remember to check out Kauilapele's site and also Steve Beckow's site; among other things both have a special message from Mike Quinsey and a much, much more interesting to read.
So: for two info packed sites please go to
Monday, July 30, 2012
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, through Susan Leland
Ashtar - Truth and More Truth*
"Now, this means, Beloved Ones, that you are going to be hearing a lot more of what has been going on behind the scenes. And we thank so much our Beloved 'A & A' team** – that’s quite a catchy name, is it not? - for being in the forefront of bringing in this kind of news that is difficult to track if you don’t have the sense of where it’s all leading. In other words, we know there are many random stories here and there in your various publications and it is not only difficult sometimes to see how they all fit together, but it is also sometimes difficult to discern what is the Truth.
"Just today in your time, there was an article that came out that talked about earthquakes, and it is appropriate to be aware of their potentials, but it is not appropriate to be in fear. We say this because when you are in fear it slows down your progress upon your Ascension Preparation path and sometimes can bring you to a halt, at least temporarily. And so we encourage you to process any information that comes in, that you may be sure that it is truthful for you.
"One of the things you just heard, which we already determined that we would be discussing tonight, are the shootings in that town of Colorado. This is not the first time that Colorado has been the location of random violence - well, the mainstream may call it random violence, but that is not the case. It is deliberate. It is deliberate to create fear, and who among you did not have a moment of thought about if you really want to go to a movie or not? And that is honest, it is absolutely appropriate – stop, and listen to your Heart! Listen to your brain, even, and understand why this shooting occurred. Not that it could not occur someplace else, but it is a part of a program, an old controlling program.
"It is designed to work in many ways, among them are to give some more of your Freedom to whoever you think it is that is going to protect you from this. And don’t worry if they put some of those X-Ray machines in the entries of every place showing movies in the United States of America – oh yes, that one is on the drawing board, but it’s not going to go very far. And it is designed to perhaps keep you away from either some joyful, uplifting movie, or perhaps one that is more in the way of the telling the Truth.
"That reminds us, there is one coming up. It is not going to be an easy one to attend because there will be violence in it, but if you want to know a lot more about these programs you can go and see the next movie that will be the newest one in what is called the ‘Bourne’ series, and that is coming very soon. You see, one of the advertisements for this movie is there wasn’t just one Jason Bourne, and this is true. This shooter in Colorado was another one, and when he was given the signal, because there is always an ordering or a signal given to these ones who are so trained they don’t even know what they are doing. They only know that they have been trained to survive and to assassinate. They are drugged, they are put into endless brainwashing programs, and there are all kinds of aspects to the programming.
"So if you want to know more about that you can go and see the Bourne movie, and if you don’t want to watch it just remember, there are many, many, many Jason Bournes. Now, we are disabling the programs but there are some cases where there are volunteers already in place to participate, and again it is another wake-up call to the world. It is to look into your Heart and say, 'This has to stop!' We are turning to Love and Compassion, we are turning to brother helping brother, and sister helping sister and all of those kinds of unity consciousness expressions, which is where Planet Earth is going, and you all know that!!!
"Look at anything that comes up, put your own Light on it - you are all radiant beings! You do not need anyone, not even I, Ashtar, to tell you not to be in fear, not to give in to fear. It is more important that you look at it with compassion and understanding that it is part of the 3D holographic, dramatic, program creation – and we’re moving up!!! We are here with you, Beloved Ones! Yes, our ships are all over and we are moving with you and we promise you we have disabled the nukes and the weapons of war - mass destruction weapons, that is -and there will come a day very soon when the soldiers, of their own accord, will lay down their weapons.
"Already many have, but of course you are not hearing about that, it seems a bit unpatriotic when there are soldiers on the battlefields even now, nevertheless many are, and they are coming back and saying, 'No more war!' And this is the coming to fruition of what was begun in your 1960’s. It is true, the most profound of Truths is 'Make Love not war!' And we are speaking of Love in the Higher Dimensional sense which is to love everyone including ourselves!
"We are here to tell you that the news media is starting to come around - there are bits and pieces here and there. There are beings who are courageously standing tall and bringing forth a story here, a story there, or at least the beginnings of a story, even if they don’t have all of it quite yet.So when you hear or read or see something on You Tube that speaks to you, rejoice. Be glad that these things are coming forth, because we are here to invite it all! As we have said, some of it may not be pleasant or heartwarming, but nevertheless these are stories that need to be told.
"There are many, many, many places where you can find out all about 9-11. There is everything from scholarly books – entire volumes – to that which is brought forth in more of a spiritual manner. You can call it channeled, you can call it connected sources, or you can call it highly inspirational, or whatever. Whatever you choose is not as important as the fact that if you look, you can find. We know that many of you have seen this information, or heard it, and shared it, because this is what is so important, and this is where we are!
"We are talking about communication on all levels; we are talking about receiving and broadcasting, and the two are happening at the same time. Some of you are already getting the feeling for receiving a telepathic download and then expressing it or giving voice to it. We are talking about all the news, not just the wars, and the Black Ops, and those kinds of things. We’re talking about some high-vibe news: Hey, we’re here!!!
"It’s time, and if you have a friend or a family member who has said in the past you are 'looney tunes' for believing or talking about the presence of the Ashtar Command or any ships which are loving and friendly and bringing support and help to Planet Earth, it would be a good time for you to perhaps return to that being, or group of beings, and say, 'Well, now I can tell you more of what is going on. For instance, you do not need to be afraid of a nuclear blow-up because I can show you evidence!' And there’s plenty of it there - just talk to Dr. Steven Greer *** of how we have disabled nuclear weapons, and we have the capability and we will continue to monitor to be sure that no new ones will be put into place, and we will disable them before they can possibly do any harm to Planet Earth!!!
"If there is a leader of a country, or a political group, or a fanatical group of any kind that says, 'We’ve got to nuke them, we’re going to set it off,' you can just stay calm, stay assured and say, 'We are returning to Love, and there will be no more nuclear weapons. Now, here is a bit of news that we may have mentioned once before, and that is that all nuclear devices of any kind are on their way out! And we’re talking about the nuclear power plants. We have already been working to do some clean-up! You know about Japan and the Fukushima plants. We are working there to maintain a non-blow-up status.
"We know there is a lot of radioactive material from Fukushima that has found its way into the oceans and we want to assure you that we are keeping those levels down. They’re not gone yet; we’re going to need more teams of humans interacting with Galactics, but this is coming very soon! Meanwhile, we assure you that we are monitoring worldwide this and other toxic situations, and nothing is going to get out of control. Armageddon is and has been, as you see time, cancelled on Planet Earth. And as Planet Earth goes, so go the other planets in your solar system, and even throughout the galaxy. No more blow-ups!!!
"So breathe! We’re cleaning up the air as well, and we want you to feel comfortable breathing. We know there are still some toxicities and some areas of pollution, and so on and so on. But we are monitoring and balancing out, i.e., cleansing, those which have any indication whatsoever they might get out of control; that is, that they might create even more chaotic disturbances of a massive nature.
"Everyone just take a breath and understand that as you do so - and this is important, and as you bring it in to your energy fields, not just your physicality but the entirety of your fields - you are in high vibration and therefore when you breathe in you have an opportunity to clean the atmosphere around you, and breathe it out more cleansed than when you breathed it in. Now, how’s that for divine workings? Beloved Ones, if you could see what we see when we observe you, you would be in awe of yourselves, and you deserve to be because You Are!!!
"I have standing with me my Beloved Brother whom you call Sananda, and my Beloved Brother whom you call Saint Germain - they are known throughout the universe - and we stand here before you to assure you that all is well in every one of your kingdoms, and in the kingdom of the One We All Are!!! There will be no derailments, there will be fewer and fewer glitches along the way. All that we have told you is Truth: arrests are on-going, some trials have already been held – and it is not to punish, but to put the Light upon all that has been done in your history/herstory, and to shine that Light so bright everywhere that even those who are the most reluctant to come out of the dark are starting to let it in!
"At least they have the knowledge well lit within themselves that their day is over. Many years ago we spoke of them as dancing upon the stage of life, and that we, the Ashtar Command, were standing just at the side of the stage. We likened this unto a cartoon that we know you’ve all seen, where there is the manager or the director, or somebody standing at the side, and when the dancers get to overstaying their time upon the stage a great big long hook, somewhat like the hook of a shepherd, comes out and sweeps them all gently but completely off the stage.
"That is a rather interesting picture, is it not? You are free to use it if you wish, because it is not just the Ashtar Command but also our teammates, our Commanders in human uniforms teaming with those who wear uniforms - they are in human bodies, but they wear uniforms of authority. There are some who are in great service and they are political leaders, and there are Beloved Ascended Masters, Lady Master Nada, for instance. We are here to assure you that never before in the timeline of Planet Earth has there been such a company assembled and such teamwork as is happening right now behind the scenes!!!
"Why are you not hearing about it? Because there is still some Freedom left to those who control the media. Not much, and they know it. But you see, it is for the people to come together and say, 'Wait a minute! We want the Truth, we want Truth in our news media of all kinds - not just the television, not just the newspapers, not just the Internet, but all of it together, - to come together in a community of Oneness, where only Truth is spoken!' Even though some of it might be harsh and difficult, it is to be in your highest vibrations as Compassionate Observers so that you can discern the Truth as it is presented, and so that you can share it.
"And yes, there is always going to be someone who says, 'Oh, I don’t believe that, I think you are just making that up.' And that is alright, it is to bless them, it is to love them, it is to be compassionate with them and simply say, 'Namaste, I honor you in your Truth, whatever it is! I only ask that you honor mine, which I have Divine Right to hold in my Heart just as you do, and I greet you as Divine, and We Are One!'
