Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

September 30 – October 7, 2012

Beloved Ones,
A great many of you are experiencing fear in ways that did not bother you before. Know that you are picking up on the fears of the mass consciousness field and that you have control over your mind and your thoughts. At such moments all you have to do is remember that you are always surrounded by a legion of Angels. There is no place upon this Planet that you walk alone. As you have trodden upon your spiritual journey in this lifetime, you have amassed a greater following of Light Beings who watch over you so that at this point in time, you each have a veritable army of Light to protect you.
To counter the chaotic energies that are prevalent in these times, look closely to find the beauty all around you – in people, in places, in your surroundings, in every small vignette of physical perfection, and make this your focus. You are holding the vision of a beautiful and pristine World for all of Humanity and you are making a difference. Too often, you allow the projections of others to influence your consciousness instead of imprinting your conscious intent into each situation. You are the creator of your reality. Train your thoughts to always hold the highest vision and intend the highest outcome for the highest good of all.
These current times call for greater discernment and lightning quick decision making while assessing each event as it occurs. Always trust your first impression and take note of it, for invariably this is the correct assessment and it comes from your Higher Self. Trust in this guidance and act upon it in whatever way is most appropriate for you. This guidance is unique to you in every situation you encounter and requires that you detach from the seeming appearance that is before you so that you can make the correct choice for you.
You are all in the process of connecting to your own power in a greater capacity and this sometimes requires stepping into the unknown, which can take on the appearance of a void, a stuckness, as you re-orient yourselves. This void is as nothing if you but remember the Light that you are, for your Light cuts through the deepest darkness and can truly be a beacon to guide others. It requires confidence in your own ability to shine. You are your own greatest treasure.
Sometimes being fully in your mundane life is the most powerful place for you to be and on a higher level it is exactly right for you, so do not feel that you are out of the loop of higher service. At this point in time, Dear Ones, you are all exactly where you must be. Stand tall, stay strong, stay focused and be in peace.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference September 25, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, September 25, 2012
"Greetings, Beloved Family! Well, that was most interesting was it not?* It seems as though that which was supposed to be black has become light as the snow, and so on and so on. And you heard many astounding things; astounding if you have not already availed yourselves of this information which - some of it - is going around on your marvelous internet.
"We wish to back up a bit to the discussion of the black ops continuing, despite the fact that it’s just the programs that are seeming to be self-perpetuating, because the players are simply walking through the scripts of the dramas that they have created. Make no mistake on that, but they really are not as powerful as they once were! If you can look at, shall we say, what they are truly made of, they are not prevailing.
"We understand that some of you may not have had the opportunity to read our latest message so we shall repeat. The consciousness of the World has reached a high enough level of vibration that the Truth of these wag-the-dog scenarios is finally starting to be accepted. Almost one hundred percent of you have, at one time or another, told someone that 9-11 was a black ops, false flag, wag-the-dog drama, and you have had the experience of being responded to with a comment such as, 'Well, you’re just Looney Tooneys! How could blah, blah, blah'.... You know the rest.
"Those people are having to take another look. Whether you are continuing to enlighten them or not, they are starting to get it. As a matter of fact enough of the consciousness is enabling it to get into, shall we say, the conscious consciousness of Planet Earth, so that it is not so shocking to people these days. It is instead – 'Oh, I really don’t like acknowledging this, I really don’t want to be in acceptance of this ,but my Heart and the evidence that I have seen is telling me that what you’ve been saying all these years is actually true.' And this is huge!!!
"This is what the 2012 9-11 anniversary was about; it was for us to take the readings and for us to transmit to you the results which are - well, some of you are saying it’s about time, but there is no time. However, we understand that you are caught in this sequential flow of events which is mind boggling if you start looking at all of the pieces coming together everywhere - your major institutions of religion, education, politics, finance – yes, agriculture and all of those kinds of support institutions as well!
"You cannot really get on the internet without there being some kind of a headline about one or more of these major institutions. It is because as a society you have enabled yourselves to get into these situations. It has been with a certain amount of cooperation that these things have been allowed, these boxes and situations, to flourish, to be predominant, to be prevalent in the societies of Planet Earth - really, for centuries!
"What is happening now is that with all of these revelations, with all of this truth coming out, for instance, what has been happening in the world of Con Agra, and you have devised another name, which is quite truthful if you look at it, and that is 'Monsatan', and so on and so on. You have been looking and breaking down the boxes because you are seeing that these ancillary truths are supporting more and more the major Truths of 2012 and before – the Truth about 9-11, the Truth about the World’s religions, and of course the Truth about us! Yes, we are real!!!
"Here we are in the midst of this seeming chaos and turmoil, these relatively few but nevertheless engaging - and when we say engaging we are speaking of the focus of Planet Earth black ops false flag events, we will say this: they are not long! We will also tell you we are confirming that those who have been the ones behind them can be disengaged very easily – push of a button, quick little pulling in of the energetic chains, if you will - however you want to see it!
"Create some visions, and remember to greet them when they come and thank them for showing what’s real and what is just their made-up stuff, which is not the way of Higher Dimensionality. 'It’s over rover – thanks you did a great job with all of the terror that you created and we forgive you and we invite you to come to the Light, but whatever you decide that’s up to you. We’re going for it, we’re on the high road and you and your black-ops and your dogmas and your chemicals are not going to topple us from the paths that we are on!!!'
"Now this is a real first for Planet Earth! It’s grand that Planet Earth is experiencing so many firsts, even in this time of anniversaries being looked at, and there are more, but we shall not go into a lot of details. We recommend that you see Wag the Dog if you haven’t seen it, or if you have forgotten. It was a very few high-placed individuals, the whole illusion/drama/movie was actually contracted for by - guess who - the war mongers, the people in power in the government of the United States of America who really wanted a war to start.
"The story behind the story is true. The creation of illusion is what these ones in charge have been doing for eons, centuries, on Planet Earth. Why? Because you admitted yourselves to their audiences! Yes and sometimes you even sat back and had a little popcorn to go with it because you didn’t quite have the perspective that you have now, and that you’ve always had. But sometimes the veil was a bit thick and that was all for the purposeful good, so that Planet Earth could arrive where it is now and say – 'Okay, that’s it, it’s over, it’s done, no more war, no more greed, no more giving our power to those who have less than high integrity intensions, we’re not going to jump into that box anymore, we’re jumping out of that box, we’re breaking down the sides of the box, we’re not participating in the dramas, in the scenes, anymore! Count us out! Count us in to the High Road, count us in to Truth, with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, which is what we have been giving messages on since our very first time.**
"There are some of you in this audience who may remember the leaky boats.** Well, the boats of the dark hats are really sinking now, and that ocean liner of Light and Love turns out to be a crystal ship that all of you are on. And so throw the life preservers out to those who are sitting in those leaky boats that are about to go down and share your Lovelight with them because it does make a difference!!!
"There are not so many in the dark, disbelief section of the audience anymore. So shine your lights even brighter! We’re going to do that anyway when Sekhmet joins us. But we just want to tell you that you are making such a huge difference every time, for those of you who are, shall we say, able to maintain a high vibration even when you are hearing these things or reading these stories that are coming out one upon the other - so many in each day from all over the world, and some of them are dark, some of them are painful - but just remember, everyone who leaves the human body has the option of going on to a very, very High Dimensional location!!!
"Just remember that you, yourselves, Beloved Ones, have participated mostly wearing the white hats, but a time or two in the dark ones, because you had to know what it felt like, right? And you’ve all contributed with every lifetime you’ve lived on Planet Earth and let’s face it, other places. Yes, a lot of you are starting to reconnect with those other locations as well as Planet Earth, and that is flying high, is it not?!!!
"We would like to remind you that you are all welcome upon the ships! Until we land in person you can relocate yourselves, you can leave your bodies on terra firma, as they say, and come on up! Beam yourselves aboard. Oh, and we will tell you this, even though there is technology which is very useful for these different purposes, which does involve Scotty, you don’t need Scotty, you don’t need anybody in human body or otherwise for you to come on aboard the New Jerusalem! Or perhaps, we know a lot of you are reconnecting in your conscious knowing with your own ships because there’s a part of you that is already there. So it’s a matter of connecting, and all of you are getting real good at that!
"Your DNA is opening more too, we must mention this. Oh, such beautiful energies of the Equinox, did you all join in with that? Even if just for a moment to say, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of these wonderful energies that are coming, and I am feeling more balanced now,' because that’s part of the Joy of the Equinox you know, it is that balance. And it was a very powerful Equinox as well. All of the energies that came in on that day and are continuing to come in through the Great Central Sun, and through your own fabulous Sol, they are helping you!
"We know, some of you are having some Ascensionitis symptoms, and Sekhmet is here tapping me on the shoulder, so I have to do the disclaimer: If you have any discomforts going on and feel the need to go to somebody with credentials, initials after their names, and get checked up - do so! By all means. We get emails all the time by people who have done so, and this is a marvelous thing to do, it brings on Peace of Mind, but when the ones with initials after their names can’t find anything, that is Ascensionitis.
"That is your bodies, and yes, your emotions and thoughts, and indeed every part of you and your energy fields, that is you making your necessary adjustments, coming in to your own balance, shall we say. Accepting these energies to the greatest extent that you can - and let’s face it some of you go a little overboard on that and accept a little more than your body can handle in that moment, so you have to allow yourselves to perhaps have a little tummy ache, or an ache in your head, or some additional exhaustion because your body will catch up. You body has to make these adjustments to experience Ascension!
"We are wanting to assure you that with these energies coming in, you will no doubt have more experiences with this phenomenon, as you call it. Relax into it, be as calm as you can, get some extra rest and drink lots of pure water. That is a summation of the best advice available. We mention this because we understand that a lot of you are having these experiences right now, so take care of yourselves and come on up anytime that you feel inclined to do so, and remember not to want, wish, or in any way hope that you make it because that doesn’t work so well, because you are already in a very high vibration!!!
"You are not entirely 3D beings anymore. None of you are, and so you don’t have to travel all that far, if you want to look at it that way. But just say, 'I’m coming aboard,' or, 'Roll out the red carpet, I’m on my way,' or however you want to say it. Be joyful, be happy, and we’ll be there to greet you with honor and hugs, Lovebeams, and all that you could possibly wish for what you might call the 'Aloha Welcome.' You may have been welcomed to the land of Hawaii with that Aloha greeting and that is what we give you. Aloha is unconditional and infinite Love, and Joy, that you are here!!!
"Well, alrighty we have covered a wide variety of topics! We thank you so much for being with us and for listening to what we have to say, to convey and most of all just pick up the vibes, feel the energies, because we love you beyond words!!! There is a whole fleet, if you wish, of starships and Masters, Angels, and Lightbeings in this Gathering with each and every one of you. And so as we stand together, just feel the Love and let us welcome Sekhmet, who comes forward now with another invitation to her wondrous crystal ship and a grand Exercise for all of us for this momentous Gathering of Love and Joy and Mission. And so it is. Salut!"
* Referring to the A&A Report.
**The first Ashtar On The Road Gathering was on May 23, 2004, in Olympia, WA.
Transcribed by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, September 25, 2012.  ©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Latest message from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman


Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe: LM-10-2012





Archangel Michael tells us that the ancient drawing of the Three-Fold Flame was appropriate for the time; however, it was not a true depiction of what the symbol really stands for, nor was the drawing accurate. Humanity was not ready for the full explanation; however, it did help those on the Path to realize that there is an etheric shield imprinted across our upper chest area that contains the energies of the three God Rays.

The right-side circle is an iridescent blue (or a bright blue) for our Father God; the left-side circle is an iridescent pink (or a bright pink) for our Mother God, and the third, center section (which is the Vesica Piscis symbol), the cosmic womb of Creation, is a golden color.


Dearest friends, it is interesting how Archangel Michael has shielded my consciousness from several other revelations, and also from the information about the Vesica Piscis, until he was ready to incorporate the information into his messages or into the drawings about the Sub-Universes. I had heard the term “Vesica Piscis” for years; however, I did not understand it and I was not curious enough to delve into it further. I find it very interesting how the information Michael gives us is presented to us in bits and pieces so that it can filter into our consciousness and gradually unfold. This was the process with the Pyramids of Light, the Infinity Breath, the World Pyramid, the World Server Pyramid, Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and most recently, the Amethyst Pyramid of Rejuvenation and Healing. The Sub-Universal information and illustrations were down-loaded into my mind over a period of about six months. It took quite a long time for me to get the concepts clear in my mind and to accurately draw the illustrations. Now, during these critical times of great change, beloved Michael has told me it is time to share this astounding new information with all of you.
He has always had me share the latest information first at my seminars and with my students, and then at a later time, we would present it to the masses. He tells me the reason for this is so that Seed thoughts could be stored in the Pyramids of Light in the fifth dimension where they could more easily be accessed by those whose frequencies are high enough to tap into the cosmic storehouse of wisdom. However, the process of ascension and evolution is accelerating dramatically, and he has instructed me to share more of this new information with all of you over the coming months.
When Archangel Michael told me that our Father/Mother God were not two separate Beings, but one unified BEING with two sets of individualized qualities, virtues and aspects, I was amazed and overjoyed. At the universal level of consciousness, there is no division, no opposition.

He informed me that within our Diamond Core God Cell we have a Crystalline Seed Atom, which contains the Vesica Piscis Mandala.

Our Father/ Mother God reside in the Great Central Sun of this universe, and a facet of their Essence also resides within our Sacred Heart Center. As often happens, further validation was presented to me via a YouTube video from SPIRIT SCIENCE SEVENTEEN, sent to me by Randy Monk. About three minutes into the video, a human fertilized ovum (egg) was shown. Within twenty-four hours after fertilization, the egg divides, creating the Vesica Piscis symbol. It keeps on dividing, creating the Flower of Life Mandala. The caption stated: “WE ARE THE GENESIS OF CREATION.” This was such a wonderful epiphany for me, and it brought such wondrous clarity and understanding, along with great joy and an outpouring of loving energy from my Sacred Heart Center. OUR BELOVED GOD PARENTS ARE NOT “OUT THERE.” THEY ARE EVER WITH US, TUCKED AWAY WITHIN OUR SACRED HEART.


In the original Universal/Sub-Universal drawings that Archangel Michael relayed to me, he placed the Paradise Sons and Daughters circle below and slightly over-lapping the bottom portion of the Vesica Piscis drawing. He also had me draw a wavy line through the center—similar to a Yin/Yang drawing. This symbol represents the division into duality--the positive and negative aspects of Creation. The male and female Sparks of Divinity bear the positive and negative aspects of the Supreme Creator in the realms of materiality. This means that the male energy incorporates the positive or electrical quality, while the female embodies the magnetic, receptive or negative quality. It takes both qualities/forces for creative action to occur. There is no implication of good or bad in the true meaning of these qualities. In this instance, the word “negative” is used as anelectrical application—of itself, the negative is not the active force; however, it holds power. This Sub-Universe is built upon the fusion of male and female energies.

