Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sekhmet's Crystal Excercise of Gratitude, through Susan Leland

Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise of Gratitude
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - October 23, 2012
(Sekhmet danced to Joy to the World*, which played before she began speaking.)
"Love to the World - that's what's inside the gifts, and thank you! You've heard of giving someone who is about to be taking a trip somewhere, what you call a 'bonvoyagie' present. Well that's what we're going to be creating here. And I wanted to come in on a high vibe note, because we're going to get real serious. This is serious business that we're doing, but we also want to emphasize and illustrate that it's time to celebrate. Even as you see, or hear, some very serious news, celebrate: 'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'

"Oops, if there's something that is a little dark in that one, or a lot dark, I shall say, 'Thank you for showing the difference between what is dark and what is Light, and I shall send you Love, Compassion and Forgiveness, along with my Gratitude! And here's a little present for you, because you can open it up, and let the Light that's inside of it come into your being, or you can leave it wrapped up if you wish, in which case you might want to take it with you, because you're leaving!'

"All right! We set the stage. Everybody's got the scenario, as it were. We're talking dramas, we're talking stages, we're talking about the Greatest Show on Earth! Oh, that's not an original, but it will do. The greatest drama ever on Planet Earth is happening right now. And so it is that we have our turn to make a contribution to it. And we don't even have to get up on the stage, and be in the center of it. We can do it from the comfort of my Crystal Room, because we all want to get together for that!

"So we're going to head on up there now. And we know that some of you have not journeyed there, at least not in this live event, this now moment. So we shall begin at the beginning. It is best if you stand, but you can remain seated, if that is more comfortable. Now, that means stay in your seats, but just picture yourself standing up, if you wish. So everybody just take some deep breaths, because you need to relax, and you need to be sure that you're ready to breathe in all kinds of Love Light!

"Take some deep breaths. Let your Hearts expand. Now it helps if you close your eyes, because it is for you to see that we are all together in the same place, wherever you are on Planet Earth. Now we form a circle. This is our Love circle. It is unbroken. Now I'm standing in the circle with you, but I have a way of offering my paw to each and every one of you, so that you are holding my paw with one hand, and the hand of one of your Beloved Family Members, I should say our Beloved Family Members, but you know, your Human Family Members, with your other hand. And thus it is that we have this circle. We're ready to travel!

"Take some more deep breaths, and allow yourself to just lift up. Now as you do so, notice that you still have a cord, a string, a beam of Light, which attaches you to Planet Earth. We're not taking off forever. This is a journey, and so we shall all be returning to Planet Earth when we have completed our Exercise. But, for now, let us just float up together. We are in a place in space. There is no time here. So in an instant of Earth time, we are out among the stars, and it is beautiful, and we can look down and see Planet Earth below us.

"And if you will look directly above your heads, you will see my ship. It is huge, and it glows, and it's Crystal - lots of Crystals here, and shiny materials that are not known yet on Planet Earth. Well, they may be known in some secret places, but it's just shiny and beautiful. And you may see colors, different colors, flashing and beaming.

"And so now notice if you will, that we are underneath my ship, and there is a circular door opening. It's opening like the eye of a camera. And as it opens, it expands, and expands, and expands, so that we can all float comfortably up through it, without diminishing the size of our circle at all! My ship is quite what you call magical, you know - it can expand, and contract for every occasion! So here we are now up through the doorway, or the portal, if you wish, to my ship. And notice that now the door closes beneath us, because we are a little way above it. And now just allow yourself to gently float down so that your feet are now on the surface of the landing deck of my ship.

"Aah! Breathe in the Crystalline energy, breathe in the bright Lights, and now direct your attention to the Crystal Elevator. Yes, it's time for us to go up to my Crystal Room, which is at the very tippy top of my ship. And so let us just move gently into the Crystal Elevator. We can float in together if you wish. Again it expands so that we are all perfectly comfortable. We are still holding hands and paws, and here we are, and you may be hearing music by now, Heavenly music you can call it, welcoming you!

"And it can be a different tune for each and every one of you that you hear, because we personalize things to welcome Beloved Visitors, you, Beloved Family, to my ship. And you may be smelling some wondrous scents, and seeing even more beautiful colors - some you've never even seen before! Remember, in coming onto my ship, we have entered an even higher level of Dimensionality.

"And so, all of these things are possible, because you're here. And let the elevator door close, now that we're all in, and let's just enjoy the ride. Again there is no time here. So here we are. We have reached the top most room of my ship, and the doors open, and here is the Crystal Room, absolutely bedazzling in its brilliance! And it is now for us to just gently move into the room, keeping in our circle. And as the last of us move into the room, the door to the elevator closes, and now we are enclosed in the room.

"And it is not only beautiful, but the energies here are so high, so full of Love, it is indeed an almost euphoric experience, but stay conscious, if you'd like to. There's more to come. Now feel, and see the Beloved Light Beings, who come into the middle of our circle. The Ascended Masters, the Angels, and yes, the representatives of the Elemental Kingdoms, and the Kingdoms of the Plants, and the Animals, and the Crystals, of Planet Earth ascended. They are here now, filling up the middle of our circle, and I, Sekhmet, shall take my place in the middle, but you can still hold my paws - marvelous, marvelous, these Higher Dimensional abilities and empowerments!!!
"And now if you feel a light touch upon your shoulders, or perhaps upon the back of your neck, know that your personal Guides have checked in. They've been with us the whole time. But, now they're assuring you, 'Yes, we are here with you, and we are even more recognizable.' And among them is, of course, that aspect of you which is Higher Dimensional and always in guidance to you, Beloved Ones, at least, when you've got your listening ears tuned into your Hearts. And so let us just breathe in the energies of this wondrous connection with all of this Love, and as you do so, notice that you are putting out the Beams of Love to this circle!

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you - for being here, all of your Brothers and Sisters in the Human uniforms who are making this journey with you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you - to all of your Beloved Guides for being with you always, and for making their presence so beautifully felt to you in this gathering of our circle of Love. And Thank you! Thank you! Thank you - to all of the Light Beings who are here. And you will see Ashtar, and others from the Ashtar Command - ones you may even recognize as fellows in service!