"For the most part though, get ready, because these Truths that you already know about are going to shake everybody up. The whole Planet is going to get shaken up, not like an earthquake, but like a falling away of burdens, a breaking down of boxes and a ringing in of great Freedom to know the Truth, to express the Truth, and to live the Truth because that, Beloved Ones, is your Birth Right!!! And that is what we are here to support, call forth, and anchor upon Planet Earth; that is, we are talking about a higher level of Truthfulness coming forth in all aspects, in all manifestations!
"And so it is more and more for you to do your own communicating, to call forth Truth within your being. After this Gathering you can go back to Fabulous Fran**** and request the recording so that you can do the Truth Exercise again if you choose. Keep calling it forth, focus your Light upon Truth with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for absolutely everybody involved - your ancestors, your descendants, and all in the now moment, because this is how this great Freedom will finally be recognized, will finally be known and accepted upon Planet Earth. The Truth does make everyone free!!!
"And so it is like a central foundation for all that is to come. Yes, we are in there too. Keep calling for Truth to be disclosed about us. We thank you so much for your greetings and your Love, and your mediations. We are here in communication and Oneness with you! And not just at this moment, we are always in service to each and every one of you, Beloved Ones. So, when we come together and when we blend our Lights, we create a creation that is way more powerful than any one of us as an individual – exponentially so! This is a grand thing to do, and so we shall be doing exactly that!
"We shall tell you this in advance, just in case Beloved Sekhmet omits this from her discussion, that this is already powerful. We’re looking out on the timelines, all rolled into the now, but of course we are in discussion of timelines, are we not? We can look out and focus a wee bit ahead of this moment and we can tell you that our Exercise together tonight will indeed pay forward, Worldwide and beyond. The Lights of Truth will be shining brighter than ever before! And what this means, Beloved Ones, is that our mission of Ascension Preparation for everyone, yourselves, and the entire Planet, all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, will be that much more moved forward on the path!!!
"This is huge, this is all-encompassing. And so we thank you for being with us for this grand mission, we thank you for having the Love and the Courage, and perhaps the curiosity even, to come and be with us! We are with you always, we are constantly in telepathic communication with you and we invite you to enter into a two-way dialog with us anytime, anywhere you are. We are absolutely overjoyed when you do so!
"Remember this, that our communications are that much more effective and empowered and joyful because of all of the energies which are coming to support our communications, and most of all to you, Beloved Ones, for raising your vibrations and opening your beautiful Hearts! We love you beyond all words, we always have and we always will! We are One, We Are a Family of One, and We Are indeed Divine Beings on the most sacred mission of all time, which is the Ascension of great success of Planet Earth and those to follow. Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us. And so it is! Salut."
Ashtar - Truth and More Truth*
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference - July 24, 2012
"Greetings Beloved Family! We are overjoyed to be here with you in this evening of great change, because we are making the changes! And we shall be in a most joyful, but nevertheless, a most serious Exercise of creating change; or shall we say, bringing forth that which is happening anyway but which it is time, as you measure it on Planet Earth, for revelations to be revealed on all levels."Now, this means, Beloved Ones, that you are going to be hearing a lot more of what has been going on behind the scenes. And we thank so much our Beloved 'A & A' team** – that’s quite a catchy name, is it not? - for being in the forefront of bringing in this kind of news that is difficult to track if you don’t have the sense of where it’s all leading. In other words, we know there are many random stories here and there in your various publications and it is not only difficult sometimes to see how they all fit together, but it is also sometimes difficult to discern what is the Truth.
"Just today in your time, there was an article that came out that talked about earthquakes, and it is appropriate to be aware of their potentials, but it is not appropriate to be in fear. We say this because when you are in fear it slows down your progress upon your Ascension Preparation path and sometimes can bring you to a halt, at least temporarily. And so we encourage you to process any information that comes in, that you may be sure that it is truthful for you.
"One of the things you just heard, which we already determined that we would be discussing tonight, are the shootings in that town of Colorado. This is not the first time that Colorado has been the location of random violence - well, the mainstream may call it random violence, but that is not the case. It is deliberate. It is deliberate to create fear, and who among you did not have a moment of thought about if you really want to go to a movie or not? And that is honest, it is absolutely appropriate – stop, and listen to your Heart! Listen to your brain, even, and understand why this shooting occurred. Not that it could not occur someplace else, but it is a part of a program, an old controlling program.
"It is designed to work in many ways, among them are to give some more of your Freedom to whoever you think it is that is going to protect you from this. And don’t worry if they put some of those X-Ray machines in the entries of every place showing movies in the United States of America – oh yes, that one is on the drawing board, but it’s not going to go very far. And it is designed to perhaps keep you away from either some joyful, uplifting movie, or perhaps one that is more in the way of the telling the Truth.
"That reminds us, there is one coming up. It is not going to be an easy one to attend because there will be violence in it, but if you want to know a lot more about these programs you can go and see the next movie that will be the newest one in what is called the ‘Bourne’ series, and that is coming very soon. You see, one of the advertisements for this movie is there wasn’t just one Jason Bourne, and this is true. This shooter in Colorado was another one, and when he was given the signal, because there is always an ordering or a signal given to these ones who are so trained they don’t even know what they are doing. They only know that they have been trained to survive and to assassinate. They are drugged, they are put into endless brainwashing programs, and there are all kinds of aspects to the programming.
"So if you want to know more about that you can go and see the Bourne movie, and if you don’t want to watch it just remember, there are many, many, many Jason Bournes. Now, we are disabling the programs but there are some cases where there are volunteers already in place to participate, and again it is another wake-up call to the world. It is to look into your Heart and say, 'This has to stop!' We are turning to Love and Compassion, we are turning to brother helping brother, and sister helping sister and all of those kinds of unity consciousness expressions, which is where Planet Earth is going, and you all know that!!!
"Look at anything that comes up, put your own Light on it - you are all radiant beings! You do not need anyone, not even I, Ashtar, to tell you not to be in fear, not to give in to fear. It is more important that you look at it with compassion and understanding that it is part of the 3D holographic, dramatic, program creation – and we’re moving up!!! We are here with you, Beloved Ones! Yes, our ships are all over and we are moving with you and we promise you we have disabled the nukes and the weapons of war - mass destruction weapons, that is -and there will come a day very soon when the soldiers, of their own accord, will lay down their weapons.
"Already many have, but of course you are not hearing about that, it seems a bit unpatriotic when there are soldiers on the battlefields even now, nevertheless many are, and they are coming back and saying, 'No more war!' And this is the coming to fruition of what was begun in your 1960’s. It is true, the most profound of Truths is 'Make Love not war!' And we are speaking of Love in the Higher Dimensional sense which is to love everyone including ourselves!
"We are here to tell you that the news media is starting to come around - there are bits and pieces here and there. There are beings who are courageously standing tall and bringing forth a story here, a story there, or at least the beginnings of a story, even if they don’t have all of it quite yet.So when you hear or read or see something on You Tube that speaks to you, rejoice. Be glad that these things are coming forth, because we are here to invite it all! As we have said, some of it may not be pleasant or heartwarming, but nevertheless these are stories that need to be told.
"There are many, many, many places where you can find out all about 9-11. There is everything from scholarly books – entire volumes – to that which is brought forth in more of a spiritual manner. You can call it channeled, you can call it connected sources, or you can call it highly inspirational, or whatever. Whatever you choose is not as important as the fact that if you look, you can find. We know that many of you have seen this information, or heard it, and shared it, because this is what is so important, and this is where we are!
"We are talking about communication on all levels; we are talking about receiving and broadcasting, and the two are happening at the same time. Some of you are already getting the feeling for receiving a telepathic download and then expressing it or giving voice to it. We are talking about all the news, not just the wars, and the Black Ops, and those kinds of things. We’re talking about some high-vibe news: Hey, we’re here!!!
"If there is a leader of a country, or a political group, or a fanatical group of any kind that says, 'We’ve got to nuke them, we’re going to set it off,' you can just stay calm, stay assured and say, 'We are returning to Love, and there will be no more nuclear weapons. Now, here is a bit of news that we may have mentioned once before, and that is that all nuclear devices of any kind are on their way out! And we’re talking about the nuclear power plants. We have already been working to do some clean-up! You know about Japan and the Fukushima plants. We are working there to maintain a non-blow-up status.
"So breathe! We’re cleaning up the air as well, and we want you to feel comfortable breathing. We know there are still some toxicities and some areas of pollution, and so on and so on. But we are monitoring and balancing out, i.e., cleansing, those which have any indication whatsoever they might get out of control; that is, that they might create even more chaotic disturbances of a massive nature.
"Everyone just take a breath and understand that as you do so - and this is important, and as you bring it in to your energy fields, not just your physicality but the entirety of your fields - you are in high vibration and therefore when you breathe in you have an opportunity to clean the atmosphere around you, and breathe it out more cleansed than when you breathed it in. Now, how’s that for divine workings? Beloved Ones, if you could see what we see when we observe you, you would be in awe of yourselves, and you deserve to be because You Are!!!
"I have standing with me my Beloved Brother whom you call Sananda, and my Beloved Brother whom you call Saint Germain - they are known throughout the universe - and we stand here before you to assure you that all is well in every one of your kingdoms, and in the kingdom of the One We All Are!!! There will be no derailments, there will be fewer and fewer glitches along the way. All that we have told you is Truth: arrests are on-going, some trials have already been held – and it is not to punish, but to put the Light upon all that has been done in your history/herstory, and to shine that Light so bright everywhere that even those who are the most reluctant to come out of the dark are starting to let it in!
