Sunday, February 27, 2022

Blossom Goodchild / The Federation of Light, February 27, 2022

 Hello, my friends. You were right, the house you ‘chose’ for me is indeed a Sanctuary! I feel so comfortable here. Thank you. Now then, your news of a worldwide lockdown has reached far and wide, it seems. Yet, you have been speaking of the lockdown for a long time. It’s the introduction of ‘Fergus the Fungus’ that has intrigued many. Are you able to elaborate, or not?

Warmest of Greetings. We too, feel this new abode has wonderful prospects for you, especially regarding the Energies, typically for our communications. We are happy you are happy there. 

Regarding the lockdown, yes indeed, it has been spoken of often by us. What is ‘useful’ to know is that ‘whatever is presented’ as a reason to bring this about is merely a deploy. The tactics used are a disguise in order to ‘have the people’ where they need to be.

And where is that?

SAFELY in their homes. Again, we try to explain without giving ‘The Game away’ for that is not suitable. This Plan is vast and as in a game of chess, strategies and contingencies are always changing in order to make one’s next move the most beneficial. 

Yet, you say the Light has won.

It has. Without question. Yet, The Game must be played out, for there are essential ‘properties’ that need to be in place. Therefore, The Game must be finished so that those of/from the Light-Forces can complete their mission(s).

We DeLight in the movements of upliftment from many heroes on your Planet, that are showing the world and those that live upon it, that what is not right regarding ‘Freedom status’, must be dealt with.

The walls are crumbling and tumbling down around your Planet. Remember that most of what is presented to you is a smokescreen. A completely different ‘play’ is taking place behind the scenes and it is getting close now to the curtain lifting, in order for the audience to participate and ‘view’ for themselves that which is TRUTH.

Really? Is that ever going to happen? No-one knows what to believe anymore … about anything. It is hard to decipher and discern what is real. I know many feel fearful about a worldwide lockdown. I say bring it on and let’s get this show on the road. At least we can feel we are moving forward.

It has to take place. And indeed, Blossom, it will move things along in ways that will ‘Blow people’s minds!’. This is another reason for an ‘indoor curfew’ 24/7 for a while because that which is brought to Light will leave many in states of shock, abhorrence, and disbelief. 

Your role as you know, now and when this takes place, is to send your Light.

The most Powerful Light that you are discovering … of/through/as … yourself will be greatly needed to calm the gushing rivers that inevitably will cause much disturbance to those who are naïve and afraid.

It just seems like a chapter out of a book. We have heard so many ‘tales’ of this, that and the other. Emergency broadcasts, for instance, revealing THE TRUTH. Yet, as with most that we hear, it never takes place. You cannot give a time frame to us … therefore, we could still be waiting for this in five years’ time!

Blossom … Phase Two will have been put into place long before that. Many of you are ‘feeling’ the need to go inward and prepare. Each in their own way. Many of you are sensing that something is about to ‘take off’.

Yes, and many of us have been feeling this for years, off and on! 

It is coming, Blossom. We are not saying to any one of you that you MUST believe that which we say.

This is not why we come. 


We come to assist you in recognizing the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE.


For in doing so we are assisting … The Whole /Ascension process. 

IT IS YOU … EACH ONE that are here to lift your Planet. This you know. 


Yet, we feel we know nothing.

Blossom, when this ‘kicks off’ … this Phase Two of Five … you will realize … that which you need to know … is aware of what needs to be done!

Does that even make sense?

You feel that you need to know what is going on in order to do what you need to do. Yet, you actually, in fact, need to know absolutely nothing of what is going on in order to do what you came to do.

For when you ‘ARE’ EnLightened by that which is to be exposed, you will see that ‘that side of matters’, although revealing, is not what you have been building up to … not what you have been preparing for. 

What you have been preparing for is the HOW! 

HOW you then, now, conduct the POWER OF YOUR SPIRIT to soothe the troubled waters. To reach out to those who are in a state of numbness and overwhelm.

How do we do that if we are all locked away?

To begin with, it shall be via thought and prayer … when things settle, it shall be easier to communicate through ways of internet … and in person. For the lockdown is to be put in place for safety reasons, as we have said.

I assume you mean safety, due to folk ‘losing it’ when they hear of atrocities. In fact, realizing that everything we have been told is an outright lie! In my mind, I feel people will rebel, and huge crowds will rampage. Not a pleasant thought, yet, one that remains.