"And you may see Angels - those among the Angels - who have gone on before you. You may even recognize one or more in that group, if they are not standing behind you already in your Guidance Group. Indeed you can see how wondrous it is that my ship has infinite expansion capabilities! There is so much Light; there is so much Love in this room. And even as you thank all who are here to be a part of this gathering of this Communion of Oneness, with you, with all of us as One, feel the thanks from all coming to you!!!

"And so it becomes endless, spiraling waves of thanks and Gratitude. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for coming. Thank you for being with us. Thank you, Beloved Ones in the Human uniforms, for all you have ever done in service to Planet Earth and elsewhere, and that includes now, as you measure now, past, present, and future, for we are creating an entire beaming Light of Gratitude, which is infinite and endless!!!

"We are amplifying the Lights You Are, the Lights We Are into the exponential Light of Oneness, and the message is Gratitude. This Light is Love, High Dimensional, high vibrational, unconditional, compassionate, and forgiving Love. So as it comes to you, Beloved Ones, let it shower you, let it sparkle, and shine, and shower you throughout the totality of your beings, because you so deserve it!!!

"And as it comes into you, and as you feel it amplify within your own being, when it has reached that particular vibration, notice the very floor of the ship opens up in the middle, and we are all, every one of us, all of you who came in your Human uniforms, all who came from the Lighted Realms, all of your Guides and Angels, we are now all surrounding this opening in the floor, and I, Sekhmet, am literally positioned slightly above it.

"I am holding myself up with the Light of Love. And now I'm directing all of these wondrous waves, these spirals. You may see them as infinity signs all lit up, powerful, powerful, radiant, spirals of Love. And now I'm directing them as Light Beams to Planet Earth! Send them forward to the opening in our circle, all of it. Notice that you instantly refill! You cannot empty yourselves. It's automatic, as you would say. You cannot empty yourselves, not one bit - so much of this Love Light, so much of this thanks, this Gratitude is streaming into you Beloved Ones!!!

"Even though you are overflowing with it, you are continually refilling. And so it is that we are one big Light of Love sending Gratitude to everyone, every sentient being on Planet Earth! We thank the Crystals for the messages which they have relayed, for the wisdoms which they have stored, and for the promises which are being kept that you, Beloved Ones, made long ago when you first came to Planet Earth in that place called Lemuria, when you promised that one day you would successfully ascend up and out of the 3D that you were allowing yourself to drop into.

"And the Crystals, the Minerals, the very dirt of Mother Earth, and the waters, and the air, have kept this promise alive, and they have shared it with the Plants, growing in the soils and the waters and the air, and they have shared it with the Animals of the land, and the sea, and the air. And it is those Ancient Ones who have sent the messages forward - paid them forward - the wisdom, the connections with all of Mother Gaia, the honoring, the respect, and yes the Gratitude to Her, and to all of Her Kingdoms, for the lives that have been lived here.

"And you, Beloved Ones, have participated in being keepers and messengers of this wisdom, paying it forward, paying it forward, paying it forward until it literally lit up in what you call this now time upon Planet Earth, this time of Ascension, this time of Homecoming, this time of the promise kept - such Gratitude to all members of all Kingdoms on Planet Earth, such Gratitude to all of those in Human uniforms, no matter what action, or expressions, they have presented, because it has all led to this moment of Ascension preparation!!!

"And it is to be grateful without judgment, to be grateful equally to all who have participated, and thus it is that the message of this Gratitude is beaming now. Now see, if you will, a kind of a Grid of Gratitude covering all of Planet Earth. Pick a spot, any spot on the Grid, and Light it up even more. And we are joined with you in this, and see the Grid lighting up! This is the Grid of Gratitude. This is the empowerment, for those who would do so, to receive this gift wrapped in the Light of Love.

"Now see how many are opening it! See that there are some who are hesitant, and then they open it, and allow this Gratitude to come and fill their beings. And see them smile and reach out to hold hands upon this Grid of Gratitude. And yes, there are those who are not opening their gifts quite yet, but tell them to hang onto them, to put them into their Hearts, opened or not, because it is our loving message to them, that they may keep these gifts, and open them when they are ready to wake up and do so.

"And so it is that we have delivered these fabulous, enlightened gifts of Gratitude all along the Grid. You see that it is lit up, and you see the happy, smiling faces of those who have opened their gifts already. See their Hearts shining, and see them radiating the Beams out through their communities, through their countries, and indeed to the Universe beyond! And as the Beams go everywhere out into the Universe, join yours with them, and feel the Oneness that this Gratitude gift has created for all upon Planet Earth, to be joined with us and representatives of all of the Kingdoms of the Higher Dimensions. As the Kingdoms of 3D are united, we all can lift up together in this great, grand, loving Oneness!!!

"And see how the Lights of Gratitude even are able to dissolve the veils between the Dimensions, so powerful is this gift, heartfelt, unconditional, loving, compassionate, forgiving, Gratitude to all, and to all in the Universe! We thank Mother/Father God who has created us as such wonderful beings! We thank all who have played any kind of a role, anywhere on the timelines of Planet Earth, for they truly have contributed to the Ascension which is taking place, no matter what they did, or where they were. It's all coming together now in one great gift of Gratitude, heartfelt, given from our Hearts to the Hearts of all, and returned back as a great thank you to the One We All Are!

"Breathe it in. Keep this Gratitude gift in your Hearts, Beloved Ones, and let it shine forth constantly. As you do you will elevate yourselves even more. You will find that your paths to Ascension are even easier, and most beautifully you will find that many will join you, as they receive your Gratitude. Allow yourselves to receive theirs, for you truly deserve it! Now let the Roses come into your Hearts, the Roses of Kumara, and now let the energies, the Love of Sananda fill you, fill us all. I, Sekhmet shall stand with you as we welcome the energies of Beloved Sananda.** And so it is! Namaste!"