"That is a rather interesting picture, is it not? You are free to use it if you wish, because it is not just the Ashtar Command but also our teammates, our Commanders in human uniforms teaming with those who wear uniforms - they are in human bodies, but they wear uniforms of authority. There are some who are in great service and they are political leaders, and there are Beloved Ascended Masters, Lady Master Nada, for instance. We are here to assure you that never before in the timeline of Planet Earth has there been such a company assembled and such teamwork as is happening right now behind the scenes!!!
"Why are you not hearing about it? Because there is still some Freedom left to those who control the media. Not much, and they know it. But you see, it is for the people to come together and say, 'Wait a minute! We want the Truth, we want Truth in our news media of all kinds - not just the television, not just the newspapers, not just the Internet, but all of it together, - to come together in a community of Oneness, where only Truth is spoken!' Even though some of it might be harsh and difficult, it is to be in your highest vibrations as Compassionate Observers so that you can discern the Truth as it is presented, and so that you can share it.
"And yes, there is always going to be someone who says, 'Oh, I don’t believe that, I think you are just making that up.' And that is alright, it is to bless them, it is to love them, it is to be compassionate with them and simply say, 'Namaste, I honor you in your Truth, whatever it is! I only ask that you honor mine, which I have Divine Right to hold in my Heart just as you do, and I greet you as Divine, and We Are One!'
"And so it is more and more for you to do your own communicating, to call forth Truth within your being. After this Gathering you can go back to Fabulous Fran**** and request the recording so that you can do the Truth Exercise again if you choose. Keep calling it forth, focus your Light upon Truth with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for absolutely everybody involved - your ancestors, your descendants, and all in the now moment, because this is how this great Freedom will finally be recognized, will finally be known and accepted upon Planet Earth. The Truth does make everyone free!!!
"And so it is like a central foundation for all that is to come. Yes, we are in there too. Keep calling for Truth to be disclosed about us. We thank you so much for your greetings and your Love, and your mediations. We are here in communication and Oneness with you! And not just at this moment, we are always in service to each and every one of you, Beloved Ones. So, when we come together and when we blend our Lights, we create a creation that is way more powerful than any one of us as an individual – exponentially so! This is a grand thing to do, and so we shall be doing exactly that!
"This is huge, this is all-encompassing. And so we thank you for being with us for this grand mission, we thank you for having the Love and the Courage, and perhaps the curiosity even, to come and be with us! We are with you always, we are constantly in telepathic communication with you and we invite you to enter into a two-way dialog with us anytime, anywhere you are. We are absolutely overjoyed when you do so!
"Remember this, that our communications are that much more effective and empowered and joyful because of all of the energies which are coming to support our communications, and most of all to you, Beloved Ones, for raising your vibrations and opening your beautiful Hearts! We love you beyond all words, we always have and we always will! We are One, We Are a Family of One, and We Are indeed Divine Beings on the most sacred mission of all time, which is the Ascension of great success of Planet Earth and those to follow. Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us. And so it is! Salut."
* Ashtar's message was preceded by The Galactic Anthem, by Kana Benz,
** Referring to the news report by Tara & Rama http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/tara__rama_A_A_news_reports.html
**** All who are registered for this call may request the link to its recording by emailing Fran, ashtarwebmaster@man.com
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 24, 2012 Ashtar Teleconference. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
SaLuSa, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 30-July-2012
Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.
Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities. So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones. Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.
The coming period will show those who are of the Light, as they will be able to step forward with our blessing and take the reins from those who are not. We want to stop all actions that are happening or proposed, that are purposefully directed at you the people to limit what little freedom you have left. You do have good souls of the Light that are here at this time to handle such matters. Hitherto you have had too may people in high places that have become corrupt, and do not know who you can trust. That must change and we are the ones to help you, as we know exactly what level of Light people are at and whether they are honest and proven to have the interest of others at heart.
We know you have had your share of disappointments over many years, when your expectations have for different reasons been dashed. However, we are empowered by God and we see no reason why the great spectacle of the Olympics, should not be a show window for the announcements of our existence and our coming part in your evolution. The end of this cycle is in itself an historic occasion that will be a long spoken about through this Universe. As we have often told you, it is a unique event of your Ascension with Mother Earth. Upon your assured success rests the future of the whole Universe, and many civilisations look on with awe and wonder at your coming Ascension.
Although you have been preparing yourselves for this time, we know it will take your breath away as it is massive process of world wide extent. In one way or another every single soul is involved and provided for. Where God is concerned there are no mistakes but only perfection, so you may be certain that the outcome will place everyone where they are intended to be. You have had a long journey that has led you to where you are today, and your future will be a continuation of it in the next phase of your evolution. Do not worry exactly what that will mean where you are concerned, as in time you will be told. Be assured that many spiritual Beings share your journey and know you better than you know yourself, and you will progress in a manner that is exactly right for you.
Lightworkers can prepare to take some responsibility for making sure people around them are calm and not fearful about what is happening. We cannot cover it all in just a few days but will soon have the freedom and facilities to address you directly. We do not use your methods that are to us antiquated, and ours are such that no remaining members who oppose us will be able to prevent our communications to you. We know you well and have many recorded addresses that are precise and capable of relaying details to you that you will understand. We feel as excited as you do at the prospect of at last of meeting you, but first things first and the acknowledgement of our existence is most important.
That will allow us to be identified with the many ways that we have helped your civilization already, as much of our work has been carried out without any publicity. It goes back thousands of years when you have incarnated into your various lives in the many Races that exist on your Earth. It has all been part of your experiences that have enabled you to grow spiritually, in your understanding on your way back to the higher dimensions from whence you came. Bear in mind that you volunteered for your Earth lives, that have given you so many opportunities to find out about duality. You are all the greater for it and as you might say, earnt your spurs and done so in great style. You will not have to re-live those experiences unless for some reason you desire to do so.
You have yet to fully understand the function of the different time lines, and many different dimensions but all in good time when it will be of value to you. We will however tell you that everything that ever was still exists at some level, which is why you can go back in time and re-live your past lives. Of course you can also travel into the future and see all probabilities. It is what many seers have used to predict the future, but it is of course open to change. It is why you are best advised not to hold onto old prophesies too strongly, as time can change the outcome of events. An example of that is your present time which will in no way be as catastrophic as was first anticipated. You have lifted yourselves and Mother Earth up, and the Light has grown so much it has paved the way for much more peaceful changes than were thought possible.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and many of you will know already that this coming week is one that is a last chance for your leaders to respond to our demands. If we are ignored yet again, we shall go forward ourselves, and make ourselves known in such a way that our presence can no longer be ignored or hidden. Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff
July 29-August 4, 2012
Beloved Ones,
As the days flow one into the other, there is a freshness of energy that permeates all. This is a time of reconnecting to the Being that you truly are within and with intention, bringing the inner out into your World around you. All the answers that you seek reside within your holiest of holies, the sacred space within your heart. There are many distractions that come to seduce you from your path and it is important that you be in touch with your own power and your own part of the Divine Plan. What is right for another may not be right for you so we counsel that you be true to yourselves.
Many times it has been said, “seek ye first the
As the bridges between Heaven and Earth, you have helped and are continuing to help, shape the destiny of the World that you live in. Every single thought, word, action and deed has an effect on the general consciousness that prevails upon your Planet and by choosing to keep your thoughts on the highest vision, you bring to your World a new template upon which the new World that is dawning will base its precepts. At this moment in time, it seems that you are as fish out of water, moving against the current of prevailing thought forms and established patterns.
Each time you succeed in overcoming this stream of consciousness, you set a new standard that frees those around you from the dream of their lives.
Sometimes it is not easy to walk this Path of Light into the unknown. There is familiarity in the status quo and it can seem comforting to abide in this space for a time but you must persist in maintaining your highest visions for the World you desire to create and live in. A World that meets the needs of all, where everyone has their basic requirements for life met without eking out an existence which does not leave room to explore the magnificence of your true Self. This is the Self you must now talk to and bring into greater prominence in your everyday life. Call upon this greater and higher expression of you to come in and manifest in your daily life.
Your Higher Self has created the matrix of energy around you that will open the doors to a greater union with this Divine aspect of your Human self. It remains now for your conscious intent and willingness to align with this newly created field that vibrates at a greater level than before. It is your will that needs to align with the greater Will and surrender in trust to the glory of God that resides within you. Make this your highest intention at the beginning of your day and all that needs to manifest will do so. Walk ever in God’s grace, Beloved Ones, for you are blessed beyond measure.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Friday, July 27, 2012
a small reminder to say that there are lots of interesting things to read on both Kauilapele's and Steve Beckow's sites. You will find them at
Lightwishes to all
a small reminder to say that there are lots of interesting things to read on both Kauilapele's and Steve Beckow's sites. You will find them at
Lightwishes to all
Archangel Michael's message through Ronna Herman
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-08-2012
Beloved masters, once again, I welcome the opportunity to blend with your higher consciousness, to fill your Sacred Heart and Soul with the Divine love of our Father/Mother God. It is always our greatest desire to inspire and comfort you and to guide you along the path of higher awareness, which eventually leads to Self-Mastery. At this time we wish to apprise you of what is transpiring during this momentous year we are calling the year of the GATHERING OF SOULS. My intention is to reinforce the concept of telepathic communication between you, the STAR SEED, the Cosmic Council of Light and we of the Legions of Light within this Sub-Universe. It is important that you feel with your inner senses, and validate from within your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, that through these messages I am truly with each of you. With your permission, I will connect with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and I will merge a facet of my Essence with yours at whatever level you are able to accommodate at this particular time.
There have been and will be many blessed gatherings of STAR SEED SOULS during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in a major event of great significance in Sedona, AZ via the "air waves" of the worldwide internet. She also held a small but powerful event for members of her inner group of followers in the Sacramento, California area of the United States. For those who came from the far reaches of the planet to join with their Soul families at these events and to partake of the wisdom teachings that were offered, it was a time of harmony, joy and blending of energies. For many, it was also a time of exceptional transformation at the deepest, innermost core level. It was a time when many layers of negative energy were dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and insulate the emotional and physical bodies from the pain and suffering of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. The floodgates of the emotional body burst open as these energies were dissolved and the precious gift of Creator Fire Light was once again allowed to take up residency within the Sacred Heart / Soul chamber.