We can only address the qualities, virtues and attributes of the THREE GOD RAYS as they are radiated into our Sub-Universal, Great Central Sun. At this point, we have little knowledge of the Divine Plans / Blueprints / Schematics for the many other Sub-Universes within this Universe. All I have been told is that they are of various widths (like slices of a pie), with multiple-frequency levels of Creation, consisting of a vast and complex variety. Our Sub-Universe is a young one in proportion to most of the other Sub -Universes within our Universe.
However, due to our unique Divine Blueprint / mission, we are in the preparatory stages of merging with a smaller Sub-Universe next to us. As this merger progresses, the new Golden Galaxy that AA Michael has spoken of for many years, will be in place as the OverLighting Great Central Sun for our new, expanded Sub-Universe.

THE FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL AND POWER is primarily a MENTAL RAY, which is embodied within the FATHER GOD at the Universal level. This Ray also carries the energies /attributes of truth, valor, dynamic power, singleness of purpose, and clear vision. It is an outward-focused Ray and the most powerful of the three God Rays of our Universe as they are radiated into our Sub-Universe.
THE DIVINE GOD MOTHER at the Universal level bears the Second Ray of Love / Wisdom. It is primarily an EMOTIONAL RAY, which brings forth the loving energy to ignite the Seed Thoughts from the mind of the Divine Father in order for the Divine Blueprint to be manifested in the material planes of Creation. The main focus of this Ray, as it is projected into our Sub-Universal Great Central Sun, is to turn knowledge into wisdom and temper that wisdom with love and compassion.

THIRD RAY - THE SON / DAUGHTER RAY contains equal proportions of Mental and Emotional attributes. It is the Ray of active intelligence, which includes among other attributes the desire to use the Will of our Father God and the Love/Wisdom of our Mother God to become efficient cocreators in the material planes of existence. There are also Memory Code Cells within the Blueprint of Third Ray Souls, which instill a deep, inner desire to become peace-makers and to strive for balance and harmony within the lower-dimensional experiences.
THE THIRD RAY RADIATES THE POWER THAT ASSISTS HUMANITY IN PERFECTING AND REFINING THEIR MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL BODIES, AS WELL AS A DESIRE TO PERFECT THEIR COCREATIVE SKILLS. This Ray also carries the qualities of tolerance, forbearance, unity and culture. It is the Ray of the SUNS (the sons and daughters of our Father/Mother God), whereby the dynamic mental energy of our Father God sends forth the Seed Thoughts of new Creation. This dynamic, forward moving energy melds with the Second Ray vibrations of our Divine Mother. The Goddess, who embodies the COSMIC WOMB OF CREATION, receives these wondrous Seed Thoughts whereby they are incorporated into the Star Seed Sons and Daughters along with an overlay of her Love / Wisdom attributes.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: Beloved masters, integrating greater and greater amounts of Creator Light is a wondrous gift, but it is also a great challenge. For the aspirant on an accelerated path of ascension, what is now arising from within are ancient vibrational patterns from the astral body and the chakra system. These residual, dense vibrations are not based on fact, but are distorted concepts from your animal/human consciousness, which is often a battleground for supremacy between your lower and higher mental and emotional faculties. You must learn to look beyond the personality and the ego of those you interact with and seek to feel the Love Essence of their Soul. Self-awareness must shift from personality-consciousness to Soul-consciousness. You must develop DIVINE INDIFFERENCE TO NEGATIVITY so that you may stay centered within your Sacred Heart, which gives access to your RESERVOIR OF GOD POWER.
The surest indication that you have gained access to your Sacred Heart and the Seed Atom of God Consciousness within is a constant state of JOY and an overwhelming feeling of LOVE. This high frequency radiation from your Sacred Heart Core, via your Solar Power Center, will affect everyone and everything around you. Just as the blessed Essence of Love/Light/Life is radiated to you from the higher dimensions of Light, you must radiate a portion of Living Light outwardly to humanity and the world-at-large.
The Path of Light you are creating, beloveds, will lead you back into the realms of Light where Sacred Love, joy, peace and harmony prevail. Know that we are ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect you. I am ever your faithful companion.

I AM Archangel Michael.


The Vesica Piscis is easily one of the most profound geometrical images of ancient and modern times. Essentially the intersection of two, overlapping spheres, the Vesica Piscis (including the interior portion of it, and/or the more common two dimensional versions) represents, among other things:

1) The joining of God and Goddess to create an offspring,
2) A symbol for Jesus Christ, the Fish,
3) In art a pointed oval used as an aureole in medieval sculpture and painting,
4) The vagina of the female goddess,
5) The basic motif in the Flower of Life,
6) An overlay of the Tree of Life,
7) The formative power of polygons,
8) A geometrical description of square roots and harmonic proportions.
9) A source of immense power and energy.

1) In the earliest traditions, the Supreme Being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of a BEING with no beginning and no end, continually existing, perfectly formed and profoundly symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity into the duality of male and female, God and Goddess. By overlapping, the two spheres, the God and Goddess, created a Divine offspring. The Vesica Piscis motif (and its derivatives, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry) has a history of thousands of years and easily predates virtually all major religions of the current era.

2) The son or daughter of the God and Goddess is associated with the overlapping of the spheres -- the resulting three dimensional figure somewhat like an American football. In the case of Jesus Christ, the two dimensional figure has also served as a symbol for the miracle of the fishes. (The “tail” also served to more easily identify the source of the plane figure.) There is also conveyed the spiritual power originating from the interior of this symbol.

3) The VESICA PISCIS is a shape that is the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the "bladder of a fish.”

4) Yin / yang are not opposing forces (dualities), but complementary opposites, unseen (hidden, feminine) and seen (manifest, masculine), that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Everything has both yin and yang aspects as Light cannot exist without darkness and vice-versa, but either of these aspects may manifest more strongly in particular objects, and may ebb or flow over time.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

Friday, September 28, 2012

SaLuSa September 28, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  28-September-2012

The time lines are beginning to merge into the ones that carry the most energy, and are naturally strongest where people have the intent to ascend and those who do not. What you will be looking at is the result of your mass consciousness that is creating according to your wishes. Ascension itself is going to bring changes that have been divinely decreed, and are of Universal  proportions and controlled by the higher forces. You do therefore create your own experiences, and Ascension will be your final one as you leave the cycle of duality, to take your place in the New Age. Events can be changed according to your speed and level of advancement, and that allows for any delay caused by the dark Ones. So we say to you still keep focused on the actual Ascension, and prepare for an input of powerful energy that you will be aware of.

There is always going to be much discussion about how the future events will take place, as there are many different views about it. What you have been promised will certainly come about and you have much to gain from it. In fact the timing has often had to be adjusted, and you are of course now aware  that some events have had to be put back. However, you will not miss out and you will pass on to a higher vibration, and benefit from the many changes that will lift you up further into the Light. The old paradigm will by then have no further influence in your lives, and you will enjoy the absolute peace and joy that comes with the new one.

