be in the Light, be Love.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Goddess of Purity via Marlene Swetlishoff

November 24, 2012
Goddess of Purity: Your Intention Creates The Reality
Beloved Sweet Ones,
How pleased I AM to come through this vehicle that I may impart my words to you during these times that are upon you all. It is with great delight and joy that I watch the Beloved children of Light steadfastly hold to the precepts that have been most instrumental in anchoring the higher dimensional frequencies to give assistance to the Earth as she translates into the higher dimensions of the Creator’s worlds. We of the Higher realms rejoice to see such determination in our Light Bearers begin to bear the fruits of their labor.
There are many wondrous and exciting changes transpiring in every atom and molecule of your Planet and within all life upon and within her. Know, Dear Ones, that these changes go deep into the essence of the Divine Plan that will see rejuvenation and restoration on mind expanding levels, for all that was before is quickly moving into the pages of the history of the Earth and her inhabitants during the darkest eras of existence ever known. The Earth and its kingdoms and all her inhabitants are embarking into a new Era of existence, into new territory at a greatly accelerated pace.
Most Beloved Ones, continue to seek the kingdom within you. Do not falter in your intentions for a better world, a peaceful and loving world, for it is your intention that creates it. Yes, it is true, that there are greater forces at work in the Cosmos that oversee the entire process but these forces must adhere to the Supreme Deity’s Universal Laws honoring free will and so they cannot assist until called upon by the embodied Souls who walk the Planet. It is with great joy that these forces spring into loving action when called into service. We delight in being of service in any way that is of benefit individually and for the greater good of all. Do continue with your calls!
We thank you for your willingness to work in unison, for your willingness to accept guidance from on high and for your continued dedicated service. The transformations that are occurring bring pressures that are at times uncomfortable to experience and sometimes difficult to endure but it is the only way through this passage into a greater existence. Keep your heart flames pure and burning brightly and know that by focusing upon each moment, step by step, you will prevail.
Walk with discernment, care and caution in your Earthly living and attune to the energies flowing both within you and around you. Listen to the inner promptings of your true essence, for in these times it is the voice of truth within you. Pour waves of love, compassion and kindness upon yourselves and those around you, for you are all in the process of recalling the Oneness of All That Is and that all is connected. The desiring of the highest good for others brings the same to you in return. Be blessed, Dear Ones, for I am with you always.
I AM Goddess of Purity
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

 Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
[Peridot is an apple green or yellow-green color; can be used to cleanse and stimulate the heart & solar plexus chakras. An excellent healing stone -- acts as a TONIC to vitalize and
regenerate the body. ~ES]
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light ! I greet you once and always in a vector of Unconditional Love.
2012 now quickens and the Ascension of 12-12-12 and the birth of the New Planet Earth on December 21st is ever closer.
Take a moment to breathe and feel the incredible pulse of the events that will soon be at hand !
The Earth will shift in astonishing ways very soon. It will truly be 'born again' into a new and magnificent field of 12 Crystalline dimensions. This will in kind spawn the rebirth of the Firmament.
Energies are literally bombarding the planet from your Sun, and indeed the Sun itself is shifting in benefit to both humanity and the earth. Special points on the planet are receiving and disseminating this energy.
And so we speak of one such place, the Umbilical of the Planet, the Peridot Stargate of Easter Island - Rapa Nui.
Easter Island is unique on the planet. As we have told you previously it is one of the most powerful Vortexial Portals on the planet. Indeed it has been recognized as such for millennia. It is absolutely a potent & benevolent 'Umbilical of the Earth'. In a true sense, the 'wormhole' that is located there, brings in massive amount of coding and sustaining energies for the entire planet.
The gateway provides a dynamic balancing & nurturing energy that supports the Earth, its Elemental Kingdoms and indeed Humanity. It is soon to vault into a new and very important role. One many of you have waited for.
The basaltic volcanic earth of Easter Island, Rapa Nui, is absolutely laden with crystallized minerals of feldspar and quartz silicate, giving it the energetic- affect of an enormous gemstone.
It truly is a projected field of precious multi faceted peridot. Indeed there are massive crystalline pockets of olivine quartz, peridot, in its volcanic formations as well as chrysolite.
Your geologists are aware of these massive olivine crystal formations and deposits. What is not recognized is that these powerful crystals have a tremendous influence on the energy of the island and its portal. But this was recognized and understood by those of LeMuria that once lived there. These olivine crystals are why it was called the Peridot Stargate.
The land that is Easter Island in your present is indeed the remains of a pristine mountain top of LeMuria. It carries the original imprint of LeMuria perhaps more than any other location on your planet both in physical and nonphysical terms. It is a multi-dimensional stargate and functions in that aspect for myriad worlds and realities.
Multidimensional reality is not subject to the restrictive constraints of linear space-time. And Easter Island projects facets of reality that are utterly astonishing. Because of these facets, Easter Island is a 'Time-Gate'. Here time is fluid and other epochs of time 'programs' co-exist more tangibly than in other such points on your planet, specifically because of its combined cosmic and telluric energies and terrestrial grid placement.
There are energetic stones, calderas, ceremonial sites, and caverns on Easter Island that lead to different worlds, worlds that are known and unknown to you, worlds that many of you experienced in your past.
The realm of the LeMurian Utopia was an idyllic paradise that most of you experienced, and most of you have forgotten. For those of you that were LeMurian, Easter Island is a gateway that offers this remembrance. Indeed it is much easier for those of you versed in esoteric disciplines to experience such alternate realities, in the 'Peridot Stargate'. But because the triangular island is now but the top of an ancient mountain, and relatively quite small, it may not seem to be the Paradise that it once was, but we tell you, all that was ever there, remains in place within the complex facets of multi-dimensionality.
Zipped Space
The energy of this Sacred Island is 'zipped' space. (Only Mount Shasta is its equivalent in this category.) Within its succinct field are far more than 12 dimensions, concentrically condensed. And as we have said, the visiting pilgrim with the developed expansive vision of the third eye can more easily 'see' past and future versions within the facets of this multi-dimensional vector. The grand Temples and Pyramids, and lush vegetation that once were here, are still quite present in simultaneous epochs of time.
Original Entry Gate
Most humans experienced LeMuria as their first sojourn on Earth, entering the Earth-Plane thru the Arcturian Stargate of Easter Island.
The land that is now the small island of Rapa Nui was then a Sacred & Holy mountain at the southwestern corner of the massive continent of LeMuria.
But we wish to make an important clarification. It is essential to understand that LeMuria existed on the earth in two very different phases. The first was a utopian realm, which may be more accurately described as a hologram of light. This was before the Earth shifted into duality, long before the purposed break-up of the original Firmament. At his time LeMurians were in luminescent manifested 'projection' forms, not truly physical, but these light forms utilized the 'elements ' of the Earth in their expression. Accordingly their vibrations were' faerie-esque'.