Blossom, there is not one that can precisely predict how this ‘fall out’ will ‘fall back in’. 

Do you grasp this as we are speaking with you? Are you Feeling/ Knowing, that this … this Phase Two … is a HUGE STEP into the awakening of mankind? 

Are you recognising the stirring in your Soul that this which is about to take place …

I notice you wanted me to put ‘about’ … although I hesitated for a minute.

That which is ‘about’ to take place will present so clearly to you … YOUR REASON FOR BEING HERE. 

You will FEEL so Powerfully and clearly ‘your orders’. We have spoken before, that ‘orders’ in this context are not ‘What you MUST do’ … They are orders in the sense of KNOWING ‘What one HAS to do.’

Yet, when you have spoken of orders before, it was regarding the opening of our Envelopes* and our orders for each one being inside. I don’t feel it is the time yet for the Envelope opening? Is it?

Not as such. That particular unveiling is awaiting further along the journey.

These ‘orders’ are ‘KNOWINGS OF TRUTH’. 


We wish to express that these times ahead are to be revelationary (?)

Don’t think that is a word, yet, I know what you mean and I know you don’t mean revolutionary.


False Expectations Appearing Real.

Thank you for picking up on that. 

As, at last, from your point of view, from your perspective, things move on … you shall FEEL inside your Being …









The weaker ones, those who knew they did not have the stamina to complete this task, remain in the ethers of other Worlds/Dimensions and play their part of sending Love Light through to you from afar. They admire and hold you in such esteem for your Forthrightness, Bravery, and Courage!









Discover its magic as you say/Feel over and over,





We feel and desire that the Energy within this communication shall uplift your Soul’s Vibration and assist you in the completion of that which you are here on the Planet to achieve.

For this time, we take our leave.  

Cool. Thanks, Chaps! Well, all I can say is, bring on Fergus the Fungus! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

*For more info on the Envelopes go to            and scroll down to ‘Topics of Interest’.Many thanks.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Peggy Black and the ’team’, February 14, 2022

 You as “One Cell” | Peggy Black and the ‘team’

(Golden Age of Gaia)

February 14, 2022, via email

We are here, and we invite you to become aware of the many other realities that you participate in. We continue to invite you to become aware of your multidimensional beingness. Realize the importance to expand your awareness of reality. This is a subtle expansion, you and others actually do this at all times, yet do not recognize it as aspects of your multi dimensional self.

Let us give this example, you are interfacing with your third dimensional life as a human, perhaps even your role as a parent, a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a spiritual being, a conscious citizen, a gardener, a businessperson. These are roles or aspects that shift your behavior in subtle ways. You do not consider them separate from one another; they are just parts of you and your life.

Now consider the awareness of your multidimensionality, you are here in a hologame on planet earth, responsible for the physical vehicle in which you dwell, confined by beliefs of the limitations of this reality. You are also connected to the galaxy and respond to the energy matrix that is offered from the cosmic forces.

We want you to realize that you are able to read the energy of another being, taking in data like your computers, you are interfacing with other beings at all times, exchanging information, ideas, weavings of energy. You travel time, in a moment, you return to the past, zoom to the future, however, you only touch these time lines briefly and usually you touch it with regret or worry.

You have the ability to step into any hologame and experience any reality, with all its taste, smells, feelings, sights and “live” it so to speak. However be aware that in this current third dimension reality you have replaced this awesome multidimensional ability with the movies and with television. You are invited to begin use the superpower of your imagination.

We know that this physical life feels real in your consciousness. We know that you have responsibilities, loved ones and friends; you experience emotions of bliss and traumas. You feel pain and have thoughts and even puzzle at the mystery of why you are here.

Realize that you travel out of your body’s awareness often. You take an aspect of your multidimensional self to other dimensions and to other realities. This is especially true at this time. Many are beginning to consciously be moving from one dimension to another.

This awakening is being triggered by the cosmic forces that are bathing your planet, stimulating you to wake up to the truth of who you really are. You are a starbeing, here is this limited third dimension having what you are calling a physical life, which we invite you to consider is only “one cell.”

We sense your desire for us to translate this information more clearly. We are aware that you are struggling a bit, to put what we are giving you into understanding. You know this truth as a multidimensional being, it is how you operate. Yet you cannot always put what happens as a multidimensional being into words, because it is far bigger than your “one cell” third dimensional self to explain in words.