We are still pushing for our allies to raise their actions, as we would like to see some major changes commence very shortly. That would ease your worries and assure you that the end of the cycle was going to end as predicted. However, that may depend on your expectations as only a minority have any idea of what lies ahead. We will address that in one way or another, so that all souls have a final choice as to whether they desire to leave the lower dimensions for the higher ones. What you can be certain of is that those of you that came into this life having already made their choice to ascend will do so. There will have been high points in their lives that have led them on to the right path, and brought enlightened souls to them. Each of you has had immense help, and you would have had to be quite defiant to go against your life plan that included Ascension.

Ascension is not a 5 minute wonder, but is a path you have been travelling for a very long time and will continue to do so. There have been many highlights, particularly at the end of the last century and your present one. Each one has brought the energies to a higher level than previously. They have gently helped you along, unlike the 21st. December 2012 when all will be noticeably affected. Already many have noticed what have become to be known as Ascension symptoms, that can easily mistaken for the onset of illness. Clearly if they persist it is wise to check your condition with a doctor, as normally they will disappear in a matter of a few days.

Whatever happens go along with it knowing that Ascension is ongoing, and you are not going to miss out because of any delays. It is all planned and soon you will be rid of the Dark Ones, because no matter how devious they are or whatever power they can exert, they have no place in your future. You tend to get depressed when events do not turn out as expected, but if you are of the Light the battle has already been won. There is lots to be done to move you quickly into the New Age but we are more than equal to the task. We are constantly amending our plans to suit whatever situation comes up, and that is no problem at all for us,

The pivotal point at present revolves around the Presidential Elections in the U.S. Our man is the one chosen to lead you out of duality, and that is because he has immense spiritual experience and understanding to meet the challenge. There are others around him also ready to join up in a new Government, that will be based on new principles and truly represent the people. There will be no failure or repeat of what you previously experienced, as the dark Ones have had their day and capitulated to the Light. So please do not be too concerned by the threats of those who still promote greed and self power. They will not figure in the new Government which is to be for the people.

Accept that what happens is part of the cleansing that must take place, before the changes can be introduced. Mother Earth will also need to take some actions, but they will not be as severe as some people forecast. We of the Galactic Federation are still overseeing all that happens on Earth, and take part in many things that you are not aware of. So please do not feel that we are non-active, when in fact we are probably more involved than ever before. You are certainly seeing more of us, and the best is yet to come when we can arrange our flyovers. We register that disclosure has is being powered by the people, and we applaud your initiative and persistence. Anything that awakens people to the truth is well worthwhile.

Obviously the next few weeks are going to be very important, and you should be able to see where matters are heading. You can expect to see more charges come out against corrupt bankers as their activities are investigated. It takes time to gather the appropriate evidence, and it needs to be thorough. Some flee rather than face the music, and for the time being they will get away with their crimes but will eventually answer for them. Our main thrust is to see them removed, so that we are left with trustworthy and reliable people to handle the new financial arrangements. It is all part of moving you on and bridging the gap between the old and the new systems.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so happy to see how far you have advanced in such a short time. Nothing was taken for granted as you were facing a very stiff test, and you are winning all the way down the line. Keep on looking ahead and do not relax your determination to see this cycle through to the very end. You are indeed Warriors of the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

SaLuSa September 26, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  26-September-2012

As you are finding time is speeding by, and the prophesies of massive earthquakes and other physical happenings have in no way occurred quite as was envisioned. You can certainly take some credit for the outcome, as by bringing the Light to Earth, you have also brought calmness. It does not however mean that there will not be physical changes, as some are inevitable. By keeping the vibrations high through the coming weeks, you can ensure that you have a fairly smooth finish to the cycle. We are of course part of the reason for the way it is working out, and are maintaining what can be called a peaceful time. Yes, there are battles taking place in some countries, but these will not be allowed to escalate into a greater global war.

It may sound strange to say that you are achieving peace on Earth, but it is so as more and more people demand it along with their freedom. You are already seeing the last stand in many countries, and the military personnel are showing their belief that it is time to call an end to all war. They realize that apart from self defense war is a senseless act that rarely achieves any lasting effect. Instead it creates hatred, and those whose people and lands are destroyed will carry thoughts of revenge until they are fulfilled. Is it not true Dear Ones, that you have created the terrorists that plague the world with their insane acts of self destruction and murder.

We would wish you to not dwell upon the negativity that is still present in your world, but you need to understand how it has come about. Naturally the dark Ones have had a hand in perpetuating it, and speaking historically have set up almost every modern war between nations. That will all finish with Ascension as you are moving into a level where such negativity cannot exist. The souls that think this way who will not give up their pursuits for wealth and power, will remain in the lower dimension with others who are unenlightened. However, the Light will not be denied them and every effort will be made to bring them back into it. One day they will return as eventually every soul will make it home.

Meantime the path to Ascension is opening up, and the changes required to move on are nearing manifestation. In consequence matters will take off quite quickly as certain goals have to be reached before you get there. Our allies still put their heart and soul into their work, and will see the results very soon. As we have said many times, nothing can stop the final curtain coming down, and the Illuminati will be gone from your lives forever. Your consciousness levels continue to rise, and with one great leap forward you will realize that you have ascended. There will no uncertainty in your mind at all, you will know that you have immensely changed from what you were previously. So do not allow worries to creep into your mind, keep your vision in front of you and it will become your reality.

Live in the Now and wait until it is necessary to change your daily pattern, to accommodate the New Age that is manifesting. You will know soon enough when it arrives, and it is the "knowing" that you can rely on to carry you forward. Your extrasensory perception will be sharper and enhanced by the new energies you are taking into yourself. You may well view the fact that your body will no longer be susceptible to illness, as the most welcome change of all. It will be just one of many that will immediately uplift your quality of life. We could say that you have not lived until you experience life in the higher dimensions. It would be true particularly where it relates to other souls. You will find that all are united in Love and Light, and will live together in bliss and total harmony.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light speak to you as ones who are already at the levels you are moving into. We experience in a happy environment where all forms of life interact with each other. There is no fear whatsoever between the different life forms, and it is based on trust. Consequently no one feels inhibited or withdrawn, but can express themselves freely in great joy and happiness. Thoughts associated with the lower vibrations never enter our minds, and we focus on all that is pure and untainted by any negative aspect. Living your life in this way is so satisfying and we certainly do not have any time for boredom. There will be so much more open to you to explore and as you ascend even further, as you say "the skies the limit".

So Dear Ones, make the most of your final days upon your present Earth. It still has so much beauty and places that are of the highest energies. Those of you who are sensitive's will know what I mean. Equally some areas still remain badly polluted, from centuries of being subjected to the lower energies through war and other conflicts. These will of course be finally cleared before Ascension, and indeed that work has already commenced. To help you we can work whilst off Earth, but when we can meet you it can be carried out as a joint venture. Mother Earth has been a most patient entity whilst seeing you through the last period of your lives. She receives and welcomes your contact with her, and your return to times when you both lived much closer together. It will come again in the near future when you shall understand your relationship with all other life forms.

You were all created and placed upon Earth to enjoy all of the Creator's bounty and beauty, and learn how to support each other. Regretfully in the latter stages you grew away from Nature, and forgot how much you needed  each other. That is changing and many are recognizing the place that Man has on Earth, and the importance of his guardianship where all life is concerned. The Buddhists are renowned for their understanding, and have shown what can be done when you are in harmony with nature. Some of you are equally aware, and are a good example to others who are seeking a true relationship with Nature.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to go forward with great confidence. There is nothing to be frightened about where the New Age is concerned, it is everything you could have wished for. We are preparing to introduce ourselves in whatever circumstances are permissible, and will do it a way that does not induce fear. Far from it, as we come to you in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.   