That is why many of you so relate to the elemental kingdoms of earth, air, fire and water, for the LeMurians experienced life as projections of the earth elements and kingdoms. They were the original shape-shifters ! Capable of flying as an eagle, swimming as a dolphin, running like a jaguar ! Harmonically melding at will with every aspect of the planet, including the mineralogical crystal-beings and the benevolent fire-dragons of the earth's kundalini leys. .
In this state life was an adventure, not one of duality challenges. It is of this phase of perfection and joy that we now speak.
The hologram of the original LeMuria was indeed anchored at Easter Island to the physical earth, but that physical Earth was quite different in its dimensionality and expressions than the Earth you now live upon.
The land that is there is the same you once walked on and there are still some of the enormous statues and ceremonial sites. But the surface land area is now much reduced. Sea levels are much higher. Below Easter Island is a massive chasm of hollow Earth, and it is teeming with lifer and adorned with grand Temples and Pyramids, as extraordinary as the ones that were on the surface eons ago.
And the original gateway, the Stargate is absolutely still there. It cannot be shifted.
That is because the Stargate of Easter Island is a purposed coordinate of energy, deliberated placed with a unique arrangement of particalized light. And while the mineralogy of the island embellishes its energy, its location is based upon its geometrics and cosmic angular alignments. Its placement on the geo-spherical earth grid has a direct connection to Arcturus.
Paradise Is Not Lost
The LeMurians always knew that an opportunity to transit into a different, more physical dimension would come...and that it would present defining choices. Some would remain and enter duality; some would return to other realms, others would enter in the frequencial chasms of inner earth. And it is not paradoxical to state, that all within multidimensionality maintain a great aspect of self within the original Island of Paradise. It is not lost.
And to make an important note, that may be in contrast to the conjecture of some, the transition into physical matter within duality, was not a degradation of downward spiral. It was not the 'Fall of Mankind'. No ! Rather it was an optional choice of decision that was offered. Physicality was chosen by some and not by others. It allowed for a greater challenge and the freedom to experience will within duality and polarity. To experience linear time and polar magnetic earth, while very challenging, is a great path, and noble one.
Hologram of Light
T he LeMurian Utopia of the initial phase was a specialized hologram of light inserted within the Omni-Earth. It was a vast hologramic of nonpolar frequency and coherent light. The original LeMurian utopia covered the entire planet. But it was entered into via the Stargate that is now Rapa Nui.
Within that Utopia all movement was by thought, and communication was telepathic.
At the initial phase of ancient LeMuria, Easter Island was part of a super continent. Easter Island was a beautiful mountaintop, with sloping velveteen sides. It was indeed the original Garden of Eden, with lush flowers of scintillating perfumes in vibrant colors of every hue. Incredibly beautiful trees were lined along crystal clear cascading streams.
All Kingdoms of the planet were in harmony. The Faeries and Elves of both the planet and mineral realms were totally visible and intermingled with Water sprites above the gurgling brooks. Carpets of iridescent moss and lichen brought in amazing colors. Winds were soft and gentle. The shifts of temperature and sometimes turbulent weather you now know did not fluctuate in ancient Mu.
The entire weather conditions of the entire planet were modulated to one consistent temperature even in the Polar Regions. Rainfall occurred in the mornings and late afternoons in soft mists that generated astonishing rainbows. The higher Divine aspect of the animal kingdom walked in amazing arrays, living on water and light, and communicating clearly, gently and clearly telepathically. Lions and tigers lay beside luminous human and lamb.
Memories of Eden
All of you have deep memories of this Eden, this lush paradise. It is a place you return to in dream state, and it nurtures each of you, filling you sensuality and vibrantly with the original passion and joyueaux de vivre, which is oft hard to discover within duality challenge. But it is there, and land of beauty and dream scape, one you visit more than you know. These mornings in which you wake feeling strangely rejuvenated, feeling something wonderful just happened, though you can't quite put your finger on it , cant lucidly recall it in detail as the mist of dream gives way to waking mind, are indeed the magical times of having gone thru the Rapa Nui Stargate back to the living hologram of Eden
And this paradise was a time in which locomotion was by thought projection, indeed you could be anywhere on the Earth by mere focus. Dreams you have of the passionate exhilaration of fearlessly flying high above vast distances over shimmering waters, vibrant mountains and color collages of myriad landscapes in fact are often 'dreamscape' very real reconnections to the Eden of Easter Island, for you did that so many times.