It is a rare moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when the facets of your Soul family begin to reunite and use the synergistic strength of common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your Soul family will be seeking you out as you lift your vibrations and send out a SOUL ECHO that they recognize. When you meet a member of your inner Soul family circle, you will know without a doubt that there is a rare and beautiful heart / Soul connection between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of like-minded, Soul-focused people.
There were STAR SEED representatives from all over the world in attendance at these events, and these blessed Beings carried the SEEDS of a new awareness with them as they returned to their homes. Make no mistake; those of you who are tapping into this wondrous refined energy from the heart core of our Father/Mother God in your own locale or at other gatherings around the world are and will be gifted with an infusion of White Fire Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. As you are attuned to these higher-frequencies of Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions, nor barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Oneness of Spirit at many levels. At these momentous events all will commune with the masters and will receive a blessing of Divine Creator Fire Light. Indeed, into the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed in a glorious beam of Divine Light Substance, and every creature upon the Earth will be blessed and acknowledged. Remember, at one level or another, all are on the path of evolution and transcendence; none is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the Divine gift of transformation they will accept and use.
Initiation is now a group event, not just an attainment for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to assist those on the path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the personality. Advancement on the path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness. During these times of incredible advancement in consciousness for humankind, there are many special dispensations in place for the ascension of humanity and for the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. However, each Soul must do his/her part by taking the necessary steps to attain Self-Mastery in order to tap into these, heretofore, unavailable gifts of transformation.
A great multitude of STAR SEED SOULS have integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional awareness as they access new cosmic wisdom teachings. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your innermost Self as you fine-tune and harmonize your chakra system, which is in essence seven individual memory centers within the physical body. However, some of you still have doubts and are reticent to share your insights with others, for you fear that you will make a spectacle of yourself or you believe you will be ridiculed if you try to pass on the new concepts and higher truths which are being revealed to you. There is a universal law that states you must not only be an example of your new enlightened state, but you must pass on the wisdom and understanding you have garnered so that you may move forward to the next higher frequency level.
You must not try to change the minds of those on the path behind you, but teach by your example, speaking your truth at their level of understanding and telling them that there are many paths back to the Oneness of the Creator. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but do not get caught up in their drama, their small stories of woe; stay joyful and enthusiastic so they will begin to wonder what makes you so different. Indeed, they will notice and some day they will take heed, for you will have sown the seeds of change within their auric field and their hearts. These seeds will not be denied--they will flourish one day and burst forth and bloom into a Divine discontent, which will nudge them onto the PATH of discipleship.
You are a student on the path of initiation, you are a practitioner of spiritual mastery and cocreation, and you are a teacher with a message to share. You are also preparing for a greater alignment with the many facets of your Higher Soul-Self.
Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the STAR SEED-WAYSHOWERS have been on the PATH OF ASCENSION for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths. We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-LIGHTEN-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.
We give you a mandate to go by: focus on that which wells up within you as the most important issue of your life. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and from your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing that which you desire with all your energy— physical/mental/emotional and spiritual—until it is brought to fruition. If you have doubts, start small, until you become proficient in using your latent abilities of cocreation. Sweep aside your doubts, and do not listen to others' criticism or admonitions. Follow your own inner guidance; you will not be led astray, beloveds.
We have requested that our messenger share her latest experience with all of you. By doing so, she is conveying to you a heretofore secret and very ancient thought form of higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the ascension process. The magnificent WHITE FIRE ANGELIC BEINGS have been waiting patiently to reestablish their connection with humankind. It is indeed a wondrous time for all of humanity, for no matter where you are on the ascension PATH, the streams of rarified Creator Light radiating from these great Beings will affect all human Beings who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of Divine Light.
Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.
There have been and will be many blessed gatherings of STAR SEED SOULS during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in a major event of great significance in Sedona, AZ via the "air waves" of the worldwide internet. She also held a small but powerful event for members of her inner group of followers in the Sacramento, California area of the United States. For those who came from the far reaches of the planet to join with their Soul families at these events and to partake of the wisdom teachings that were offered, it was a time of harmony, joy and blending of energies. For many, it was also a time of exceptional transformation at the deepest, innermost core level. It was a time when many layers of negative energy were dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and insulate the emotional and physical bodies from the pain and suffering of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. The floodgates of the emotional body burst open as these energies were dissolved and the precious gift of Creator Fire Light was once again allowed to take up residency within the Sacred Heart / Soul chamber.
It is a rare moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when the facets of your Soul family begin to reunite and use the synergistic strength of common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your Soul family will be seeking you out as you lift your vibrations and send out a SOUL ECHO that they recognize. When you meet a member of your inner Soul family circle, you will know without a doubt that there is a rare and beautiful heart / Soul connection between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of like-minded, Soul-focused people.
There were STAR SEED representatives from all over the world in attendance at these events, and these blessed Beings carried the SEEDS of a new awareness with them as they returned to their homes. Make no mistake; those of you who are tapping into this wondrous refined energy from the heart core of our Father/Mother God in your own locale or at other gatherings around the world are and will be gifted with an infusion of White Fire Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. As you are attuned to these higher-frequencies of Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions, nor barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Oneness of Spirit at many levels. At these momentous events all will commune with the masters and will receive a blessing of Divine Creator Fire Light. Indeed, into the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed in a glorious beam of Divine Light Substance, and every creature upon the Earth will be blessed and acknowledged. Remember, at one level or another, all are on the path of evolution and transcendence; none is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the Divine gift of transformation they will accept and use.
Initiation is now a group event, not just an attainment for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to assist those on the path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the personality. Advancement on the path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness. During these times of incredible advancement in consciousness for humankind, there are many special dispensations in place for the ascension of humanity and for the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. However, each Soul must do his/her part by taking the necessary steps to attain Self-Mastery in order to tap into these, heretofore, unavailable gifts of transformation.
A great multitude of STAR SEED SOULS have integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional awareness as they access new cosmic wisdom teachings. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your innermost Self as you fine-tune and harmonize your chakra system, which is in essence seven individual memory centers within the physical body. However, some of you still have doubts and are reticent to share your insights with others, for you fear that you will make a spectacle of yourself or you believe you will be ridiculed if you try to pass on the new concepts and higher truths which are being revealed to you. There is a universal law that states you must not only be an example of your new enlightened state, but you must pass on the wisdom and understanding you have garnered so that you may move forward to the next higher frequency level.
You must not try to change the minds of those on the path behind you, but teach by your example, speaking your truth at their level of understanding and telling them that there are many paths back to the Oneness of the Creator. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but do not get caught up in their drama, their small stories of woe; stay joyful and enthusiastic so they will begin to wonder what makes you so different. Indeed, they will notice and some day they will take heed, for you will have sown the seeds of change within their auric field and their hearts. These seeds will not be denied--they will flourish one day and burst forth and bloom into a Divine discontent, which will nudge them onto the PATH of discipleship.
You are a student on the path of initiation, you are a practitioner of spiritual mastery and cocreation, and you are a teacher with a message to share. You are also preparing for a greater alignment with the many facets of your Higher Soul-Self.
Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the STAR SEED-WAYSHOWERS have been on the PATH OF ASCENSION for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths. We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-LIGHTEN-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.
We give you a mandate to go by: focus on that which wells up within you as the most important issue of your life. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and from your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing that which you desire with all your energy— physical/mental/emotional and spiritual—until it is brought to fruition. If you have doubts, start small, until you become proficient in using your latent abilities of cocreation. Sweep aside your doubts, and do not listen to others' criticism or admonitions. Follow your own inner guidance; you will not be led astray, beloveds.
We have requested that our messenger share her latest experience with all of you. By doing so, she is conveying to you a heretofore secret and very ancient thought form of higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the ascension process. The magnificent WHITE FIRE ANGELIC BEINGS have been waiting patiently to reestablish their connection with humankind. It is indeed a wondrous time for all of humanity, for no matter where you are on the ascension PATH, the streams of rarified Creator Light radiating from these great Beings will affect all human Beings who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of Divine Light.
Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.
I AM Archangel Michael
I wish to share an amazing experience I had during meditation in the early hours of February 25, 2012. As usual, I go outside every morning between five and six AM to pick up the morning paper from our driveway. I always spend a few minutes looking up at the sky while I do a series of infinity breaths and say my daily affirmations before coming back into my home.
The main affirmation is always the same; however, I add some variation at the end, depending on what I am feeling or what I am guided to do. I always radiate love and gratitude out into the world pyramid and to our Father/Mother God, and I always feel their loving energy pour into my body to support me and guide me for the day. I usually have an hour or so by myself in the morning before my husband, Kent, gets up. I spend that time reading and meditating.
At my seminars, in trying to explain how it feels when we learn to constantly remain in a Light Alpha State, or become a ‘living meditation,’ as Archangel Michael calls it, I say, "oftentimes, I feel as if I sit very lightly within my body whereby I have very little physical sensation. This feeling is enhanced when I am channeling Michael, for I am hardly aware of my body at all."
That morning’s meditation was unusual, for upon going into an Alpha State, I immediately felt an intense sensation, as if my body was a hollow tube. I could move my consciousness into different areas with ease and without feeling any physical symptoms of any kind. It was as if I were pure Spirit-consciousness.