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Matthew Ward, September 24, 2012, through Suzanne Ward

September 24, 2012

Original Golden Age master plan; most essential reforms to come simultaneously; subsequent changes; disclosure; free will; off-planet light beings’ limitations; Gaia’s vision for Earth; violence in North Africa and Middle East; record of Jesus’ wife; health in fourth density; redistribution of wealth; Earth’s ascension into fifth density   

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  The view from our vantage point could be likened to a global hurricane with millions of eyes, the tranquil areas within the massive storm: violence erupting in North Africa and the Middle East, random acts of violence elsewhere, national economies tenuous or bankrupt, unstable governments, tyrannical regimes still in power, growing numbers of refugees.   
2. However sad it is that these conditions still are plaguing our beloved Earth family, none is unexpected at this late stage of Earth’s ascension out of third density.  Her pathway for the past 70-some years has been into successively higher vibratory levels and she has reached the level of duality’s positive and negative extremes. At this juncture in the original Golden Age master plan, only wisps of negativity, if any, would still be on the planet.
3. Time and again the plan has had to be revised in keeping with prevailing conditions on Earth.  We have spoken in previous messages—indeed, Hatonn did in the last one—about the 10-year delay in initiating sweeping measures to rid your world of violence, greed, corruption, deception, divisiveness, disease and fear, all of which produce an immense amount of negativity. 
4. The decade delay is because it was that long ago when the souls who agreed to play dark roles that would provide the masses an opportunity to complete third density karma finished that part of their agreement.  The other part was, those souls then would work with the light forces to prepare Earth and her humankind for the Golden Age. There would be no violence, tumult, poverty or even tempestuous weather today if those souls had honored their commitment to end their dark activities and join the lightwokers.  But they didn’t.  Instead, they continued wreaking devastation on the planet and creating more and more negativity. 
5. The process of old systems giving way to the new would have occurred with comparative ease a decade ago, when the lower vibrations would have had much less pronounced effects on people and circumstances.  Today’s much higher vibrations are greatly intensifying everything based in negativity as that energy is reaching its zenith.  It cannot be otherwise—that energy must play itself out swiftly because it cannot come to a screeching halt mid-stream and it can’t enter fourth density with the planet.  
6. Another effect of the delay is that the third density karmic merry-go-round kept going around.  Many souls who incarnated during the past 10 years came in for the chance to complete third density karmic lessons in this unprecedented one-lifetime opportunity. They chose very harsh lives that would achieve balanced experiencing so they can physically accompany Earth into the Golden Age or transition to Nirvana with fourth density evolvement status. 
7. If those two ongoing situations can be called “the bad news,” the good news is, none of that has slowed Earth’s pace one iota or detoured her steady pathway.  She is right on target to exit third density shortly before or shortly after the end of this year, and she will leave negativity behind.
8. This astounding feat is in large part due to the millions of “calm eyes in the global storm,” the souls whose light is shining brilliantly despite the turmoil around them.  All light beings in the universe honor you who know that you are lightworkers and the millions who still are unaware that their godly living has been helping Earth to ascend.  Your collective steadfastness in the light, dedication, patience, courage and perseverance is unequaled in this universe! 
9. It is natural to wonder how the mess your world is in can be cleaned up in the short time remaining before the onset of the Golden Age.  It can’t be. Never were all the glories of that wondrous Age going to greet you at its doorstep, but because of the 10-year delay, neither will the early stages of grand differences in your lives be there as originally envisioned by the master planners.      
10. Therefore the “mopping up,” so to say, will get off to a late start.  However, with the release of your own technologies from Illuminati control and the assistance of other civilizations and their technologies, efforts can begin on many fronts simultaneously.    
11. The primary priority is to provide survival essentials to the peoples in war-torn areas and refugee camps and to indigenous peoples and nomadic tribes in dire straits. 
12. Warring will have ceased, but much will remain to be done in its aftermath.  Building or rebuilding countries’ infrastructure, commercial centers and houses will be undertaken expeditiously, not only for current inhabitants, but so refugees can return to villages or cities where there are residences, hospitals, schools and supplies of clean water and food are plentiful. 
13. The ridding of corruption in the global economy will occur in tandem with the same in governments so those areas of paramount influence in your lives can start operating with the honesty and fairness inherent in moral and spiritual leaders.
14. Your waters, soil and air will be purified and toxic waste, including radioactive materials, will be dematerialized.  Areas will be cleansed where disease has flourished due to the unsanitary living conditions of the impoverished masses.   
15. Other reforms that will be instituted quickly include ending cultural practices and customs that are unfair, injurious or lethal and the repeal of all unjust laws and regulations.  Millions now imprisoned on false charges or for minor infractions or as a result of simply being on “the other side” in wars will be released—yes, it will be easy to identify all who are innocent!        
16. Those are among the first changes because the current status is intolerable for the affected peoples.  The plight of many millions of animals—endangered species and animals that become part of your diet—is another situation that will be addressed in earnest.
17. Initial structures, particularly housing for all who now are homeless in their own country or uprooted due to violence, and buildings for medical care and schooling, will be rudimentary.  As rapidly as possible, those types of accommodations will be replaced with finely built structures. 
18. Free and renewable energy sources incrementally will replace current dependence on oil and natural gas. Other measures soon to be implemented also will assist Earth’s own efforts to restore areas of most severe environmental damage so that crops can be grown in abundance, forests can make a comeback and rivers can flow as Nature intended. 
19. According to the original Golden Age master plan, all of those vast improvements in your world would have happened by now. The global web of corruption that so long enabled the dark ones to control the peoples would have ended and long-hidden truths would have come forth in stages to give the populace time to more easily accept the realities. 
20. You’re approaching the continuum, where there aren’t ten more of your linear years for all of that to come about in “adjustment” stages—remedies must get going with all speed and efficiency possible.  So some confusion will be unavoidable due to the haste to get the most essential changes underway, but it will be relatively short-lived. The dark minds and hearts that would attempt to create chaos to prevent those changes no longer will be on the planet, and the people who are there will be of a loving, helpful, cooperative nature!   
21. My mother has received numerous inquiries, partly spurred by Hatonn’s comments about the timing of introducing our universal family and the vital nature of the presidential election in the United States, and partly by related issues stirring in many minds.  We are happy to answer questions in those categories. 
22. Our universal family members cannot, nor would they want to, “just arrive and start setting things to right.” The timing of landings and brothers and sisters already there identifying themselves is the decision of the universal highest council, which acts within God’s guidance.  Only from that pinnacle of awareness can the most advantageous timing be determined for the well being of all involved. 
23. The purpose of what commonly is referred to as “disclosure” has nothing whatsoever to do with any nation’s political system.  The purpose is to prove what has been ignored or denied by governments—many advanced civilizations are in this universe and some of them are in your midst.
24. Yes, it is likely there will be considerable commotion when ships land, but every effort will be made beforehand by some of your leaders and the ETs who have been living among you to prevent “mass hysteria.”  You can help to prepare family and friends by telling them that the multitude of spacecraft sightings over the years indicate that these people from other civilizations are peaceful—if they were not, they would have invaded long ago. 
25. By Creator’s law that governs life in this universe, never are lighted beings allowed to interfere with the free will decisions of any persons. This includes even our personal family members living on Earth who are tending toward decisions that will incur heavy hardships they didn’t choose in their soul contracts.
26. The only exception to that law of honoring free will is Creator’s own—it cannot be used to start a nuclear war. In accordance with Earth’s free will decision made immediately after “9/11,” no other major terrorism effort can succeed.  In both cases, it is God’s responsibility to prevent all such attempts.  He has authorized civilizations with preventive technology to comply with those mandates, and they have done so successfully on more than a dozen occasions.  
27. What all light beings are permitted to do—and do so with joy!—is beam love-light energy streamers to all souls on Earth to assist them in raising their consciousness and gaining spiritual clarity. Attaining greater heights of awareness spiritually and consciously is what all beings throughout this universe desire at soul level.
28. Those who receive the light start opening their minds and hearts, and that leads to wiser decisions and kinder actions.  But each individual has the free will to do that or not—never is it within the province of a light being to exert influence other than sending forth the pure love-light essence of Creator.  
29. You cannot measure the amount of light other civilizations are sending to Earth, so there is no basis for thinking that if they would increase that amount, all darkness would be eliminated.  That thought omits the free will that everyone has except in the two aforementioned situations.     
30. Gaia, Earth’s soul, desires all of her life forms on her planetary body to flourish in abundance and live in peace, love and harmony with Nature.  Setting the stage for Earth’s entry into the Golden Age and the manifestation of Gaia’s vision transcends all aspects of third density, whether based in political, ideological, cultural, societal, economic or religious separatism.  
31. If you want your children and grandchildren to inherit a world free of all darkness, you share Gaia’s vision.  If you want leaders at every level of governing from community level to national and international to cooperate for the betterment of all peoples, you share her vision.  If you want to see your homeland planet restored to the paradise it once was, you share her vision.  If you want love, honesty, kindness, generosity and fairness to prevail throughout Earth’s humankind, you share her vision.  If you want everyone to respect animal souls and live in harmony with all of Nature, you share her vision.
32. Now then, we shall briefly address other inquiries.
33. Indeed the Illuminati had a hand in the eruption of violence in North African countries.  Their worldwide power base has crumbled, but their “black ops” agents still are initiating foment wherever they can make a wedge.  With the impetus of publicity about a provocative, irrational film, the agents easily manipulated a firestorm of outrage among many Muslims while many others of that faith are demonstrating their regret about the violent reactions.  This is an example of how the prevailing high vibrations are intensifying all characteristic and behavior, with the “good,” better and the “bad,” worse.
34. The recent discovery of part of an ancient record that mentions Jesus’ wife is not “by chance”—nothing happens by chance!  It “came to light” as the first step that may inspire Christians to being receptive to the truth about Jesus’ long life with his beloved Mary Magdalene and their children.  
35. Although each case will be as unique as the person is, generally speaking, chronic illnesses will not be cured immediately after the affected individuals enter fourth density, but rather those conditions will ease into sound health.  The de-aging process also will be gradual, and the re-growth of organs, limbs and teeth will be incremental as well. 
36. Current medical procedures and therapies won’t change abruptly at the end of this year, but beneficial therapies and substances now banned will become openly available.  Yes, this includes marijuana, and people will choose to use it judiciously. The Illuminati in pharmaceutical companies, who have powerful influence on FDA, AMA and CDC decisions, have made anything illegal that would cut into their profits, and they won’t be around to enforce those edicts    
37. The unconscionable disparity between the haves and the have-nots will end, but not by taking money from people who have earned it through just means and handing it over to the poor. We do not know details of the redistribution process, but we can assure you that it will be fair and will not deny anyone the riches they have honestly earned.  The intention is to recover the nearly incomprehensible fortunes that have been garnered ruthlessly and illegally and hoarded, and to use those funds to uplift the lives of impoverished peoples around the world. That redistribution is separate from both the new monetary system based on precious metals and the reallocation of the world’s natural resources that the Illuminati have controlled.
38. We don’t know how long it will take the planet to transit fourth density and enter fifth—it depends on Earth’s residents’ collective consciousness.  Please remember, the planet’s rise out of deep third density and entry into fourth in less than 80 years is unique in this universe!  Some civilizations spend many thousands of years accomplishing that, but none other has been given the extensive, intense and constant assistance that Earth has received. 
39. It would not be realistic to think that traveling through fourth density and well into fifth will happen in that same blink of an eye, universally speaking.  Once the planet is firmly within fourth density and all profound reforms have been completed worldwide, the highly evolved beings who came to help in those achievements will want to return to their homelands.  Throughout the rest of Earth’s journey to her destination in fifth density, she’ll be on her own and her ascension pace will be in accordance with her peoples’ collective consciousness, which no longer will include those advanced beings. 
40. Our beloved Earth family, living with unconditional love is unparalleled joy. That you, too, soon will experience this is our wish for every one of you. 
Suzanne Ward