And because instantaneous travel was so easily achieved, the LeMurians remained somewhat based in Eden; the luminous stargate of Easter Island, for there was no place more beautiful or more potent. The LeMurian infrastructure was thought manifested and fluid, self evolving through thru magnificent harmony of combined group mind. It was an Eden of creation.
The land was adorned with Pyramids gilded in golden layers and Temples of white alabaster marble. A ray of visible light beamed from the apex of the Pyramids. And from the Temples, beautiful artistry of dance and music was performed.
The night skies were a kaleidoscope of color, as the Firmament glowed in the iridescent hues of the Aurora Borealis, covering the entire sky in a dynamic swirling energy that was stunning to observe. The energy of the stargate atop Easter Mountain glowed in a luminous radiation filled with light burst that shined like suspended micro stars.
And the amazing plant life, all of the members of the Plant Kingdom were vividly conscious expressions of what the Druids referred to as 'Greenman'! The trees of LeMuria were conscious, exquisitely expressed and articulate. There were groves of trees as tall and majestic as the California Sequoia & Redwoods. All exuding energy of strength and tranquility. The vines of green ivy were animated, braiding and twining at will to the rapturous delight of all around.
There was no fear, no anger, no sadness, only joy, only LOVE - Unconditional Love.
The actions the LeMurians made did not require a consensus of council, for all was in harmonic perfection. But their thoughts and creations were not frivolous, rather in the frequency of highest good. This was Utopia. Manifest reflections of highest vision and elucidated wish. A mindscape of lively spirit, adventurous vitality and creative animation in an inspiring stream of infinite and resplendent life-expression.
It is still and ever there !It yet shines above (and in chasms below) Easter Island, and at times amidst the benevolent volcanoes and amazing statues it can be seen for a fleeting moment, and felt for a timeless instant of eternity.
Shangri- la of Joy
LeMuria was a Shangri-la of play, of laughter and joy. When one laughed in joy & bliss, all felt the love. Luminous souls were not limited in the wholesome expression of any loving emotion, there were only expressions of light in which souls merged and expressed ravishing ecstasy, spiritual sensual bliss of Beingness in complete sharing.
Pilgrims to the Island absolutely have lucid visions of this memory, for the Garden of Eden is timeless. It is the once and future Camelot of beauty and harmony. We tell you it is there, the stargate and dimensional field of this living hologram will ever project eternal magic.
The land & the standing stone statues of Easter Island subtly, yet dynamically project the energy-keys. It is not conjecture, rather thru multidimensional laws of physics. The land does indeed upshift the vibration of past and present LeMurians, and allows all to enter into the Living Rhapsody of Love.
Paradise was not lost. ..just forgotten in the challenges of duality, but always there in the refuge of lucid memory.
Question to Metatron: You have previously mentioned that vertical and horizontal octahedronal gateways exist on Easter Island. How does one enter the portal to the 'Inner Earth'?
Metatron: Your bodies are conduits of the planets currents within the third dimensionality. At specific powernodes, particularly volcanoes such as the ones on Easter Island, earth currents contain the circuitry of other dimensions within the earth. This embellishment is a result of mineralogy. Easter Island is composed primarily of the mineral olivine (when in its crystalline phase is also called peridotand chrysolite), is an octahedronal magnesium iron silicate. The entire island is a projected energy of peridot and chrysolite! Now you may understand why it is such a unique place of healing, serenity and expansion.
Indeed the crystalline deposits of the crystalline gem aspect of peridot, being an olivine of silicate quartz provides an incredible energy to Easter Island. Feldspar also occurs on the island. Both add to the octahedronal 'as above so below' geometry of the island. The crystalline and magnetic (iron basalt) minerals combine to amplify the ability of the Moi stones and AHU Pyramid to assist each human in traveling lucidly to other realms.
We also emphatically add that being in the concentrated magnetic energy found in the caldera of the volcanoes and lava caves assists entry into the hollow realm of inner earth, but it is important to be in the specific locations. Not every part of the island offers the gateway to the hollow earth chasms
Question to Metatron: You mention that the 'standing stone statues of Easter Island' hold energy keys that allow for entry into the original Utopia. Can you speak on this ?
Metatron: The stones are of the Earth, but the energy embedded into them is celestial. It is activated by harmonic 'Om' sound, just as are the keys in the hallowed chamber of Giza, and the circuitry of mounds at Newgrange stargate.
We add that the Utopian field is etheric, in your terms. The Utopian field is held in place by a nexus, a series of inter-connected spirals of energy that carry associated particles of matter / non-matter between the hologramic layers of the physical / non-physical dimensions. But the stones act as the catalyst of the frequencial keys, their energy works with the Mer-Ka-Na, the crystalline light body by induction to upshift those that have the ability of light-quotient to enter.
Vector of Choice