Suddenly, the word "VIVEO" came into my mind very strong and clear. Then a telepathic message came forth in the way of TRI-TON, my first master teacher, who prepared me to be a messenger for Archangel Michael. There was a gentle sense of love and a slight expansion of consciousness; however, I was very aware that I was receiving energy from a higher source. When Michael comes in, there is a great surge of energy that flows throughout my body; and depending on the magnitude of energy he is radiating to me at the time, it seems as if I must stretch my upper body to accommodate his powerful Essence.
The brief telepathic message was: "I AM VIVEO, A WHITE FIRE ANGEL. It is now time, under the direction of beloved Archangel Michael, for me to once again OverLight you and assist you and the many Soul groups you are connected to in the process of Soul fragment integration. You have been told that you and many in your Soul family are ‘gatherers of Souls,’ and as Wayshowers and World Servers, that is the preordained role many of you are ready to assume."
As I have always been guided to do in the past, I am sharing this with you so that you will know what can take place if you are diligent in your studies, and if you will dedicate some time to meditation and inward-focused contemplation. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna
P.S. One other thing VIVEO conveyed to me was: "Look up the word ‘vivacious,’ for that is what my name means and that is the energy I will convey to you.
VIVEO is one of a multitude of WHITE FIRE ANGELS whose original mission was to OverLight groups of Souls who were ready to journey out into the universe as cocreator sons and daughters. They helped us to create and maintain our original ADAM - EVE KADMON LIGHT BODY. These wondrous Beings reside within the dimensional levels in which we first came into our individualized I AM consciousness.
After we had refracted our Soul Essence many times and moved out into the mid-fifth dimensional frequencies, our WHITE FIRE ANGEL withdrew, for that was the lowest level they could refract themselves into in order to OverLight us. They would await the time when we would return to the required higher frequency levels so that they could once again OverLight us in order to assist us in the acceleration of our reunion with our many Soul fragments. They would also assist in the process of rebuilding our Light Body.
In ancient teachings, which were often written in a way that the average person could not comprehend the deeper meaning of the messages, much was written about the time when a Soul reached a certain level of enlightenment / initiation, a great revelation would be given to the aspirants. Those teachings spoke of a Solar Angel, a sphere of radiant fire that would OverLight them. It also stated that there would be a stream of Light which would emanate from the heart center of the SOLAR ANGEL to the Sacred Heart and higher brain centers of the aspirant. This fiery link would also radiate forth to connect with the many other Souls belonging to the same SOUL GROUP.
In the past, a SOLAR ANGEL would only connect with those who were of the same GOD RAY. During those ancient times there were very few Souls who reached the required level of vibrational frequency patterns necessary for ascension. However, that has changed, this is a time of mass ascension; therefore, each SOLAR ANGEL will focus on an entire group–those who are connected to the designated OVERSEER OF LIGHT for a particular SOUL FAMILY GROUP.
In a number of past messages that Archangel Michael has given to me for people over the years, he has stated: "WE WOULD HAVE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE ‘OVERSEER OF LIGHT’ FOR YOUR EXTENDED HEAVENLY SOUL FAMILY. You and those like you agreed to go through the painful process of sinking into the deepest density so that ‘as you are lifted up,’ so are all those within your SOUL GROUP." This concept is a wonderful validation of the statement, "You are in the process of returning to unity consciousness."
VIVEO told me that for those of us who are ready to accelerate the process of integrating the multiple facets of our Higher Self, his task is to adjust the frequency patterns of the incoming fragment of our Higher Self so that we are more compatible. In other words, he harmonizes our frequencies to a degree so that the integration process will not be so tumultuous. This is necessary, for in the past, the process of integrating the vibrational patterns of an OverSoul took a very long time, perhaps even several lifetimes.
There is a fail-safe to this process. Those who are attuned to and are following the teachings of Archangel Michael are understandably at many levels and stages of the en-LIGHTEN-ment process. Therefore, the connection with VIVEO will still be made with all members of the group who are seriously striving to achieve a harmonious level of vibrational patterns. However, he will not send forth a fiery sphere of his Essence to OverLight you until you have reached and attuned to the required SOUL SONG FREQUENCIES of the mid-fifth dimension.
Of course this wondrous gift and the accompanying rules also apply to the many different groups who are following the enlightened wisdom teachings of other great BEINGS OF LIGHT via the many dedicated messengers around the world.
It has been a somewhat uncomfortable process for me to become accustomed to revealing some of the important steps I have taken, the wondrous gifts I have been given, along with the tests, trials and advances I have experienced on the path of ascension. For those of us who have studied the ancient teachings and who also have many of the rules of those times firmly ingrained within our consciousness, it is difficult to reveal and share some of the details of our personal journey, both positive and negative. As many of you are aware, before these times of mass ascension, the wisdom teachings and the ascension process were totally kept in secret from the masses. They were called "occult teachings," which means they were only made available to the few initiates and disciples on the PATH. However, those rules have changed, for the Divine Blueprint for the coming Golden Age has been modified and updated. Therefore, it has been mandated that those of us who have assumed the role and responsibility of becoming a messenger for the great Beings of Light will convey to those who are "ready to listen and take heed" all of the important aspects of our journey, along with the wondrous, advanced wisdom teachings we are given to convey to the world.
During our June seminar in Roseville, California, I told the participants about VIVEO and the role he will now play for us in our ascension process. Everyone was so fascinated about this latest development and some were almost overwhelmed. I became quite emotional when I told them the details. Many of the participants said they could feel VIVEO’S powerful energy and they are very excited about what the future holds. VIVEO projects a very powerful masculine Essence. Although all of the angelic Beings are androgynous, they may choose to radiate either the masculine or feminine qualities of our Father/Mother God.
Dear hearts, no matter where you are on the path of ascension, know that you will have all the help from your guides and teachers that the universal laws will allow. Do not focus on "what you are not" but focus on this moment and the opportunities before you. Each and every Soul is precious in the sight of our Father/Mother God, and your ascension into the higher realms is assured, so please relax and enjoy the journey.
I wish to share an amazing experience I had during meditation in the early hours of February 25, 2012. As usual, I go outside every morning between five and six AM to pick up the morning paper from our driveway. I always spend a few minutes looking up at the sky while I do a series of infinity breaths and say my daily affirmations before coming back into my home.
The main affirmation is always the same; however, I add some variation at the end, depending on what I am feeling or what I am guided to do. I always radiate love and gratitude out into the world pyramid and to our Father/Mother God, and I always feel their loving energy pour into my body to support me and guide me for the day. I usually have an hour or so by myself in the morning before my husband, Kent, gets up. I spend that time reading and meditating.
At my seminars, in trying to explain how it feels when we learn to constantly remain in a Light Alpha State, or become a ‘living meditation,’ as Archangel Michael calls it, I say, "oftentimes, I feel as if I sit very lightly within my body whereby I have very little physical sensation. This feeling is enhanced when I am channeling Michael, for I am hardly aware of my body at all."
That morning’s meditation was unusual, for upon going into an Alpha State, I immediately felt an intense sensation, as if my body was a hollow tube. I could move my consciousness into different areas with ease and without feeling any physical symptoms of any kind. It was as if I were pure Spirit-consciousness.
Suddenly, the word "VIVEO" came into my mind very strong and clear. Then a telepathic message came forth in the way of TRI-TON, my first master teacher, who prepared me to be a messenger for Archangel Michael. There was a gentle sense of love and a slight expansion of consciousness; however, I was very aware that I was receiving energy from a higher source. When Michael comes in, there is a great surge of energy that flows throughout my body; and depending on the magnitude of energy he is radiating to me at the time, it seems as if I must stretch my upper body to accommodate his powerful Essence.
The brief telepathic message was: "I AM VIVEO, A WHITE FIRE ANGEL. It is now time, under the direction of beloved Archangel Michael, for me to once again OverLight you and assist you and the many Soul groups you are connected to in the process of Soul fragment integration. You have been told that you and many in your Soul family are ‘gatherers of Souls,’ and as Wayshowers and World Servers, that is the preordained role many of you are ready to assume."
As I have always been guided to do in the past, I am sharing this with you so that you will know what can take place if you are diligent in your studies, and if you will dedicate some time to meditation and inward-focused contemplation. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna
P.S. One other thing VIVEO conveyed to me was: "Look up the word ‘vivacious,’ for that is what my name means and that is the energy I will convey to you.
VIVEO is one of a multitude of WHITE FIRE ANGELS whose original mission was to OverLight groups of Souls who were ready to journey out into the universe as cocreator sons and daughters. They helped us to create and maintain our original ADAM - EVE KADMON LIGHT BODY. These wondrous Beings reside within the dimensional levels in which we first came into our individualized I AM consciousness.
After we had refracted our Soul Essence many times and moved out into the mid-fifth dimensional frequencies, our WHITE FIRE ANGEL withdrew, for that was the lowest level they could refract themselves into in order to OverLight us. They would await the time when we would return to the required higher frequency levels so that they could once again OverLight us in order to assist us in the acceleration of our reunion with our many Soul fragments. They would also assist in the process of rebuilding our Light Body.
In ancient teachings, which were often written in a way that the average person could not comprehend the deeper meaning of the messages, much was written about the time when a Soul reached a certain level of enlightenment / initiation, a great revelation would be given to the aspirants. Those teachings spoke of a Solar Angel, a sphere of radiant fire that would OverLight them. It also stated that there would be a stream of Light which would emanate from the heart center of the SOLAR ANGEL to the Sacred Heart and higher brain centers of the aspirant. This fiery link would also radiate forth to connect with the many other Souls belonging to the same SOUL GROUP.
In the past, a SOLAR ANGEL would only connect with those who were of the same GOD RAY. During those ancient times there were very few Souls who reached the required level of vibrational frequency patterns necessary for ascension. However, that has changed, this is a time of mass ascension; therefore, each SOLAR ANGEL will focus on an entire group–those who are connected to the designated OVERSEER OF LIGHT for a particular SOUL FAMILY GROUP.