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff

September  23-30, 2012

Beloved Ones,
The purification that is required in order to allow a greater connection with your Higher Self is now taking place. This will continue for the next months and you will find yourselves expressing in ways you never have before. You will feel calmer and more peaceful within. The intensity of the energies has been washing away all that has been holding you back from going forward in a confident manner and you will soon be picking up the torch of a higher way of expression.
The issues and situations that have been unresolved in the people around you are coming up to be looked at with greater scrutiny and these issues are being resolved in a peaceful and loving manner. All Beings desire to come together in Love and unity, to reconnect in a more positive and nurturing way and this will be seen to have its effect in human interaction. The mass consciousness field has been undergoing a mass cleansing and as this continues, more access to peaceful ways of interaction will take place.
You, as beacons of Light are playing a vital role as you go about your daily lives. The presence of greater Light around you automatically affects each person’s energy field and this is a role you serve as a catalyst for change. We also see that many of you are taking on and transmuting the energies of others as you meet in groups and interact. This may be a reason why you wonder if your cleansing process will ever end. Your personal cleansing has taken place and you now walk the Earth purifying everything in your Path, for as Light bearers, this is a process that naturally occurs.
Take time each day to clear your personal energy fields so that you are aware of the times when the energies of others enter your field. Know that it is a temporary situation and that it is helping to more quickly transmute the very atmosphere in the area where you live and in the auric fields of those whom you encounter. Having this awareness should help you feel more confidence in your abilities to create the changes in your World that you desire. This is what Light bearers do and the exciting part of this is that this is the first time in Earth’s history that so many Beings who hold the Light are shining their Light in this way. Do not stop, Dear Ones!
It is also incumbent upon each of you to nurture yourselves when necessary and take time out to rejuvenate your inner forces. Being out in nature is becoming most crucial as the elemental Beings are most eager to assist each of you to renew your forces as needed. The energies of the Earth needs to be tapped into and connected with and this can only happen when you are actually out in the outdoors. There is Love all around you from these delightful Beings who desire a greater connection with Humanity. They wish to be acknowledged so that they can be of greater service.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

SaLuSa September 24, 2012, through Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  24-September-2012

The worldwide movement to bring about peace is gaining in support, and is helping awake others of the need to no longer tolerate the lack of compliance with your demands. Success will be yours but maybe not quite in the way you would have expected. We will certainly have a hand in it, and are allowed to assist where the Lightworkers are concerned. The main focus for the time being are the governmental changes that are needed to put the right people in charge of your future. Once one country has removed those who are not working for the people, the demand for changes elsewhere will escalate. There will be no stopping the energy from bringing down the dark Ones, and in general terms they know that their time is up.