Let us offer this, using the example of the physical body as a metaphor. Image in the body, this physical life what you are now focused on, is only “one cell”. Your “NOW” life experience is only “one cell.” Yet you are truly multidimensional. This multidimensional self creates, nurtures, and sustains the whole in a very complex delicate balance.

You as the “one cell” are not aware of all the others tasks or other realities the total body participates in. There is the reality of the bones, the reality of skin, the reality of the heart, the liver, the circulation system; these are all just aspects of the multidimensional reality of the body. There is the brain, the thoughts, the feelings, the memories and on and on, yet the “one cell” awareness is not fully conscious of all that is taking place.

The life you are focused on in your now is this “one cell” of your total magnificent multidimensional self. There is much going on at all times that you do not recognize because of your veiled awareness and belief systems.

You as “one cell” do not even think about what beats the heart, how air expands the lungs, these are activities that are automatic. They maintain the “one cell” yet are not a part of consciousness. The “one cell” has other things to focus upon. There are frequencies, matrixes, realities that exist in which you are very active, yet as the “one cell” that you are focused upon resists this expansion or does not even know of the others existence.

So begin to honor your true wholeness. It is important that you begin to be aware of all the actions and activities that the physical body offers. Practice quieting your mind and place your attention on your heart, notice if you can begin to feel each heart beat. Focus your quiet mind on your breath, follow that breath moving into your lungs, expanding them and then exhaling. We want you to begin to practice being more than just “one cell.

Imagine that your body has a consciousness in every aspect. Every aspect, every part of your body is aware of the energy that is being offered in the cosmic downloads, the solar flares, the vibrations of the planets, the pull and push of the moon. There is much more going on then the “one cell” self recognizes.

Many are waking up to these awarenesses and many others continue to hit the ‘snooze button.’ Now is the time to explore all the inner realities of your physical body as well as the awesome realities of the other dimensions. Be the explorer. Be the adventurer.

Imagine that you can go on a vacation or holiday to another time and place. Imagine that you can go to a cosmic travel agent and book a trip to another planet or a cosmic time agent and book a trip to any experience in time or even a cosmic dimensional agent, where you can arrange to travel to another dimension. Make this as real as you possibility can. Allow yourself to play with this idea and suggestion. Shake yourself out of any limited beliefs.

We are playing with you here. We want to shake you out of your “one cell” thinking. We want you to realize how truly unlimited you really are. Each day make it a practice to imagine another reality, pretend, make it as real as possible. Feel it, sense it, see it whatever way feels best to you. Remember this is simply a game and you are meant to wake up and recognize that you are a divine creator.

Again we invite you to expand your awareness to include more of your multidimensional beingness. It is much easier than one might imagine, you do it often, now just recognize when you have shifted. Be at peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Peggy Black and the ’team’, January 19, 2022

 Your Personal Matrix | Peggy Black and the ‘team’

(Golden Age of Gaia)

January 19, 2022, via email

We are here to honor and celebrate who you are as a multidimensional being of energy. Most earthwalkers are unconscious to their own personal energy, energy signature, or the energy surrounding them. Therefore they are unconscious of the interchange of energy that is continuously taking place between themselves and others and between themselves and their surroundings.

We want you to begin to understand that you, everyone and everything has an energy matrix, from the smallest atom to the galaxy; each connected, nested and woven together in one cosmic whole. These grids or holograms are interactive with your personal energy girds or holograms.

As you move about in your life you move through many grids and matrices. We realize that you usually do not consciously check out or sense or even read the energy flow. But that is an important skill to develop.

Once you begin to sense or feel or see the subtle vibrations, even the thought forms and emotions that create the environment you step into, you will begin to understand how these vibrations are affecting your own personal energy field as well as the effects on your physical body and the exchange of information that is taking place.

You move through these fields of energy all the time and most of the time you are totally unconscious of how they interact with your field or your personal matrix. Realize it is the matrix that holds the pattern, much like the matrix of stone holds the crystal.

Your personal matrix holds your contact with this dimension; it is the framework, the grid of energy vibrating with the memories, the experiences, and the family patterns. Your personal matrix is created from your thought forms, habits, emotions and programmed beliefs. Your energy signature or matrix will always be affected by the energy surrounding you.

Remember that emotional vibrations or frequencies are contagious. If you step into a space or matrix where there is an emotion of fear, it will certainly trigger your own personal stored fear energy. A hospital or dentist office is an example of a space where you might experience your own personal fear being triggered. Become aware of the vibration offered by the spaces or matrices you move into.