In a number of past messages that Archangel Michael has given to me for people over the years, he has stated: "WE WOULD HAVE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE ‘OVERSEER OF LIGHT’ FOR YOUR EXTENDED HEAVENLY SOUL FAMILY. You and those like you agreed to go through the painful process of sinking into the deepest density so that ‘as you are lifted up,’ so are all those within your SOUL GROUP." This concept is a wonderful validation of the statement, "You are in the process of returning to unity consciousness."
VIVEO told me that for those of us who are ready to accelerate the process of integrating the multiple facets of our Higher Self, his task is to adjust the frequency patterns of the incoming fragment of our Higher Self so that we are more compatible. In other words, he harmonizes our frequencies to a degree so that the integration process will not be so tumultuous. This is necessary, for in the past, the process of integrating the vibrational patterns of an OverSoul took a very long time, perhaps even several lifetimes.
There is a fail-safe to this process. Those who are attuned to and are following the teachings of Archangel Michael are understandably at many levels and stages of the en-LIGHTEN-ment process. Therefore, the connection with VIVEO will still be made with all members of the group who are seriously striving to achieve a harmonious level of vibrational patterns. However, he will not send forth a fiery sphere of his Essence to OverLight you until you have reached and attuned to the required SOUL SONG FREQUENCIES of the mid-fifth dimension.
Of course this wondrous gift and the accompanying rules also apply to the many different groups who are following the enlightened wisdom teachings of other great BEINGS OF LIGHT via the many dedicated messengers around the world.
It has been a somewhat uncomfortable process for me to become accustomed to revealing some of the important steps I have taken, the wondrous gifts I have been given, along with the tests, trials and advances I have experienced on the path of ascension. For those of us who have studied the ancient teachings and who also have many of the rules of those times firmly ingrained within our consciousness, it is difficult to reveal and share some of the details of our personal journey, both positive and negative. As many of you are aware, before these times of mass ascension, the wisdom teachings and the ascension process were totally kept in secret from the masses. They were called "occult teachings," which means they were only made available to the few initiates and disciples on the PATH. However, those rules have changed, for the Divine Blueprint for the coming Golden Age has been modified and updated. Therefore, it has been mandated that those of us who have assumed the role and responsibility of becoming a messenger for the great Beings of Light will convey to those who are "ready to listen and take heed" all of the important aspects of our journey, along with the wondrous, advanced wisdom teachings we are given to convey to the world.
During our June seminar in Roseville, California, I told the participants about VIVEO and the role he will now play for us in our ascension process. Everyone was so fascinated about this latest development and some were almost overwhelmed. I became quite emotional when I told them the details. Many of the participants said they could feel VIVEO’S powerful energy and they are very excited about what the future holds. VIVEO projects a very powerful masculine Essence. Although all of the angelic Beings are androgynous, they may choose to radiate either the masculine or feminine qualities of our Father/Mother God.
Dear hearts, no matter where you are on the path of ascension, know that you will have all the help from your guides and teachers that the universal laws will allow. Do not focus on "what you are not" but focus on this moment and the opportunities before you. Each and every Soul is precious in the sight of our Father/Mother God, and your ascension into the higher realms is assured, so please relax and enjoy the journey.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD
SaLuSa July27, 2012, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 27-July-2012
Look around you and keep your eyes and ears open, as you will see evidence of the arrests that are beginning to spread around the world. We have often urged our allies to speed up their actions, but at the same time we have allowed for the need to make sure everything proceeds as is necessary. The weight of evidence against those who have corrupted the banking system is overwhelming, and it is therefore the right time to strike. These are some of the most important issues to be dealt with, and our next moves hinge upon the outcome. It is clear that the old system must be totally changed, and currently the banks are far too big and powerful. Ultimately they must be reduced in size and made more accountable to the people they serve. By far the biggest problem is debt, and the giving of more bail outs only compounds the situation that now exists and threatens total collapse. That however is a blessing in disguise, inasmuch that the position is irretrievable and we have the solution which they will be forced to accept. There is no other way than debt forgiveness for all of those countries that have had to take crippling loans. It can then be extended to many personal situations, but not where money is owed for services rendered.
You cannot expect to move on and take in the changes that are going to lift you up, unless the rubbish has first been swept away. So Dear Ones if you find it possible to enjoy the demise of the cabal, do so knowing that they will soon be unable to dictate your life style to you any more. The misery, poverty and lack will be changed by the coming of abundance, along with the restoration of your freedom. It is what you have been waiting for and will go ahead once governmental changes have taken place. Just bide your time and let the predictions of catastrophic events pass you by, as you have far more to look forward to that is positive and for your benefit. Have we not told you many times that all is well, and you are already on the path to Ascension which will see the final end of duality. You should know by now that if you are ready to ascend you will be successfully living your truth, and act from a position of understanding of the Oneness of all souls and treat them accordingly. Perfection is not expected whilst you are still learning to raise your vibrations, therefore intent is a very necessary requirement.
Souls that have never gone through an earthly incarnation have not experienced what you have, but nevertheless have their own plans for evolving. However, their progress is much slower than yours and that is their choice. Time does not come into it and all souls are free to take a path that suits them as individuals. Your experiences like all others goes into the pool of knowledge for others to use, as there is no need to experience everything personally. It is why we commend you for having taken on such a difficult choice, as duality is a most testing dimension that is hard to rise above. Clearly as you amass experience you are evolving, and even if it seems slow progress you will eventually lift yourself up. Of course there is always help available to you, and all you have to do is put out the thought and you will get a response.
Even as we of the Galactic Federation of Light are with you now, so are many other Beings that take on such responsibilities as service to others. Those in the higher levels are always available to help others and that is quite normal. After many lives in the lower vibrations you are at last realizing that you have never been alone, although it seemed that way. The fight between the dark and Light for your soul is all but over, but do not move your sight from your goal and do not give way to the fearmongers that act out of ignorance. They have been brainwashed into believing that the Earth is all there is to life, and see no further than the drudgery and serfdom. For those of you who have broken out from it you can now bask in the Light of Truth. You are sufficiently understanding to not just hold onto it, but forge ahead towards the New Age.
Before Ascension we will have fully entered your lives through disclosure, and the truth will be set before you. It will be up to you how much you accept as there will be no pressure placed upon you to do so. You take whatever fits in with your personal understanding, and that way you will grow at your own speed. We believe there are better ways to evolve than religious constructs, and do not come to place another one upon you. Simply stated the Truth Is All That Is, and whatever path you travel it will eventually lead to it. You have the ability you need to evolve, and as your levels of consciousness expand which they will, it will become much easier to identify beliefs that support the truth.
We notice that many people become so involved with what is planned for the future years, that they overlook the fact that this cycle has little time left. So much of that which worries you now will never materialize, so do not put your energy into it as it is of no consequence. Keep your sights on the immediate happenings, and as the dark Ones are revealed for what they are have sufficient compassion to forgive and send them Light. Remember that you have all experienced the highs and lows of duality, and until you have full remembrance of past lives you just do not know how low you might have fallen. Yet here you are today standing in the Light and able to help others who have not reached that stage.
Dear Ones, it is never too late to change your ways or views of life. However, once you begin to understand, lift yourself up and live as you believe a soul of the Light is intended to be. You will find that the higher you can reach the more peace and calmness enters your life. You become in control of it and serving others is as simple as shining out your Light. You do not need to do more unless you feel called to do so. If you have a special role to play in these end times, be assured that the opportunity will present itself to you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as we have the technology and more than ample personnel to deal with your needs, we have no desire to place too much responsibility upon you. At the same time you have requested opportunities to assist and we are pleased to accept, and after all you have karma that links you with the changes required that need to be played out. We thank you for awakening to your challenges, and send our love to help you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
SaLuSa July 25, 2012, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 25-July-2012
We have been with you for a long, long time and like you are looking forward to the end of duality. You have faced tremendous challenges but responded to the Light and Love that has been directed towards you from many different sources. The higher powers behind the Plan for your enlightenment have been proved to have made the right decisions, as you now stand on the threshold of Ascension. No two of you have had identical experiences, yet so many of you are now ready to take those final steps of upliftment and ascend. As your race slipped down into the Dark Ages what little Light that existed was suppressed, and individuals were kept quiet with the threat of death for speaking out.
Today you have much more freedom of speech, yet those who tell too much of the truth are still in fear of their lives. Naturally we will support and protect such Beings, as long as it does not interfere with their life plan. We and also the Angelic Kingdom can give complete protection if necessary, and some extremely important souls have had to be saved more times than you would possibly expect. Of course in your own way, you are all important and each one of you does have Angels that keep with you throughout your life. There are no coincidences where happenings are of major importance to you, yet you may not even be aware of what has taken place.
When you are calm and in a peaceful state your Higher Self can be contacted, but the problem is that very often people do not heed the advice they get. So if you stray from your life plan, it will not be for the lack of help from your Guides. Ultimately it is you who decides what you do, but with your decisions comes responsibility for the outcome. Generally speaking it is your ego which you have programmed to act in your interests, that has control over your actions. When you are in the course of change and particularly when uplifting your vibrations, it can try to persuade you to continue in your old ways.
Is it not incredible that you are now so close to Ascension, and yet outwardly not a lot seems to have changed. However, nothing is achieved without a lot of planning, and even so as events unfold we are forever making adjustments as the timing is altered. There is so much happening behind the scenes and we must act when we see it is safe to do so. That calls for much patience on your part, as on many occasions we have thought our opportunity to act had arrived only to be thwarted at the last moment. We can take that in our stride as we are prepared for any scenario, and know regardless of what happens that you will reach Ascension, and that it will take place. As we often stress, that Dear Ones is really all that counts and it does not matter which path you take to reach it.