On the one hand the world would seem to be in a hopeless mess, but beneath it all you are birthing the New Age and it waits to replace the old one. The old status quo cannot be maintained anymore as its very structure is falling down. No amount of effort or money can keep it intact, and many reputations will go down with it. Already legal actions are poised to bring more well known names out for their criminal activities. Some of the biggest culprits are still able to hide behind others who have done their dirty work for them. However, in the final reckoning no one will be able to avoid justice, or having to answer to the higher authorities. They are all known to us and their every deeds are held in the akashic records.

The every thought and deed of all souls is automatically known, but is not for viewing without permission. However, it is used when you pass over to the higher realms, when you review your life and decide what you need to carry forward for further experiences. To some life seems pointless, but in fact each one of you knew what was planned before you incarnated. So it follows that you are well advised to make the most of whatever challenges you get. Try not to be too hard on yourselves when you make mistakes, as you are not expected to be perfect. You are involved in trial and error to overcome your shortcomings, and move further along your journey of evolution. Every soul is involved, and many of you come together purposefully to help each other succeed.

Naturally this lifetime is somewhat different to previous ones, as you are attempting to clear old issues that have been holding you back. It is clearly a very important time, and one in which you are being given every help to prepare for Ascension. We would like to see as many souls as possible ascend and move off the wheel of re-birth. Having done so your future will be  totally in your own hands, and you will have the choice of what you would like to do next. It even extends to how long you stay in any one body, and remember that in the higher dimensions it does not age and die as you experience now. The thought of such freedom should be enough to spur you on to achieve whatever is necessary to rise up above the lower vibrations.

Most souls are presently already at their lowest point where their vibrations are concerned, so progress is always upwards and returning you to where you really belong. You may be having a real experience in your dimension, but as far as being your real life it is an illusion. You are of the Light and normally a radiant soul of enormous powers to create. As you rise up again you will learn to control your powers and use them for the greater good of all. You really are Gods in the making, which is why even now you have to be sure that you focus on what you actually want in your life. You should know by now that where you place your energy, is where you are going to get results.

There may seem to be random happenings in your life, but it is what you attract to yourself. There are Laws that cover all aspects of it, regardless of whether you are aware of them or not. You do not necessarily need to know what they are, and should concentrate on trying to be to others as you would wish them to be to you. Work towards treating them as One with you, indeed as all are connected as part of yourself. For too long people have not understood their connection to all souls, but if you accept that you are all Godsparks you will understand why it is so. We of the Galactic Federation of Light are in full realization of the truth, and that is why we serve all civilizations. It is the most natural desire to want to help those who are following on in your footsteps.

It is inevitable and desirable that all souls will eventually reach a point of returning to the Source. It is within you whether you realize it or not, and is a driving force that is always urging you forwards and upwards. Your eyes are being opened to what it means, and your coming Ascension is just one milestone along a wonderful journey. It will seem to be endless and bear in mind you will soon be in dimensions where everything is in the Now. Time as you know it will have no bearing on whatever you do, as the past, present and future are All One. It is an amazing concept that allows you to follow your hearts desire to go wherever you want. Some souls have fond memories of previous lives in past history, and choose to go back and experience some more.

Allow your self to begin to "feel" what it will be like after Ascension, and the changes will come so easily to you. They should anyway as you came from such levels previously before you ended up in the present dimension. Once we can visit you openly, and invite some on board our ships that will give you a preview of what type of life is waiting for you. The changes will be most welcome and eliminate many of the chores, and the need to spend most of your life working simply to exist. You will have so much time for yourself, and able to devote it to what you consider to be the most satisfying. Ugliness, distortions and imperfections just cannot exist in the higher vibrations, and all is in beauty, balance and harmony.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to contact in this way. I am obviously one of many trying to cover your needs at such an important time. We will meet one day in the not too distant future, and that will be a happy occasion for us all.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.   

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise, Healing 9-11 with the Eterna Flame. Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, September 11, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, 9-11-12
"Well, here we are! It is I, Sekhmet. Now we may be dancing in our Hearts, and yes smile! It is great Joy that we have on this sacred day. Remember, this is the anniversary of such a high consciousness reading on Planet Earth, that it was another way of saying, 'Yes we can!' It reconfirmed the results of the Harmonic Convergence, which had happened some years before. And it said to the World, 'Yes, we will do it! We are going to make it despite all of these things. We are going to make it. We are going to ascend. This time we're going to do it!!!'

"So smile in your Hearts, and when you see 9-11 on your clocks, or anywhere, when you think of it, if you happen to see even a fear-based lying article about it that says, 'Oh yes it was done by, you know, Osama Bin Laden.' By the way, he was a C.I.A. Agent, did you know that? Yes, his name was Tim Osmond, and he was a C.I.A. Agent, but he had a great value as an enemy you know, and all of those things. The whole 9-11 story was a lie. Go back and see if you can find a picture of the Pentagon right after the unmanned drone plane with the bombs went into it.

"They showed you planes flying into it on the computers. They showed that on the television set over and over again, but it was a lie, it was made up. A lot of the people, who people think left their bodies on 9-11, actually were taken up by the ships. There were ships seen, you know, by the towers. Did you know that? Did any of you happen to see those films? We were there. We did what we could to help.

"We allowed it to happen, because the World had to have a converging point. The World had to see how far these ones would go. Not very many people were awake to the fact that the assassinations which had taken place, the genocides, and all of the different things that were going on - not very many people knew who was really doing all of this. Nine eleven was a calamitous, disastrous, traumatic, horrible, event, but it did serve. It served because one day the Truth would come out, and the Truth has been coming out, out and coming out, and coming out, and the rest is here!

"9-11 will be the event upon which the World finally converges in truthful knowing what the real history/herstory of it is, and that will open the Pandora's box of all of the heinous activities since then, and this has to come out. You cannot contain, within your energy fields, lies. It's like when you need to cleanse, it is something to cleanse out your energy fields. You must cleanse out the lies, and see everything in the highest Light of Truth. Then you can heal!

"It's like if you eat something that has some toxicities in it, you must cleanse it out of your body. Then you feel better, right? You know it's gone, it won't bother you anymore. And that's what healing is. Now we are working on healing from many, many, perspectives, and each one of you, each one has your own perspective. You know, first and foremost, I am a healer!!! On many occasions I use humor to lighten everybody up - get it, lift up?! But that is not the case here, because this is a solemn occasion.

"So if you've got your dancing shoes on, you can save it for later. What we are here to do is monumental in its scope. The scope is the entire Planet, and the Universe beyond, and in the Freedom, and the Love that we will share.

"You heard JFK talk about the 'Eternal Flame?' We're going to turn it into a big roaring bonfire for the entire World to see - Flame of Truth, Flame of Freedom, Flame of Love!!! And by the way, those who are, shall we say, a part of the overall committee, that would be St. Germain, Sananda, The Mentors, the Masters, the Guides, the Angels, the Spirits and Divas, Mother Gaia herself, we're all connected. We're all in this together. We're all creating this together. So stand tall in your minds' eyes, Beloved Ones, and know that this mission is already seen as successful, because we have that perspective! And it is to be together in the Oneness of Who We All Are that we shall accomplish this, this Grand Healing of 9-11!!!

"Never again shall it occur, and we shall put forth enough Truth that even those who are grieving about it, or have anger about it, will be helped onto the High Road of Healing, and of course this will further the Ascension preparations exponentially!