* Joy to the World, Three Dog Night.
**The Blessing, Lei'ohu Ryder.  
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 10-23-12.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Hilarion's weekly message, through Marlene Swetlishoff

October 28-November 3, 2012

Beloved Ones,
As the Cosmic energies increase in intensity once again, the Lightworkers of the World find themselves stepping up to the ladder to move to the next level of the Ascension process. You are still going against the current of prevailing thought patterns that are being broadcast throughout the atmosphere of the Planet and so, as the forerunners, you experience these energies as difficult. Remember to take time to be out in nature and connect often to the core of the Earth to remain grounded. Drink plenty of pure water to help the process of assimilation of the higher energies into every cell of your human and multi-dimensional operating system.
The experience of the passage of time is being felt in various ways by each of you depending upon the stage you are at in your development and at times, it can seem confusing to you as you try to keep to the linear frame of reference. As we come more into the spherical time belt where everything is occurring simultaneously and all that was is becoming part of the current experience in the moment of Now, it can lead to many puzzling situations as your linear thinking processes have to stretch further into the realms of the wholeness of your Being in Its experience throughout all eternity. This is bringing about many humorous situations in your lives.
Be at peace as the changes continue to take place within the current events on your Planet. All is taking place under the guidance of the higher realms of Light and the Divine Plan for the Earth. Know that you and your loved ones are safe and protected and that you are being guided in each moment. The less resistance you experience to what is occurring, the better you cope in the assimilation of the geometric codes that are being transmitted to all Beings who are ready to accept them in order that the transformation of your physical bodies into higher Light can continue as smoothly as possible.
In this moment of Now, it is imperative that the Lightworkers stay true to their higher purpose and focus on being the Light Bearers on this World. No matter the seeming chaos around you, remember that your Light is radiating around you in your area of the World and it is this Light that is assisting Humanity to transform into a new consciousness. Although most of you do not see the dynamics of this in your everyday lives, be assured that this is indeed occurring and that you are an integral part of the changes that are taking place.
Remember that you have all the tools that you need for this work and that you have done this before, therefore you are most capable of staying the course, no matter how it seems to the contrary. Each of you are conduits of higher energy and just by your presence, you support and empower those you communicate with in your daily interactions. Your personal power is coming into its own and you have been prepared to hold this power responsibly and with the highest integrity in all that you think, say and do. This is the realm of the masters, the mastery of the mind and of yourselves. All is well and everything is perfect. Let this thought be an integral part of your daily experience.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, October 23, 2012, through Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - October 23, 2012
"Well, Greetings Everyone! This is such a momentous time in the history/herstory of Planet Earth - and we do have the momentum! And there is absolutely nothing, nothing, that the dark hats could possibly pull out of their bag of tricks that is going to derail us, or in any way keep us from that which is ordained, which is the Ascension of you, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and Mother Gaia herself, Planet Earth.

"Indeed the [4th] dimension you called for, the higher levels of it, are already well anchored here. Or shall we say, Planet Earth is already well anchored there! And if you have doubts about that, just go into your sacred space, in the quietude of your own self. Listen to your own soul's music. Open your Heart, and invite the wisdom from that place, that Peace, that Joy, and that Love, to come in, and permeate the totality of your being. Yes, there is an aspect of you already there, so it is to connect all the parts and pieces, you might say, and become One with the Higher Dimensional energies, which you are all, already doing!

"We're simply saying, stay with it, stay the course, and most particularly, if things in the outside World seem to get a bit chaotic, or bumpy, know that this is only the energy of change. And sometimes change is very smooth, and sometimes it can be a bit bumpy, because it seems to be shocking to some, and that energy goes out. Or perhaps there is some anger on the part of those who are no longer able to get their way, and to control, and so on, and so on.

"Well, you all know the history/herstory of how things have been on Planet Earth all of these eons of time. And you all know that the changes which are happening are what you might call, compressed into your calendar days, so as to be within a span of what you would call two months, or thereabouts. And you all know about all that there is yet to do. Well, we want to assure you that a lot of what you might have on your list of things to do, are already done!

"And we're going to say something that is perhaps a bit shocking from I, Ashtar, because you know, we always say 'no dates.' Uh uh - no dates! Well you've just heard a whole list of dates from Tara and Rama.* And of course you know the biggie is the 12-21 of 2-0-1-2. And there are many, many, dates that have just been given in between. And we're going to tell you right now that these dates are as powerful as they appear to be, and perhaps even more powerful, when you look at them from the Higher Dimensional perspective, when you see the energies coming into their full bloom, you might say the radiance, when you see the Joy which shall be by far the majority feeling that will be greeting all of these momentous changes. And so we can only say, 'Whoopie, mission accomplished!'

"And if it doesn't seem like you're quite there yet, stop and put yourselves there in your visions. Take a look from 4D, the higher realms - not the lower ones of course - and see how it looks to be accomplish all that is being accomplished in this moment. And we shall advise you that there are some historical events which shall be recognized as what you might call major, not the least of which is the coming to the understanding with the country of Iran.

"This is huge, because the history/herstory of Iran is most powerful indeed. Iran is the keeper of many, many, wisdoms, and knowings, and yes, alchemical high energy, star gate, portals to beyond, and so on, and so on. And this is all known and Iran indeed, is about to emerge as the major Peace Maker of that country, or that portion of the World whose countries make up what is called the Middle East!

"Now this will seem as though it is quite a stretch, particularly to all of those - and this is for you - all of you weapons manufacturers, and you oil companies, and you corporate financial traders, and your power hungry politicians. be There is going to be no war over Iran. Iran is emerging with its goals, and its wisdoms, and yes, as a major power in the Middle East, but it is for Peace Making, not war making. And this has already made it, even into Foxy News, and it's going to make it even farther. There will be a complete, shall we say, turn around in the images portrayed in your mainstream news media in what you call the, well, 'civilized western hemisphere World!'

"And we shall say that the ancient civilization of Persia, which is known for many contributions to the World, is about to come into its rightful place of honor, as are all ancient civilizations whose wisdoms have often been, shall we say, buried, lied about, trampled upon, or put into the shadows by those who would take over and control. It is not that the leadership of any country - and when we say leadership, we are not just talking about the number one person at the head of the government - we are talking about the leadership of the government. And it is not that everyone in the government leaderships of the World are absolutely, shall we say, high vibe loving beings, but that is about to change, so that they will no longer be in their leadership positions!!!