Easter Island represents far more to humanity than is recognized, and especially so for the many who experienced life in its first 2 phases. When Earth shifted into duality, it was chosen as an Island of Light for LeMurians selecting to experience life in the more dense eras of physical matter. It was chosen for its incredible energies and proximity to higher dimension...but also for the gateways above and below, and for its role in the future.
As we mentioned earlier in this channel, the Utopia of LeMuria was and is a nonphysical realm of ecstasy and joyous adventure. Approximately 800,000 years ago in your linear time The LeMurians moved onto specific sacred points within the Earth's energy grid that aligned favorably with cosmic influx. Easter Island represented the major point, with secondary communities dispersed throughout LeMuria, notably in regions around what now remains as islands including, Hawaii and Tahiti.
LeMurians were not bound to the Earth in the utopian field, but as the Firmament dissolved, and Earth transitioned into polarity, most remained for a time, experiencing the denser bodies in which souls were tethered to physical forms. No longer could they travel by thought or fly in luminous bodies of light.
Requisite Frequencial Separation
In the flow of linear time and duality there came greater challenges, and knowledge of impending understanding that the continent would submerge. This brought to the forefront a difficult crossroad, a perplexing decision. A defining point of separation was at hand. The LeMurians individually choose either:
1) ** Total physicality in duality cycles of reincarnation (primarily into Atlantis , Egypt & Rama)
2) ** Withdrawal from the physical EarthPlane
3) ** Movement into frequencially higher 'Inner Realms' of the Earth.
Approximately 65% moved into Inner Earth, the greatest numbers below Easter Island, and others below Mt Shasta and the crystalline energy beds of Arkansas and Brazil.
These would be held in place by the Codes of Light and retained by Wisdom-Keepers for many millennia. The LeMurian age was at a seeming end, and as duality increased a separation fell for a season. The Inner Earth LeMurians headed for a completion, and for a time there was little purpose in interfacing with the density of the Earth's surface populace. This was innately understood. But the purposed separation was only for an age and a season, as marked in cosmic cycles of the Omni-Earth. Special LeMurian Emissaries remained upon the surface and Inner realms. Carrying codes and retaining wisdom as the surface populace moved into greater densities of duality and faced challenges that were not chosen by Inner Earth LeMurians. And so accordingly the sojourns of Inner Earth LeMurians and surface Earth populace, moved into vastly different vibratory dimensions.
And although the Inner Earth beings progressed in a very different cycle from those on the surface Earth, there have always been special emissaries connecting both. Indeed the 'Law of One' of Poseida in the Golden Age of Atlantis were also Elders of LeMurian Codes. The Law of One were in fact family members of the original Utopian experience.
A Grand Reunion
It was deeply understood by all LeMurians that there would in time be a re-merging. That time is coming.
Easter Island carries an important role in that process. It is now being prepared to anchor the New Firmament. And beyond the anchoring in the not too distant future it will be a re-emergence point of the LeMurian family of inner earth. And the reunion will reunite all LeMurians, of surface & Inner Earth and those of Sirius and the Pleiades.
In the interim, Easter Island, Rapa Nui-144 is ever a Sacred Portal of Healing, Balance and Remembrance...of that which you once knew and will be again.
Easter Island now calls to you, calls to those of LeMuria to come and receive the codes of remembrance. It is a place of the nurturing energy that is in the perfection of balance. It holds a unique alignment to Mt Shasta, Arkansas, Newgrange, Giza and Brazil (Sao Tomas des Letres in Minas Gerais). It is in fact axialtonally connected by underground hyper dimensional 'tunnels' to all of these.
It exudes the energy you term Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. It is the perfect equation of both in balance. Accordingly it provides the energy necessary for those that are in imbalance to receive the flow of what is required for balancing. For a male in over masculine frequency, feminine influx occurs, and vice versa. It will in 2013 pass this energy axialtonally to other such locales on the planet, and there are 11 receiving this energy. Those of you receiving the codes of this will become living carriers of such codes to pass them forward.
Easter Island is indeed a Crystalline Light of Peridot, and the light of this energy, which is richly embedded across its land, offers the Green Ray of Healing and Joy.
It was and remains the first Temple of the LeMurians. And most of you know this energy, perhaps far more than you realize. It exudes the energy of home!
The Clarion Call
The Stargate opens to those who are called. Each of you in Divine Self know, in deepest truth that you are still there. It beckons and it is visited often in dream, lucid dreams of euphoric exaltation and zest. It is a buoyant heavenly place of evermore where dreams come true.
Your travels have taken you far, and the path now leads you home... and the light is left on for your arrival.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And So it is...And it is So