Stay calm and do not engage in fear laden messages, as there are sources that wish for a catastrophic end to this cycle. In spite of many predictions of that nature, you will find that the last few months will be much calmer than you have been led to believe. Of course Mother Earth is having a hand in the changes and eruptions will cause physical movements that will cause damage, and sometimes injury or death. Much earlier predictions spoke of land masses sinking into the sea, but that possibility has long passed. Simply be aware of your local frailties and if you live on the coastline ascertain how vulnerable you might be to flooding. That way you can judge for yourself what action might be necessary for your safety.
In some ways matters are little different now to what they have been with any life that you have had, as all came with a life plan and by and large you would have completed it accordingly. Since your transition was also part of the plan, believe it or not you also agreed the way you should exit each life and also when. In that respect this lifetime is also planned and unless you shorten it by taking your own life, which is very unadvisable you will either pass on before Ascension, go with Ascension, or move to another planet to continue your 3D experiences. Whatever you planned would have been with your best interests in mind, and if it is to be your future, you can ascend from the spiritual realms. So understand and accept that you will experience in accordance with your needs, and the key to it is progress where your evolution is concerned..
You have an amusing saying about being put through the wringer, but that is not what life is about or is it wished upon you. God gave you freewill and you are the one who creates the path that you follow. It is up to you whether it is easy or difficult, but humans have a habit of taking the hard route home. However, that does mean that you are learning quite a number of lessons, which must help you in the long run. If we may put it this way, it is no sin to have erred as the whole idea of experiencing duality is to rise to the challenge. There is not of course "sin" as such and you are certainly not born into it. It would be more correct to say that you come with karma and it gives you the opportunity to overcome mistakes you have made. It is why God does not step in and interfere with the freewill that God has given you.
After you have ascended you will have increased levels of consciousness, and as a Being of Light will have moved well beyond the temptations of the lower vibrations. In fact they will no longer interest you, and you will seek satisfaction and achievement at a much higher vibrational level. Your senses will be heightened, and the pleasures of the higher dimensions will more than compensate for any conceived loss. In fact your thoughts will have moved on to a higher plateau anyway, and your experiences of duality will fade into the background. So try not to cling to your present dimension unless of course you do not feel ready to ascend. It is your decision and you choose where and how your next lives will be experienced.
I am SaLuSa of Sirius, and the Galactic Federation of Light, and we see that many countries in the West are taking legal actions against the corruption within the financial sector. We also note that more of them are carrying out deeper investigations to see how far the cancer has spread. This can only do good, and hasten the time when others in authority such as within politics are called to answer for their deeds. Stay strong with your Light, and know that you are continuously being showered with Love from many sources.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Monday, July 23, 2012
SaLuSa, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 23-July-2012
The longer we are held back the more you are becoming involved in the activities that are intended to release you from the hold of the dark cabal. That is in fact to be desired as we have always encouraged you to get involved. You have to see out the experiences you need as a Human Race, and it would not do for us to intervene while you are still able to go forward. However, we have our own agenda and there is shortly coming a point where our actions must come together. So we do our best to assist you whilst you still have the impetus to continue and are achieving results. Progress appears slow but in reality you are making very good gains, and people are getting mobilized in case they are needed.
Be on your guard in these closing times, as the dark Ones although severely weakened are planning a last gasp attack on you. We can help you repel them and lessen any outcome of their activities, and you can lead the way. The most positive assistance you can give is by keeping your focus on the Light and when many of you do it, it is a powerful force that minimizes the affect of the lower energies. Whatever rumors you hear, do not allow them to make you fearful as disinformation is intended to create conditions that favor the dark Ones. Obviously some will be based on truth but even so you can take note, and trust that the higher powers that includes us who are working hard to avoid any major incident.
At present you have a number of brave souls who have stuck their neck out at risk to themselves and they are leading the way, and we are behind them. So please identify with them and where you can assist be of help, and if nothing else spread the word so that others can draw some confidence from what is happening. The Galactic Federation of Light is now generally known throughout the West, but not necessarily understood as far as the role it is to play in the end times. It would be advantageous to us if you could help people understand that we are all One, and that we are not aliens in the true meaning of that word. We are you, but from your future and have our origin as you in the One God of this Universe.
We pose absolutely no threat to you, and have reached a high level of spiritual understanding that knows only love for our brothers and sisters on other worlds. When you have the opportunity to write your history up as it was and without inaccuracies or intentional distortions, you will find that we have often helped you when you have been in dire trouble. You will however find that past civilizations have been attacked by Space Entities or even been taken over, but these are not in any way connected to our Federation.
We have taken an oath to God that we will uphold all souls rights to experience as they choose, providing it does not impeach upon another's freedom. We also acknowledge that each of you has been given freewill to create your own path, to gain the experience needed to further your evolution. That Dear Ones is why we cannot just jump in and take control of your affairs, as that would take away your opportunity to evolve as you have chosen. We do however answer to the higher Beings who oversee your civilization, and have their own responsibility to God to make sure God's Plan works out. That of course is your destiny to complete this cycle of duality with the opportunity to ascend. We are here to ensure you are not denied it by any outside interference or through the activities of the Illuminati.
Remember that many matters that are thrust under your noses and intended to place you under more control, will not in fact be of any consequence. So please do not waste your energy on such threats to your liberty. The dark Ones also know the truth but push on with their plan, hoping to create such fear as to delay your progress. Your path leads you away from such possibilities and the more you strengthen the Light upon Earth, the more you are protected. The dark Ones have a myopic view of life and cannot see. beyond their insane objectives. Let them continue to dig their own hole because they will fall into it, and their return to the Light will take them quite a long time. We do not judge them as it is their chosen experience but it does not excuse their criminal acts against others.
Life and the Laws that cover it are written by God, and no one can act against them without creating karma for themselves. Acts against others are nevertheless to be expected due to the low vibrational level of your dimension, and it happens because of the lack of Light in some souls that have fallen so low. That is the challenge of duality and you took it on quite willingly, knowing that you would be helped to rise up out of it. Now the end is in sight, and soon it will be a time of celebration as your long wait will be over. You will not have any regrets, indeed you will be pleased that you had the opportunity to experience the consequences of having freewill. Your reward is a great leap forward on the way back to the higher dimensions. So please put matters into perspective when you face dark Ones, as they cannot stop your progress to the completion of your journey.
Support the people who have been brave enough to put themselves in the spotlight to bring you the truth. They do so at some risk to their lives, although we are allowed to protect them if their life plan still has time to go. However, there are occasions when a great soul will make the ultimate sacrifice to help Humanity evolve. Few of you have that in their plan and you have only to look at the impact it makes, as for example John F. Kennedy. They do it because they are wonderful Beings of Light, and know that life is infinite and that death is not the end. They create a great outpouring of love that raises the vibrations upon Earth. You in your own way can do something like it, and many have incarnated to contribute to the overall plan for everyone's upliftment.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and await our call to push forward with a plan that has to be frequently updated, in accordance with the happenings upon Earth. It needs constant review as the whole scenario can change so quickly. At present we are satisfied that you are carrying the battle to the dark Ones and winning. That is all we ask and our time to become more involved is coming very soon, indeed it has to because time is racing by.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hilarion's weekly message through Marlene Swetlishoff
July 22-29, 2012
Beloved Ones,
As you walked your spiritual path from seeker to awakened One, you met many tests along the way. The fact that you are reading this message indicates that you have been successful in your persistent efforts to gain knowledge and clarity of the truths not commonly known to all. These truths are freely available to all in these most auspicious times, all that is required is a sincere desire to know your own truth and your own chosen path and all shall be given to you. Trust your own inner guidance and what your sacred heart within says to you. Follow your inner promptings, confirm that it is for your highest and greatest good and trust that all is well.
There are many now who are seeking answers to questions not known to them before. The path that you have walked, individually and collectively, is making this searching so much easier for them than it was when your feet stepped up the rung to the next level of your soul journey. By your persistence and resilience, you now stand as a role model, a template of the New Human, of the pilgrim, the pioneer of the new Golden Age on Earth. Because of your presence upon this Planet, many are blessed. It is time to look at your magnificent contribution to the healing of this Planet and give yourself a bow. You deserve it truly and wholeheartedly. We, from the inner realms of Light salute you, applaud you and celebrate you. We ask that you honor yourselves enough to celebrate with us.
The way before you lies as an open book, full of infinite possibilities and creations. Each morning, you open a new page in this book, this book of Life that is your very own, and start anew. Remember this as you come to the end of one phase and begin on another. The diversity of choices that comes before you now can be overwhelming and it is good to focus on small things and details in order to give yourselves the opportunity to come to clarity and balance. There is no right or wrong choices, there is only following the promptings of your Higher Self as your Higher Self steps up to the plate and you now become the highest manifestation of your deepest dreams and desires.
Keep your highest visions ever at the forefront of your daily living and be always true to yourselves. Another’s path is not your own and this must be honored in each of your companions along the road to freedom and liberation from the wheel of life and death. There is a crossing in the road now and each must choose the way that they will go. Trust that those whom you love and care about will choose what is the highest and best for their journey. This is a time of the uniting and reuniting of the Souls who have journeyed with you on this sacred and mysterious journey on this sacred Planet Earth. The way forward must be with Love for all, with honor and justice for all, with tolerance and patience at the forefront.
Make your first intention of each morning an alignment with your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence and ask that it be manifest in and through you for the highest outcome and the greatest good of all. By desiring this with dedication, it will become increasingly clear that the transformation you have been diligently working towards, is in fact, already so. All it requires is your attention and acknowledgment that indeed, you ARE One. If you are faced with two ways to respond to a situation, allow your Higher Self free rein and watch the miracles take place. All that was before was but a dream. You are your Higher Self fully manifest here on Earth, repeat this to yourself until it sinks deep within.
