Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
September 11, 2012
"What this means is that we are not here to accuse or blame, we are not here for anyone to say, 'How could I have let this happen? I am guilty!' Or any of these kinds of expressions; but rather we are here to say, 'We forgive all, ourselves, all of those involved in anyway directly, and the rest of the World which was involved - perhaps more indirectly - but nevertheless involved.
"So we are going to regress a bit, and we are going to be showing relationships. Now, you know that those called the reptilians, the Annunaki, and the others who have been calling the shots here on Planet Earth for eons of time, as you measure it, had signed certain agreements, and so on, that they would vacate the Planet by roughly the year 2000, as you measure it. However, their Earth allies, the dark hats - most of the ones at the top are reptilian themselves - and those whom they could recruit, have recruited - you call them the illuminati, we call them the naughties - were wearing some very dark hats and they were very entrenched, and they were very anxious to expand their powers.
"You may recall that in the 1800’s in Bavaria, a banker wrote a letter to his son in which he made very clear that the goal of this group of bankers was to take over the world. How? By getting the individuals and the countries so much in debt that they could take everything away. And they could create wars and genocides through various means, and their whole goal was to rule the world and to have the rest of the population be nothing more than slaves.
"And so the illuminati bankers plotted and they expanded their power and control. They did assassinations, but these assassinations were told about in the newspapers and then on the radios, and so on. Word didn’t spread around the world as instantaneously as it does even now. When it came time for the 1960’s to dawn, you may recall that president Eisenhower had given quite a warning to Beloved JFK as he assumed office, and told him to beware of the military industrial complex, which is what he called it – the corporations and some of the military who were supporting various corporate takeovers in which you call the third-world countries.
"Nobody knew a whole lot about that. There was a place called Vietnam - a staged incident in the Gulf of Tonkin later came about - but it was on JFK’s watch as President of the United States of America that advisors were sent. And he will tell you himself that another reason why he was deemed too dangerous to leave in place, was that he was on the verge of withdrawing from that, before it became a war. But there were those among the illuminati ranks - and those were the political ones, as well as their financial backers - who had a lot to gain from having a war there – there was the sale of arms, there was the toppling of some governments, there was the drug trade of South East Asia which was to them an opportunity, along with various other things like slavery and eventually the opening of third-world manufacturing places called sweatshops; all of this grew out of opening South East Asia. But they had to get JFK out of the way.
"There were those who knew of the plan. There have always been white hats pretending to wear dark hats, and dark hats pretending to wear white hats had been in far greater preponderance. At the last moment a clone was substituted, not even Beloved Jacqueline knew. This was a great triumph for the dark hats because it was televised. The assassination was televised on world-wide tv networks, it was not only in newspapers or on radios, it was on television! The internet had not become what it is now. It would have gone around the world even faster had it been in place, but this was a huge triumph because as far as the dark hats were concerned, the world bought into it, they got away with it.
"Now, also it is for you to know that some of the same ones who were plotters on JFK’s assassination were still around to get involved in 9-11, and events that came in between. What they did not realize - and what they did not realize about 9-11 and many, many of the atrocities, the natural disasters, and some of the other events which have been large scale, as well as two other assassinations in that era, Beloved Dr. Martin Luther King and Beloved Robert Kennedy - what they did not realize, because they could not feel it, was that the consciousness of the Planet came together, yes, in grief, but also in a higher knowing - in a knowing that there is good in the world and there is Love!!!
"You may have heard about the great Love that brought the World together when JFK was supposedly assassinated. All of the candles - particularly the ones across the World in the city of Berlin - those were Hearts joining. It was not so much a mental thing as it was Hearts joining! Had they but known it then that the joining of those Hearts, the message of the flower children, the hippies - about Love, not war - the journeys that some of the pioneers were doing where they actually went in to Higher Dimensional reality states - Dr. Timothy Leary, Beloved Ram Das - they brought back information!
"What happened then was the beginning of the end for the naughties, because there were those who were waking up to the fact that Love is the highest power in the universe, not fear!!! And so despite all of the ensuing events which have occurred right up to 9-11, and after, when there is an occurrence of this sort, the natural state of the Universe is to be high on Love, and so it is that all of the kingdoms of Planet Earth and the Universe beyond, have risen, literally, to these occasions, knowing that there is a better Lifestyle, knowing that there is a higher, more empowered way to be!
"That Beloved young woman who stood in front of the bulldozers in the country of Israel and said, 'No, I will not let you hurt the children and I will stand!' She gave such a gift of Love to the world that day as the bulldozer rolled over her - she stands with us now, one of the many, many, many that we will call, in honor of our Beloved guest speaker, Profiles in Courage! They are alive - most of them have come without their bodies, but they have their light bodies that they came into the human bodies with.
"We stand together to welcome you, Beloved Ones, and all who come with you into the Higher Dimensions, into what you call the fifth, and beyond. It is to gather together to understand and know that yes, even such horrific events as assassinations and wars and illuminati-created disasters such as Katrina, and such as what happened in Japan, and many other places, and the seeming accidents, such as JFK Jr.’s plane that was shot down, as were many others - all of these are events that we can be grateful for and thankful to all of the participants, because they have stood in their places, wherever those places were, where they could render the ultimate service to those of us in the Lighted Realms, so to speak, and most of all to all of those in human uniforms on Planet Earth, because they allowed their dramas, their traumas, to be televised and broadcast all over the internet. In so doing they made the calling forth to join Hearts and to be the Love in expression; to be in gratitude for their sacrifices, yes, and then to say we shall forgive all because we are on a higher path, we shall choose Love and only Love, and we shall choose Peace on Earth; and we shall choose to help our brothers and sisters!!!
"Thus they have inspired you, Beloved Ones, and the Lightworkers of Planet Earth, to come forward and shine your brightest and to accept all of the energies coming which are exponentially increasing the lights that we shine together as One! So we who come through the ever-thinning veil to be with you, invite you to join hands and to join Hearts with us, as we welcome our Beloved and honored Guest Speaker who comes to us to participate with us in this great healing that we shall co-create together.
"I, Ashtar, and the entire Ashtar Command, The Mentors and all of the guides, angels and masters and ascended ones, and yes, the starseed brothers and sisters, stand in honor of you for having the Courage and the Love in your Hearts to come and be at Oneness with us that we may do this great service and honor this Beloved One* who comes now. And so it is. Salut!"
* Ashtar was followed by President John F. Kennedy:
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, September 11, 2012. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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