This Metatron message may be published online as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter, abridge or edit it any way, credit the website, author and include this entire copyright notice . It may be posted on Utube or printed in magazines with expressed permission. from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization contact Anne at

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

November 25-December 2, 2012

Beloved Ones,
It is the time of aligning within your own true selves, a time to spend in contemplation and meditation of what it is that you are to bring into the World, your gifts, your Light, to shine brightly without hiding any longer. It is most appropriate to allow yourselves as much introspective moments as is possible in the next weeks. There are still many layers of cleansing yet remaining, however, this will not be as intense to those who have been steadily and methodically doing the work of facing their dualistic nature, recognizing those traits within themselves, and releasing their limiting influence in their daily lives.
Try to tune into an underlying new vibration that is now ready to be discerned and assimilated into your consciousness. This requires becoming aware in each moment and observing the synchronicities that surround you. Each moment is a treasure, a gift waiting to be opened, explored and enjoyed. Learn to follow your intuitive promptings, for this is the influence of your Higher Self who is desiring to guide you further into position as we come closer to the shifting of the ages, a tremendous opportunity to reconnect with the higher aspects of yourselves and to allow the Love that you embody to surface and blossom into the truth of your Being.
Stand in this awareness as often as you can until it is a certain knowing that can never again be taken from you. The Earth, her kingdoms and all her inhabitants are being readied for graduation into higher levels of consciousness, learning and progression and soon, the grand ceremony will take place. This will be felt within each Soul and will be unique to each. The awareness that you are much more than you have ever dreamt will dawn with each breath that you inhale and joy will flow from within. As this feeling of joy increases in intensity, it will begin to unfold the secrets of your true nature.
For each of you are unique and the gifts that you bring will come into greater expression. These gifts will attract to you those who resonate in alignment with them and there will be more seekers than ever before in Earth’s long history, seekers of knowledge, seekers of solace, seekers of healing, seekers who thirst to know more about their true nature and the that of the World in which they live. You have prepared the way for these beloved souls and they will find the gifts that you offer to help them in their unfolding. The feelings of Oneness will be the prevailing knowingness amongst all of Humanity and all will know that they are loved.
For the new consciousness that even now is shining with greater intensity upon your World is that of Love and this powerful force will bring with it Divine order. Harmony will be restored in all the many facets of existence in the functioning of your World. There will come a time upon your Planet when peace will prevail. There can be no other outcome than the highest one and that is an alignment with the Source of All That Is.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sekhmet Crystal Ship Exercise - Beaming Love!

from Ashtar On The Road Teleconference November 13, 2012

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 13, 2012
"Well that was real joyful!* That was a real upbeat kind of an opportunity for transition. And yes, we're all about change. Today is momentous, and we are going to amplify it even more! Oh yes, we're here to enjoy each other's company, so to speak, and we do want it to be joyful, and sometimes even jolly. But you all know, as Ashtar said, we are approaching the zero point hour, and the changes, and the transformations, and transmutations are already happening so fast, like lightning, as he said.

"And so it is that we have an opportunity to come together. I've already got the red carpet out! You like red carpets you know, it makes you feel good, and that's high vibe. I've got the red carpet all rolled out, so that you come and join me on my ship. Now most all of you have done this before, and so you are what you might call 'experienced flyers,' perhaps even 'frequent flyers,' because you know you're invited any time, just like you are to The New Jerusalem, The Star of Bethlehem - any in the fleet, including your own ships. Yes!

"You all have a ship of your own! You may be in communication with it, you may not. You can work on that outside of this Gathering. But for now we're all headed to my ship, specifically to the Crystal Room on my ship. So, we gather in together, and we make a circle. Now, I have multi-locational capabilities. They're rather advanced, if I do say so, and so I want each and every one of you to hold one of my paws, and with the other hand hold the hand of the traveler next to you.

"You see, I have a paw for every one of you. That's an interesting picture, isn't it? What I mean is that I can multi-locate my paws. Now don't be afraid. I don't have my claws out, I'm just a soft pussy cat for this occasion, for this Group. Because, if you look at my Heart you can see it's just so full of LoveBeams, and it's beaming out to everybody, because I'm so happy that we're here! It's almost like I can hear Joy to the World right now. You know that's my favorite song. I like to dance to it with Froggie - anyway that was the one done by the Doggie people,** by the way.

"So, we are now gathered together in a circle, and everybody's got a big smile on their face! All right! This is the second, so as we hold hands and paws, let us just allow ourselves to lift off. Now we are totally secure. Each and every one of you will note that you have a very soft, very shiny kind of a cord, a string, a ribbon, whatever you want to call it. You are not going to drift up, up, and away in space, because you still have your connection with Planet Earth. You are still ground crew in human uniforms, and so it is that we travel together easily and effortlessly. We don't even need Scotty!

"We're just going up, up. Now if you want to look around, just enjoy. Here we are literally floating up, or seemingly floating! It's a very gentle trip, even as fast as it is. Enjoy the Stars, and the Suns, and the Moons, and the Planets. It's a different perspective, Beloved Ones. It's the one that we all share from my ship. It's the one you have when you're on your own ship, that part of you which is there even now. But for this we're coming together as ground crew members, and as I, Sekhmet, am with you. We are One Circle!!!