"So, we shall say this - there is but a passing opportunity for us to honor them. Oh yes, they deserve to be honored for their place. They have gotten so outrageous, so incompassionate - lacking in Compassion - so program driven, that finally these vast numbers of people are waking up and saying, 'Wait a minute, what's wrong with this picture?' or something to that effect! So Beloved Ones, whether we are in agreement with the methods they have used or not, the fact remains that they have been over the top with their cruelties, their greed, and their drivenness, shall we say. And they have committed atrocity upon atrocity, and this is all coming to the Light, the Light of Truth!

"Archangel Michael is very busy with Excalibur, shining the Blue Wave of Truth everywhere, finding even the corners where the dark ones are plotting, you know. Ah yes, that Bohemian Grove is a famous place. And let us not forget the backrooms of Wall Street, and the affiliations that there are with various groups, who have infiltrated, and brought their own particular style of corruption to all of the legitimate organizations that you could possibly think of!

"In other words, they're everywhere. And this is exactly as it should be. If they were still hiding in those backrooms, there would still be many, many, thousands more, millions more, who are asleep, who are still sitting in front of their television sets watching the latest, what you call, soap opera drama, or ball game, or game show, instead of marching in the streets World-wide, faxing, and emailing, and texting, and Face-booking, and blogging, and putting material on websites!!!

"And as you can see, we credit the internet with being a major force in getting this information out. So what is there to do? It's all coming out, it's all tumbling forth. You have the elections - well do as the Masters* have said, and get out there and vote! And if you are not a citizen of the United States of America to do this voting, then vote spiritually, and telepathically. Send Love to Obama, and to all candidates, regardless of what you call the political parties, or anything else, all candidates who are of the Light, and who have the Heart, and the Courage in their Hearts to carry forward - not just this nation, but the World - to its destiny, to its date with Ascension!!!

"They're there and they are coming forth even now, more and more - the leaders, the ones who understand, who truly have the understanding of what is needed, and how to help the entirety of the World to get there. They have Compassion, they have Love, and they have their commitments to their missions. And we can assure you they will be accomplishing those missions; they already are!!!

"So what we have left to do is thank all of those who are, shall we say, leaving the stage. When I first began these communications, these messages through this Voice, I often spoke of what you would call the old fashioned stage. They called it vaudeville, 'vaudville,' for those in the know. And if you will recall there were cartoons, many cartoons that were made based upon some real events where what you call the stage manager would stand just off the stage, and he would have a long stick, and at the very end of the stick was a hook, much like what you call the shepherd's staff.

"And if the act upon the stage was not pleasing to the audience, or to the manager, who might have had a personal thought or two, regardless of whether the audience was clapping or not, he had the ability to reach out this stick, and gather the performers into that hook, and literally pull them right off of the stage.

"My audience used to have a lot of fun with that image, even though it was cartoony, because I told them way back then that ultimately this would be what would happen to all of the dark players upon the stage, the ones who called themselves the 'illuminati.' What a play on words! We just call them the 'naughties,' - that's quicker to say, anyway. And we are shining the bright Lights upon them, and they are no longer in the shadows, and they are no longer getting away with all this stuff!

"Guess what - the consciousness of the World has said, 'Get them off the stage!' So let us give them great applause - not encore applause, just applause will do. Let us shout at them from the audience, 'Job well done; you made a big difference in the World; you had impact; you were powerful! We hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. We forgive you for everything you've done, but you know what? You're done!!!'

"And with that, off the stage they come! Now, you have heard some information, and yes. if you feel so inclined to tune in to this special session of Congress, do so with your hearts radiating Love to all. We say this because Hillary in particular has been such a huge player upon the stage of the illuminati. She has started wars. She has been responsible for millions of beings leaving their bodies, some famous, such as J. F. K. Junior, some not so famous, such as the millions of victims in various wars, famines, disasters which were not so natural, and so on, and so on.

"And so it is that when we express Gratitude, it has to be accompanied with Forgiveness. You really can't separate them. And by Forgiveness, we mean let go of the Judgment. Yes, we refer to her as a member of the illuminati, or the dark hat faction, but it's just a costume, even though she has some genetics which are quite different from yours, that is, from the majority. It is that ultimately we are all brother and sisters in the Universe, every living being!

"And so it is that it is to love the 'least of your brethren,' as you might see them, as a Great Teacher once said. And so when we come together it is to be grateful, it is to be thankful, it is to say, 'Thank goodness you got so outrageous and carried away, so cruel, so blatant, that everybody can see now what you've been up to all these eons of time,' - thirteen millennia, or thereabouts, in Earth time. And yes, you can even tell them, 'Enjoy your rest! You did a great job, now you get to rest! You don't have to do these things anymore! However you can come to that place of Peace within yourselves, Beloved Ones - do it! Start now!

"We shall start now in a Grand Exercise, but it is for each and every being to hear this, and to share this. If you sit with your family, or your friends, or your neighbors while this news is unfolding, and if you feel anger rising in the room, open your Hearts, and beam Love at everyone, and at least, telepathic messaging. And if you are at all in a position to do so, make a speech. It doesn't have to be long, just wise, because you all have the wisdom. And if you can turn the anger into a higher vibration that is loving, then by all means do so!

"You're doing it anyway in all of your Exercises, prayers, meditations, and even just smiling as you go into the marketplace, or even when you sit at your altar. But this is an opportunity for you to bring Higher Dimensional wisdom to those who are, shall we say, in the moment of a very 3D kind of energy. And this is a most sacred mission, Beloved Ones, and we do not say for one minute that it shall be easy to do. But, it will be easier - and you can silently do this - call upon us to beam with you!!!

"Remember this Beloved Ones, always remember this: We Are One! Any illusions that you might have that we are separate and apart are simply a part of the 3D drama program. And if you will just look into your beautiful Hearts, and allow us to join you there, anytime that you feel as though you are alone, or not going to be welcomed or understood for your wisdom, or whatever the situation is. Allow us to come, and fill you with our Love, which only increases your Love exponentially!!!