As each human begins to awaken, to become conscious and responsible, they become more aware of their personal energy field. As each human strives to enrich their awareness, to grow, to expand, their personal matrix becomes more extended, brighter as it were.

It is valuable and important to become aware of your own matrix and as we said earlier to become aware of the grids or energy fields that surround you each moment. This is a major working. This is a level of awareness that allows your conscious self a bigger playground. Allow yourself to see or sense and become sensitive to the matrices that surround you at all times.

Begin to notice the energy matrix or energy vibration that is being offered by your planet, the stars, the galaxy and the cosmic collective. Make it your intention to learn how to read, feel or hear this energy that is enveloping you. Where do you sense your connections with the global matrix. Does that feel too big, too impossible to even imagine? Where do you sense your connection with the galactic matrix? Allow yourself to investigate your own personal matrix, grid or energy field.

Become sensitive to how far this matrix extends. You will realize how interconnected you are to your planet, your community, your circle of friends and acquaintances, your spirit family and your physical family. Notice the family matrix you experience. Does this matrix trigger any limiting emotions or thoughts or does it feel expansive and accepting?

We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations.

As you move about in your life be aware of each subtle shift of the flavor, the sensations, the emotional and mental offerings of the matrix of each experience. There will be a matrix at each store or activity that you will temporarily connect with, a group of people will share a common matrix created by all the combined energy fields of everyone. There will be a skill that you will develop which will allow you to read the information given by others sharing the same space together.

Far more data is exchanged between one being and another, between you and the matrix you step into. This exchange takes place during one in-breath and one out-breath. Remember throughout your day, simply say “All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed.” This is a gentle yet powerful way to keep your energy field clear of the influence of others.

We invite you to consider the past week and reflect on activities, all the exchanges that took place in the stores or on the street. Gently reflect back to all the people you passed by or sat next to, realize that energy was exchanged especially the ones who made eye contact or spoke to you. Now realize that they were also affected by your matrix, your energy field, your grid.

You have the opportunity to offer a higher vibration, a more conscious vibration with each exchange and with everyone that you encounter. You have the opportunity to trigger the awakening in another by your conscious exchange without a word being spoken.

You have the opportunity to uplift and activate a sense of well-being, a sense of wholeness in the other. You have the opportunity to express acceptance and respect for the other. You can quietly in your mind simply say “I see you.” The energy of that expression will uplift the other. Remember who you are as a magnificent being and use your awareness to transform and offer expansion to all those that you meet.

When you declare “I am aware that I am aware.” When you bring your full consciousness of your matrix, your full awareness into your field, others respond from their highest understanding as well. You trigger their awareness of who they are.

When you set your intention to sense these grids and all these other matrices observe how you are responding and how others are responding to you. You begin to consciously ride these flows of energy, move through these fields of energy with delight and joy. This is the place of transformation, of miracles as you call them, of total synchronicity. Practice this. Be at peace, Beloved, the ‘team’

©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Peggy Black and the ’team’, December 16, 2021

 Parallel Realities | Peggy Black and the 'team'

(Golden Age of Gaia)

December 15, 2021, via email

We are here; we continue to reach out. We are aware that at these times you are more receptive. So it is our intention and invitation to offer you the opportunity to remember who you truly are. You are a star being, a member of the galactic family having a three dimensional human experience.

You are here in this dimension to be a receiver of energy and information. You are here to anchor a new reality by your conscious focus and understanding. There is much contact being made from the galaxy to this planet. It is always the signal searching for the receiver. There are those awakening and realizing they are receivers.

Your internet serves to share these messages received by others who are now in contact with those from other dimensions or timelines. Of course the goal is that all humans realize their ability for this contact and this energy exchange.

We sense great anticipation within you when we share this. You are a visionary, you are a receiver, these are ideas, concepts, understandings that you hold and embrace as truth.

You and many bright ones like you are remembering the many other realities of harmony, love and equality in which you have participated and experienced. This planet is an extreme contrast to what you know and remember.

It has been a great mystery to you why others can not embrace this kind of harmony and equality. Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. We would like to give you more information on this shift that is now taking place on planet earth.

First let us share that there are always several realities, several outcomes waiting to manifest in just your personal lives. Humans are beginning to realize and recognize the fascinating unfoldment of your science of physics, quantum physics. It is a language and concept that most people cannot allow their mind to even consider because it pushes against so many of their sacred beliefs.