Until next week…you are loved unto eternity…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com
Friday, July 20, 2012
SaLuSa July 20, 2012, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 20-July-2012
The days pass by and the work of our allies is becoming more coordinated, and it is bearing results. The scale of activities is becoming bigger and soon there will be an overwhelming push forward that will be very noticeable. We are working now on many fronts and expect to see some rapid developments very shortly. Your role in what is happening is to hold your focus on what you perceive as the outcome, thus giving it more energy where it is needed. At the same time powerful streams of energy are reaching the Earth from many other sources and Galaxies. The interest and assistance being given to you is immense, and certain to help you achieve your goal which is Ascension. For our part we stop any attempt to prevent it, and use our technologies to ensure both you and Mother Earth reach your destination. It is necessary as the dark Ones will resort to any means, even if it threatens their own existence. Have no fear, we are in control and they are well aware that we stand in their way.
Those souls who are unaware of the end times, obviously put a different interpretation on events that are going on around them. It is understandable that they fear the outcome, but be assured that as our allies follow their course of action it will be evident that a force for good does exist. Like you we wish to see an ever growing purge of the criminals who are responsible for taking away your rights. Once it becomes public knowledge it will enforce the idea that you are not alone in your fight against evil. Indeed that has been the case for a very long time, and members of the Galactic Federation of Light can take credit for guiding your experiences in such a way that you have survived. There has additionally been careful planning over a long period of time to keep the balance of energies upon the Earth. That was partly achieved by arranging for highly enlightened souls to incarnate at appropriate times to lead you forward in the Light.
Understand that your experiences are the result of the Law of Attraction, that has allowed the souls of a lower vibration to join you. The vibrations of Earth in comparatively recent times have in fact dropped considerably, and as a freewill planet it has been left to find its own level. However, when the decision was made to increase the vibrations, we became more involved in your upliftment. Today you stand tall and realize that you have achieved a remarkable turnaround in a very short period, particularly during the last 40 years or so. There is no going back, as the Light is now well established upon Earth and still growing. It is increasing exponentially and will soon reach a point when Ascension can take place.
Man people look for some outlet for their abilities to contribute to the changes. You are known to us and at the right time you will find an opportunity to use them. In the present time, by merely being a point of Light and spreading your peace around you will help others. There will also be occasions when questions will be asked for which you can give answers, so do not hesitate to do so. Clearly some people are not ready to hear the truth, but there is no longer the time left to hide it away. There is ultimately only the One Truth and that will be made fully known in good time, as there are souls who are ready to receive it. Hitherto you have followed your inclinations and achieved your own understanding, but there has to come a time when the Truth is needed to bring you all together.
Your personal path to Ascension is the one that is important, so do not be unduly concerned as to how more general events work out. Certainly the changes we have promised you will come to pass, as the old structures must make way for those of the New Age. Your awareness has been opened to all of the new possibilities and they will come into your lives, but some are more long term and will follow on the after the initial changes have occurred. The Governmental changes are obviously vital to allow a more spiritual representation amongst those who will lead you. Instead of putting self first they will honor their oath to serve you, and will be chosen for that reason. Most governments throughout the world stopped serving the people a long time ago, and allowed themselves to become vassals of the powerful banking families. They also must be removed from power plus their largely ill gotten gains, and also their minions who are to be found all over the world. The extent of the Illuminati power will astonish you, and it reaches into the most high places including royalty and religion.
A vast empire such as the Illuminati's cannot be dismantled overnight, but now it has been severely weakened it will fall apart. Those at the top know their time is nearly up, and we still hope that they will surrender and cease their actions against you. Their plans cannot be viewed as less than horrific, and set out to severely reduce the population of Earth by whatever means they could use. Two World Wars and many others since the first one took place have caused the loss of millions of lives, and have been started deliberately to engulf the world in turmoil and disaster. A third World War was planned but we have stepped in and prevented steps to start it in the Middle East. Indeed, we have put a stop to the use of nuclear devices as weapons of war, as divinely decreed.
Peace will suddenly come upon you as there is a plan to enforce it by preventing the use of all weapons that will have become de-activated. There will no hiding place where they can avoid our detection, and underground bases will be destroyed so that they cannot be used again. Neither will there be any escape for the guilty who are known to us, and will be prevented from continuing their actions against you. One day they will fully understand the extent to which they have contributed to the Illuminati plan, and its total affect upon the population right down to how each individual has been affected. It will be a time to reflect upon their disobedience of the Laws of the Universe, and they will answer to God. As with any soul who has fallen so far as to have forgotten that their true selves are of Light, they will be given every chance to find their way back.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the fallen are equally loved by God, who does not judge any soul but surrounds them in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
just remember to check out Kauilapele's site on
There is a lot of interesting things to read
just remember to check out Kauilapele's site on
There is a lot of interesting things to read
You Have Arrived. The Time Is Now! by Story Waters
found this on Steve Beckow's site, it is about 44 minutes long. Steve also has a lot of interesting things to check out on his site, you will find it on
found this on Steve Beckow's site, it is about 44 minutes long. Steve also has a lot of interesting things to check out on his site, you will find it on
SaLuSa July 18, 2012, through Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 18-July-2012
For some time now we have been limiting the extent to which the dark Ones can interfere with your progress towards Ascension. Working with our allies, we have given them every opportunity to go forward with the changes. However there is still hesitancy in some quarters, but we wish to assure you that the time has come for you to take action. We know that you can succeed, and we will be overseeing what takes place. All of the Light forces are lined up against the dark Ones, and will ensure that you are able to complete your objectives to remove those who stand in your way. These measures will be the commencement of a whole string of moves to propel you into the New Age. What is happening is part of your battle against those who have plotted your demise, and it is important that you are seen to overcome them. Whatever course you adopt you will succeed, but we want you to abide by the "rules" that have been laid down. You do not need to meet fire with fire, as you have the Law on your side along with us and many great Beings of Light.
With so much Light reaching you, we find consciousness levels are rising and many souls are being awakened as a result. This is wonderful news as it means the Forces of Light are growing all of the time, and dissipating the lower energies that the dark Ones feed upon. You must have noticed that when you meet Lightworkers they carry an air of calmness that is very uplifting. That Dear Ones is where you will all eventually find yourselves, and you will know that you have at last found the peace you have been seeking. No one can take it away from you, as it becomes a powerful state of being that is also your protection. Be true to your Higher Self and do your best to live your life as you envisage one who has ascended.
Again we remind you how powerful your thoughts are, and that it is you who are creating your own future. In particular guard against allowing your emotions to run away with you when confronted by challenging situations. In the heat of the moment Humans tend to lose their composure, and end up doing or saying things they later regret. Negative reactions damage your own aura and lower your Light levels, and it takes time to recover. Sometimes it is best not to get too involved in personal argument, or at least to know when to pull out. There are often no winners on such occasions, and it is only your ego that will feel hurt. In extreme cases of loss of temper, there are also the inevitable lessons to be learnt that will come back to you in the form of karma. That is indeed what life is about and is intended to help you along your evolutionary path.
Now more than ever, it is extremely important how you carry yourself, so try to live up to your highest expectations, and in so doing you will set a good example to other people. Like attracts like and you will find that as you lift up, so others of a similar level will gravitate towards you. Those who are coarse and drawn to things of the lower energies will no longer interest you, and you will find yourself enjoying the finer things in life. For example your taste in music may change as you search for things that give you more pleasure and satisfaction. Fulfilment is no longer found in most of what is presented to you as entertainment, and you are almost certainly going to look for spiritual upliftment. As a reader you are no doubt already seeking it from the enormous number of good authors that are sufficiently illuminated to do so.
There will always be souls that are slow to awaken, but with time racing by they need a boost to get going. People look far and wide for their salvation, and although guidance will help, we repeat our advice that all knowledge is within. It is a matter of "knowing" without being able to explain why. So follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong as it usually only the ego that will interfere, it being that part of you that you have programmed to look after your interests. So think before you act and you will live a much calmer life without too many of the usual ups and downs.
We often bring you news about the activities of the dark Ones, as it would not otherwise reach your ears. However, it is approaching a time when our focus is changing even more to the growth of the Light. The dark Ones are no longer the force or threat that they were, and should be left to face the consequences of their actions. Concentrate on your own preparations for Ascension knowing that the path is open, and no one can be prevented from completion of this cycle as intended. We ask you, what else matters now that you have the end times in sight. The day approaches when you can finally leave duality behind having had so many lives and experiences within it. Enjoy that thought because you have such a wonderful future to look forward to and one that you fully deserve.
Carry on your everyday life as normal, and when you need to make any changes we will advise you. Money will not have too much significance for long bearing in mind that there is to be a sharing of the worlds wealth, currently held by about 300 families. Most of it has been illegally obtained and we know exactly how to recover it as no hiding place is beyond our knowledge. Along with debt forgiveness, it will give everyone a chance to enjoy being able to have a share of whatever is produced upon Earth. Also, many helpful pieces of equipment will be freely issued to raise your quality of life. It will of course initially centre around those who are in the most need.
Each day brings you a bit closer to the government announcements that shall trigger the commencement of the benefits that are to go to you. There will no stealing within such schemes, and only our appointed and trusted allies shall be given the responsibility to look after them. It all has to commence very soon, and will continue well after Ascension. What we are lining up to do is to get things moving, but not before those who are against our actions are safely out of the way. It is clearly worth waiting those extra few days and see matters working out as planned.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and fortunate to have a view of what is going on that far exceeds your authorities own vision. The Galactic Federation of Light has technologies that can track any ones activities, and record their speech if necessary. So be assured you are safe and protected by us.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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