"And then you will find that you are uplifted, and you are indeed empowered to uplift, to raise the vibrations, to turn on the LoveBeams, the Light of Mother/ Father God, for all with whom you are in company in that moment. We cannot stress enough the importance of this mission of Love, because we are in the midst of all the changes and transformations, the transmutations, and let's not forget that you are yourselves preparing for your own Ascensions, as are many who haven't got a clue why their bodies are suddenly doing this, or not doing that!

"And that's a lot to encompass, and that's a lot to take in. That's why we say raise yourselves up, raise your vibrations, bring yourselves up into at least high 4D. See everything from that perspective, and then beam out the Love, and the Compassionate, Forgiving, Gratitude to everyone. And remember that as this cast of players leaves the stage for good, forever, and ever, the curtain will come down only briefly. If you blink you might not see it, because it will go up so fast!

"And if you thought it was bright on that stage with those spotlights, just see the brightness of the energies of the Great Central Sun, Mother/Father God, and you, Beloved Ones - all of you, all of the Light Workers of the World!!! And guess what, we're all on the stage together, even though we might be in the audience enjoying being bathed in the LoveLights. We're on the stage together, because you've made your Ascensions, and you will then know how it is that you can be consciously in more than one place!

"I didn't say necessarily physically, but consciously in more than one place at the same moment. And of course there aren't any moments when you ascend, but that's OK. We're talking Earth terms here, because we need for you to picture this in a way that is comfortable, and we trust - and we know delightful, of the Light, and only of the Light for all of you!

"So, Beloved Family, we have come so far, and we know that it has sometimes seemed as though we were riding upon the back of the tortoise, because it has seemed to be so slow. Well, take a look around, and notice that the tortoises now have jet packs, rockets upon their backs, and we are speeding toward that Ascension date!

"So, we ask that you join in the festivities and the celebrations, and yes, the giving of thanks, for all that has transpired up to this moment of Earth time, and until the remaining moments you have to spend in the third dimension. We will say treasure these moments that remain, and let's be jetting through them together, or better yet, rocketing through them together!!! That sounds like the Ashtar Command style of progressing!

"And so we thank you, Beloved Ones, for coming to this Gathering, and for being with us, and for listening with your Hearts, as well as your senses, to our explanation of why, more than ever, Gratitude is needed for the smoothest, and most rapid progress upon the Ascension Path for the greatest majority of those Beloved Ones in the human uniforms! And we shall be proceeding with great Joy, and Celebration, and most of all, Empowerment with another Crystal Exercise of high vibration, upbeat, absolute Joy, when I, Ashtar, cease my presentation and Sekhmet begins.**

"For now she has asked that she be welcomed with her favorite dance tune,** so we shall leave on a high vibe, joyfully, happy, and jolly note, with Thanks and Love beyond words to all of you. And so it is! Salut!"

** The transcript of Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise will follow in our next email.
***Joy to the World, Three Dog Night.
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, October 23, 2012.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Latest Message from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-11-2012





Beloved masters, the God Rays of creation for the Piscean Age, which contained the specific aspects, qualities, virtues and designs/formulas for the creative process of that ERA were beamed down upon the Earth and humanity for over 2,000 years. Those Creator Rays are now in the process of being withdrawn and shut down. That is why the masses who are still stuck in the illusion and the vibrational frequencies of the imbalanced third- and lower-fourth dimensions are feeling as if they have lost their way; nothing is working the way it did in the past, and there seems to be no hope for the future. Old regulations, guidelines, as well as many well-established institutions and religious organizations are no longer dependable, and many are falling by the wayside. Fragmentation of almost all racial, cultural, social and political boundaries within the third- / fourth-dimensional paradigm are crumbling or are being challenged. The consciousness of humanity is on the rise, and nothing can stop the forward momentum. HUMANITY IS COMING OF AGE, and all must follow the flow of expanded awareness or fall into the trap of inertia and chaos.

Fortunately, more and more people are awakening to the process of turning inward in order to gain a heightened sense of Self-awareness, which ultimately leads to a desire for higher Soul-consciousness via the energies of Divine Discontent. Every cultural group, every race and every country on Earth are seeking direction or a higher philosophical path to follow on. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the Seven Rays of God Consciousness for your Earth, which contained the Divine Blueprint for the Piscean Age, have been almost completely withdrawn and are being replaced with the higher frequency, more-refined twelve Rays of galactic consciousness for the Aquarian Age.

In the beginning stages of awakening, before the Soul merge takes place within a person, there can be no interference from the higher realms due to the Divine gift of free will, which ultimately became a gift with great and burdensome consequences. However, when a person attains an energetic signature which resonates with the Violet Flame frequencies of the mid-fourth dimension and above, he/she is ready to affirm: “Thy will be done. I ask for my greatest good and the highest outcome for all,” thereby aligning the personal will with the Will of the Higher Self and the Divine Blueprint for the Earth. As a result, a magical path of Light is extended to that Soul via his/her personal column of Love/Light/Life. This Pathway of Light, often called the River of Life, leads to an authentic Essence Consciousness, whereby each person who reaches the required level of consciousness will begin to receive his/her special portion of encoded crystalline Seed Atoms for the new galactic or Sub-Universal Divine Blueprint / Mission. These new Seed Atoms will also contain the advanced wisdom, talents, attributes and qualities necessary to qualify as a participant in the early-stage, creative process for the new Golden Galaxy of the future.

The process of evolution is changing; the bodily structure of all humanity will gradually be refined and upgraded. There will be guidance and directions supplied to those who have attuned to their Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind and who have placed their personal will under the command of Divine Will.

Heretofore, the masses have lived in a world of veiled, illusional awareness, and it seems they are now facing a future that feels much like a ship that has been cast into a stormy sea without a rudder. That is because the Primal Life Force energy that has been available to all humanity over the past age is no longer filled with God Seeds of great potential from within the old Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe. The masses will still receive the vibrational patterns they need to maintain the status quo. And, we assure you that the loving energy of our Father/Mother God and the Beings of Light will always be available to humanity; however, in order to tap into the new Divine Blueprint that is awaiting each Soul, there must be an attunement to at least the mid-fourth-dimensional frequencies of Light. Our Father/Mother God’s greatest desire is to see all facets of their “Beingness” return to Self-mastery so they may enjoy the love, peace, joy and abundance that is every Soul’s Divine Birthright. There will always be help available from the great Beings of Light, and the angelic realm will always answer calls or pleas for assistance. However, there are immutable universal laws that must be adhered to, and it must be each person’s choice as to which path they will follow: the Path of Light or the path of shadows.