"Now if you will look up, you will see my ship shining and glowing, and you will see a door. It's circular. Now my ship has expansion capabilities, and so the door opens as wide as it needs to be opened for all of us to comfortably, effortlessly - and with great Joy, I might add - come up into my ship. We are going to hover just above the landing deck, long enough for the door to close. And now let us just settle upon the deck. Go ahead, let your feet rest upon the deck. It is joyful to be here. It is so wondrous, because it is everything that speaks Love, or sings Love, or feels Love, to each and every one of you!!!

"It is a Crystalline ship, and it has received the programming to transmit and beam Love to you, each and every one of you! So one of you may be feeling an exquisite kind of a warmth, kind of like liquid gold flowing through you. And another one may be hearing - ahhh, what you call the sounds of the Angels singing. Whatever your experience is, it is your unique experience. You are welcome onto my Crystal Ship. So everybody take a couple of deep breaths, and now let us head for the elevator to the Crystal Room.

"Again, the doors to this elevator open in front of us, welcoming us all in, with ease and grace - there's plenty of room for all of us in this wondrous, magical elevator. The feelings of Love, perhaps the scents of your favorite flowers, or the music of the heavenly choirs is what you are experiencing now. It's all wondrous indeed, because it's all High Dimensional. You've left 3D way behind! And so come into the elevator, and let's have the doors closed. Breathe again, and just enjoy the ride, and the beautiful Lights of the Crystals are beaming at all of us!

"And now the elevator gently stops, and the doors open. Welcome, Beloved Ones to the Crystal Room of my ship. It is the very highest room on the ship, and its purpose is to welcome with great Joy, all of you!!! So let us come out. We can just kind of flow out of the elevator, still holding hands and paws. And as we form our circle in the Crystal Room, the elevator doors close, and indeed become part of the walls. Notice the ceiling, and the walls, and the floor, are all crystalline, all beautiful, all radiating such glorious colors, even some you've never seen before!

"Allow the radiance to come into your fields. Welcome the Lights. They're Love Lights. They are beaming Love to each and every one of us. Go ahead, just enjoy it! Breathe it all in. And as you do so, notice that our circle is filled with Light Body Beings, and yet you can recognize them. Sananda and his Marys - the two, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Kuan Yin, Ma'at, Merlin, and an entire host of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Angels, and yes, Representatives - the Divas, and Spirits of Planet Earth, and the wondrous Fairies, and all the Representatives of the Elemental Kingdom. They're all here in our circle!!!

"And now if you will, feel a loving hand, or perhaps a breath, or a light touch upon your shoulders, and know that your Guides are here! Pay special attention to the Love that they shower upon you, and yes, even some those you call your ancestors are here greeting you with such Love, such Joy! Feel yourselves light up, and as you look around the circle, Beloved Ones, see everybody else lighting up, too! Oh, you're still recognizable, even as you recognize all of those in the middle of the circle, and behind you, forming an outer circle.

"Everyone recognizes everyone else. Everyone knows everyone else, and as this happens just like a beautiful, precious liquid flowing, we all become one with each other!!! Yes, we have our own identities, but we are all one joined in this Grand Circle of Love, beaming the LoveBeams everywhere. Now notice if you will, in the very center of the circle, the altar appears, and upon it are sacred Crystals, not entirely familiar, but nevertheless you know that they are to beam you Love, spiraling and waving around the circle to all.

"And at the same time, allow your beams to go into these Crystals. You will find it very easy, if you use the infinity sign to do your beaming. You can even guide from your mind's eye. Guide it out from you, and at the point where these Crystals are, is the point where the eights or the infinity signs cross the center, the zero point. And what you're doing is filling that zero point with Love, and you're embedding it in these special Crystals. These are High Dimensional Crystals in many beautiful colors, and they sit upon the altar receiving our LoveBeams, all of us together!!!

"Even as we receive each others', even as we each send them out - focus! Feel the LoveBeams literally bouncing off of the walls of the Crystal Room, amplifying as they do, and joining in this mid point, in this center of our Circle of Love. We are in high Joy! We are in High Dimensional Love, and we are transmitting this Love to these wondrous Crystals, and even though it seems as though they might be full, we keep sending these waves of Love to these Crystals. And yes, there is a purpose for it, a wondrous purpose!