It feels that if they embrace this idea of multi-realities going on at all times, they might lose their mental hold on what they think is reality. That feels frightening, too unstable; there is always resistance where there is fear.

Allow yourself in the coming days to explore what some of your other possible realities might be. You can make this awareness a small view of just your day and how it might be played out in other parallel realities. What choices await? What events unfold? What fears are there? What hopes? What dreams?

You /others are broadcasting energy in the form of your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs at all times. As you send the energy forth several realities are always possible. The reality that manifests is the one on which you have focused more of your energy.

We can feel you struggle a bit with this information. Let us give you this; your reality feels and looks solid and permanent. This is only one aspect of the illusion upon which you are operating. It is just one level of awareness gathering all your beliefs, all your knowing, focused on the one level or reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see; this is what you have known up until now.

As you awaken and those beliefs begin to soften, your knowing expands to include other awarenesses; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities simultaneously existing in the same place, the same time, the same space. And with all those other realities co-existing there are parallel possibilities that can unfold.

Your reality is not as solid as you would like to think. It is actually very fluid, very flowing, very malleable. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way.

Every living being is affecting this experience and reality. The collective consciousness of all humans is calling forth, inviting and creating the reality that everyone is witnessing and experiencing. The more attention, the more energy or focus given to a certain outcome will guarantee it will manifest fully in this physical realm. Most humans do not realize their personal power in creating what is occurring in the daily events.

Most global events seem too big, too overwhelming or too distant for you to have any effect on or to claim any responsibility for that manifestation. Yet we are inviting you to realize that no matter what is occurring in the third dimension you have contributed to that outcome or event in some manner.

Now understanding that truth, we invite you to step into your magnificent power as a multidimensional divine being here on this planet at this time to invite, create and call forth a new reality.

If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, for goodness sake, what would you like to experience? How would you begin to use your thoughts, words, emotions and focus, and most important of all, your imagination, to allow another parallel reality to come forth in your experience.

Practice this skill in your personal life. Imagine that there are always several realities that are possible. Which one is manifesting for you now? What were your thoughts, fears and worries that might have called this forth?

Pretend that there are several parallel realities awaiting your invitation. Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities. Make this process as real for yourself as possible. If you want to be a successful writer, imagine yourself being acknowledged for the wonderful book you have written. Notice how you feel, notice any emotions that arise for you in this process.

Allow yourself to play in this parallel reality often. Make it as real as possible for yourself. Be in a state of gratitude, notice how the universe supports and assists you in this creation. Allow yourself to make this reality outrageous.

Be gentle and be kind with yourself as you explore other possible opportunities. Investigate what dreams did you have as a youth? Investigate what would have happened if you had made a different decision at some crossroads of your life? What would you be doing?

Allow yourself to imagine living that dream now as if it were your true experience. Expand the possibilities, allow yourself to play with these ideas of creating or stepping into a parallel existence.

Expand your consciousness to imagine a different parallel reality for your planet. Allow yourself to feel that, experience that, read about it in your newspapers. We believe you are getting the idea of who you are in this wonderful shift that is happening here on your planet.

We realize we have given you much information in this message. We realize that on some level you know the truth of what we share. We know these ideas press against your long held beliefs of what is true.

Relax into these possibilities, play with these concepts, allow yourself to see or script the other realities in your personal life. Then expand to the other realities for your planet, Remember this is a game of awakening. Be at Peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Peggy Black and the ’team’, November 18, 2021

 Heal the Wounded Heart | Peggy Black and the ‘team’

(Golden Age of Gaia)

November 18, 1021, via email

We are here to invite and support your total awareness. We have come to realize that human beings have difficulty with the connection between thoughts, emotions and the physical stance that the body takes.

Thoughts and emotions appear to be formless whereas the physical body has shape and form. However this is one total and whole system, body, mind, emotions and spirit each part reflecting the other. It is an energetic exchange which can be monitored.

When there is disharmony within the thoughts or when emotions are in conflict, the body will eventually manifest this lack of balance and harmony, there will be dis-ease.

So dear ones, when you are experiencing a state of unease or feeling off balance, the name your society has given to this state of disharmony and unease is often stress. Ask yourself what emotions are you avoiding, what emotions have you labeled uncomfortable. We invite you to look within at the possible conflicts that you are dealing with. List each one in a clear and precise manner. This offers you an insight as you travel into the maze of your disharmony, your depression or your anxiety.