You, the Star Seed, who have balanced and harmonized the vibrational patterns of your four lower bodily systems so that your Soul Song is resonating to the fourth sub-level of the fourth dimension and higher, are now beginning to access the HIGHER FREQUENCY RAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE FUTURE.. There is a new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe and for each person who is ready to don a shining cloak of many colors–a refined auric field of Light–signifying a readiness to receive the virtues, qualities, talents, abilities and aspects of the New Age. These wondrous gifts are programmed within the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and they are now available to those of you who have attained the required level of Self-Mastery.

Adamantine Particles of Creator Light are complete facets of Creator Consciousness ready to be activated, programmed and manifested into new, unlimited creative endeavors. At the initiation of each subsequent plan for a new creative project, the Adamantine Particles are encoded with the Divine Blueprint for that plan. These Blueprint Adamantine Particles are then sent forth in great Rays of unlimited potential by the Father/Mother God who received the command from the Supreme Creator for the new project that is to be manifested in the material realms. The Seed thoughts of the Divine Father, which are then radiated forth from the Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother, are known as ESSENCE GENES.

You have genes within your DNA structure from all the different dimensions you have ever experienced. You, the Star Seed, are now in a state of preparation which will condition your current four-bodily systems to receive these Essence Genes, along with your new Divine Mission. These powerful, higher-frequency Rays contain the Creator Essence Cells for the Divine Blueprint of the New Golden Age, and they are being RAY-diated throughout this Sub-Universe via the great shining vessels of the Elohim and the Archangelic realm. These vibrational frequencies are stepped down at every sub-level of every dimension. If this were not so, all material manifestations, including humanity, would burn up from the Electromagnetic power/intensity of the Sacred Fire Energy.

The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount; that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment–can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form.

The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence Power which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude. That wondrous Essence Power has been reduced within every dimensional level of Creation so that you, the Star Seed cocreators, may claim your portion of this magnificent, potential power. Each human Being contains hundreds of potential personality traits which have been stored within the genetic structure of his/her four-bodily systems (physical / mental / emotional / etheric), It is up to each person to determine which personality traits he/she will develop and present to the outside world. The faster you neutralize or harmonize your negative personality traits, the more quickly your godly potential or master Self will emerge. Only then will you gain access to your full potential as a cocreative master within the physical planes of existence.

Your planet is now plugged directly into the heart-core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower fourth- and third sub-dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.

Scientists have announced that a hydrogen wall barrier has been discovered at the edge of this solar system. These are the membranes of Light that we have spoken of in the past. Science and spirituality are validating and merging many conceptual teachings and theories of the past as more human Beings tap into the resources of the Sacred Mind.

As a result of its alignment with the Galactic Center and attunement with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, the Earth is in the process of raising its frequency patterns–Soul Song–so it can return to its status as a Sacred Planet. This Sub-Universe is also being upgraded in vibrational frequencies as a result of being bombarded with the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light via our universal Father/Mother God. The Milky Way Galaxy is also divided into twelve sectors or quadrants, just as the universe is divided into Sub-Universal sectors, and each quadrant within the Galaxy has a governing Council of Twelve. Hopefully, you are gaining a better understanding as to the importance of the numbers 12 and 144, for these numbers apply to many facets of creation throughout this Sub-Universe.

Your encodings of awareness are constantly being modified by your positive or negative thoughts, intentions and actions. You are being presented with tests of tolerance, benevolence, humility and patience, and your cultural views are being challenged as well. Each and every day the seed thoughts, which contain the negative frequency patterns of these aspects, will shrivel and disappear when you stop feeding them energy.

We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you are able to function efficiently in your earthly environment while maintaining a balanced Alpha State of consciousness. The next step is to endeavor to live in a constant state of joy and gratitude, thereby becoming a “living prayer.” As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within which, for most, has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change, and you will be supplied with the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. Your major goal must be to gain Self-Mastery while in the physical vessel. When your endeavors are directed toward the highest good for all humankind, a special dispensation is given, and a greater measure of Creator Light will be made available to you.

Imagine, dear ones, how it would feel to have access to an unlimited supply of Divine Creator Essence. Envision yourself as a great energy vortex, pulsating with power, sending out great Rays of luminous color, radiating waves of energy and creating any and everything your Soul Self can envision. Sense how you would feel as the energies you project swirl and solidify, as structure and form become discernible, beautiful and unique beyond measure—your creations—through the power of your thoughts, love/emotions and inspired imagination. We are endeavoring to help you understand why you and the Earth are so important during these chaotic times on your planet. In this galactic experience, the Earth is the place to be during this extraordinary period of evolution of the species and expansion of this Sub-Universe.

Build your vision, my brave and faithful Ones. Start within your own Sacred Heart center and reclaim that power and magnificence that is your Divine heritage. Then, begin to radiate that power and perfection into your physical vessel and outwardly into your world: your relationships, your work place, community, country and world. Allow all that no longer serves you to continue on its path of limitation or to join you in the realm of higher frequencies of unlimited potential via the process of transmutation. The path toward the Light and the path spiraling further into darkness have now come to a distinct point of separation. You are being forced to face, once and for all, the residual shadows of Self—all the imbalances and restrictions that are holding you back from fully empowered Self-realization. Being a Self-master is not for the timid or weak of heart, dear ones. Accept my Sword of Light, which is encoded with the DIVINE WILL POWER of our Father God, and accept a shining CHALICE OF LOVE/LIGHT from our beloved Mother God as we go bravely forward into the dawning of the new AGE.