"And now notice that around the altar the floor opens up. No one is going to fall through it. The Ascended Ones, the Spirits, the Divas, the Angels, they're all still in the circle with us, only in the very center is the altar with the Crystals, and then an opening. Now watch - all the Crystals know what to do, and even as we continue to program and empower the Crystals with our Love - our unconditional, compassionate, grateful, and forgiving Love; Oh yes, Forgiveness, that's a grand part of unconditional Love you know, and Peace and Joy to the World - see how the Crystals are directing their beams down!

"Go ahead, look down. You will notice that the floor has become clear, Crystal clear, and you can look right down through the floor where you are standing, and see these beams moving very rapidly, all these wondrous colors, all these wondrous LoveBeams, these waves of Love, moving to Planet Earth! Now Planet Earth is not entirely in as high a Dimension as we are, and so that is seen by the -we don't want to say darkness, it's not really that dark - but it's just not as light and bright as where we are.

"And so it is, that as these wondrous beams of Love reach Planet Earth, they form waves, continuous waves around the Planet. And as they touch down, the entire Planet is absolutely engulfed in this cover, if you will, of Light, bright LoveBeams. And so it shines everywhere. Keep those LoveBeams shining. Now look closer to the wall of Light, and see that the Planet itself is brighter!!! This is change of the upwardly mobile kind! This is what we're here to do and this is what we are doing - all of these wondrous incoming energies of Love, you have accepted, and you have shared!!!

"And we're all together as One, sharing Love, beaming Love. Because that, Beloved Ones, is what the World needs right now to continue the momentum that this wondrous day has given to all of the changes which are ordained, and which are taking place! And so it is that we have much to celebrate. Put the Beams on perpetual motion. In other words, keep the beams flowing! You can do that. You are divinely empowered to do that, so just let them flow!!!

"Keep on shining. You don't ever have to stop! Oh you can take a break, but just keep the beams flowing. And so it is that we are lightening up and brightening up Planet Earth, as we shower the whole World with the Love which the whole World deserves, and which will of course empower all of the wondrous changes and progress upon the joyful path of Ascension. And so it is that we are indeed making it happen, because we have come together, and co-created this event!!!

"This Exercise is one that you can repeat. You can stay in the energy of as long as you choose. It is in grand service to the World that we come together and do this! And so we do say, thank you so much! Thank you for your participation here. Thank you for the Love that you have so generously given, and joyfully received. And thank you for being in fulfillment of the main mission of the Ashtar Command, which is to facilitate and support, in every way, the Ascension of the Planet!!!!

"Beloved Ones, we have moved the Planet farther along its path. See, and rejoice at how much more lit up the Planet is! This is High Dimensional Love, this is unconditional Love, this is the Love of Mother/Father God, and so it is most joyful! And now we welcome Sananda, Himself, to come and offer you the very special Roses for this occasion, the Roses of Love - Kumara Family - Kumara Family Roses, which are Love. They are not of Planet Earth, but rather they are of the Highest energies in the Universe, which are those of Love!!!

"And so as He holds out the Roses to you, take as many as you wish. He will pass around the entire circle in front of each one of you. Feel His Grace, and feel His Love, as you accept your Roses from Him! This is to honor you, Beloved Ones, and to thank you for your participation here. And for you to have in your Hearts these Roses, as reminders always to you that you were here, that you came, and you joined in, and you contributed to the success of showering Planet Earth with so much Love, so as to move even further along the joyful path, the path of Peace, the path of unconditional Love, the path to Home, from whence you all originated!!!

"So accept the Roses as a token to become a part of you, and your ever-expanding fields of Love and Joy. Just breathe in the fragrance. Feel the velvety softness -no thorns, just Love. And as Sananda comes to you, feel the warmth. Feel the warmth of the Love He brings, because He is the Commander, or the Admiral, in charge of the Spiritual Homecoming. And what is that, anyway, except a return to the Love You Are, We Are, and the Oneness, as we move together into even Higher Dimensions of Light, of Love, and of Joy!

"So we thank you, Beloved Ones, for coming to be with us. We're still here on my ship. You may stay as long as you wish. We have an offering*** for you which we shall begin momentarily. It is particularly appropriate, because it is not only most uplifting, but it is an expression of Love as Joy! And so it is that I, Sekhmet, thank and bless all of you for your participation here. We Are All One in service and in Love. And so it is! Namaste!"
* Referring to Ashtar's message, given previously.
** Joy to the World, performed by Three Dog Night
*** Beethoven's Ode To Joy Flashmob - Sabadell, Spain
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, November 13, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.