Also we might offer that you be aware of the labels others have given you and you took as your own without question. Usually a label is an attempt to assert control and manage any uncertainty. A label may allow for a type of mental closure and even encourage you not to think about the things, issues, or emotions again.

Realize life never comes to closure; life is a process, even a mystery. Life is known only by those who have found a way to be comfortable with their emotions, with change and the unknown. Given the nature of life, there may be no security, but only your adventure.

Once your inner conflicts have been offered to the conscious mind there can be resolution. You have many tools to use that will bring you to a balanced state of mind, a balanced state of emotions and therefore a balanced healthy body.

The heart is the thinking organ of your human form. It is the heart which truly is in command. The energetic field of the heart matrix is far stronger and more expanded than the energetic matrix of the brain. Your mentors, wise one, avatars and spiritual leaders have been speaking and teaching of this for eons of time.

It is the intelligence of the heart that offers humanity total healing and divine connection with the dimensions and the stars. We encourage you to return to the sacred space of your heart and radiate love and acceptance as well as gratitude to your reality. It is within the sacred heart that the alchemical process of transformation takes place.

Human beings long ago learn to close or protect their heart circuit. This has been one of the main dysfunctions on your planet It is one of the main sources of dis-ease.

When the heart circuit is protected there is an energetic loop. There is difficulty with energy coming in or going out. The human being has allowed the brain, the programs, the beliefs, and the labels to monitor and guard the heart center. These programs and beliefs close and numb your responses to the messages and guidance coming from and going to this important heart center.

These beliefs and programs about protecting the heart center are passed down energetically from parent to child. A small child learns from the unspoken as well as the spoken messages about being hurt, allowing or not allowing one to love freely and easily, what feels safe or unsafe, who to trust and not trust.

The heart center is your portal. It is your gate. It is important for humanity to begin to heal the wounds that the heart carries. It is essential to healing this planet’s dysfunction. When the heart is energetically closed to others, it is closed to the divine. It is time that humanity heals the wounded heart.

We acknowledge all those who are becoming aware of when they close their hearts and what programs/beliefs within their system lock them into a closed loop.

There are the wounds passed down from generation to generation. There are the wounds within the family dynamics of this lifetime. There are the wounds that each human being has personally experienced while in this embodiment. Humans are skilled at shutting down their emotions of pain, hurt, betrayal, grief, disappointment or feeling unloved. As best you can, allow yourself to clear these emotions and realize that without judgment, many of these things can be made holy.

You are invited to begin the process of healing the many levels of wounded patterns within the heart matrix which can manifest in your physical form. This is the work and the responsibility for each and every person on the personal level, genetic level and global level. We support and encourage you to energetically and emotionally clean out your heart space. Polish it, shine it up, air it out and begin to live there.

Humanity is stepping into an entirely new paradigm in which the thinking heart will be honored, whole and connected to the other heart matrices.

This reality is happening one heart beat at a time, one human being at a time. Each human being who becomes aware of the power to heal the wounds carried within their heart center can then open their heart center and radiate the divine flow of love, acceptance, and the honoring of one another.

The heart portal was designed to serve as the gateway to the stars. This heart portal allows the energy to flow from divine source and the heart center processes this energy for the expansion of the human being.

We are inviting you to continue with your dedicated intention to heal your heart portal, for it is through your heart portal that divine energies, divine connection and divine guidance are able to stream to you.

The most important tools in the healing, harmonizing and the balancing of your heart portal are to continue to return your awareness to the vibrations of joy, gratitude, appreciation and forgiveness. It is the power of these vibrations which allows the heart center/heart portal to heal from all the wounds carried.

Practice asking your heart before asking your mind. Practice bridging and connecting the heart’s intelligence with the brain’s intelligence. Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, and appreciation from your heart not from the mind.

Understand that you are connected to one another with unbreakable and compelling human bonds. In this knowing everyone becomes less vulnerable and alone. The heart, which can see these connections, may be far more powerful a source of healing than the mind.

It is the service work each human being is asked to give for the wholeness and healing of the heart center of humanity. For when human beings live from an open and healed heart they know and feel their connectedness with each other and understand their universal purpose.

Allow yourself to see your sacred heart space as spacious, infinite, expanded, and whole. It is your link to the cosmic grid. It is your way home.

We support your healing and delight with our heart connection with you. Be at peace, Beloved. the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available