I am ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect you.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


found this post on Steve Bekow's site

Love and Light,


Daniel Amick: In Love with Everything in Life

2012 October 20

Posted by Steve Beckow

Looking through the eyes of love
To those open to love, we’re entering a time when a greater capacity to love than we’ve ever experienced looms and opens before us. Daniel spread his sails to catch the breeze of love. I much enjoyed his description of what happened next.
I woke up this morning to discover that ascension has happened. Here’s the whole story.
Yesterday on InLight radio I was listening to St. Germaine talk about our relationships. What he was saying was good as always but what was even more interesting was the experience I had while listening. I was lying on my bed with my earphones on and my eyes covered.
My whole attention was focused on the disembodied voices of Linda channeling St. Germaine and Graham asking questions. I lost all awareness of my body. I was in another location especially when St. Germaine said he would send a healing to all who were listening.
I felt as though I was no longer on my bed but was standing right next to him where ever he was. When I came to after the show I felt as though something had happened to me – something profound. I was somehow different. Eventually I went to bed and to sleep.
I had a very busy night during my sleep as I have been having lately but I don’t remember most of it. These days I wake up in the morning feeling as though I have traveled long distances and been very busy during the night even though I can’t remember much the next morning.
Upon awakening this morning I quickly realized that I was feeling an incredible sense of being in love. There have been times in my life when I was “in love.” But I have never felt before this morning how it felt to be so much in love with everything in life. There are things that I’ve always loved, such as animals and plants and nature and music and theater, etc. But now I was feeling that same love for everything and with the intensity one feels when one is “in love.”
As I lay there in bed I thought about some of the characteristics of love. When you’re in love with someone you want only the best for that person. You want them to have everything they ever wanted. You want them to be happy and satisfied and fulfilled. Think about your child or children or your spouse/partner and how much you love them. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. You would throw yourself in front of a bullet for them. You would literally give them everything you have because they are you. They are an extension of you and in the case of children they were literally created out of your love for your partner.
The same goes for pets. Sometimes I love my little doggie so much I can hardly stand it. She must get tired of me nuzzling her ears but she never complains. I am anxiously waiting for her to grow her little wings so we can travel the airways together. There is no way I would fail to keep her safe or do my very best to give her all that she needs for a happy and content life.
All my life I have had cats and dogs and I loved everyone of them. In my back yard when the scrub jay I’ve named Scruffy flies over to land on my hand or leg to raucously demand a peanut from me I am filled with waves of love for him or her. The same is true when the squirrel who lives nearby comes up to me to pull a peanut from between my fingers and puts one little paw on my hand to hold himself steady. He/she is so cute I can hardly stand it.
This morning, my day of ascension, I thought, “What would life be like on this planet if I felt that way about every person living on it?” Then I realized that as of this morning I do feel that way about every person living on it. I also feel that way about the planet itself and everything else. What if everyone on the planet felt that way? What kind of life would it be if everyone was in love with everyone else?
What if everyone felt all the joy and ecstasy one feels when one is “in love?” Can you remember what that was like? I can. Everything is bright and wonderful – nothing can go wrong. You nimbly leap over the rocks in the road that you stumbled over previously.
If you thought about it you might say, “Just yesterday I tripped over that rock. Today I have leaped over it light as a feather. I hardly noticed it was there.” You’ve heard the phrase, “love is blind.” When you’re in love you don’t see all the little smudges in the mirror you see only the beaming face looking back at you.
So, what if everyone felt that way all the time? That’s when it hit me. That’s what ascension is. That’s what the 5th dimension is all about. The simplicity of it all blew me away. What makes lightworkers different from others is that we are all in love and know it. Our job is to remind the others that they are also in love as well but have forgotten.
I can see gas stations in the future which will then be called love stations. You drive up in your little space ship and order 7 gallons of love/light. When it comes to love there is only one question that’s relevant and that is, “How much do I want?” A lot of people think all they deserve is a little bit. “Oh no,” they say. “I’m on a diet. I have to limit my intake of feeling good. People might be resentful if they see me in wild, abandoned, passionate love of life. Just fill up this little quart jar. That will be plenty.”
I wonder how we humans would treat our planet if we were in love with her? Would we spoil her air and waterways? How would we treat our animal co-inhabitors if we were in love with them? Would we kill them for sport or to eat? Could we stand to see them suffer in any way? How would we treat our own physical bodies if we were in love with them? Would we poison them with tobacco and alcohol and unhealthy foods? (I’m not trying to pick on any body in particular, just making a point.)
How would we treat our neighbors across national borders if we were in love with them? I know I would say, “Come on over. Is there anything I can get you? Are you hungry? Do you need a place to stay? Do you need a place to practice your religious beliefs? Any thing I have is yours. Please help yourself. Your well-being is important to me.”
It’s funny that it’s all so simple. Jesus said there are only two commandments we need to keep. Love “God” (the Source) and Love your neighbor as yourself. That seems like three things to love. God, other people, and yourself. In reality of course, what seems like three are one. Loving any one of those three is loving them all.
Humans like to complicate things because we feel so smart when we master complicated issues. The truth is, even a small child can understand love. In fact, they are really good at it.
So that’s how my morning went; being in love with the universe. And, of course, I thought about the source of all that love. How could I not be in love when I was created because of love and with love and by love and for love? How could I not be in love with the one who created me? How could I not be in love with all those who demonstrate that love no matter on what dimension they reside or what religious beliefs they have or don’t have?
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am in love. I don’t have to wait for disclosure, or a new monetary system, or better government or militias or December 21st. I am in love and I want everyone to know it. For me, ascension is here. What else is there? Love has wings and so do I.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Goddess Isis: Identify. Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Natalie Glasson: Goddess Isis – Identify

2012 October 22
Posted by Alice C

Goddess IsisNatalie Glasson: Goddess Isis – Identify

As channeled by Natalie Glasson – October 21, 2012
It is with love that I tenderly draw close to you, encompassing my loving energy of the Divine Feminine Mother Goddess energy entirely around your being.
The sacred feminine energy of the Goddess and the Divine Mother are the creative and compassionately loving aspects of the Creator’s heart chakra, so pure are these vibrations that they are immensely healing, rejuvenating and comforting.
It is with the deepest of love that I say to you there is a need for you to call on the heart chakra and feminine vibrations of the Creator in whichever form they manifest in order to support your growth and the ascension of humanity at this time.