"Alrighty, we are honored to be joined by JFK himself! Let us put him in the center of our circle, and let him hold the Eternal Flame for our journey up to the Crystal Room on my ship. We welcome all of you who have not done this journey with us before, and all of you who have. Now that we're in our circle, let us join hands and paws. Now my paws multi-locate, so everybody gets a paw of me. And join hands with the one next to you in the circle. And let us simply give our intention to travel together, easily and effortlessly. Your Guides, your Angels, and all of the Masters await you. They go ahead, we come right after them. We move up through space and time to accomplish this journey, because we come up into a Higher Dimensional reality where everything really is real!

"And so let us come up easily and effortlessly all together with Joy in our Hearts, and Love for each other shining forth. Soon Planet Earth is far below us, and as we look up, we see my ship. And see how the door of the landing deck opens. My ship has expansion capabilities, and this door is circular, and so it is that we are all able to move right up through the door, and to stand slightly above the landing deck while the door closes. Now let us easily and effortlessly land. Let your feet touch the deck, and you will notice if you look down, that you can see that you have a pathway back to Planet Earth when you are ready to use it.

"So breathe and relax. Look around and see all the Crystals gleaming at you. And let us move with JFK in our center, bringing the Eternal Flame, and let us move toward the doors of the Crystal Elevator. Again there is expansion to accommodate this wondrous group of ours. Everyone is included. We may come together to form more like two lines, but our hands and paws remain joined, and JFK moves with us. And so when we are all in this elevator the doors will close, and you may hear welcoming music. You may smell the soft scent of the Roses, or other wondrous scents to welcome you, or you may hear words, or feel a cooling breeze, or sudden warmth.

"This is all for you Beloved Ones, your own individual welcomes. You are so honored, and we are so blessed by your presence! The elevator moves so gently, and yet swiftly, right up to the very top of my ship, and the doors open to the Crystal Room. And let us move again, and as we form our circle in the Crystal Room, we bring our circle right into it. JFK is in the middle. And now he stands beside an altar, a beautiful crystalline altar, and he places the Eternal Flame upon that altar. And we can all see it. We can all see him, and feel the warmth of his presence.

"And feel also in an inner circle, your Guides and Angels welcoming you. And they may put their hands, their hands of Light, upon your shoulders gently. Feel it. It is their way of connecting with you in this sweet Oneness. And now feel behind you all of the Ascended Masters and Angels. They wouldn't miss this event for any reason. They're all here. They may be bi-locating, but they're all here. The Spirits and Divas of Planet Earth are honored guests. And now look into the middle of the circle and there is Mother Gaia herself, with Beloved JFK!

"And, oh yes, we have invited the one from Sirius called Obama, and he is in attendance in his Higher Dimensional self, and also his beloved wife who is his twin flame soulmate, serving in this mission with him! And there may be others, perhaps some of your family, or friends, or ones you feel especially close to who have passed over - they are among the ones in this group! We are huge in numbers. We are One in our hearts!

"And now let us all take some deep breaths, and move even higher, in our Oneness, in our energy fields joined together. And as we do so, it is for each one of you to take whatever memories you have of 9-11, and other events, and place them in the Eternal Flame, that they might be transmuted to Love, to Appreciation, to Forgiveness, to understanding that whatever role you have played in any lifetime, from the very whitest, to the very darkest of hats - it is now to be transmuted by the Eternal Flame, to Love, to Service, and understanding that you were in service, and that all who have ever worn the human uniform have been in service of one kind or another, and to forgive yes, even to forgive the ones who have controlled, and have tried to continue their control, because now the consciousness has grown strong enough to say, 'NO MORE!!!'

"And it is to have Compassion for these ones, because they have lost all that they have ever lived for. Some of them are relieved. You can see it. They are relieved to be free from the burdens of oppression which they have carried out. Some of them are dazed, and not really understanding, and some of them, yes, they are saying, 'I'm going to continue to wear the hat of the dark.'

"For those who are ready to give them up, let them put those dark hats right into that Flame, and let them, too, be transmuted into the pure pristine energies of Love, High Love, Unconditional Love! And let Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude emanate from this Flame, this beautiful Flame, and oh yes, St. Germain is lending the color, or you can see the color as he lends the Violet Flame to this. And it is beautiful indeed!

"And here is the Blue Flame of Truth from Archangel Michael. And so look upon this Eternal Flame, and see how it has grown, how it has expanded. Let it come into your Hearts, Beloved Ones. It may feel a bit warm, but it is all Love, it is all Joy. It is the expansion of Truth, together with the Joy that it is finally free to come forth, and to heal all that needs to be healed - the lies, the illusions, the disillusionments, the destructions, the disasters all. Now give them to the Flame. Gather them from Planet Earth. You can do so - just pull it up, and give it right into the Flame. We are cleansing all of Planet Earth!

"And now let the Flame itself - the Eternal Flame of Freedom, and Love, and Compassion, and Gratitude - let it burst forth! See how it goes up to the opening in the top of the Crystal Room, and see how it bursts like a sunburst, radiant beams of the Eternal Flame, and see how it falls gently to illuminate all of Planet Earth everywhere!!! Let it seek out the dark corners, and light them up even more then they've ever been. And let the Truth pour forth in this Flame. Let the Hearts open to be able to hear the Truth, to know the Truth, to accept the truth, and to Love all Truth, not the least of which is the Truth of Who They Really Are!!!

"The trauma-drama is over! 9-11 is cleansed of the fear, and no matter what lies may continue to be told, you know the Truth! And you know that those who participated, all of them, are honored for showing the World a different path, and for inviting the Hearts to join in High Dimensional Consciousness to get on that path, and to stay on that path to the Golden Age, and the Ascension which all of the Kingdoms on Planet Earth have ordained.

"And so I, Sekhmet, on behalf of all, stand here to tell you the World is changed! The World has advanced upon its Ascension Path. Mother Gaia is thrilled that the lies have been cleansed! And as we have done this in higher dimensionality, now we are sending it throughout 3D. So the World will be hearing different stories, even more. And even more will be known, even more Truth is bursting forth even now, and there are even more Hearts open to hearing the Truth, and minds, and energy fields, and this is entirely appropriate on this day of remembrance, because we have changed that which you call the future anniversaries of this day of 9-11!!!

"So we are in awe of you, Beloved Ones, and we thank you for making this possible. It is by your coming, and by your participating, that this is done! So smile, and congratulate each other, and yourselves - hugs all around!!! And each one of you is offered a part of this Eternal Flame to take with you in your own Hearts. Remember, remember, this event upon my Crystal Ship, in my Crystal Room. Remember that you heard the invitation, and you came, and that you carried the Eternal Flame within your Hearts. It is the Flame of Connection. It is the Flame of Healing. It is the Flame of Truth, and Love, infinite, compassionate, and grateful Love! You are known throughout the Universe as Stewards of this Flame, and so we offer you our loving Thanks and Gratitude!

"Now when you are ready, you may look up and see your path, your cord, back to your home on Planet Earth. It is gentle, and all you need to do is give your intention to return to the place from which you came. But, we promise you this, you are not the same as when you came. Hold sacred in your Hearts this Eternal Flame. Remember your connections, remember this Communion that we shared. And as you begin your homeward journeys, let us once again enjoy The Blessing given by Beloved Sananda through this wondrous woman.*

"And so it is! Namaste!"

 *The Blessing, composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, .
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh.
Given through Susan Leland, 9-11-12. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.