It is my feeling that each of you needs a deep loving embrace from the Goddess energies in order to dissolve any insecurities, difficulties, strains and unneeded energies to allow your journey to flow with greater ease and a greater connection with the truth of the Creator to unfold. Please accept my energies as I embrace you deeply and allow my light to move through your being as I carry into your energy and activate from within the presence of the Goddess light.
There are so many realisations, challenges, confusion, illusion, attachments and ego being released at this moment with a greater sense of freedom being born, but this can seem to rock the foundations upon which you walk. I, Goddess Isis and the entire Goddess community are here to support you at this time, dissolving the sense of insecurity, apprehension and uncertainty so that you may see beyond the illusion of imperfection and embrace the ample love that you hold within your being and that flows to you always.
Your love is your power and strength at this time and with our presence you are allowing us and yourself to amplify the love you hold within your being, therefore enhancing the power and strength you hold. This symbolises to you that you have the ability to achieve anything at this very moment as we, the Goddess energy, are working so closely with your energies to amplify all that is love within your being. Sometimes when you are aware or focused upon uncertainty, insecurities or apprehension, even if it is in the smallest of proportion then you are denying yourself the amplification of your powerful love energy and existence.
We all understand the importance of the times that are being experienced on the Earth and the inner planes especially this period leading up to 12/12/12 and the 21st December 2012 and beyond. This importance for some is like an alarm bell within which is causing greater stress and pressure on some individuals. To you we say we wish for you to enjoy this time and we are here to dissolve all unneeded apprehension of what should or shouldn’t be.
There are others who need a slight wake up call to pull their minds out of their realities and into the mission ahead with greater purpose and focus, for you we ask you to take joy in your spiritual practices realising that your physical reality doesn’t need so much attention from your mind but your entire being and reality needs greater attention from your expansive, ever loving heart.
Every person’s experiences on the Earth are unique to them but you may have realised that when you strip away the façade that manifests as experiences for learning then you are all experiencing a similar process of growth at this time. You could say that all of the Creator’s universe and aspects are experiencing a purification and amplification coupled with a deep acceleration within your being which encourages you to question who you are, what you are doing and why you have certain attachments. This stage can seem somewhat lonely and confusing as if there is a feeling of no longer having any meaning or structure to yourself or reality.
If you are in this stage of ascension then we again make you aware of our presence around you, encouraging you to call on me, Goddess Isis or the Goddess Community to embrace every aspect of your being in our love as a deep cleansing and realisation of truth for you. The goddess love is here for you to experience and ground into your being completely, its presence within your being will allow for strength and a security that is needed at this time to blossom from within you.
The word I believe to be important at this stage of ascension and which needs greater contemplation is, ‘Identify.’
What do I identify with when I view or observe myself as a being on the Earth?
What do I identify with when viewing my reality?
What do I identify with when viewing the Creator?
These are major questions to ask yourself but they will bring greater recognition of yourself as you are now, as well as a deeper understanding of your truth. To identify with something is to recognise, label, relate, associate, connect and to focus upon. There is also a need to ask these questions answering first with your mind and then with your heart as you may find different responses.
It is important to realise that what you are identifying with at this moment may not be the truth of your being but may be attachments, energies, understandings that could be described as illusions only because they are limiting growth, the expanse of your awareness and are hindering your connection with the truth of your being and the Creator.
It is often that the mind will identify with aspects that may be born from illusion but the heart gives a more truthful answer born from love and a greater sense of peace. If you find that at this stage even your heart is experiencing turmoil then please ask your soul to answer the questions for you.
Even if you are unable to gain clear answers of understanding from the questions by simply asking them out loud to yourself and knowing that the answers and clarity will form with divine timing places a focus upon your reality allowing you to become aware of things that you identify with throughout the day. If you discover that you are identifying predominantly with the love and bliss energies of your being, for example, then the simple recognition will boost your self belief, amplifying all your experience.
The greatest purpose of bringing forth this tool to you today and alerting you to the word, ‘Identify’ is predominantly to eradicate unneeded beliefs, understanding, habits and hindering thoughts. This we could recognise as a purification of your being but the word, ‘Identify’ allows you to amplify your energies and the presence of the Creator within your being. Maybe these questions can be tools of discovery for you:
Can I identify myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator? Can I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator?
How do I identify myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator? How do I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the
What these questions are trying to assist you in determining are, do you see, acknowledge or understand yourself as the Creator incarnate on the Earth and realise that you have a powerfully deep connection with the Creator which is eternal and ever flowing. I wish to encourage you to recognise and identify with this more and more in your reality by erasing thoughts, beliefs, actions that limit you and say that you do not hold the energy of the Creator and nor do you have a deep and very flowing connection.
It is important to realise and understand what you are connecting with, relating to, focusing upon, associating with and recognising when you look inside of you to discover the energy of the Creator and when you observe the energy of those around you.
It may be that you do not feel the need to enter into the tool that I have shared with you with greater depth because my purpose is to expand your mind and to encourage a spark of inspiration that acts as knowingness within your being. A knowingness that you do and can identify with the Creator within and around you and this is the experience that is unfolding in your reality at this very moment. You are learning or remembering how to identify yourself as the Creator on this Earth while identifying the Creator within others.
No longer allow yourself to identify with your fears; they no longer serve you and no longer offer you comfort. Now is the time to be the brave and courageous light being that you are, discarding fears and accepting the experience, expression and existence of love in all situations. Please remember that when I say no longer identify with fear, I do not mean ignore fear but allow yourself to see fear as an energy which has been adopted by you and is not a part of your truth on the Earth.
I wish to share with you an empowering affirmation,
This means, I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon the presence of the Creator within all aspects of my being. It can also mean that I surrender to (or surrender to the realisation of) all aspects of the Creator within my being. This is an extremely powerful message to send to yourself, mind, emotions, heart, soul, soul group, the Creator and the universe, a message of affirmation of your purpose as a light being on the Earth, even if you are currently unaware of your purpose.
Please know within your being that the Goddess energy and I are with you always, allow us to embrace you in our tender love, strengthen the power of your love within your being. Simply call on us or speak with us and we will be with you.
With tender love,
Goddess Isis
